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Sat. April 5th, 1975

Where have I been all this time? Well, going to school. You see last week I got caught they found out about all my ditching. My mom was suspicious of me cause Alisa Bonillo told her that Letty was having ditching parties at her house. (That’s because HER brother went to them and confessed!). I think Alisa was jealous cause SHE didn’t get invited to them. So my mom went to Lettys house during school on a day that Letty was having a party! My mom thought I was in there with them and was yelling for me to come out. But I was at school that day. I had already quit ditching. My mom went to the School afterwards to see if I was there. That’s when they told her about all my absences. They called me to the office. They showed all the notes I forged for my absences. Mr.Sandell said they couldn’t suspend me because I ditched too many times. It would be too much money. But I’m staying one hour detention for every truancy. They made a big scene about it, then the next day Concert Choir wanted to kick me out. I told them it was only because of Choir that I was still going to school and if they kick me out I will just drop out of school completely. The teacher, Miss. Flory, talked them into letting me stay in the Choir on probation as long as my grades were good in my other classes, so they did but most of them being prissy blonde girls, they didn’t like me much anyways, and never talked to me. I went to school with my jeans on that I wrote “TM Boys” on with the ink pen, and one of those girls said “Isn’t that a bad gang?” What a mensa!! In one of my other classes the teacher had me stand up as he described what I did wrong by ditching and forgery and he was saying all these bad things about me in front of the class and I wasn’t allowed to say anything to explain why I ditched. If he would have looked at his attendance book he would have seen that I had stopped ditching over a month ago and my grades were starting to get better. Mr. Dunn was the only teacher that let me explain myself to him and I wasn’t even in any of his classes right now being that I was now in Concert Choir.

Later that year...

Mon. April 14, 1975

I am doing GOOD at the Cheers practices! Weeee I'm happy!!!
I am not as pretty as the blondie girls that are trying out, but Eileen is helping me with the routines and I think I’m gonna make it!

Wed. April 30, 1975

I was practicing my jumping jacks in the kitchen and my left hand hit the metal frame on the ceiling light thingamajig, and I sliced my hand real deep. It hurts. I don’t know how I am going to try out for Cheers now. I am listening to ‘My Girl’ on my records and I hope I... get some Sunshine on a Cloudy Day.

Wed. May 7th, 1975

...I tried out for Cheerleading yesterday and guess what?
I didn’t make it. I was the only one that didn’t make it. Except for Eileen who was the best cheerleader but she had the flu and went running out of there crying. I think she had to throw up and decided not to finish try outs. My sister Elsie said “See, I told you, you hang out with the wrong crowd and they didn’t want you in Cheers!” That makes me feel bad like it wasn’t fair. I was good. I got an A on my History report. I stopped ditching to make my life better. Those cheerleaders think I’m this real bad person...there's something I'm going to have to do!....

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