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06.28.2002 - Site Admin(The Gods) - Say Hello To The Creative Thoughts Inc. Website!

Welcome to Creative Thoughts Inc. It is with much anticipation that we bring this site to you. It has been in planning for quite some time but is finally finished. Our goal is to provide a sort of forum. A place where the talented individuals who design avatars can display their work and have it really noticed by others. Artists that display their work here are full accredited for their designs and can be assured that we have taken certain steps to make sure that the avatars posted on this site will at no time be downloaded, hot linked or copied. In addition, this is a site created for helping new players as well. By teaching and helping hopefully we can help make a happy and entertaining environment for all rooms. This site will not only be about avatars but the entire world of roleplay with the focus being avatars of course. If you wish to post your avatars on our site please contact us at either of our e-mails or if any questions please post on our message boards. We will have a few themed message boards set up as well as one being for general questions. We have also set up links to certain main chat sites and along the lines will be adding an entire section devoted to roleplay in general. Thank you for visiting our site and we hope your return. And please, spread the word. This is a tool that we all can use.

06.30.2002 - Site Admin(The Gods) - UPDATE!!!

We have setup the message board, links and and all pages except for the galleries. Those will be up as soon as we have enough avatars.

07.03.2002 - Site Admin(The Gods) - UPDATE!!!

Everything is up guys. The first AV's have been posted and I working on a few special little treats for you. If you find any links that are broken or not working please e-mail one of us with the info on where the link is and what it says when the window pops up. Thanx.

07.21.2002 - Site Admin(The Gods) - NEWS!!!

Currently we've been taking a little time off and are restratigizing. We hope to have the site linked to some avitar webrings and some chat rooms but things are moving pretty slow due to realtime business. We'll try to have some more avitars posted in the next couple week and complete a few other things. Seeya.

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