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Advance Sneek Peek
Excerpts from the Novel
Escape From El Monte
By Benita Bishop, (c) 2004

From Chapter 3

March 1978

Going out to the disco every weekend had started to seem so normal that Benita and her friends, including Robby in her drama class, pondered on some fun and different things to do. Last weekend she met Robby’s cousin Miko who was ‘different’. He was into the Punk music and dressed and went to Punk Clubs in Hollywood. They decided they wanted to go to a Punk Club with Miko. Miko bought all his clothes at the Thrift Store. Benita went with them shopping and for a few dollars had herself a pair if black tight pants that had gatherings along the sides, a white mans shirt five sizes too big, a thin black tie, and some old kung-fu patches from who-knows where to pin on the shirt. Miko had her put her hair in several ponytails sticking up and insisted it should be slightly messy looking. She wore some purple lipstick and black eyeliner thick and completely around her eyes. This was going to prove interesting. The plan was to get to Hollywood early, walk up and down Hollywood Blvd, looking in shops and eating at a grill, going to the ‘Whiskey-A-Go-Go’ at nine in the evening and at midnight go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Miko showed them some Punk moves especially the ‘Pogo Dance’. Walking down Hollywood Blvd on a Friday afternoon with a crowd of people mainly consisting of tourists and vendors trying to sell stuff to the tourists, seemed like fun at first. A car full of teens sped by yelling out at the Punk looking threesome, “Punks are stupid!” Robbie and Benita had a fit of laughing while the more serious hardcore Miko flipped them off as the car sped off. Benita started to become aware that things might not be going too well when Miko shoved his way into a record store bumping into a big biker dude with a beard and tattoos of naked women all up his arms. Miko had disappeared inside the store and Robby was nowhere to be seen right then as the biker turned to Benita and sneered, “Freak of nature bitch!” Just as he was reaching out trying to grab a ponytail she ducked and dove between a small group of Japanese tourists who were then trying to take her picture. They took some shots of the biker dude instead as Benita hurried to the back of the store where Miko was browsing the records as if nothing had ever happened.

Finally at 8:30 in the evening they waited in a line which stretched around the block and down Sunset Blvd, to see a band Benita had not heard of called, The Dickies. While waiting, Miko rambled on about the history of the Whiskey a Go Go. The Whiskey had been through some interesting eras of live music and entertainment. In the late 60’s and early 70’s they featured a variety of live Rock bands, some even before they became famous, including Led Zeppelin and the Doors. In 1975 they tried to turn it into a discotheque to make money but by 1977 they caught on to the idea of live rock music again and the local Punk Rock scene took over. Miko told them, “I was one of the first Punk Rockers here and those of us who were the first, we all know who we are and who the new punkers are. I saw the Ramones and the Sex Pistols here. They have other rock bands here too, besides Punk. Last December I saw a band that was a lot like Led Zeppelin. They are from Pasadena and I think the band is called ‘Van Halen’, but I like Punk bands better.” “Why have I never heard of any of those bands? They must be new.” Thought Benita as the line started to slowly move toward the entrance of the Whiskey. But she was not going to admit that, she was now a part of the crowd going to the Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood. “If Mickey knew I was here he would be shocked” she mentioned out loud to whoever would hear. No one was listening. Benita made a mental effort to push aside thoughts of Mickey, and with a sigh entered the Whiskey A Go Go.

The ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ was just down the street and they got there just in time to find decent seats. Half the audience was dressed up like the characters in the movie. Audience participation was part of the entertainment value. Some people had seen the movie dozens of times and had the songs and entire script memorized. When the Time Warp song came on everyone jumped up and went through the whole routine. Benita had a great idea. She imagined bringing that guy that’s been asking her out for weeks here to see Rocky Horror and scare the pants off him. That nice Christian guy, Mark Craft had proved himself a loyal friend and had called her every week offering rides to Church ever since Mickey had broken up with her. Then Benita got her new car, a 1976 Plymouth Arrow and did not require his charity any longer. Regardless, he called her then and started asking her to join him for other events. As a friend, she accompanied him to Church outings, Snow skiing trips, Miniature Golf and the Beach. Now he was starting to call her and ask to go to the Movies, and out to Dinner. She smelled a date and dating was not what she wanted to be doing right now. Besides, Mickey had seemed upset last month when Mark told Mickeys brother Joey that he couldn’t wait to ‘get some action’ from Benita. Mickey overheard them when he walked in on them and started to argue on Benitas behalf when Joey proudly informed Mickey that he himself had ‘seen some action’ with Benita. Mickey called Benita the next day and told her about the situation. She felt hurt and disappointed that Mark said those things and that Mickey now questioned her virtue. He also warned her saying, “You better watch what you do with those guys because they are all saying stuff about you that you wouldn’t like!” Benita sat in the movie theatre thinking, “If Mark Craft wants to see a movie that bad, he can bring me to the Rocky Horror Picture Show!” She decided to bring some of the props used by the audience. “Let’s see, I need to bring toast, rice, a lighter, a water squirter...” she made a mental list of the props and smiled as the movie ended.

From Chapter 5
The El Monte Prom
June, 1978
the Prom Court was announced one by one as they marched down the center isle, escorted by their dates, to the stage.Two of the girls on Prom Court were not very friendly acquaintances of Benita’s. They had been jealously spreading gossip around that Benita had only made it on the Prom Court because she was going to the Prom with Luke Nunez, the Junior Class President. The conflicts between them went all the way back to Colombia Junior High, where the two girls had formed their own clique of the girls considered to be ‘it’ and refusing to associate with anyone else not as ‘it’ as they were. They both smirked at Benita as they lined up on the stage. Benita imagined what they were thinking, knowing how homely and scrawny she had looked in her Junior High years. Did she really deserve to be a part of the Court? Maybe not, her confidence was dissipating. She’d never expected to be one of the ‘it’ crowd. How she remembered seeing herself, homely and plain. She still had a few girlfriends who were not in the ‘it’ crowd either but proved to be faithful and honest friends none the less. Benita couldn’t help but picture the Prom Queen scene from the horror movie, Carrie. She nervously looked up at the ceiling to make sure there were no booby traps waiting to ruin this experience of a lifetime. She let her imagination run away with thoughts of a huge ten foot photograph of her face from Junior High hanging from ropes that would come swinging down into view right behind the stage for all to laugh at. Her seventh grade class photo with her hair in pig tails, buck teeth, no makeup and a big zit on her nose. Then she imagined mentally willing those two girls to fall off the stage; dresses ripping, hair messed up as they ran from the room crying. She prayed that neither of those two stuck up girls would become the ‘Prom Queen’. Denise was the girl who really deserved that title. She was one of the sweetest girls anyone could know. The moment came and the runner ups were announced. Third runner up...second runner up... then the first runner up. Benita’s name was called as first runner up which instantly revealed Denise as the official Prom Queen! Everyone at the Prom was clapping, yelling and whooping for the new Queen! The two other girls stood there smiling but as soon as they walked off stage the disappointment showed on their faces as well as a little bit of contempt. Benita was so happy for more than one reason and hugged Denise tightly with tears in her eyes. The photographer’s assistant came up and asked that the Prom Queen and her Court please go to the photo booth for a group picture. Denise and Benita were there in two minutes. Ten minutes later as they waited the other two girls hadn’t shown for the photo and the photographer was starting to pack up his equipment. Denise said to Benita, “I think those two were expecting to be Queen and are mad right now.” Benita replied, “Yes that’s what I was thinking. They are not going to show up for this photo and the music is playing right now, so, why don’t we just forget it and go dance?” “Sounds good to me,” Denise said, “I have been waiting for the dancing all night.” “Meeeee Toooo!” Benita replied.

The good thing about dancing the night away was that Benita didn’t have to sit at that table with her teacher. The bad thing was that her feet were killing her. She could feel the blisters coming and later she felt them pop and sting. Luke kept saying he was tired and wanted to go sit down and drink water. The kids were starting to leave, two by two. When Mrs. Rembach got up and left, Luke finally got his wish and they sat out the remainder of the evening chatting with friends.
Driving and talking all the way home, Luke shared the facts about the girl he liked who was breaking his heart. Benita stopped listening as she was lost in thought about someone else in her life that she attended the Prom with when she was a sophomore. “Mickey Lord” she thought, “My first true love... Where are you tonight?... Do you have another girlfriend now?... Oh, If I could just call you to talk... we used to have those long talks..” Luke was still talking and asking for her advice when she awoke from out of her thoughts.
”So... do you think I should try and ask her out?” “Yes you should try one more time and if she says ‘No’, then just keep trying to be just friends.” Luke looked at her funny, “I wasn’t talking about her, It was the girl I met tonight! Johnny’s cousin who was his date! She’s so pretty and kept smiling at me.”
“Oh I’m sorry Luke I am just real tired and didn’t realize you had changed the subject.” “That’s ok, don’t worry, we’re almost home. You know, there were a lot of guys looking at you real good tonight...”
“What do you mean, real good?” she snickered, knowing full well what he meant. She had seen her classmate Colleen Spinelli become agitated when her date, George Ford, kept smiling and trying to dance next to her.

A portion of the proceeds from this book will benefit TEEN CHALLENGE Los Angeles, CA. USA

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