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my people
              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your nightmares

date : 11-17-02

Hey people. I'm sorry but Silent Dreams isn't going to have any updates for about a month-- no buddie icons, no more me (yeah, i see you celebrating), just no nothing in general.. and my new layout won't be up for about a month and a half. Friday night (11-15-02) i got hit by a car and it s really hurting me now so I can't think or make icons or graphics or anything. So... I'll be spending about a month hiding somewhere until my face clears up.. ( Clickie ) I was fortunate-- a bruised knee and a scarred face are my only injuries (even though I went from the hood, up and over the car and into the curb)so yay for me =) I shall return soon enough though and Silent Dreams will be better than ever because I'll have more things, better things, and more time to work on it. See you when I feel better!

No updates for quite some time.. kinda sad but you know you don't check here often so hush.
Once again, Silent Dreams will have a hold on updates and creations. I'm sorry but I'm having a hard enough time with school and right now, I can't keep up with my updating. Hopefully I'll learn to adjust but for now, I need my after school time to help me focus on staying out of trouble.

Current Mood: Sore (Getting hit by a car didn't hurt until two days after it happened.)
Current Music: Going Crazy(Plus One)

Update: 11-17-02 No more for a month =( The car gave me an owwie. =/

my story
              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a living horror movie

my world
              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the ups and downs of hell