The Imminent Terremoto of the Quietones

Welcome to the quiet ones' Terremoto!

Terremoto-n : "shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement"- literally terrestrial motion, or movement of the earth

A concoction of the musical elements in grunge/thrasher/hardcore/punk with sides of emo, acoustic, and surfer.

Russell Shipp

Jordan Strong

Current Status of the Band:

Jordan, Russell, and Kim are beginning school at Liberty University, living in the dorms there, and getting prepared to tackle the objective of: the infamous first ever show of Terremoto of the Quietones!

  • Past Band Statuses

    NEWS!!!This just in!!!!

    256-As of yesterday, September the 11th(255th)- Kim brought his drums over to J and R's dorm room-222- and set them up. As of about 1 oclock or so, they began the terremoto of the quietones and had their first practice session, for about an hour. Very successful, almost perfect, but no vocals yet. Kim fit right in with the Jo and Russ, did very well with the songs they'd practice so many times. Terremoto of the Quietones (AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!)practiced GXPX like 20 times, and tried Days and Nights, and just had fun jamming out. Jordan's bass amp is broken we think, and Russell's guitar amp is kindof broken sometimes. Kim brought his drums to Lynchburg and set them up by Monday the 250th, very coincidental in that it was 100 days since Jordan and Russell's first band practice. God is working the dates.

    241- as of today, since T.K.O. has resided in the quiet outskirts of Lynchburg, Virginia, they have attained the long sought drummer!!! Alas!!! Praise God!!! Jordan and Russell's prayers for a hyper, asian, punk drummer have exactly been fulfilled. Jordan and Russell are currently rooming together and are practicing songs for the first time, listening to each others cds, brainstorming all the time on songs, and living the best times of our lives. They have nearly completed and mastered the songs "GxPx" and "Days and Nights"(they have practiced and can play them live!!!). They are already writing music together. Russell has come up with the instrumentals and chorus lyrics for "Kerri's Brownies" (the band's next objective to practice).

    210- Bryan's Birthday- I (Russ) am beginning work to put together the notorious CouchMonkies' compilation song masterpiece "Monster/Leviathan/Golgotha" that has much influenced our band and then record it, that's the first CouchMonkies song I believe that I will have recorded (except the extraneous CouchMonkies Theme song). Before this summer ends, I want to record yet another ep! Finish off the other songs that are floating around in my brain so I can focus on college and take a break from writing/recording (even though the year is closing down and I want to write as much of our music for our whole career as I can in the first year, to hold our flavor and styles)- already put together or written down, I just need to compilate them and record them. Songs to record: Leviathan, The Punkins are Loose!, I need to start a band., The Loose GrunjPunkins Anthem, Washington's '63 Grave Roll, Gone with the Wind, SuggestionBoxish(pheautcher?), Haunted Fairgrounds, etc...

    Hey! I think it was 207th or 208 that I finished recording "Terremoto!"(well, kind of ... the ending is sloppy because I was tired and didn't know what to do.) But it's almost a whopping 8 minutes!!! Pretty good for an intro song to an Ep!!! I opened and started using a new 30 minute tape supposedly of high clarity. Then later that day, out of nowhere in a daze, in lament, and in a very emotional time I decided to write a song! From nowhere comes this cool acoustic (my first attempt at an emotional song) song with many variations, and the riffs just keep coming! So I finished a few minutes after the day I had actually first gotten the idea to make the song- thought I might as well record it while it's fresh in my mind and it's never fresher than when it's first created with the intentions known. Then the next day, in a state of rememberance and emotion of the first day I was playing it and came up with more riffs and variations so I erased the ending chord of the previous recording and kept adding stuff until I ran out and didn't dare fiddle on the guitar because the song was already longer than "Terremoto!"! A good one after Matchmakers and followed by a fast paced punk song like Hangnail. And then, fiddling around somemore I came up with a few more riffs/chords for a cool surf/egypt/NES song and had enough notes so I just recorded that with my surf FX, that can be an intro for the Combustible Calamari album. Then fiddling somemore I recorded the Super Mario Bros. 3 awesome cloud level music. and then! fiddling around some more came up with a sufficient amount of riffs for "A.D.H.D", which I'd first decided which riffs would go in it a few days before. So I did that and adlibbed and used stuff just from memory and my goal of exactly (or close to) 1 minute miraculously achieved!!!A.D.H.D. consists of fast paced, continous pulloff/hammer on thingies/Van Halenish the whole minute. Very awesome! Now I'm working out Leviathan , and already adding new stuff, Vocals for the first time, which is nothing more than screaming and chorus humming. And then I decided that the only appropriate thing for such a good melody that wasn't evil, was the death of Christ- hence the awesome "Goth"ic name Golgotha- or place of the skull. Good stuff.

    204th(206 today)-After organizing the new song "Terremoto!", and adding new riffs at his trip to Va Beach and afterwards, Russ started recording only to run out of batteries for his guitar effects box and is waiting to start again as he is now painting his room purple for his sister who is getting his room when he moves to college. Also! Yesterday(205) Russ saw Liberty(birthplace of Terremoto Quietones) and visited the infamous room 222 both for the first time!!!

    184th-With Russ's new mp3 player/digital recorder, he rerecorded all of the GrunjPunkins' pandaemonium e.p. and 7 new tracks he made!!! With his recorder he then transferred all of the songs to the computer(Real Playa), and burned a new compilation album, with all of the songs from before (Pandaemonium Vol. I and II) plus the 7 new tracks, in better quality than before. Plus plus this new compilation has tracks! YES THAT"S RIGHT@@@!!! Tracks!!! And ALSO!!! all of the tracks couldn't fit on one cd so there's 22 tracks in all, 77 minutes!!!!(had to leave off Rollercoaster and recently recorded Creation acoustic) Thank God! The goal of 80 minutes has been accomplished!!

    The Ep Invasion Ideas!

    The Brand New Not-So-Pandaemonium E.p. Compilation

    (aka all the songs so far recorded(combination of Pandaemonium Eps Volume I and II with better mixing, tracks, and extra Ep that I guess doesn't really have a name except "Not So Pandaemonium")(listed in the order they appear on the album and in the order they were recorded-except grundge chaos was recorded first, then let's ride, then mike's punks)

  • Mike's Punks Medley
  • Let's Ride
  • Grundge Chaos
  • Dead or Alive
  • Sestina de Materialisme intro
  • Floating Scarabs Medley
  • Purgatory
  • America is an Oxymoron
  • American Punk/Nimrod
  • ?
  • Simple-Minded Hypocrites
  • Have a Nice Grungy Day!
  • Sporadic Trinitrotoluene
  • Ride the Pavement
  • Matchmakers
  • The Punkins are Loose!
  • You Can Never Trust the Quietones
  • Shifting Minds
  • Exhaustive Fury
  • Nimrod ska intro
  • Nimrod
  • Old School Punk
  • (and on a different edition of this compilation, the first track is a music clip titled "grunge", by an unknown band. This clip was a major influence in the formation of the grunjpunkins.)

    The Loose GrunjPunkins Compilation

    The Loose GrunjPunkins!


    Punkin' Grunge

    Mike's Punks

    America is an Oxymoron

    Grundge Chaos

    The Punkins are Loose!medley

    Old School Punk


    Dead or Alive

    December's Tribute to November

    Have a Nice Grungy Day!

    Sporadic Trinitrotoluene

    Loose Punkins

    Let's Ride!



    ¡Teriyaki Socket!

    Flying Kernels

    Sestina De Materialisme

    Floating Scarabs

    The GrunjMunkies

    Attack of the Gorillas


    Psycho Rain


    Bass Jam


    Warf Jam

    Haunted Fairgrounds

    Autumn Medley

    Russell Storm

    I'm dying

    Desert Lullaby (So now these days are gone)

    Burning Embers' Last Request

    End of the World

    Let it Happen II (M.E.)Ep

    Ride The Pavement

    Shifting Minds

    Exhaustive Fury


    Paint Chips

    Terremoto! E.p.

    The Imminent Terremoto of the Quiet Ones


    The Great Rebellion

    The Quiet Kid

    You can never trust the quiet ones


    Simple Minded Hypocrites

    Psycho Rain

    Hurricane Russell

    Water Spout

    Quint's Squall/Gale

    Surf the Faultline


    St. Andrea's Wrath

    11 on the Richter Scale

    Ex-quiet ones

    Politix Jams


    Bound to be Bashed

    "People" are stupid





    The Pop Conspiracy

    Homo Erotica

    Washington's '63 Grave Roll



    Simple Minds


    America is an Oxymoron


    The cussing War

    I love cops!


    Dairy Queen


    Los Punkinos Mexicanos

    60's Protest Song(so now these days are gone/Gone with the Wind)

    How Could It Come To This?

    How Could It Come To This?

    Milk America!

    Year of the Cicada

    Mate and Die!

    Sestina De Materialisme

    What Have We Become?

    Floating Scarabs medley

    The End Of The Harvest

    Burning Embers' Last Request

    (Old School Punk Jams/ all music written on the 124th day of the year)

    Let it Happen II(M.E.)

    Old School Punk

    Alas, Let's Jam

    Quantity vs. Quality




    Physics Schmisix

    Ap Statistics!!!




    The Oi Song

    Kickin' Awesome

    Sweet Krima!

    Jackson Five Mastoid from the Pits of the Abyss

    Language of the Moms

    I need to stop eating things that I find in my room

    Water Thirsty Plants!

    Bryan's Dish Night

    Jordan, Why aren't you here?!

    Kerri's Brownies

    Zoey Kukamonga!!!

    Loudoun County


    Graduation song

    Combustible Calamari

    The Khaotich Burning Grundge Munkies

    Combustible Euclyptus

    Martial Bread

    Martian Calamari

    Mars, Inc.

    Fighting Scarabs of the Sahara

    Kalahari Meerkats

    Nocturnal Banshees

    Lunar Squid

    Aquatic Goblins


    Spontaneous Combustible Anchovies

    The Couch Hunters



    El Terremoto De Los Callados

    Cruisin' Jams


    (From Let it Happen)- Small Town Minds medley, #8, the yelling song, the sick Song, On the Nose, Creation!

    other MxPx jams- Unopposed, PxPx?, Inches From Life (remix), etc.

    Russ's Picks- Soul Stalker, Hey, Sandy!, SouthTown, The Untimely Death of Brad, Couch Monkies' stuff, Taco Bell, Because(?), Ex- Doormat to You, The Deep Part of God's Heart, LiLiNi, What have we become?.

    Jordan's Picks- Vampire song, Chick Magnet,

    Check out why we stand a chance in the abyss of the music industry- these are our connections and fortune favors.

    Click on this awesome, interactive sentence to see how the band name came to be from Russell's perspective and his opinion.

    Come and buy our free stuff as much as you want here at the crazy, yet creative T.K.O. Mini Mall.

    Check out the progress of this site and when things were added or worked on.




    I (Russell) apologize if my name appears to be Miles anywhere on this site, I decided to change my name to Russ (with the consent of Jordan)and tried to go through and change Miles to Russ all over this site. Oi! (167)


    The Loose GrunjPunkins!

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