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Utopian Records is a non-profit anti-war record label and distro. We started this label as a vehicle to raise money for our favorite organizations and charities, but also to get our messages and music out to whoever will listen. There is music out there with a message, with a purpose, without the desire to profit, and with the desire to bring peace and justice to the world. THAT MUSIC IS HERE, ENJOY!

Latest Iraq Headlines*

*Please keep in mind we do not control this news, it is an automated code. Sometimes news pops in there that has nothing to do with anything. Please do not pay any attention to it. We do not necessarly support or agree with anything these articles say.

Utopian News

November 4th, 2003
12:48pm EST

We started a new Information Project. This will include constant updates in the aspects of utopian records that spread awareness and solidarity throughtout communitys. We will have new button designs added bi-daily (is that a word... at all?) and a new vinal sticker coming soon that will go nicely on metal surfaces around your city :). This will also include a new section that will be introduced in early December, stencils. We will be getting ultra artsy and making stencil templates that you can cut out and use to decorate just about any surface you like!!! Thats all for now, expect hella crazy mad updates, yo.

- XoXoKAz

August 27th, 2003
12:38pm EST

We just got a new sticker. It says "HEY BUSH, FUCK YOU.". Pretty simple. You can order it for .50$ out of the distro. SOrry there havent been updates, i was a Leader at a summer camp, YAY!

- XoXoKAz

May 11th, 2003
6:07pm EST

Proceedes from the Nonviolence Or Nonexistance CD will still go to the anti-war, anti-occupation organization Not In Our Name, even if Bush says, "the war is over". We are looking for kids to help us Distribute our compilation "Nonviolence or Nonexistance" to there local record store, so if your intrested in getting this CD in a local store, e-mail KAz.

- XoXoKAz

Archived News

Quote of the Week

"Today there is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence. I feel that we've got to look at this total thing anew and recognize that we must live together. That the whole world now it is one--not only geographically but it has to become one in terms of brotherly concern. Whether we live in America or Asia or Africa we are all tied in a single garment of destiny and whatever effects one directly, effects one in-directly."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.