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News from 2002/03/04/05

14th December 2005

We had a good old gossip with Dave tonight, he sends you all the very best for the Christmas season and hopes that you all get what you dream for! Dave said that the recording of 'Hero's and Villains' the CD featuring Creed is now complete. Stay tuned for release dates.

What a travesty on Saturday nights X-Factor, how the truly amazing and talented Brenda was voted off is beyond us, we thought she was fantastic! Good luck in the future Brenda, you will be a big star! I guess we are routing for Andy now.

Well, holiday time is upon us, we leave today for Europe, visiting Belgium, Germany, Austria and ending up at Disneyland, Paris on Christmas Eve. Yep, they are open Christmas Day and that's exactly where we will be. What better gift for a child than to be there watching the Christmas parade on the day itself? Well, there was one better gift for our boy, front row tickets to WWE Smackdown at Wembley in April, Live on TV! Wish you all could have seen his reaction when we told him!

Anyway, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Further updates upon our return sometime after the 28th, unless we get online while away of course! Our good friend Kevin (foreign legion) will be minding the house for us so no ideas anyone! lol

Have a great one!

Jerry & Kate

6th December 2005

A very sad night on Saturday, the wonderful Chico was voted of the X-Factor despite a truly amazing performance! :(

Still a fantastic achievement Chico, fifth out of 75,000! Well done mate, you are now a household name with a big future ahead of you and deservedly so! They said you didn't have the best voice but we all agree you were the one with the real X-Factor! See you on the Tour when you come to Brighton.  

Here is a short clip of Gemma Taylor as seen on ITV's 'This Morning' today with Philip & Fern, the worlds 2nd strongest woman. Gemma broke a world record on the show, take a look!

Don't miss this...a new box set of DVD's called 'Dave Courtney's Gangland', released recently by ILC, for full details hit this link and buy it now at Amazon for the incredible price of £14.99 Free delivery too!!!





TICKET HOTLINE 0208 2960080 OR 07967 286887




29 November 2005

Another Date for you: Dave will be 'holding court' on Saturday 10th Dec at the Morgan, Worcester Road, Malvern. Start time 7.30pm. Tickets £5 from The Morgan pub or by calling Jo on 07792 092497 or £6 on the night.

27 November 2005

Big Hi to you all, we have just returned from travelling, well we needed to test out the Motor Home in the cold weather! Minus 7 and thick fog but warm as toast inside so now confident about our Xmas trip to Austria!

We had a chat with Dave yesterday and he would like to send two get well messages, first to Gordon who was involved in a motorbike crash, get well soon mate. Secondly to Joey Pyle Snr, from us all, get well very soon, big respect to you. Dave also told us that last week he did some backing vocals for Lars (from Rancid) and Steve Whale who are forming a new group called 'The Masons'

A date for the next Audience With: 19th Jan 06.The Lemon Grove, Exeter University, £15. For details go to or phone Mark on 07980804695. Check our the audience with link for more.

Congrats to Chico, still going strong in X-Factor, vote Chico. On that note here is an article that appeared in the Sun about Chico and his role in 'Hell To Pay' Great publicity for all we think!   

Click on picture to enlarge

Click here to buy Hell To Pay

Here is what the Sussex Film Review had to say about the film:

Shot on D.V. with a from-the-hip guerrilla sensibility, "Hell To Pay" is a gritty foray into the heart of urban darkness; the sort of bare knuckled trip that can only be achieved with a well-managed shoestring. What Gomez has achieved is a cheap and nasty two-fingers up to the bigger budgeted genre contenders that have flooded the market over the past decade; a deluge of mostly sub standard "mockney" pantomime that threatened to drive the British Gangster flick into extinction. 

With a few exceptions, like the excellent "Gangster No. 1" and "Sexy Beast", the genre was bloated and subsequently deflated by those film makers ready to jump on the Guy Ritchie crime wave, clumsily treading down a cliché riddled path that reflected more a Tarantino than a Hodges sensibility, and for a while there, it seemed that there was no distinction between the mean streets of New York and London.

Gomez steals back the ground lost to the likes of Ritchie and his clones by managing to create that rare gem of a thing … An honest-to-God-balls-and-all British gangster film…

We had an email from Lee saying that the filming of Dave's latest project 'Don of the Dead' was going very well. He also sent us the following articles and photograph from the Air Entertainment signing session: Thank you again Lee and Dave says a huge thank you to Air Entertainment.

What a Queue!

Local Paper

Another one!


Here's a big shout going out to Gemma,  the UK's strongest woman who won The European Strongest Woman cup recently in Gdansk. Gem also stars with Dave in another of his latest film projects 'Six Bend Trap'. Some of you may have seen an article in News Of The World all about Gemma today. We should have a copy soon but as Gem herself said 'its a bit our of date!' We are awaiting details from Gem's previous webmaster and then we can get to work on her site in time for the forthcoming competitions to be held at Camelot, watch this space for more details.

Well, that's all for now folks! We will be seeing DC before we travel again and will update you before we go.  

11 November 2005

Well, another busy week for us, its all go here! Hi to Diann, Steve and Rik, hope you are all well, give us a bell as we can't seem to get through to you. If you haven't got Hell To Pay yet on DVD hit this link the reviews coming in are all good so don't miss out, grab your very own copy now!

Dave is doing his bit for Children In Need and its free entry! Take a big wedge though as you will be expected to dig dip and donate generously for the charity during the evening! The venue is The Blag Club in Notting Hill, right next to the Tube Station, 18 Nov 05, arrive early as its first come first served but by 7.45pm at the latest.

Dave would like to say a big thank you to Kevin and his staff at Air Entertainment in Chatham for organising a great signing on the 9th Nov. The queue started at 12 pm and, by the time Dave arrived at 1 pm, it was out the shop and down the road. He was still posing for pictures at 5 pm! There will be another Audience With at The Beacon Court Tavern in Gillingham, Kent on Wednesday the 14th of December. Tickets are £10 and are available by calling 01634 853186.

Well done once again Chico, you made it to another week on the XFactor and deservedly so! Good Luck for Saturday!


We hope you are all now looking forward to a happy and peaceful Christmas and that your plans are going well. We plan to be in Europe and celebrating the big day in Disney, Paris after visiting The Black Forest, Germany and Tirol, Austria. The joys of Motorhoming....try'll love it! We will be back to celebrate New Year with friends and family.

01 November 2005

Just had a call from Dave, the big news for today is............wait for it........for the next 7 days the Camelot Castle webcams are absolutely FREE!!! Simply follow the link below, when you get there click on the enter/buy it now link and complete the form which takes about a minute. You will not be asked for any credit card details, you just register and watch. If the cams are off for any reason then you will be able to watch documentaries starring the man himself. Click on the duster below!

Here is a link for you to buy Hell To Pay:

Did you see Dave on Men & Motors last night? It was a cracking documentary all about Dave's launch party, one of the best ones we have seen. Dave was also on Most Haunted at 9pm, we missed that one so any feedback from it is very welcome!

We had an email from our friend Lee Phillips that we are sure will interest you, here it is:

Legendary ex-gangster turned actor Dave Courtney is to star in 4ground Media’s latest feature film "DON OF THE DEAD". This will be the second time Dave has worked with producers Lee Phillips and Matt Ware, who also cast him along side Craig Charles (Coronation street, Red Dwarf etc) and John Thomson (Cold feet, Fast show etc) as the lead role in The Dealer. "DON OF THE DEAD" is a comedy zombie film with a gangster theme and has been likened to a cross between cult classics Shaun of the Dead and Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. Shooting will commence next month and will take place throughout London and Kent. The film has an all-star cast and has already been offered UK distribution and a future television broadcast.  

We hope you all enjoyed your Halloween parties, we went to one on Saturday and held one for our son on Monday. Both were great fun for all who attended. Role on Christmas....we will be off to Austria!

Congratulations to Chico, who once again made it through to next weeks X-Factor, thanks to Simon Cowell! Please support Chico! We have applied for tickets to next weeks show and are waiting to hear, fingers crossed!  

24th October 2005

What a busy week we have had, to top it all off today Dave called today us and asked us to meet him at Bexhill for a heat of the strongest woman competition. Dave is sponsoring Gemma Taylor and he wanted us to meet her, take some photographs and video footage. Gemma is a truly lovely young woman with amazing strength and a wonderful personality, she is already number two in the world! Dave presented the medals and was very well received by all who attended. We really enjoyed the event, a first for us, we met all the strongest lads and Gemma's parents, all are great people, even our little Ben loved it!  We have been asked to take over Gemma's website by Dave and are looking forward to doing so and helping in anyway we can to promote her. Dave is even planning to hold one of the heats at Camelot, live on cam! The photo's will be uploaded over the next couple of days. Jerry is with Dave & Kev this evening at the unlicensed boxing event at Caesars in Streatham so I'm expecting photo's and news from there too.

Gemma lifting top weight to win

Gemma & Dave

Ron Myra, Gemma's Proud Parents

Massive cheers and congratulations to Chico who survived the public vote on the XFactor on Saturday, did you see his face, what a picture of surprise and shock, loved it! I am going to try and locate four tickets for next weeks live show, fingers crossed, then Dave, Storm Jerry and I can go and cheer Chico on! I wonder if Simon is wishing he had kept Forth Base in the group section? Having seen them live so many times I know they would have still been there now if only they had been given the chance, they already have a huge following.

Last Monday we spent the day with Steve, Diann & Rik, you will remember them from the British Heart Foundation do back in August. They travelled to visit us in Eastbourne and we all had a great day. Hi & love to you all, see you again soon! The rest of the week was hectic for us but with more mundane duties.

On to other news; Dave's good friend Dave Legeno is fighting Alan Murdoch at the next Cage Rage event on the 3rd of December at Wembley Conference Centre. Tickets can be bought from  

The CD of Heroes and Villains is due out in about two weeks time, details to follow asap

Dave has asked us to let you all know that you can hire the Dungeon at Camelot, you could hold a party or even have Dave himself attend, just drop us an email for full details, remember though you'll be live on cam! Dave is also looking for people to be in his next film....interested? You are guaranteed a talking part for £1,000 and this will go towards the financing of the film, once again email for full details.  


12th October 2005

Just been informed that the release date for Hell To Pay on DVD is now the 21st Oct and you can pre-order from Blockbusters or HMV. We will be visiting Dave next week and should have some goodies up for sale/auction on our return.

Commiserations to Forth Base who narrowly failed to make the final four in Simon Cowell's group section on the X-Factor. Having seen the guys live many times and knowing them personally we have no doubt that they will pick themselves up, dust themselves down and get on with it. We believe they have what it takes to go a long way in the industry and expect them to release their first single later in the year. You can visit their website at

On a brighter note Dave's mate Chico did make it to Sharon's final four and we look forward to seeing him live Saturday night. He gets a lot of stick, so OK he may not be the best singer in the bunch but he does have the X-Factor! Good Luck Chico!

Here are a couple of photographs of a new addition to our house! Click to enlarge.

 It is our new wall plaque which has pride of place outside our front door, bet that made the postman stop and stare! lol our neighbours find it hilarious, after our wedding a friend of the next-door neighbour rushed round to inform her that she was living next door to gangsters lol Luckily they know us well and saw the funny side of it, as did we, us gangsters, I don't think so! Now if you love the plaque as much as we do and want something similar for your own front door contact us or our friend Phil at Creative Innovations who made this one specially for us and a cracking job he made of it to! Thanks Phil! 

06th October 2005

Read all about it in the Sun, Charles Bronson's Art up for sale, over 100 pieces expect to raise up to £1,500 each.

Click on picture to enlarge

See other works of Charlie's, hit the duster.

05th October 2005

Who's is watching X-Factor then? Did you notice that Forth Base are through to the final seven in the groups category? Great group and great mates of ours and Dave's, big Hi to Blair and the guys! You will remember them from the Bowood House and other such events. Tune in Saturday to see if they make it to the Live shows. (DON'T ask the outcome and yes we do know already!!) Here is a reminder of the lads for you, the first pic is of Dave with four of the lads. (when they were called Iyce) The second pic is the one of the line up now, as Forth Base.

DATE CHANGE: Bammo's Bash em up Bonanza. The date has been changed from 2nd Oct to 23rd Oct. 

Just heard the Gumball truck is up for Sale...yes, the very one Dave drove in the rally! Seriously interested? Then you can contact Andy on 07921857992  The price is £15950 ono No Timewasters!

03rd October 2005

Finally managed to catch up with Dave on the phone tonight, he says sorry to anyone who has been trying to reach him but he had a problem with the phone which is now fixed. Obviously he is still busy filming Six Bend Trap during the day which is going great. Dave says he has almost finished filming his scenes and is working well with Paul Usher. He expects to be home on the 11th of October and has promised that he will be making up for lost time on the web cams........he promises some real treats for 30 solid days after his return!

Here is a link for the up and coming release of Hell To Pay on DVD, release date 21/10/05

We chatted about Charles Bronson and the news that he is on the Home Office non-return list, this led us on to chat about Ronnie Biggs, we heard recently on the news that Ronnie was going on hunger strike and yet since then we have heard nothing. Is this a news blackout?

Why not take a visit over to and grab yourself a copy of the new DVD, 85 minutes of Dave's launch party.

Anyway, we will be travelling up to Dave's just after his return home and should return with plenty more news.

29th September 2005


See who won the photo caption competition

21st September 2005

Check this out....there is a very cool video over at called 'event of the week' featuring Dave's launch party including interviews with many of the guests, look out for our good friend Barely Connolly. Just click on the duster below for a direct link to the video.

Why not check out our latest competition on the launch party page, it's funny and will really get you win a signed copy of F**k the Ride and a selection of posters hit this link:  Thanks to all of you who have entered so far, we have had great fun and plenty of giggles reading your ideas!

Also we had a telephone call from our mate Adrian yesterday and he passed us on to Matthew who is organizing an audience with D.C. on the 25th of October 2005 at The Surrey Hills Hotel, Horsham Road, Capel, Dorking, Surrey. For full details you can visit his website by clicking this link: Tickets are £20 and can be booked via Matt's website or by calling 01306712832 or 07921359772.

Tel has also emailed us regarding his and Charles Bronson's book, Heroes and Villains, grab a copy now, it is available from Amazon on this link:

Its a great read, here is what some of the chaps are saying about it:

"Tel & Charlie have written a cracker! I don't usually have the attention span for books but this one I read cover to cover. I recommend 'Heroes and Villains' to everybody."
Roy 'Pretty Boy' Shaw

This book is fantastic. My close friends Tel Currie & Charlie Bronson finally tell the truth and venture into controversial territory that is usually shied away from. A must read for anyone remotely interested in the history of Britain's underworld"
Charlie Richardson

"Well done Tel and Chaz on an absolutely blinding book"
Carlton Leach

"A great book packed with the truth. Well done Tel and Charlie on a fantastic book." Freddie Foreman

"Tel and Charlie have written a blinder! I'm not just saying that because they are both close friends but because this book is a real winner... I loved it" Ronnie Knight

19th September 2005

We had a call from Dave today, he is enjoying the filming of Six Bend Trap up in Middlesbrough and is staying in a nice hotel nearby. Dave wants to say thanks to Steve from the Harley Davidson franchise in Newcastle who have kindly supplied him with a Harley Davidson V-Rod for his stay, this will also feature in the film. Dave also said that on Sunday he went to a Hot Rod show and that there were loads of amazing machines.

We have at last received a letter of thanks for Dave from Crimestoppers for his support and attendance at last years 2004 Bowood House show, Dave was sorry he could not attend this years event but is already planning for next years. We will shortly be uploading a new page of testimonials and thank you letters from the various charities that Dave has helped, getting the stamp of approval from the BHF, PYBT and Crimestoppers amongst others. 

Don't forget to check out the launch party page where we have added guest comments and emails, more pictures to follow as soon as we get them.

16th September 2005

More photos of the launch party added courtesy of Lee Philips.

We also received a lovely email from Rik Waller's record company today which we will add to our message board along with a few others tomorrow.

We spoke to Dave last night whilst he was live on cam.......that's so weird and funny, talking to him on the phone while he waves at you on the cam. Dave is very pleased with how it is all going and we will be popping up to see him early next week so that we can update our photo gallery of Camelot.  Of course you can go to Camelot right now live on cam, see what Dave's up to and check out all the action and the new decor!

Hit the link below to join up, £4.99 for 24 hours or £29.99 for a month.

13th September 2005

See Photo's of The Launch Party & now full story too!

Watch & See Dave live now in Camelot

7th September 2005

All set for tomorrow's 24 hour launch party at Dave's? If you have an invite see you there! If you haven't got an invite then you can watch live via the webcams placed all around Camelot. Hit this link:

We have had some fantastic telephone calls and emails supporting us over the events at Bowood House on Sunday 4th September, Thank you all.

We will update the site upon our return from Camelot. 

2nd September 2005

We have received a lovely email from a lady called Terina who was at The Emma Carter appeal in Hayling Island last Sunday, it was so moving that we wanted to share it with you all. We have had nothing but positive and impressive feedback from the public who attended, any more emails are most welcome. While remembering the great day a big hello to Emma's Mum who we chatted to, we hope you are OK and love to the little one. (Wish we could all have neighbours like yours xx)

To Dave, Jerry, Kate,

 I don’t know whether you remember me my name is Terina, Diann & Steve's next door neighbour. I am writing to thank you for a brilliant day, I moved down south from Manchester for a new life. I met Kate, Jerry, Ben which you are lovely people and easy to get on with it was a pleasure to be in your company. Then I have never heard of Dave Courtney except what people say. When this man walked on the field that day so relaxed in himself great personality, brilliant sense of humour and held himself what a GENTLEMAN. He was a pleasure to be around, my son Dillan was in his company and he took time out and was so nice to him I couldn’t believe it. I have been through plenty of bad situations in my life, so I am an honest person and not a lick arse I just say it how it is. So it will be a day myself and my youngest son will remember. Dave you signed my book saying I was the bollox, well no Dave your are the bollox babe, I hope yourself and your friends have many happy days and plenty of luck in the future and your nearest and dearest. So what I am trying to say is Thank you for a lovely memory and a really nice picture of us two together and yourself and my son, so f**k them that don’t know the Man I met. Good luck Dave, Storm and Jerry, Kate, Ben you look the perfect married couple and close, go Kate. Also a Big Hello to Mel chin up girl life has loads to throw at you but it only makes you a stronger person, so good luck in the future babe and your little boy. Right that’s it I could write a bloody book, be good, be safe, and loads of happiness for you all it was a pleasure, Thank you Dave for the memory xxxxxxxx Also I wouldn’t of had the pleasure of all your company only for Diann and steve thank you xxxxxxxxxx

love Terina

Terina & Dave.

1st September 2005

 Bank holiday Monday Kate, Ben and I met up with Barely Connolly (click to see his site), nick name Billy-Bob, as we had asked him a few months ago if he could help out on a fun day to raise funds to improve the estates and grounds for the kids  in Eastbourne, Sussex.

It was a great success and Billy-Bob really made their day, they had lots of good fund raising ideas, from breaking plates, fortune tea reading by Tracey, highest goal scorer to burgers, hotdogs & a beer tent. They also had a Karaoke competition, over thirty people entered and the winner was a sweet little girl called Hayley, just 12 years old. Hayley is a natural with real talent, she has top ratings at school and her Mothers full support, in fact she is so good that I am now asking for your help to sponsor Hayley. Hayley really needs to go to Stagecoach, a performing arts/drama school who will be able to coach her and direct her talents. Many of today's big stars/soap stars have come via Stagecoach. This of course costs and needs to be paid a term ahead, but we promise you Hayley has the potential to one day be a huge success. Below you will see a few pictures of the day & one of Hayley, we had no say in her winning but still thought she was the best by far. Her dreams are to sing in her own right in front of a live audience, we can make that come true, that's the easy part but as mentioned above we need to get her booked in with Stagecoach to train her voice and teach her how to perform professionally. We are looking to get a one year sponsorship for Hayley, which works out to be £285 per term. This is paid quarterly, we will have the exact figures soon. We here at Knuckleduster could have the next Britney, can you help us? Contact Jerry & Kate at if you can sponsor Hayley. If you are in the business your advice is also welcome. I will be arranging a video recording ASAP. Watch this space. 

Billy-Bob scoring a hatrick

The Residents of Willingdon


We will keep you all updated on our little star.

We had a really hectic week, last Sunday 28th August, we all went over to Hayling Island for the Emma Carter Appeal in support of The British Heart Foundation.  Dave helped to raise hundreds of pounds by auctioning off items collected by Diann & Steve. Dave also sold off two tickets to his 'Big Bro' day at Camelot on September 8th followed by signed copies of all of his books.

Dave with all the B.H.F helpers.

Dave  busy signing books & posters.

Dave with his fans.

Diann, Dave & Steve. A big thank you for organizing the event.

Here's the e-mail we received the following day from Steve and Diana;

Dear jerry an Kate

 Thanks for all your help and advice on Sunday we really enjoyed meeting you two and Ben of course. Hope he enjoyed himself. We raised nearly £2.000 on Sunday. Myself and Di took onboard all your comments and have learnt a lot from you both. Thank you Jerry, Kate, Ben, Dave & Storm for being there it made our day. Hope it was not to boring for you ha ha we all look forward to seeing you very soon


                                Steve Diann and Boys


Keep up the good work guys, we are looking forward to helping you with next years event all we can, see you on Thursday at Camelot!

Finally don't forget that Dave will be appearing with us at the Crimestoppers family fun day at Bowood House near Chippenham on Sunday 4th September 2005 so be there if you would like to meet him. Last year it was a massive success with 20,000 attending and this year they are expecting double that number. G4, Two 2 Go (X-factor) and Gary as Robbie Williams are just three of the acts appearing.

And remember all of our  look-alike friends & even Dave himself are for hire if the price is right, just contact us.


24th August 2005

We had a very nice email from Phil at Creative Innovations recently, he has kindly donated a pair of fine crystal goblets engraved with a knuckleduster and names/artwork of the winners choice to the British Heart Foundation Emma Carter Appeal. The auction, to be held on Sunday 28th August in Hayling Island now has a wide variety of wonderful items up for grabs including donations from Football Clubs, sports stars, celebrities and pop stars. See below for full details of the event and the list of auction items donated so far. I fancy bidding on the trip to Anfield football ground! Dave will be at the event all day with his own very special prize and will be conducting the whole auction, so come along, meet Dave and help raise money for a very worthwhile cause in memory of Emma. You might even get a ticket to the launch party!

So a very big thank you to Phil (and all who have donated) Please pay a visit to Phil's website at its a great site full of amazing things and unusual gifts!

 I have just spoken to Dave at home and he certainly has a house full, full of builders and decorators all busy getting Camelot ready for the live web cam launch on the 8th Sept. He was also finalising the VIP guest list which includes Steve McFadden, many of the Eastenders cast, Rancid and half the Arsenal Football team! Look out for Billy Connolly, Ozzy Osbourne, Prince Charles, Del Boy and Uncle Albert too! We will of course be there to cover the event and bring you all the news and some great photo's.

During our recent travels we went to a Fontwell race meeting where not only did we have a great time and win a bit but Ben also got to meet one of his hero's; champion jockey Tony McCoy (yep he won for us too!). This has encouraged Ben with his own horse riding and ambitions to follow in his Great Uncle's footsteps and one day win the Derby! (Ben's Great Uncle is Geoff Lewis, former champion jockey and most famous for riding the horse 'Mill Reef')


Once again a very big thank you to you all, we are now getting an average of 1500 hits a day, our figures have doubled in the last few months. Keep the emails coming, we enjoy your ideas and input, answering those we can and passing on others to Dave for his very own personal reply to you.

16th August 2005

Well, we just got back from our first long travels enjoying our Motor Home to the fullest, so sorry the site has not been updated for the past couple of weeks, but hey, we deserved the break! In fact we enjoyed it so much we are off again soon for another couple of weeks! We chatted to Dave as soon as we got back, it was very difficult while we were away, well parts of Wales have no mobile signal at all! Dave is great, he was very busy in meetings all day yesterday, organising various events for the big launch party of September the 8th! Dave has some awesome guests lined up for the big day, or should that be the big 24 hour party! We can't wait!

Dave said he attended a birthday party at Joey Pyle senior's house during the week along with Charlie Richardson, Freddie Foreman, Johnny Nash,  Big H, Ronnie Field, Dave Thurston and Pablo and Wayne. 

'Hell To Pay' is being shown to the press today in Soho, they have all been invited but already three reporters have declined to attend under their newspapers instructions. It appears that the 'establishment' are still determined to thwart everything Dave tries to do at every turn. It also seems that they have it in for Steve McFadden recently, happy to print anything Angela says about him but unwilling to print anything in Steve's defence or favour. Even Dave, amongst many, many others, tried to talk to the papers about the saga to give their side of things and despite giving full and frank interviews none of them have ever been published. We understand they may not have wanted to print anything from Dave but to ignore other peoples versions and fail to give Steve himself the right to reply is just not right. 

We also chatted about the disgusting approach made to Tel by a supposed 'publishers' offering money for him to support a new book slating Dave being written by three people. (Three guesses who!) All we can say is they had better not approach us!!! No doubt some greedy swine will put their name to it and lie for the money. However, we were there on many occasions both before and after Dave's car crash, in  fact we were there the very day after the crash and stayed at Camelot on and off for weeks following the event. So we really do know the truths from the lies, anyone who ever doubts Dave in anyway should just ask us, we would be happy to enlighten them.

Don't forget Dave is appearing in Hayling Island on the 28th August, 12 noon until 6pm, supporting a charity fun day in memory of Emma Carter and raising money for two new British Heart Foundation nurses to work in the Eastleigh and South Test Valley areas. This should be a great family fun day and includes a charity auction filled with fantastic donations from many celebrities and football clubs etc Don't miss it, or your chance to bid on some super items!  Click on the pictures below to find out about the day/venue and see the up to date list of auction items.

Also we just received an email from Tel detailing the next big boxing event at Ceasars Nightclub on Sunday 2nd October 2005, for full details see the Audience With link on the front page. Don't miss it, book now to avoid disappointment!

27th July 2005

See a live interview with Dave Courtney

Hosted by Joanna Sheffield

22nd July 2005

Out Now! Available in all good book shops or direct from Amazon, click on the book cover below to order! Having been privileged enough to have received a copy last weekend from Dave we can promise you a great read, catch up on all the latest goings on in Dave's life over the past four years. That's one ride that is full of twists and turns and never ends! The countdown to the Sept 8th launch party for Dave's book 'Heroes and Villains, his film 'Hell To Pay' on DVD, his single The Commandments and his live web cam launch  starts now!

22nd July 2005

Our wedding made it into Pick Me Up out now!


Not bad really, something to keep when we get old to show the grandchildren. Kate will be chatting to Dave tonight so we will keep you updated with the gossip. Our hits have now risen to more than 1100 a day, this has doubled in the last two weeks, so thank you one and all.

19th July 2005

See Dave at Detling Kent County Show, 15th 16th & 17th we had a really cool time.

13th July 2005

Just to remind all DC fan's that Dave is appearing at the Kent County Show, Detling Hill, on the 15th and 16th of July. Dave has his own stand next to the organizers tent where you will be able to meet him for autographs, books, posters and other merchandise. Dave will also be on stage with 'Del Boy' Dave Byrne's from 6pm each evening hosting the live event, don't miss this, it is the largest show in the south of England and last year attracted 70,000 visitors over the two days. Live bands will be performing and the varied entertainment provides for everyone! During the event Dave will be on local radio stations and look out for him on Meridian TV news too. We hope to see you there!

Dave is busy readying Camelot for the live web cam launch on the 8th Sept, installing jacuzzi's, pool tables etc and generally making sure that the place looks 'the bollocks' as he would say. We are looking forward to the launch party. No doubt there will be a lot more news from Dave after we have spent the the weekend with him. 

1st July 2005

On the 28th of August 2005 Dave will be attending the Emma Carter Appeal 'fun day' in Hayling Island. Please do your best to attend for a very worthwhile cause with a fantastic charity auction. You can see her own web site for the full story.  

Click on the duster for full details of the event.

29th June  2005

Had a chat with Dave yesterday, he has answered quite a few emails so if you have emailed us recently the replies should be with you shortly. We will be updating the dates page very soon as we have secured a few big shows/party in the parks for him throughout the summer.

Click on the banner to see the new film being made with yours truly Mr. Dave Courtney. OBE. We will let you know as soon as it hits the market.

the dealer


Thank you all for your support, we have just had our first 700+ hits in one day set at 1.32pm today & it may reach 800 by midnight, fingers crossed and please keep on coming back. Thank you all. Dave is pleased for us, surprised but pleased, after all this could not have been done with out him. Oh well, onwards and upwards, Kate will be chatting to Dave later today to get the latest news so watch this space, she will also be updating the dates page.

We would like to hear from you if you have any ideas as to what you would like to see on knuckleduster in the future.

See and hear Dave sing at our Wedding for the first time in public.

Click on duster

Click on the duster to see the full story of our Wedding Day where Dave was Best Man.

19th June  2005

Hello peeps, I got back from Dave's yesterday but needed to catch up on sleep as always, since there is so much going on when you are up at Camelot you don't want to hit the sack and miss out on anything. Really he should have a revolving door fitted! The whole of Camelot has had a new coat of brilliant white paint and stands out like an iceberg beacon that can be seen for miles. The mural on the side of the building has now been completed, see the pictures below, plus the two pictures hidden inside the main one.

Click pictures to enlarge

See names below Title of the new Book. Mason motif, need to be close to see it. Black and white checked snake coming out of a cop badge.

From left to right: Al Capone, Howard Marx, Ronnie & Reggie Kray, Freddie Foremen, Roy Shaw, DC, Al Pacino, Lenny, Lenny Mclane,  Joey Pyle, Charlie Richardson, Ronnie Biggs and John Gotty.

Another really wicked surprise waiting for Dave's return from the Gum Ball rally was that Storm had arranged for the conservatory I helped build a few years ago to be cleared out for a pool table & fruit machine, one of our dreams as kids. See pictures below. Things seem to be going so well for us both at the moment, Dave has his Castle, Army, Rolls & Fame, ok yep and his own pool room! I have my new wife and Dave & Kev as my best mates with Camelot as a second home who could ask for any more.

Dave playing Adrian, "yep one handed" Web Cams one in each room, yep Bedroom & Bathroom too!

 We had a late night session too!

Thanks for your hard work Danny

Camelot is buzzing at the moment, Storm is getting her four poster bed made on site and the whole room decorated by Danny, see pic above.  The rear garden area is getting decked out shortly, new light fittings and chandeliers have been fitted throughout and the dinning room has now been completed. Dave looks really well and is on top form, both Storm and Dave are working out in their new gym each day to shed those winter coats and getting ready for the big day when the web cams get switched on, September the 8th.

Thanks Dave & Storm I had a great time. xx

16th June  2005

Just returned from a day at Camelot with Dave, it is really coming together and looking more amazing every time we visit, we took some photographs of the newest developments which we will upload ASAP. Storm is doing a fantastic job all round, we have never seen Dave look so content and happy.  There are camera's everywhere, its just like being on Big Brother, you have to remember not to pick your nose when you think no-one is looking!! Dave was buzzing with news but took time out to play pool with Jerry and watch our wedding video which of course includes Dave himself singing 'Treat Me nice'

I have left my new husband in Dave and Storms capable hands for a few days and returned home to keep you all up to date but the video of Dave's first live performance singing in public will get top priority for uploading to the site just as soon as he returns. (I'm just not quite experienced enough to upload it myself, sorry!)

Well, on to the really important news: On the 8th of September 2005 Dave will be doing something no-one else has ever done before....intrigued? Here it is: On that very special date Dave will be launching his new book, 'Heroes and Villains', his film 'Hell To Pay', his record 'The Commandments' and going live via webcam on the internet directly from inside from Camelot! (Hence all those blooming cameras!) You will be able to watch the launch party and celebrations live from Camelot, it will be almost as if you are there yourself! So don't miss it, put that date in your diary, on your calendar and a huge note on your fridge door would do the trick too! lol

Let's see what the 'establishment' makes of that lot then!

Last but not least a huge thank you to all our visitors to this site, you have made it very successful and if you have any comments, questions or ideas for improvement do email us, we don't bite (unless asked!)  Here is the graph of our latest hits:

This chart is for 10th to 16th June 2005 from GoStats. Please keep visiting, we love running the site and keeping you up to date and hope you continue to enjoy it!

Seven day page view summary

Displays the number of hits over the last 7 days

Traffic per day of the week























More news when I receive it and lots of photo's and that video on Jerry's return!

Kate x

15th June  2005

On the 28th of August 2005 Dave will be attending the Emma Carter Appeal 'fun day' in Hayling Island. Please do your best to attend for a very worthwhile cause with a fantastic charity auction.

Click on the duster for full details of the event.

12th June  2005

We have just returned from our honeymoon to Sandy Balls! Yes that raised a lot of laughs and a few eyebrows at the wedding reception too!

New Wedding photos have now been up-loaded.

Click on the duster to see the full story of our Wedding Day where Dave was Best Man.

Coming soon............ Dave sings live! A video clip, the first ever, taken during the wedding reception! Plus new pictures from Charlie Bronson.

31st May 2005

Hi all, sorry for not updating sooner, as you can imagine its busy here, what with organising a wedding and all that!

Anyway, as you will no doubt know Dave & co finished 23rd out of 113 in the Gumball rally, fabulous considering they were racing Lamborghini's and Ferraris.  Dave and Andy also won the 'Tough Guys' award for the rally, no surprise there then! Dave had a fantastic time and promises to do an impromptu 'audience with' at the wedding reception and tell us all the best bits from the rally! Can't wait! Dave did tell us that he has a black and blue bottom! (Hope he doesn't bare that on Saturday lol!) He thought it would be great fun to dive off of the yacht in Monte Carlo, changed his mind and decided to do a classic DC bomb. He hit the water bum first and said it felt like hitting concrete, hence the bruised behind!

Storm telephoned Kate on Saturday whilst at the wedding of Kevin and Faith, just as the ceremony ended. Storm sounded quite emotional and said how beautiful the wedding and service had been and that it had made her think of our own wedding on June 4th. Thank you Storm, it was very touching and we look forward to seeing you Saturday. We wish Kevin and Faith all the happiness in the world, congratulations to you both and by the way, are we glad our big days didn't clash!

Dave's also going to be doing a TV comedy sketch with Steve Mc Fadden and Nigel Benn, that should be interesting and funny! More details as soon as we have them. Dave and Storm are also busy in Pat Colliers recording studios working on a number of projects. The new band Dave is working with is called The Masons and features Lars Frederiksen of Rancid, Steve Wale (The Business), Robin Guy and guitarist and song writer Darryl Smith.  We eagerly await the results of the album to be called 'We Rule the World!'

Dave's new book 'F**k The Ride' is still scheduled for release on the 7th July despite a few problems relating to the Jen/Angela situation, you can pre-order through this link:

      The next book is due out in time for Christmas and is titled Dave Courtney's Hero's and Villains. Click on the link below to pre-order.

    Another great book you will almost certainly enjoy is Charles Bronson and Tel Currie's 'The Good, The Mad, The Bad and The Ugly.'  Click on the picture to buy now!

We hope that you will forgive us if the site remains a little quite until after the Wedding and Honeymoon, but rest assured it will be updated with all the news and some seriously good photo's as soon as possible after the big day. Okay, off you go then and pray for sun on Saturday!

19th May 2005

Much to our surprise, we had a telephone call from Dave today, he was about 125 miles from Rome! The first thing he said was 'love you loads, how's things?!' He wanted to know all about the tracking of their car on the gumball website and was checking up about our wedding too! Dave said 'We are doing quite well aren't we? considering we are racing Lamborghinis and Ferraris!' They had been in fourth place at one point and are now just in the top 20. Dave was telling us so about many funny incidents during his journey on the gumball rally, the moonie at Caprice, amongst other antics, apparently he now has three speeding tickets! Dave was clearly really enjoying himself, the music was blaring and they had been travelling at 150 to 160 mph for most of the way. Trouble with that is as Dave says, when you slow down to 130mph it feels like you are crawling along!  Dave went on to tell us about an incident in a cafe, apparently they stopped off there with a lot of the other gumballers and Dave thought it would be a laugh to don his gas mask and take in a machinegun! The poor cafe owner thought it was a real raid and hit the panic button, next thing you know the place is surrounded by police! Dave quickly removed the mask and the police recognised him, we think they then gave him a bit of an escort, but it was hard to hear the conversation above the sound system in the car!

Today Dave thought he would have a laugh by them all wearing British police helmets! Of course they were pulled over by some sort of special constables ('Saturday police' Dave called them) They were amazed that two of our finest British police were in the rally, obviously not DC fans then. lol!  At that moment Dave said 'Hang on the (real) police are here, we are just talking to them now, got to go Babe, love you loads, will call you later'

Well we are still waiting to hear what that incident was all about! I'm sure we will find out soon enough!

Don't forget to track Dave's progress by following the link below! We will update you as soon as we hear from the man himself.

17th May 2005

As many of you will no doubt already know, Dave is taking part in the gumball rally. Dave asked us to go and see him off, we were sad that we could not get there on Sat 14th but we were busy at Brands Hatch helping out Uncle Albert & Del Boy with a weekend show, it was also Jerry's birthday, so sorry we missed the send off Dave, but we heard all about it!

Of course we are keeping up to date with Dave's progress on the official gumball rally site, hit this link to follow Dave on this epic run! 

For a fuller more in depth coverage of day to day progress and reports from Dave visit

Good luck Dave & Co, thinking of you, make sure you are home safe by the 4th of June or Kate will kill you! lol

26th April 2005

How many of you watch WWE wrestling? Did any of you get to go to the live event at the NEC in Birmingham last week? Dave has two new supporters in the shape of WWE superstars and world tag team champions William Regal and Tajiri sporting 'Born Naughty' T-Shirts complete with knuckledusters! For those of you who didn't see WWE late night Raw last night check out the photograph below! To watch a repeat of late night Raw tune in to Sky Sports 3, Thursday 28 Apr 11pm. And if William Regal and Tajiri want a new manager to install fear in the other wrestlers we know just who to recommend!    

23rd April 2005

The news is out, as some of you will remember, I asked Kate to marry me on Boxing Day & Dave to be my best man, he said "F*** I would be honoured". See Wednesdays Argus newspaper clips below, along with the editors very funny quote! We are getting married at Herstmonceux Castle in East Sussex on June the 4th. I wanted to do something different, an exceptional day for us to remember so I booked up a castle along with our lookalike friends dressed  in character, Del-Boy, Uncle Albert, Billy Connolly & Ozzy Osbourne. Along with Dave we hope to have the Cheeky Girls and 2 To Go (from X factor fame). Dave, as best man, is arranging for 4 of the Outcasts on their Harley's to escort the stretch limo which will be followed by the famous Trotters 3 wheeler & Del's Capri ghia, so it should be a day to remember. Where else would you get to see all those characters in one place? Wedding photo's will follow after June 4th!

 Herstmonceux Castle

Editors quote

Front page banner

Centre Pages

22nd April 2005

Dear Jerry & Kate

As you know, has been down since Tuesday morning. It's an administrative error by my (extremely apologetic) hosting company and they are now moving heaven and earth to get things running again before I sue their arses off. Could you please put a message on your front page that WILL be up and running again within the next 24 hours. In the meantime people can email me at this address (judging by my phone and text messages there's a LORRA LORRA people trying to email me about this and that).


Kind regards,       

Mal                                     is now up and running

10th April 2005

Hey Ho everyone! We are back from our own travels, nothing as exciting as Dave's trip to the USA, but we had fun anyway, even if we did come home full of flu! We did chat to Dave a couple of times while he was in the U.S. On one occasion Seymour was with us for a short break so Dave even managed to chat to him for a while. At the time Dave was having a ball, he was in New York and was telling us all about his meeting with film director Billy Clark, U.S. agents and his articles in the LA and New York Times. It seems Dave was fantastically well received over there and he was planning to return to the U.S. as soon as possible even then!

All of Dave's books will now be published in the USA and he is even going back to LA at the end of March for a couple of live shows. Dave is going to be a very well travelled man by the end of 2005, he is even off to Barbados for the New Year! (Just as long as he is here for our wedding at the castle in June!)

If you are eager to order a copy of Dave's new book due out on 7th July and get a 30% discount click this link ,from the drafts we have read you won't be disappointed, another great read! Dave's latest DVD 'Dave Courtney's Dodgy DVD' is also available from Amazon, click this link: 

Dave's CD 'The Commandments' is currently being re-mixed by Goldie, Fabio and Groove Rider, more about that just as soon as we have the details!

Just this minute got off the phone from Dave, he was busy proof reading the draft copies of his two new books, we will be seeing Dave in person later this week so expect more news very soon!

11th March 2005

Just had a chat with Dave, he is looking forward to his trip to the USA, he leaves Monday and will be visiting the Miami Music Festival where he will meet up once again with Rancid, Snoop Dog, Jay-Z and more. Then Dave heads off to L.A. and New York for promotional work. There will also be a UK documentary film crew with Dave which should make for interesting viewing in the not to distant future!  We have not been able to get to see Dave in person before the visit but will be going to see him immediately upon his return to get all the news and gossip from his 15 day trip. 

26th February 2005

Well, quite a lot of going's on since we have been away! We are off to see Dave next week so we are expecting even more news & gossip then, (also we need to finalise our wedding plans with the best man!). We will shortly be uploading all the very best pictures from the Dave & Jodie Marsh photo shoot, you will then have the chance to vote for your favourite. The photographs with the highest number of votes will go on to appear in a 2006 calendar for your pleasure.

Firstly, we would like to send our very best wishes to Mark Fish for a speedy recovery, all the best mate.

We didn't forget Dave's birthday and sent him all our best from our holiday location, don't worry Dave we are catching you up fast!  Dave attended a boxing match in Brighton recently with Joey Pyle amongst others, shame we were away and sorry we missed it, after all that's just down the road from us.

Some of the news from whilst we were away included the sad and frustrating news re the CD 'The Commandments' The distributors pulled out of releasing the CD and to make matters worse Waterfall also pulled out of releasing Hell To Pay on DVD. However, there is a new distributor in the pipeline so all being well you will get your Hell To Pay on DVD soon, despite the establishments interference!

Dave is off to America next month, stopping at Miami Music Festival, L.A. and New York. Dave will be joined by a British TV documentary crew, the same people who made the very funny Car Sharks series for Bravo in which Dave appeared. (And if you didn't see it you missed one of the funniest programmes Dave has ever appeared in!)

Dave has a wicked time at the Brits, followed by an appearance on Jodi Marsh's show 'Live and Turned On' He then went on to enjoy a star studded after show party at the Penthouse, Leicester Square. 

Dave is still working flat out on the new books we have talked about recently, as soon as we have any release dates we will let you know. Now you have caught up on the gossip why not go and play in Dave's very own casino, here is the link: off you go then, good luck and have fun!

30th January 2005

Dave & Jody Marsh are in this week Zoo mag, you will see a number of pictures of my photo shoot with them both a few weeks ago, these pictures  were taken by the paparazzi.

Click to enlarge

14th January 2005

Just had a call from Dave, he has lost his phone so if any of you are trying to contact him, he sends his apologies and says that he should have a new phone on Monday, same number of course.

This weekend Dave is doing his doorman's course, we wish him luck.

13th January 2005

What’s going on in the world! If Dave Courtney OBE was caught trying to organize a coop to take out the government of another country or investing in the idea, he would end up locked away in Guantanamo prison indefinitely. Sir Mark Thatcher, found guilty pays a £360,000 fine and gets a four year suspended sentence (which of course means nothing unless he tries to do it again!) His fine will be paid by selling his story to the world press or God forbid by writing an autobiography. His name is still Sir Mark Thatcher, now he is a marked man as a criminal should he keep his title? Will the Queen allow it? Yes more than likely, if he lays low for the ‘wind to blow over’. Its one rule for them and another for us, its not like he is a brick layer, plumber or a mason!!! ahh.  We were once proud to be called the Edwardians then Victorian’s and now we are known as the Elizabethans but we could become the Charlies or even the Willies and this is what our history will say about us, need I say more!  


Web Master.

Please donate to the DEC Appeal by calling 0870 60 60 900 or to donate online to the DEC appeal click here.

UK mobile phone customers can donate £1.50 to the DEC Appeal by texting DONATE to 83321

8th Jan 2005

Just  had a call from a very happy Dave. As you may remember it was today that Genson had to go back to court for sentencing. Well the good new is that Genson is now out, free and back living at Camelot with Dave. The court decided that Genson had served enough time and been punished enough, especially bearing in mind that 5 of the original 7 charges had already been dropped. Dave is of course delighted, he firmly believes that the power of the websites has helped, by making public the way Genson was tricked, arrested and treated. Then it was made public by the sites that the Police actually had no evidence, no written statements, no fingerprints and Genson had not been picked out in any ID parade. That is why five of the charges were dropped. How could they now send Genson to prison on the two remaining charges (which he did plead guilty to following pressure from his Mum) without it looking very bad on them? It would have looked exactly like he had been punished for having the name Courtney rather than for any crimes.

Also Dave heard today that Drew is no longer under lock and key in a secure unit, she is out and living with Angela but has not had the baby yet. It seems that Jen may have had a change of heart re Drew, if so Dave sends a big thank you to Jen and he hopes that this is a turning point, that perhaps Jen is having a change of heart and a re-think about matters. It may be a much more peaceful 2005 for all involved?  

Well a very Happy New Year to you all! Here's hoping for a prosperous, healthy and peaceful one for us all. We spoke to Dave today and he is very busy working on the new books. He will be sending us new letters and updates for the sites over the next few days so stay tuned for all the latest gossip from Camelot! We asked Dave about Phil The Til (HI PHIL!) as he is based in Thailand and we were all concerned about his safety after the tragedy of the Tsunami. Luckily he is fine, safe and well.

Our wedding is all booked, 4th June 2005 at the very beautiful and romantic Herstmonceux Castle in Sussex, where Dave will be Best Man. We should get some wicked photographs from there, if not a little 'different' with the likes of DC, Del Boy, Uncle Albert, Izzy Ozzy and Barely Connolly in attendance! Of course we will share some of them with you after the grand event.


26th Dec 2004

Today is Kates 40th Birthday and she is over the moon looking so good on it too! So happy Birthday Kate! In addition to this I finally proposed to Kate after 16 years! Still, better late than never! Of course I asked Dave to be my best man for the marriage in June 2005 He said "I'm honoured to be your best man" after me saying "well you are the one that I want" he broke in to the song from Grease the movie lol But he was proud to be asked so the final date will be announced shortly.

19th Dec 2004

This great  book is by Charlie Bronson and Tel Currie and is a cool read,  it also has forwards by Roy Shaw, Charlie Richardson and Ronnie Biggs and is the
first book with ALL the 'chaps' approval and help.

The book is not out until May but can be pre ordered from on
this link.

Click pic to enlarge

14th Dec 2004


Dave would like to say Happy Birthday to his daughter Courtney, whom he has not seen now for over two years. Dave says that he has not attempted to send a gift this year due to the fiasco that happened last year when he did send a gold cross and chain. The delivery of the gift was denied by Jen and Dave consequently slated for not sending anything, even though Dave was informed by the Taxi service that they actually placed the gift in Jen's hands personally.

Of course Dave is thinking of Courtney and hoping that she has a wonderful day.

11th Dec 2004

Dave asked me to pop up to Camelot on Friday and to take my photography gear! He wanted me to take some glamour photographs of Jody Marsh, well who was I to refuse!!! With my arm twisted behind my back we set off to Dave's. When Kate and I arrived to a packed house (as usual!) we were told that Jody would be there soon. Dave looked well, he had plenty of his heavies there and the atmosphere was buzzing, well nothing new there then! Below you can see a few of the pictures which I really like from about thirty photographs taken. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.  I asked Jody & Dave to sign one of Dave's books for me to place on knuckleduster for a competition for one of our lucky readers. So the first person to tell us Jody's age and which live TV show was she on on Saturday 11/12/04 just gone. First to reply wins. Jerry

Setting up

See Book Competition


I would like to say a big thanks to Dave, Jody and everyone else there on the day.

2nd Dec 2004

We met Dave last night at Camelot just before he left to go to Maidstone to do one of his audience with shows, we had had a short while to catch up on the latest gossip before we waved him off  wishing him to break a leg! These equity members have strange ways!. Take  a look at the picture below and you will see that you will get a good read out of the Nuts magazine next week. Dave also asked me to do a photo shoot next Friday so watch this space, sorry I can not say to much about it, but I will be getting some great pics. Jerry.

01st Dec 2004

Sorry we have not been around much to update the site, the Nottingham live concert in memory of victims of gun crime in Nottingham has kept us very busy. We have been up to Nottingham to do the Press Release for the event which went very well. We would like to thank, BBC Radio Nottingham, Century FM, Trent FM and Central News for their help in promoting the event so far, keep up the good work guys! Mind you, not best pleased with the lack of support from the Council and Police up there, still what can you expect eh?! For anyone still not wise to the gig just visit

However, a very large warning DO NOT STAY AT ROCKAWAY HOTEL, Beeston. They treated us badly, with contempt even, virtually called us liars, they would not even look at the photo we took below to back up our many complaints, so instead we are sharing it with you! We checked out in disgust very late at night to be told 'you won't find anywhere else at this time of night!'  Well we did and it was lovely! Bet they are sorry now about how they treated us! And yes this warning will go on all our sites!!! We only wanted a bath! And no its not lager and we didn't pee in it! lol

Anyway, on to more news from Dave. You can read his latest letter by following this link    

Dave tells us that he is very busy writing his new books and sorting out all his dvd's and tapes for a special set of ten DVD's, a sort of 'This is your Life' of Dave! Dave's show in Lichfield was a big success and he said it was great to see a lot of his real friends there, Wolves Paul, Ambro, Brendan, Lee & his wife and all the others, he said forgive him to those he forgot! His evening in Bath was also a success as was his appearance at Matt's the barbers where he had the best head shave ever! Don't forget Dave's newest DVD is out now, Dave Courtney's Dodgy DVD which features the single 'The Ten Commandments' by the man himself.

Do take a read of the letter from Dave via the link above, it explains far better than we can here all the latest and quite shocking news re Jenson.

Anyway, that's it for now, we will be seeing Dave tomorrow so expect to come home armed with more news and articles for you so do stay tuned!

07th Nov 2004

This DVD goes on sale throughout the UK in all retail outlets and on the  website on 29th November, you can get the VHS version there, right now with immediate delivery.



With exclusive footage of Joe Pyle, Fred Foreman, Roy Shaw, Tony Lambrianou & The Richardsons

Also we received this lovely email and photo that we thought we should share with you all, thanks Diana & Steve!

"Hi my name is Diana, me and my husband Steve met Dave at Potters bar at Hayling Island on 17th September 2004. It was a fantastic night and what a pleasure to meet Dave he is the nicest bloke you could meet. I was able to meet Dave before his show started I asked him if he could spare five minutes to have a photo done with me and my husband as a thank you to Steve as he had to give up work four years ago to become my full time carer as I have fibromyalgia syndrome ( this means my muscles are slowly giving up) Dave was so great he gave more than five minutes I cant thank him enough as this was my husband Steve dream to meet Dave Courtney. I have enclosed a photo of us with Dave please could you send my many thanks to Dave. Take care, love from Diana"

06th Nov 2004

Dave says that he had a great weekend in Newcastle. The Boxing was fantastic and he enjoyed the grungers event too! (apparently they thought Dave was number one grunger cause he dressed all in black! lol) The film premier with Steve Wraith went down a storm and Dave sends his thanks to all the people who made the weekend and its events so successful.

Last night Dave attended the firework party of Jodi Marsh and tonight he will be at Barking Park from about 6pm for one of the biggest displays in London. The whole Maximum Leisure crew and their artistes will be providing a superb nights entertainment, we hope to see you there!

Don't forget to keep your eyes on, we have some new acts joining on board and some big names should be confirming their input this week. If you can support this event in anyway please email us.

 28th Oct 2004

We had a quick chat to Dave today, he was heading to Newcastle where he will be attending the Harry Marsden boxing event. On Saturday Dave is in Whitby for the grungers weekend and back in Newcastle on Sunday for a film premier.

We would like to announce that the live concert we mentioned below is now 'all systems go!' The event is called Amnesty Day and will take place on the 08/01/05 at The Royal Centre in Nottingham. We have had an amazing response to the event, please visit for full details of the event and who will be appearing. The event will raise money for 'Mothers Against Guns' so please come along and support us if you can!

19th Oct 2004

We are all very busy working along side Crimestoppers in Nottingham, Izzy Ozzy, Maximum Leisure and Central TV trying to organise a live show in memory of Danielle with an anti-gun message. We will of course be the first to let you know when and where the live event will take place and who will be the stars of the show. Stay tuned! Of course DC will be there!

05th Oct 2004

Hi again all! We are off to Camelot on Friday so if you have any questions or emails for Dave get them to us ASAP! Dave will be writing personal replies to those we have received in the past couple of weeks, so keep them coming!

Dave should have plenty of exciting news for us all, judging by our conversations over the past few days, we will update you as soon as we get back. (film news, an exciting new project etc etc) We will be meeting up once again with Barely Connolly and Izzy Ozzy at Camelot so it should be a scream!

17th Sept 2004

As most of you will by now know, Mal has decided to leave his position as webmaster at the site due to ill health. We wish him a very speedy recovery and all the best for the future, well done Mal for the two years spent on .com, not an easy task!

 After much discussion with Dave it has been decided to bring back Stevie Parnell as webmaster of .com, it was just to big a commitment for us under our present circumstances, also we really wanted Stevie to return, he is a great guy. We shall however be working closely alongside him, offering our full support, co-operation and help wherever and whenever required. Dave wants both knuckleduster and .com to remain online.

Here is to the continued success of both sites!

Welcome back Stevie!

16th Sept 2004

Here is a message from Dave, which we took over the phone after Genson's appearance in court today.

'I have taken off all of the information about Genson and Genson's arrest from the site with immediate effect as apparently it is against the law to have it on the website due to Genson's age. I apologise most profusely to everybody and anybody that it offended. It was not meant to embarrass or intimidate anyone at all. I only found out today that it should not have appeared on the website and I have rectified this. Once again sincere apologies to all concerned.'  

10th Sept 2004

Just a quickie before we head off for a long w/e away; We would like to wish Mal at the DC.Com site all the best for a speedy recovery. Take it easy mate! So if DC.Com is not updated for a short time please be patient, we will keep you up to date here in the meantime.

Chatted to Dave yesterday, all is well and good and he is busy filming today. Also we are thinking of Seymour who to our knowledge is still in Jamaica, we hope that the impending storm doesn't cause to much damage. Stay safe Sey & see you soon!

5th Sept 2004

Click on the link to read all about the Bowood House, where you can see what we have been up to over the weekend with  Wiltshire Crimestoppers.   

31st Aug 2004

Click on the link to read all about the Lowestoft Most Easterly Mini Adventure, where you can see what Dave's been up to over the weekend.   

Its Bens Birthday today he is twelve & Ben has received messages in- character voices from  Izzy Ozzy, Barely Connolly,  Del-Boy, Uncle Albert and of course the man himself  DC. obe. We would like to say a big thank to you all. xx

22nd July 2004

Ray does many other faces, why not take a look at his website which is another of the websites I built and now maintain.

Of course Dave, Del & Albert will be working together again soon, don’t miss the next two shows. We are expecting 35,000 at Lowestoft for the Mini Car Rally on the 29th August; Dave will be entertaining the crowd during the day.

The very next weekend, 5th Sept, Dave is at Bowood House, Calne, Wilts, both events courtesy of wait for it, yep…Crimestoppers! 

17th July 2004
See Dave supporting Crimestoppers in Trowbridge click on the banner above.
30th June 04

We have spoken with Dave almost daily since the ‘Not Guilty’ verdict and he is sounding better and better each time. Obviously it will take a while for Dave to fully recover from the traumas of the past year or so but yesterday he really did sound like the ‘old’ Dave again. He was bright, cheerful and funny as hell! Dave said that things are beginning to return to normal.

Dave has enjoyed a couple of ‘Audience Withs’ recently one at Undecided Bar in Ashford Kent on the 21st. Dave and Steve Wraith performed an audience with at the bar and raised £170 for the Luckhurst family who lost loved ones in a severe fire. Thanks to pub boss Andy Hollinson. The second was at The Parkhead Pub, Thornhill up in Cumbria. Dave says ‘a big thank you to everyone who contributed to what was a proper, bang on little gig.’

On another note entirely, some people seem to be having trouble believing that Dave, his friends and colleagues are being ‘watched’, listened in to or that Dave’s mail is intercepted. (Even though we personally have found and seen bugging devices at Camelot and in our cars.) Here is something that happened to us when we tried to send mail on Dave’s behalf to Plumstead Police Station which may convince you! 

David West has written a very informative and highly entertaining account of Dave's recent court appearance. Well worth a read and you can read it here.

Also here is a link to some newspaper articles about the Not Guilty verdict that you may have missed. 

11 June 04

NOT GUILTY! Once again the British Justice system triumphs! The jury saw the truth from the lies and Dave’s innocence! We have just spoken to a very jubilant and happy Dave celebrating in the gardens of Camelot. Well done Dave! Well done the Jury! Right now lets get on with celebrating and when we’ve all sobered up we will bring you more words from Dave!

10 June 04

The jury went out at 3 p.m. today to deliberate the verdict. Thankfully the jury asked all about Dave’s own state of health at the time of the alleged assault, the jury was then told about the doctors letters. A letter from Dave’s doctor was read out to the jury which stated that Dave was in poor health at the time and that they were considering amputating his foot. (A little known fact to most until now) It also detailed the injuries inflicted on Dave by Jen during the incident.

The prosecution itself described Jen as a ‘fishwife’ who is foul-mouthed and violent, well I guess they had no choice since that’s exactly what Dave’s brief would have said in summing up!

We are expecting a verdict on the morning of the 11th and we will of course carry that verdict ASAP.

09 June 04

We spoke with Dave today; he says that the case should be all over by tomorrow. However, there is a real travesty of justice going on.

Apparently the JURY have been told NOT to visit Dave's website, we can only assume they mean the .com site so if any Jury members are reading this site instead here are some facts for you:

  • Most of Dave's witnesses are ruled as irrelevant (except Jacket) and not allowed.

  • No mention is being allowed of the alleged harassment of Dave's witnesses by prosecution witnesses.

  • Angela Bostock is not allowed to be mentioned during the case.

  • The doctor and consultant's reports on Dave are ruled as inadmissible unless the doctors themselves come to court.

  • The fact that Jen was trying to put the children in care.

  • The fact that Jen lied to the police to get Dave, Eamonn and Brendan arrested for perverting the course of justice (I'm still wondering how she got away without some kind of police action against her on that one. Doh, silly me!).

  • None of the complaints that have been made to the police about harassment/assault/criminal damage/theft etc. are allowed to be mentioned.

  • The Nikki James (& daughter) case, even though they have been arrested and are on remand.

  • The fact that Dave challenged Jen to a lie detector test in court.

  • Jacket being beaten up by Jen's mates.

  • Austin Warnes name is not being allowed to be mentioned.

Now, to add insult to injury (no pun intended) they allowed Jen's medical details to be read in court, whilst not allowing Dave's! This was interesting, as Jen had claimed in court to have suffered a fractured or dislocated shoulder, but the medical evidence proved that this was a lie. As far as I know, no doctor was present to present this evidence, so we have to ask ourselves "What is the motive behind one law for Jen and another for Dave?"

 And here is a statement that we produced for Dave, deemed inadmissible, when you read it do bear in mind that we have known Dave since high school !

We have known Dave & Jen for a long time now and initially were very close to both parties, spending a lot of time at Camelot and also entertaining them both at our home. We were always aware that Jen was very volatile with a violent and unpredictable temper. We witnessed this on many occasions and Dave never retaliated either verbally or physically, his usual course of action was to try and calm her down by talking softly to her and trying to hug her, kind of like a father would to a child in a tantrum, on many occasions this would work.

Jen's temper and the abuse towards Dave got much worse after Dave's accident, probably because she felt strong and Dave was weak and vulnerable at that time. We believe that Jen's drug taking had a lot to do with her mental state, she was always smoking grass, amongst other things. We have seen Jen belittle Dave verbally in front of many people, our opinion was always 'how can you talk to someone you are supposed to love like that?' We have witnessed Jen throw friends, guests and work colleagues of Dave's out of the house whilst screaming abuse such as 'fat crippled c**t' at Dave and shouting at the guests 'get the f**k out of my house'. Dave would be so embarrassed. The amount of verbal abuse we witnessed from Jen to Dave was unbelievable, yet we never once saw him responded with violence. No one could see what had set Jen off into one of her tantrums, they could start instantly, one minute she would be all over Dave, hugging and kissing him, in a good mood the next screaming abuse at him. Jen is a very scary person when she is like that and very physically strong too.

Jen would behave in this way in front of little Courtney and more than once we took Courtney away for a while as she would be so distraught, crying and saying 'mummy stop it'

Jen actually left Dave before his accident, but turned up at his bedside just after the accident. Whilst Dave was in hospital Jen left him again, but returned after a week, claiming to still love him. We were told that she couldn't leave him while he was so ill, potentially near death, clearly she wanted to, but it made her look bad leaving him while he was in that state, so she stayed. Dave really believed she was still in love with him, even at this stage and it was very difficult to say anything to either of them at that time, even though we wanted to.   

We were around an awful lot after Dave's accident and saw Angela Bostock and Jen together at Camelot many, many times whilst Dave was still in hospital. It was clear they were in a relationship and this relationship was never denied by Jen, Angela or Dave. We do not think that Dave realized at the time just how close they had become, he didn't see the dangers that lay ahead.

Dave and Jen had what you would describe as an open relationship and Dave had no problem with Jen's relationship with Angela.  

We never witnessed any violence from Dave towards Jen or any of the children and we were around a lot. Dave was a very good Dad, with endless patience, who spent time with the kids, entertaining them. We did witness Jen screaming and swearing at the children on many occasions.

Other events we witnessed would be available to the court in full detail should the need arise.

In the meantime here is an article from today’s Daily Express. We will update you just as soon as we hear any more news.

08 June 04

Hi all, great to be back! I’m fully fit and raring to go again! Once again thanks to all who sent good wishes, especially Tel and a big thank you to Seymour for all his support.

We hope you have been able to keep up to date with news and gossip from Dave; mind you it’s mostly been the Jen/Angela/Dave triangle/split. All the news regarding this is carried in full on the .com site. This whole situation has caused almost everything else that Dave’s involved in to be put on hold. (Very annoying!)

We did pop up and see Dave on Friday (4/6) and he was, as usual, in fine form, we had a few drinks, a few laughs, shared some very exciting news and left giving Dave our full support for the court case. It was great to see Brendan again too!

As for ourselves, we are still pushing ahead with a new and exciting venture for Dave, all being well this week we will be able to launch the idea later in the year. Something to look forward to!

17 April 04

Our apologies to you all, we are sorry that the site has not been updated recently despite there being news from Dave. Some of you close to Dave will have heard, others may not have done, but Jerry (webmaster here) was taken very ill very suddenly on the 17th March 04 and had to spend some time in intensive care. This was followed by an operation and more time in hospital. Jerry is well on the way to recovery now and we would both like to say a huge thank you to Dave. Kate says: ‘Thanks for always being there at the end of the phone, offering comfort and advice, showing how much you care about us both’ Jerry says: ‘Thanks for taking the time to come and visit me in hospital, it was a great laugh!’

We would both also like to thank Seymour for supporting Kate while Jerry was in hospital and for visiting us recently, we had a fantastic weekend. We are not sure if that was exactly what the doctor ordered for Jerry’s recovery, but hey, who cares, what a ball we had!

We hope you have managed to keep abreast of all the news in our absence and for those who have not, here it is in brief:

11/3/04: Dave attends the funeral of Tony Lambriano.

21/3/04 Dave visit's Jerry in hospital in Brighton.

24/3/04: Dave attends the police station regarding the ‘perverting the course of justice’ accusations, result; adjourned until 14/04/04.

26/3/04: Dave goes to the premier of Scooby Doo 2 with model Jodie Marsh on his arm. Hit this link for photos: GETTY IMAGES

14/4/04: The charges of ‘perverting the course of justice’ and ‘interfering with a witness’ against Dave, Brendan and Eamonn were dropped thanks to a statement given to the police by Jen’s sister Sam. Hit this link to see the statement that saved the day:

14/4/04: Dave in Peterborough to check out locations for the film ‘Six Bend Trap’ in which he has a starring role. Dave pops round to see Bernhard O’Mahoney with a reporter in tow. It appears that Bernard was out! Hit this link for a local newspapers article:

Full details, articles, letters and photographs concerning the Dave/Jen split can be viewed on the .com site as we do not carry all of the documents on this site.

11 March 04

On the afternoon of the 11th March Tony Lambriano was laid to rest at New Southgate cemetery. The funeral cortege was led by Dave on his Harley. The hearse was followed by a huge number of mourners on foot and was a real East End event. Tony's brother Chris gave a heartfelt speech at Saint Matthews Church, Bethnal Green and after the very moving service the 'Outlaws' escorted everyone to the cemetery. Tony was well respected with a large number of friends and he will be greatly missed. There was an article in the Daily Mirror covering the funeral on the 12th March 04. We were very sad and sorry not to be able to attend due to family illness but do send our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Tony. 


08 March 04

Today Dave received news regarding his court case, it will commence on the 7th June 2004.

05 March 04 

More news abounds!

We just had a phone call from Dave; he has heard from the Sunday Sport today that Jen is trying to sue both them and Dave for the article that appeared in last week’s paper. Jen is saying that she is not bi-sexual and that she never slept with Angela! Apparently, when asked, Angela does not want to sue. Work that one out, just what does it mean? Is Angela therefore saying she is bi-sexual and did sleep with Jen? After all Angela was going to sue Dave at one point, remember? Then she dropped the case. How can Jen carry on denying her bi-sexuality and relationship with Angela in the face of photographic, video and witness statements/evidence to the contrary?

Well Dave says he is pissing himself laughing about all this, he really really wants Jen to sue him and the paper, please! But Dave believes that Jen won’t follow through with it, he doesn’t believe that she has the guts to do it. 

And another thing, Jen is telling anyone that will listen just how the police are going to help her by getting into Dave’s house and valuing everything to help her get the very best that she can in the divorce case-laughable, that one really is laughable!    

There are a couple of good letters to read from Dave on the .com site, do take a look! We will be visiting Dave very soon at Camelot, so keep the emails coming and we will send you his personal replies ASAP. But please be patient we really are inundated at the moment!

We have a couple of cracking piece's of proof of just how the police are avoiding the written complaints about Jen from Dave's witnesses but Dave has asked us to keep them to ourselves for the moment until we have completed our investigations into it. Stay Tuned!!  

29th Feb 04  
Hit this link to 'read all about it'    

Well well! The Dave, Jen, Angela, Steve saga finally hit the press today, hit the link above to ‘read all about it’ in the Sunday Sport. We had a long chat with Dave about it and sure enough he received a very abusive phone call from Jen first thing this morning! Although she used the old 1471 trick to withhold her number, Dave is asking the police to check her phone bill for proof of yet another verbal outburst and threats.

Apparently Jen launched with a tirade of abuse ‘you f**king fat crippled C**t, I will destroy you’ After a load more abuse Jen paused for a breath, Dave grabbed the opportunity to say ‘So Babe, you didn’t like the article then?!’

Jen again went on the attack throwing yet more verbal at Dave and finished by saying ‘I will spend my whole f**king life hurting you, I will destroy you’ to which Dave responded by saying ‘I didn’t know I was still that important to you’ and he promptly hung up!

Emails of support are starting to flood in, we have had so many and Dave says a big Thanks to you all, keep them coming in, the more the merrier! We will do our very best to reply to them all via Dave ASAP. 


28th Feb 04 

Today we had the great pleasure of meeting up with a friend of ours, Ray, the ‘Uncle Albert’ look-alike and a colleague and mate of Dave’s, Dave Byrne, the ‘Del Boy’ look-alike. They were appearing at Coopers Magic Shop in Eastbourne and had asked Jerry to pop along and do the official photographs.

We were there from 12-2pm and had a fantastic time with plenty of laughs! The lads certainly are a crowd puller and are available for hire too. They can do guest appearances and even a one hour show, if you are interested here is the links to Del-Boy's web-site:


You can contact Ray/Uncle Albert at or email     

Dave, Jerry & I have been invited along to a huge charity gig in Sept where Dave will be appearing along side various soap stars and pop acts including Lamar. We will update you with full details of this exciting event as soon as we have them.

In the meantime here are a few of the photographs Jerry took earlier today.      

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AlbertDel3.jpg (68287 bytes)

27th Feb 2004 

We confirmed with Dave today the very sad news of the passing of Tony Lambriano on the 25th Feb, it is believed that he suffered a heart attack. Dave admired Tony very much and they were firm friends, as Dave said earlier ‘One of the last remaining true gangsters’

Dave will let us know about the funeral arrangements & whether it will be a private or public affair as soon as possible.

We would like to send our sincere condolences to his family, friends and all who knew, admired and respected him.

20th Feb 04 

Just had a call from Dave, he rang to say Happy Birthday to our Mel who is 17 today. We have a houseful of very noisy teenagers so are confined to our room!! Mind you finally got a great car tonight so in great spirits!

Dave told us that earlier today Eammon O’Keefe was charged with, guess what? Perverting the course of justice and interfering with a witness. Seems that Jen put in a complaint about him too, watch your backs folks, nothing quite like a woman on the rampage! By the time they get through all the 'perversion' cases we should be able to collect our pensions!

 "Interfering, perversion, what are the police really investigating here?" Wink wink!   

19th Feb 04 

Well, we were chatting to Dave right up to the moment he went to the Brits, we had to, we were having tremendous problems receiving a fax sent to us earlier that day, 17th Feb. The fax was a very important statement from Brenden and it needed to be up on the .com site as soon as possible. Dave had faxed the document to us as early as 3.30pm by 5.30pm it still had not arrived. We worked flat out until midnight trying to recover the fax, we finally got it and guess what-the file was corrupt!! Funny that!! (Thanks also to Ken at Puma One for all his help with the fax problems)

So on the morning of the 18th Feb we set about trying to recover the fax or open the corrupt file somehow. Dave was on the phone very early (well early for Dave lol) we think he had been up all night following a fantastic time at the Brits and celebrating his birthday. Dave was rushing about trying to get the statement resent to us when Jerry suddenly and quite miraculously somehow got the corrupt file to open, Hurrah, more than 18 hours after it was sent we had it, safe and sound!

Jerry then rushed off to the car auction to try and replace our poor car while Kate stayed behind to ensure the statement got to Mal at the .com site safely. If you want to read the most revealing statement yet, hit this link:

By the way, we still don’t have a car so if anyone has a really nice one, preferably a Peugeot 406 they want to sell, let us know!  

Later on in the day we had a proper chat with Dave, he did have a great time at the Brits, he met Busted, The Darkness (Kate’s so jealous!!) So Solid Crew, Justin Timberlake and 50 cent, amongst others. Dave said he didn’t think 50 cent got the joke when he called him 50 pence though lol. 50 cent seemed to take to Dave, ‘respect, the original’ was one of his quotes. Dave went on to enjoy himself and celebrate his Birthday in style at Kensington Roof Gardens and China Whites. Mind you, he does have one of the most beautiful ladies on his arm, Taz.

We had known well before the Brits occurred that the producers from ‘I’m a Celebrity’ had been in touch with Dave, Dave was well up for some time in the jungle and the casting producers he met loved him. Unfortunately the ‘powers that be’ said a ‘No’ to Dave at the last minute, just as they did to a couple of people from The Salon. This was confirmed to Dave when he met up with some of the casting producers again at the Brits, they really wanted him in the jungle. (We are surprised the police didn’t jump at the chance of putting Dave away over there for a couple of weeks!) Who knows, maybe next year?

There are quite a few projects in the pipeline for Dave during the rest of this year, so stay tuned.

Lastly we would like to wish Dave’s Mum all the very best, she is none to well at the moment and we send her all our love and best wishes.  

14th Feb 04.  

We had a long chat with Dave last night and he explained that the reason the police did not take away his bail was due to the facts that he threw back at them i.e.: That Brenden had been to the police station a week prior to Jen to report her approaching him, so how come she had not been in any trouble? Also that Jen has threatened many of Dave’s witnesses and friends, all of whom have reported it to the police, who have done nothing!  Dave questioned why Jen has done all of these things and not even been questioned about them, yet Dave is immediately pulled in for questioning?

So the police let Dave go, still on bail, to reappear on March 24th and Brendan to reappear on the 26th Feb both to then be charged with perverting the course of justice, the sad saga continues.  

On a lighter note, Dave has decided that Jerry should be ‘knighted’ by him for what he did, surviving a major crash and still managing to complete the task of getting very important documents to Mal at the .com site on time to help Dave. He said that Jerry has earned his knuckleduster. Lol

It didn’t dawn on us until the day after just what effect and memories it must have brought back for Dave, hearing about Jerry’s crash. As soon as we are mobile again we will pop up to Camelot for more news. 


12.30am Wed 11th Feb 04. 

We called Dave back asking if we could do anything for him or Taz, Dave asked if I (Jerry) could pop up to collect a few important letters and pictures to send over to the. site. He wanted to get them uploaded before he went to the police station the next morning. I was on my way by 12.30am from Eastbourne and was at Dave’s by 1.30am expecting Dave to be looking stressed thinking that he might be jailed the next day. But he looked quite relaxed and cracked a few jokes along the way surprise surprise! 

A couple of hours later I was on my way home with the package, clear dry roads and as black as Knookers knocker on the A21 traveling at about 70mph when something like a large dog or Fox ran across the front of my car causing me to involuntary pull away to the left. Being in the left hand lane I hit the hard shoulder and took flight hitting the metal barrier splitting the dual lanes from a slip road. I certainly knew what Dave had gone though, crash bang wallop, skid smash spark and then some! I came to a stop upside down in the middle of nowhere across the slip road. Oh Shit was just a little bit of what I was thinking. After making sure that I still had all my arms and legs, I switched off the engine, (good old Peugeot 406!) and realized that I was across the road just sitting there as the next target! I hit on the hazard lights, (yep they worked too!) and got out fast, crawling through the broken front window. After a quick scan to see where I was and how I had landed I knew that I had to get out the important documents and see if I could find my mobile, about 10 minutes had passed and not a soul in sight. There was smoke coming from under the dash by this time. The first thing that I found reaching into the side window was the torch, which had come from the boot!  By now the shock and shakes had started and I had to watch my back as the road was behind me with the possibility of on coming traffic.

After about another ten minutes of searching I finally recovered my phone, Dave’s documents and then my camera, it was then I noticed that I had traveled about 120 meters, half of that airborne. I rang the police and needed a fag desperately, thankfully I found my fags a few meters up the road, I felt then as if some one was looking after me. Before the police turned up I saw the Dave Courtney magnetic strips on the side of the car and thought that I should remove them to save getting any extra-added hassle. I knew the car was written off, I knew I was ok so all I wanted to do now was get home and get the job done for Dave.

After the police doing their bit and the ambulance doing there’s I just wanted to get home! The ambulance staff gave me a really tough time trying to convince me that I needed to go to the hospital for a once over as my blood pressure was slightly high (funny that!) They all said that I should really be dead after an accident like that but I adamantly refused to go in the ambulance I wanted to get home! Anyway, I would not leave the car since one of the policemen had taken a very keen interest in it and a dislike to me! (Strange that, good cop, bad cop, bad cop wanted to know where the drunk driver was and could I prove I was on my own?!  I Felt like saying when you are having a shit can you prove you were on your own!! I should have told him to ring Dave lol, Good cop then tells bad cop to back off, vote of sympathy for being a human canon ball I think) The car was taken away to a compound and the police were not offering to take me home, it was 4.45am by now, the good cop did offer to take me to the A&E at Tunbridge where I could get a cuppa and warm up, I had no choice really so hopped into the cop car to find out that one cop was a Dave Courtney fan and the other (a young WPC) had not heard of him. So for the next 20 minutes I had a free lesson on who Dave Courtney was from a coppers point of view funny that. They either love him or hate him!

I got a check up at A&E due to the gash in my head, not caused in the accident, passed that one with flying colours! It happened when I undid the fucking seatbelt and dropped down onto the roof!

I then walked to Tunbridge Wells railway station, a five minute walk that strangely took half an hour! (The short route!) Up to this point I didn’t want to call Kate, as I knew she would only panic. Well bugger me; little did I know she would be up at 6.30am, woken by Dave calling to see why his documents had not reached the DC.COM site yet! So poor Kate gets this call, Dave asking if the documents where up on DC.COM yet, where is Jerry? Kate told Dave that Jerry was not home “Fuck he left hours ago?” Kate panics, Dave worries, and I get a phone call while standing on the platform from Kate, relieved to hear my voice and asking where I was, well how do you explain that one! With a tannoy saying the “next train will be arriving on platform two”! Once I had explained to Kate that I was ok and the minor detail that the car was a wreck and I had recovered the documents, I came home via two trains and a cab in one piece a.s.a.p.

Mean while Kate called Dave back to tell him about the crash, his exact words were ‘fucking hell, no, is Jerry ok?’ Once Kate had explained the severity of the crash and that I was OK Dave then said ‘What about my documents then?’ remember this was Dave’s life too! Kate reassured him that I had recovered them and promised that I would call as soon as I got home. Then Kate had to let Mal at .com know.

So, I finally get home at 9am to a worried yet relieved Kate rushing around to prepare the house for the BBC TV crew due to arrive at 10.30am to film for the 1 o’clock news! (that’s another story) My hair was full of glass and I was knackered but had to get ready myself while Kate got to work on the documents. A quick call to Dave, an even quicker bath and brush up and I was ready to face the cameras!

And yes, we still managed to get the important documents typed up and emailed to Mal at the .com site before Dave got to the police station at 12 noon as these could have helped Dave to be set free.   

Kate spoke to Dave about 2pm and found out he was still a free man, I was out for the count at this time until Dave rang me at about 5pm. Dave wanted to see if I really was OK and say a big thanks and big respect for getting the job done. I would have been really pissed off had they locked Dave up but as usual Dave pulls one out of the bag just in the nick of time. I would have done it three times over if it meant Dave’s freedom as he is not guilty (this time) lol

Here is a few pictures see below; I’m not one to miss a good photo opportunity!


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11pm Tues 10 Feb 04 

We telephoned Dave at 11pm to find out that he was due at Plumstead police station at 12 noon the next day. Dave explained that this had all come about after Brenden met with Jen in a café at her request. Jen was angry and has apparently given a letter to the police to try and show Dave has perverted the course of justice. How can this be when she was the one who instigated the meetings and contact?

We sat and talked about how we could help, bearing in mind that we had a camera crew arriving at our house at 10.30am the next day.

We called Dave again at 12.30 am and this set off a remarkable chain of events!  

2 Feb 04 

We have today emailed a statement to Mal at the site regarding the Dave/Jen split. Until now we have remained neutral and not got involved partly Dave’s request, he just didn’t want us getting abuse from Jen. However, we have decided that we can no longer remain silent and that the truth has to be told. We did like Jen a lot and she was always kind to us, a good friend, but her actions recently have been unforgivable. We can no longer stand by and see Dave suffering or ‘go down’ for something he didn’t do. We witnessed so much and can give an honest and truthful picture as to the real state of their relationship. We can show who was the violent person in the relationship, both physically and verbally and although it pains us to do so, we must.

Dave has always been there for us, 100% and we are there for him.

Jen, you can contact us but remember when you read our statement that it is all true, 100% true, you know it and we know it and so do many others. We do not understand why you are doing these things when you could have had an amicable split while Dave was in hospital or at any time after, he offered you that and we know it because we were there. Ask yourself who is really going to benefit when the dust finally settles. Try to take a look at the bigger picture instead of acting on impulse day by day. You know how much Dave loves Courtney and we cannot understand why you have not allowed at least visiting rights. This seems to be sheer nastiness, how will you justify all this to her when she is old enough to understand and know the truth?

We know the relationship wasn’t a bed of roses and at times it was extremely hard and at the time you always did your best. We really wanted to support you both and remain close to you both but your actions recently have made it impossible and that is a great shame. Let the wounds heal and allow Courtney to know her father, allow her to be proud of you both.     


22 Jan 04 

Well, Ben did it, not only did he appear live on TV and win the prize he wanted, he also said a big Hello to Dave Courtney OBE! For the full story of his 15 minutes of fame hit this link.   It includes what Ben said to Dave and pictures of Ben with Dave taken later on during that day.

Dave phoned us immediately we came of air and said ‘wow, wow, wow, they couldn’t stop that one getting out!’ He spoke to Ben and we promised to call in and see him on our way home.

So, we popped in to Camelot on our journey back from the studios and Dave was still buzzing about it all, he made such a big fuss of Ben and so did Taz, who offered to marry Ben, he said ‘no thanks!’ lol (well he is only 11!)

Dave was in fine and fighting form, it was great to catch up with him and we will be seeing him again very soon.  


16 Jan 04 

Hi folks, a belated Happy New Year! We haven’t been updating here much recently as all the news has been the Dave/Jen split and Dave didn’t want us to carry news about it fearing the abuse we may suffer if we do. Of course we have kept in daily contact with Dave and visited him often, offering our support to both him & Taz.

But today we have some news, our son Ben will be on TV on the This Morning show with Phil & Fern on Wednesday 21/1/04 with his amazing collection of Mr Men! Ben is quite determined to say a big Hello to Dave (sssshhhhh!! Or they may stop him lol)

Update to follow!

14 Dec 2003

We have been keeping in regular touch with Dave but as he says himself 'Christmas is always quiet, even for Dave Courtney OBE!' So, not a lot of news or gossip but we hope that by the end of Feb 2004 we will be able to announce a tour of brand new shows for 2004 (not 'audience withs', something new) starring Dave and other actors. We are also working on a new web site for Taz which we hope to launch in the new year, we will let you know as soon as it is up & live.

Dave and Taz are well and very happy and would like to wish you all a  Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Today is Courtney's birthday, Dave, Jerry & Kate would like to wish her a very happy one and we all hope to see her soon. 

Until next time, eat, drink & be merry! Worry about the rest next year!

13 Nov 2003

We enjoyed a successful evening at the Circus Tavern, Essex, on Sunday the 9th November. The Tavern was packed out with fans, friends and celebrities. The film 'Hell To Pay' is now looking excellent following its final editing and the out-takes were very funny! As usual it received thunderous applause at the end and Dave followed on with a short 'audience with' live on stage. A very big 'well done' and 'thank you' to Adrian who organised the event and painstakingly set up the film projector.

 It was great to see so many of you there and a fantastic opportunity to catch up with old friends, especially Seymour, Brendan, Taz, Bev and Dean Cox and Jacket. In the crowd were Tony Lambriano,  Ceaser the Geezer, a crowd of the 'Outlaws' and Simon Weston OBE to name just a few. We were joined at our table by our good friends Bobby George (darts legend) and his family, Frank Scantori, Director and model Paul.

Below are some pictures of the event, if you have any that you would like us to display please email them to us in jpeg format.


07 Nov 2003

We are really looking forward to Sunday night at The Circus Tavern, Essex where fans and friends are gathering for a showing of 'Hell To Pay', 'an audience with DC' and the filming of the first scenes of Dave's new movie 'Get Courtney'. Don't miss it!

Our own guests will be our good friends Bobby George, Darts legend, his wife Marie and family and the director of Dave's newest project (yet to be announced) 'Big Frank'. We are also looking forward to catching up with our special friend and Dave's right hand man Seymour whom we spoke at length with today.

The award winning film Triads, Yardies and Onion Bahjees in which Dave plays 'Mad Dave' from the 'East End Firm' is showing at the Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square, London tonight, Saturday and next Wednesday. For full details visit

We had a long chat to Dave on Wednesday evening, he was on his way up to Birmingham to his very good friend Big Albert Chapman's birthday bash. We spoke to Dave again today to finalize details for Sunday and he said that they all had a wicked time with Big Albert, Thanks Albert!

So, see you all on Sunday, full report and pictures will follow ASAP.

30 Oct 2003

Apologies that the site has been so quiet lately, we have been in regular touch with Dave (as always) but it is currently very difficult to carry news, ideas and forthcoming events due to Dave's impending Court case. As you know, we have decided, jointly with Dave that we will not carry news about his marriage breakdown, however we do wish Dave all the best with the court case. The case is the reason that we have been unable to announce the launch of Dave's new shows and tour, organised by us and planned for 2004. However, the new tour will be going ahead just as soon as matters are concluded. In fact, Dave met with our script writer, Clive, at Steve Wraith's party at the Blind Beggar just last week and we are all meeting up in Jan 2004 to hand pick the actors for the tour.   

News from Dave is as follows:

Dave sends his apologies but his new single's release date has been delayed. The single has had to go back into the studios to have a swear word removed so that it can be played on the radio!  He will let us know the new release date for 'The Ten Commandments' ASAP.

Dave is to star in two new films, the first is 'Six Ben Trap' currently being filmed in the Midlands. This film is set around the dog racing circuit and also stars Jo Guest. The second film is called 'Rewind' and is a British gangster movie, the filming for this starts on the 11 Nov 2003.

Dave is also planning to make another film, this time one of his own, directed by DC himself, to be called 'The White Rolls Royce' For those of you old enough to remember, there was a film called 'The Yellow Rolls Royce' a story all about the life of, surprisingly enough, a yellow rolls royce. Well, if you have read Dave's books you will know that his white rolls has had many, many adventures. From its start as a mayor's rolls through to its end taking Dave to the Lord Mayor of London events. So, if you are a script writer, cameraman etc let us know and you could be involved in this very exciting project! We will be seeing Dave next week in person so send us your emails ASAP!   

24 Sept 2003

Dave's new single 'Ten Commandments' is to be released on the 27th Oct 2003 by Universal, Creative Tech. The catalogue number is CVR/CT/18081/2 Bar Code 799761808122.


21 Sept 2003

On Wednesday 17th we journeyed up to Camelot to await the arrival of Rancid, unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond everyone's control, Rancid could not make it to Camelot that evening. However, Dave did go out with Rancid to a party where Dave also met Pink for the first time. Things were then hastily rearranged and Kate travelled up to Camelot again on Friday 19th with our daughter Mel and her friend Daryl. At 6.45pm Dave, Taz, Jacket and the Sky TV crew followed closely by us made our way to Brixton. This time things went very well, Dave had organised 'all area' passes for Rancid's gig at Brixton Academy for us all. 

We arrived at Brixton Academy at about 7.30pm to see huge queues of fans outside, many of them recognised Dave and stopped him for a chat or photograph. Dave then ushered us to the stage door and handed out the passes. We proceeded to Rancid's dressing room where two of the band members made us very welcome, handing out drinks and posing for photographs. Apparently the other members were still preparing themselves for the show. Jacket, Kate and the kids went up onto the balcony to watch the support band whilst Dave & Taz stayed with Rancid. Of course, the kids soon wanted to be down in the thick of it with the cheering crowds. A short time later us grown ups adjourned to the bar where Dave appeared and let us know that we would be watching the whole show from backstage! Quick, find those kids! No worries, we found them hanging around outside Rancid's door, excited by the fact that Pink had just arrived.

We all made our way back to Rancid's dressing room where the whole band had gathered for photographs, along with Pink. Mel and Daryl were like kids on Christmas eve, they loved it! At about 9.15pm we went backstage where Jacket had a field day egging on the audience to shout for Rancid. At 9.30pm Rancid took the stage, Kate said despite being a heavy metal fan in her youth, she had never seen anything quite like it! The crowd went wild, they were passing bodies over their heads for the safety crew to catch at the front and then redirect back in to the audience. We were all grateful that we were backstage and not crushed up amongst the heaving crowd!

The song 'David Courtney' was third to be played and the fans amazed us by knowing all the words and joining in with huge enthusiasm. A whole new army of DC fans all screaming out his name! To watch Rancid backstage and see all the action close up was truly amazing!

At the end of the show Rancid and Pink invited us all into the dressing room for more photo's. We all had an unforgettable night's entertainment so a very big thank you to Helmet, the tour manager whom Kate had first contacted, to Rancid, to Pink and especially to Dave.   

Below you will find thumbnail photo's of the evening, just click on them to enlarge.


15 Sept 2003

We have just received a telephone call from Helmet, Rancid arrive in London in the early hours of Wednesday. A meeting has been arranged at Camelot and we will be there to capture it all for you and bring you the latest news and photographs of the occasion.

We are also immensely busy putting together a tour for Dave in 2004, but with something completely new and unique. More details will follow after we have finalized dates and rehearsals, be patient, this will definitely be worth waiting for and it will have a huge launch!

04 Sept 2003

Today we managed to speak personally with the road manager of Rancid, Helmet, thanks to Chris at Hell Cat records for putting us in touch. Rancid were very keen to speak to Dave and to meet up with him while they are on tour in the U.K. We immediately called Dave who was in the editing studios at the time and within minutes he was chatting away to Rancid.

Dave will be meeting Rancid when they are in London, entertaining them at Camelot and spending time with them whilst they are here. Dave is also hoping to feature Rancid's song, 'David Courtney' from the album 'Indestructible' in his film 'Hell To Pay' along with a couple of Rancid's other tracks. 

We will be with Dave and Rancid at Camelot and will bring you an exclusive interview with the band and photographs of the occasion. Watch this space!

Our meeting with Dave last Saturday was immensely successful and we will be bringing you an exclusive press release about the next move in Dave's career very soon. 

01 Sept 2003

On Tuesday 2nd September Dave will be attending a Celebrity Gala Night featuring Jimmy White , Ronnie O'Sullivan , Ronnie Wood & Keith Richard (Rolling Stones) , Phil Tuffnell , East 17 featuring Brian Harvey , numerous very well known Footballers , Cast Members from Eastenders, The Bill, Most Haunted and many many more stars of stage & screen. Tickets £50 - available from Caesars (0208 6713000).

All proceeds from the night will go to the  Chloe Wright Appeal Fund. Three year-old Chloe has been diagnosed with Embryonal Rhabdomyosacoma stage 4, which means she has soft tissue cancer at an advanced stage. There is no stage 5 so it is vitally important that the appeal raises £100,000 to help send Chloe to Houston, Texas where the best treatment is available to help her beat this terrible disease.  

28th August 2003

More news re Rancid! Dave requested that we contact the record company in America on his behalf and let them and Rancid know just how thrilled he is about the release of 'Indestructible' featuring the song 'David Courtney'

After a couple of days of emails and calls to America we managed to speak to Chris, a very helpful and charming man at the record company. Chris was thrilled about us and Dave getting in touch and told us that Rancid are on tour at the moment in Europe and that they are coming to the good old UK in September! Chris contacted the tour manager and we are now in touch with him directly organising for Dave to attend Rancid's live show(s) at Brixton Academy in September.

For all the UK tour dates hit this link:


It seems that there is a mutual appreciation society between Rancid and Dave and they are all looking forward to meeting up again. We hope that Rancid will have time in their busy schedule to visit Camelot and of course we will be there and at the shows to capture it all on film.  

We will update you as soon as we have final details.

25th August 2003

Well, we just arrived home after Ben's treatment in Chester which was very successful, thanks again to Dave for helping to raise the money to pay for this vital visit, one of many. Of course we kept in contact with Dave throughout our time away and immediately upon our return.

Dave had some great news for us today, heard of Rancid? If you are into punk/heavy rock you will have, they are an American punk/rock band with a huge following. They appear often on Kerrang music channel on Sky TV, channel 454, as well as in the Kerrang magazine. Well, they have just released a new album called Indestructible, on which is a single called David Courtney and yep, its all about Dave! We listened to it today on line, we love it and if you want to hear it hit on this CD link, it is track number four:


Let us know what you think!

We are going to Camelot Saturday for an important meeting and should have some good news for you upon our return, we hope to be able to announce some fantastic plans for the very near future for Dave and all his fans. Everyone is buzzing about it! Watch this space!

16th August 2003

Pics loading

We had a really wicked time when Dave, Taz, Jacket & Jackie came to stay over for the weekend. Dave came down to Eastbourne to help raise money for our son Ben & we raised £1100 to help get Ben his new Bed & Bed-Monitor leaving enough for Ben to have two more visits up in Chester for his treatment. So a big thank you Dave from Kate & Jerry.

Friday was show night, Saturday was party night in Brighton, Sunday was recovery day!

Jerry, Kate, Taz & Dave.

Jacket, Kate, Taz & Dave.

Whilst Dave was here I decided to cast his Face.

Of course Jacket had to take advantage of the situation. 

But as ever Dave makes the best of things, "Cheers Dave"

Friday evening the limo turned up to take Dave & Co to the Tally Ho, sorry not to get it all in the picture!

Dave, Taz, Kate,  Jacket & Jackie piled in the back & popped the corks to 2 bottles of the finest champagne. Dave gave a third bottle to my daughter as she had to house sit.

Dave at the Tally Ho, entertaining a packed house in his own unique style.

Huge thanks to Adrian Docherty for organising the sound system at the Tally Ho, we really do appreciate your on going help, advice and support, you are a true friend! Thanks also to Neil & his staff for all their hard work and in raising so much money too.

13th Aug 2003

We are all eagerly awaiting Dave's 'audience with' show here in Eastbourne on the 15th Aug at the Tally Ho, Church Street  which we expect to be a huge success. The show has been promoted locally by radio, posters, flyers and this superb article in The Argus newspaper. We have a fantastic weekend planned and we will update you on Monday (if we have recovered by then!) In the meantime, enjoy the article!

30 July 2003

Hi again folks, hope you are all well and happy! We did pop up to Camelot, sooner than we expected, in fact we had to go and rescue our friend on the 18th July! Thanks again to Dave for taking care of him. It was great to bump into our good friend Seymour again and of course we all ended up down the local with Dave where this fantastic picture of Dave playing pool one handed whilst chatting on the phone was taken!

We also had the pleasure of meeting Taz, Dave's new lady for the first time, she is a charming young lady, very stunning too! Have a look at the pictures we took of of the new couple who will be visiting us in sunny (well hopefully!) Eastbourne on the 15th & 16th of August.

We have arranged for Jerry to take some more photographs of Dave & Taz in his studio during their stay with us, so watch this space!

We did not update this page immediately upon our return as we usually do because our own little boy has been very very poorly and in hospital recently. We kept in touch with Dave though, well he is our boy's 'Godfather'. We have discovered that our son needs a special alarm/monitor for his bed and other equipment and Dave was determined to help, heart of gold has Dave and anyone who doubts this just come and meet our son who adores Dave. Anyway, Dave will be doing a hastily arranged audience with at the Tally Ho Pub in Eastbourne on the 15th August at 8pm, with all the proceeds going towards the new equipment Ben needs.

OK, better sign off now, we have to phone DC for more latest news.....back soon!

17 July 2003

Hi everyone! Yes, we know, long time no update! SORRY!!! A few reasons; we have been very busy ourselves with our son and his specialist treatment, organising Dave's new venture (sorry still secret but hopefully to be very exciting and unique), managing and joining Bobby George (darts legend) on his local exhibitions. We also felt that Dave needed time to sort things out at home without being constantly bugged by us for news etc. Trust you understand! We have, of course kept in very regular contact with Dave.

We discussed with Dave the issues surrounding his private life and we jointly decided with Dave that our site would not carry any more information on the sad break up of his marriage to Jen, we have left this matter to the .com site. This is because we have always been very close friends to both Dave & Jen and not just 'some couple' who run a website for Dave. We chose not to get caught in the middle and do not want to hurt either party involved, Dave was also very concerned about any backlash (of which, we have had none) towards us as we are his friends. We do wish both Dave and Jen all the best for the future.      

On to Dave's latest news: Dave has just returned from Edinburgh where he made a documentary about cage fighting. Whilst there he met Ray Nichols is organising a 15 date tour of shows in Scotland with DC and Ken Bucanan (boxer) so something for all you Scottish fans to look forward to!

Dave also held a very successful audience with show in Jersey recently, his first show on the beautiful Island. This was organised by the Outlaws and Dave would like to say a big Thank you to them all, Marla, Jim, Ian and Norman. He had a ball!

Dave's trip to America has been postponed until Jan 2004 to allow time for interviews with prisoners over there to be arranged. Dave is going to the USA to make a documentary about touring the country on his Harley with a bike gang. Dave will also be making another documentary about crime and punishment in the USA, interviewing prisoners, chain gangs and discussing punishments such as the death penalty, including the electric chair.  

And last but not least, Dave would like to say a very big 'Hello' to George (an old school friend),  he hopes to see you very soon, preferably when Jerry is also there so they can all reminisce together! Also 'Hello' to Keir and a very Happy Birthday to Daisy Jones for the 28th July, sweet sixteen!

Well, that's it for now, pop back again soon for more news and gossip, we will be going to Camelot next week, so keep those emails coming in!  

15 June 2003

Hello again, we have just returned from Chester (with a visit to Wales thrown in for good measure) and Dave's first question on our return was 'How is little Ben?' Well, as promised here is the update: Ben's tests showed that with the right treatment he can be helped to have a much better quality of life in the future, so good news. Thanks again to Dave for helping us to raise the funds to pay for Ben's treatments.  We also had some exciting, but for now, secret news for Dave and will be visiting Camelot next week for a meeting with Dave to discuss recent events. By the way, Wales is truly beautiful, especially Port Meririon where the Prisoner was filmed, for those of you old enough to remember it! Well worth a visit, as is the Dr Who exhibition! Great fun!

On to other things; The split between Dave and Jen is final and they will not be getting back together. As you are all aware, our message board is vetted, unlike most others and so we will not and do not carry any of the very nasty rumours currently circulating on other message boards. No one but the couple concerned knows the truths, lies or full details about the personal relationship that they had, so please bear in mind most of what you read on other forums is just that, rumours. Things are very hard for any couple at a time like this and privacy is required by all parties so please, no more emails or phone calls to Dave or ourselves regarding this matter. Dave has made it clear that he knows all he needs to at this stage and would really appreciate no more calls regarding the matter. Dave is trying his very best to keep things as dignified and nice as possible at this time, for everyone's sake. When the timing is right we are sure that Dave will issue you all a further statement. Dave and Knuckleduster are determined not to be drawn into any kind of slanging match and neither of us are interested in any detrimental remarks about Jen or Dave himself for that matter. 

05 June 2003

Look out Brighton, here comes Dave Courtney! 

Our poor old house was a little like Dave's on the afternoon of the 5th June as people arrived from all over the place to join us for the showing of Hell To Pay at Komedia in Brighton. Seymour arrived first, quickly followed by model Paul Murphy and another good friend of ours 'Wolf' From then on the house descended into chaos! We were supposed to get away early enough to visit the Synergy Gallery in Hove who are displaying and selling some of our artwork from Creative Casts, no such luck! We arrived late, sorry Martin.

Despite being local yokels we had to get the map out to locate Komedia but arrived safely only to discover that Dave was still at his hotel! After a short walk we found the hotel in question and proceeded to gate crash Dave's room, 'Don't worry about it' says Dave, 'Its hardly going to start without me!'

We eventually arrive back at Komedia, with Dave in tow, to find a full house and Mary (Chris Eubanks PA) & her son Steve waiting patiently for us. Adrian was on hand yet again to introduce the film, thanks Adrian. After a small technical hitch, during which Dave kept the audience entertained, the film began to loud clapping and cheering. The film was, as usual, very well received and at the end the crowd really did raise the roof. Dave was up on stage within minutes cracking jokes and answering questions from the very enthusiastic audience. Dave really was firing on all pistons, the funniest show we have seen to date. We finally left Komedia and went on to the Honey Club for the after show party.

We would like to say a very very big thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets at the show, you can be assured that little Ben (a ten year old autistic and epileptic child) will now be able to go ahead with his second treatment at the B.I.R.D (brain injuries) centre in Chester next week. Many people asked us to keep them up to date with his progress so we will do that here from now on. Thanks to Dave for helping and supporting Ben's treatment, it really means a lot. 

Thanks also to Indiana who worked very very hard organising the show, Adrian for sorting out the technical hitch, Paul for helping with the raffle and Seymour, well just for being there and being so very supportive!   

24th May 2003

We spoke with Dave today to ask him how it all went at Cannes. Although both the films were well received, Dave didn't get to see either of them shown, he was banged up in a French police cell for ten hours! Don't ask! We will be going to see Dave later in the week, so we will update you more after our visit. Seymour came to stay with us for a week prior to Cannes, and what a mad week that was! Seymour got roped into helping us prepare for our Creative Casts exhibition stand at The Plus show in Brighton (similar to Erotica) but boy did we have have a wicked time! Dave came to the show on Sunday 18th May and had a great day, we will be doing a write up about the Plus Show and Dave's day out with us at the show as soon as we can, so watch this space. Most importantly a big huge thank you to Seymour for all his help and support and also thanks to Dave for coming along and supporting us! Personally, we have not been able to update this site quite as often as we used to due to the growing success of our own new business, Creative Casts but we do still see Dave on an almost weekly basis and hope to update here weekly from now on.

On a sadder and more serious note, here is a statement from Dave:

Allo People,

Sorry I ain't had the manners to of found the time to talk to u all personally on the site for a long time, but I've been goin thru it a bit lately with me personal life and been fuck-off busy wiv work and still tryin to mend after me accident.

The reason I've felt it necessary to talk to u today is that Jenny and me are no longer together, all my own doin, I'm afraid to say. Since my accident it's been very hard for her and our relationship suffered badly. It's no secret I'm no longer the man I was, but don't panic I'm on the mend I promise. I've been havin all sorts of tests and good injections in my foot and I'm havin another operation done when I come back from Jamaica in June. I'm told that should do it, the rest of me is mendin ok, very slowly, but ok.

Anyway its unimportant which actual straw broke the camel's back, but I been putting the straws on her back daily, and although u can see all the mistakes very clearly after u have made em, it's too fuckin late ain't it? So bein sorry don't actually mean jack shit.

Hell have no fury like a woman scorned, as my old nan used to say. How fuckin true is that one ha ha ha, and at the moment she's very scorned after our last very physical encounter (if you know what I mean).

I think you always still love your ex-partners in a strange kinda way, but once the lust has left a relationship you might as well leave with it and she has left. I wish her nothin but good luck, and truly have no doubts at all she will be very happy and successful in whatever relationship or career she goes into next. I'm honestly saying she's one in 10 million and anyone who's lucky enough to know her will tell you that as well, and I will miss her very very deeply as the time goes on, I know I lost a good one there. I'm gutted really, but there u go and if I could go back and change it I would, but I can't.

The flip side of that is I'm now single again and u know what that means don't ya. I will be interviewin, doin the medicals and havin the trials for the next set of applicants for the position startin next week, so get some lube ...

Finishin on a serious note I really, really am try to learn to be computer literate, and get into it more for ya. Its a fuckin hard one too, like this letter was, as u could imagine the hurt and embarrassment of the whole thing for both of us is not very nice and to having to let the whole world know about yer private life is not always easy, but I'm afraid I'm in that bracket of people that do have to. What a bollock-ache that is sometimes aint it?

Be lucky

Dave Courtney OBE

07th May 2003

We spoke to Dave yesterday and again today concerning his film 'Hell to Pay' It is true that Dave pulled the plug on the film earlier this week because he was unhappy with the final edit. Dave told us that to many people it must have looked like he had cut his nose off to spite his face, but it now appears that in fact he did exactly the right thing. Yesterday Dave received an important phone call and it has been agreed that the film will be re-edited until Dave is totally happy with it and it will now include Dave's songs. Dave was off to sort it all out at lunchtime today, so lets all keep our fingers crossed that this time there are no hitches. We will update you again as soon as we hear from Dave, hopefully tonight.

27th April 2003

By the time we arrived at Camelot at about 3pm a small crowd had gathered, meanwhile Dave & Jen were out at a football match. Of course we are sure that you all know why we were there, the long awaited premier of 'Hell to Pay' at Caesar's in Streatham, London. As the afternoon went on the house became more and more crowded as people arrived from all over the country. By the time Dave arrived home you could hardly move, there was even a film crew waiting to capture the whole thing! Kate's job at this point was to sort out Dave's refreshments and run his bath, the film crew interviewed Dave while he prepared himself for the big night ahead (even while he cleaned his teeth!!)

By the time we left Camelot for Caesar's there was a convoy of about 20+ cars, headed by Dave (in the limo of course!) and guess whose car arrived first and left last?! We decided not to follow the convoy (as Jerry knows that area of London very well) and we actually arrived before the convoy!

Caesars was packed with every sort of person from every walk of life. We met Freddie Foreman, Joey Pile, Roy Shaw and Telboy. Also present were Pierre (who painted the 'fallen angel' which was on display for all to see), Brendan and Seymour. many of the films cast were also there, in fact there were so many people, to many to mention, so apologies to those we have missed. The biggest thank you must go to Adrian, who organised the whole event, well done Adrian!

So, the lights go down low and the film begins. During the film there was often spontaneous applause, cheering and much laughter too (especially at Terry Turbo who was fantastic!) At the end of the film the crowd broke into thunderous applause and cheering without any prompting. The film had gone down very well, in fact it was a huge success.

During a break, we organised a raffle for the number one issue of our limited edition of the knuckleduster wall clock and for one of Dave's dusters. (someone famous won this, but our lips are sealed, just incase you know who are watching!) The raffle raised much needed funds for our charity, and then Dave went on to auction a few pieces of memorabilia from the film and chatted on stage. When Dave left the stage he was swamped by people wanting to chat, get autographs and talk about the film. We left at around midnight (sorry Dave that we couldn't join you after the show at the rave) and the place was still buzzing! The evening had been another huge success for Dave and 'Hell to Pay'  

24th April 2003

We arrived at Camelot about 5pm on the 24th following a request from Dave to help him prepare for Friday's main event. Dave had a small army of workers already there when we arrived and we all worked solidly until the early hours preparing for the day ahead. Thanks to everyone who helped! We grabbed a few hours doze and were up again at the crack of dawn to add the finishing touches. By 10am all was ready for the arrival of Dave's guest, all arranged by us and our new business, Creative Casts. As some of you will know, we are doing hand casts of famous people to auction for our nominated charity, Allergy Induced Autism.

At 10.45am a film crew from Carlton TV arrived to capture the event and announced that the guest would be arriving very shortly. At 11am we saw the car pull up and there was Chris Eubank who had agreed to have his hands cast for our charity and meet Dave at the same time! All this was to be filmed as part of a documentary about Chris. The day was fantastic, the banter between Dave & Chris was really something to witness and our hand casts of Chris amazed everyone.

For a full story of 'Dave meets Chris Eubank' click this link      


22nd April 2003

We were thrilled, although not surprised, to learn from Dave that the first showing of 'Hell To Pay' at The Casino Rooms in Rochester was such a huge success. Having seen the film while Dave was still in hospital we knew it would be a big hit! We are sorry that we could not attend in person at Rochester due to family commitments, but we will be at Caesar's for the showing of 'Hell To Pay' on the 27th of April. We will be raffling one of our clocks for charity at this event and we are also hoping to have a very exclusive and totally one off poster of Dave made specially for the event to raffle too! Check out the knuckleduster T-shirts and wall clocks, we will be able to take orders for these at Caesars. 

We are visiting Dave at Camelot on Friday so don't forget to email us any questions that you have for him! We will update this page again on Friday evening (or Saturday morning depending on what time we get home!) with details of Friday's visit which should be a totally unique and exclusive experience! Say no more, top secret! Just keep watching! See you all at Caesars!  

 28th March 2003

We arrived at Dave's just after lunch time, the first thing we noticed was the beautiful new water feature in the front garden. Dave was out setting up a few deals! Jen was getting ready to go to the studio. We asked about the water feature and here is the story behind it.

On Mothers Day Dave arranged a little surprise for Jen, Jacket and a friend set to work after Jen had gone to bed on the Saturday, working until the early hours of the morning installing a water feature in the front garden. Making out that they had locked themselves out, they banged furiously on the door at 4a.m. to wake Jen up. Still half asleep, Jen opened the door to see her Mother's Day present in its full glory, what an amazing and romantic present from Dave! 

And here it is!

Jen then left to go to the studio, this gave us time to cast Courtney's hands, a nice surprise for Jen when she came home. See pictures below.

Dave turned up a little later, looking as smart as usual and asked "Princess, (Kate) can you get some suits out of the car" Jacket also helped to bring in about 15 new suits, mostly black in colour with real snazzy logo's and detailed embroidery, also there was a beautiful silk cherry two piece that looked like it was worth a pretty penny or two! Dave started to pose with his new suits on, when unexpectedly he asked me (Jerry) to try one on. Confused I said "Don't be silly that wont fit me I'm a 38inch chest, you must be 42!"  He insisted that I was to try it on but yet again I told him that it wouldn't fit me. Dave threw over the jacket with a grin on his face saying "go on try it!" I did and to my surprise it fit perfectly!  I looked perplexed and Dave said "I got it for you" I was so pleased, Thanks Dave, but he hadn't finished yet! He then pulled  another one off the rack and said "I'm glad I got your size right as I have another one I thought you might like, hope you like it" I loved it. Dave said "it's a thank you for being there and  for all the work and support from you and Kate"

Our next 'mission' was to cast Dave's hand, complete with his famous duster. We have recently launched a new business that specializes in life castings so detailed they even pick up fingerprints. We have been persuading various celebs to have their hands or feet cast for charity and we plan to hold a charity auction of all the famous casts at a later date. You can see our other celebrity casts at which is also the business that is responsible for the knuckleduster wall clocks. 

Dave said that this reminded him of someone of being immersed in cement! His Daughter, Courtney watches on.


Dave said that he felt a little 'harmless' right now!


Dave said he was really impressed with the cast.

I brought the hand cast home to allow it to dry before placing it on a base and giving it a coat of sealant to protect it. The final cast will be shown here a.s.a.p.

Mar 24th 2003

Hello again! We have spoken to Dave & Jen on a regular basis over the past couple of weeks and basically its all quiet at the moment.  We will be visiting Dave on Friday of this week when we will finally be doing the hand casts we have mentioned. This coincides with the launch of our own new business at which is one of the reasons we have not been updating here as often as usual. We have been very busy with this and other family commitments.


Mar 7th 2003

Way back in November, you may remember we mentioned that Dave was working with Rob Ferguson at his recording studios in Harold, Bedford. Well the good news is that Dave's first single will be released soon the great news is that there will also be an album released later in the year!

The single and album will be released on CT records and distributed by Century Vista Records/Universal. The catalogue number for the single is CVR CT 18081-2 and for the album the catalogue number is CVR CT 18082-1 so get down to your local record store now and order them both!

Together we can make Dave number one and having heard a few of the tracks, we know that you won't be disappointed, he really can sing!!      


Feb 24th 2003

A few thank you's from Dave: Dave said that he had a great time at last nights 'audience with' at Utopia in Reading. Thanks to Utopia, Les, for sorting it all out and Bad Boy Jeremy Bailey. A big 'Hello' to Craig and thanks for some of the most interesting set of questions asked at a show for ages!

Big Congratulations to Manny Clark for winning his boxing match on Saturday. Also Congrats to Jeremy Bailey for winning his match and for taking me out to celebrate Sunday night after the show (and the 'tour de Basingstoke!')

Lastly, but not leastly, Congrats to Beau and Kerry who have just moved house and home (to Essex!) I wish them lots of success and luck in the future.


Feb 23rd 2003

Well hello everyone, sorry that we have not updated for a while, but it's been totally mad here lately! (won't bore you with the details!)

Anyway, we did chat to Dave just before he went to Miami (and we mean just before!) Just as well really, as we were about to pop up and see him, we got the dates confused somehow.

We caught up with Dave by phone on Friday 20/2/02 (just before we let our 16 year old have our house to celebrate her birthday, not a good idea!) Dave's offered to be our daughters 'date' for her prom night! We are sure yet if she is totally happy about it or not lol She said "he's bald and a bit old for me" By the way, Dave says a big Hello to all you girls from Causeway school, Eastbourne!

Dave had only just arrived in Miami when the USA put its alert status up to high, coincidence or what! Dave said he had a wicked time in Miami, he went over for many reasons, most importantly for the Miami film festival where Hell To Pay was screened. By all accounts the film was very, very well received.

Dave also had a fantastic day out with the Outlaws, appeared on three TV shows, did two radio broadcasts and another documentary. Dave stayed in the President Hotel and enjoyed a jar or two at the local Irish bar on Collins Ave/Ocean Boulevard. Whilst drinking at this bar one night Dave met quite a few marines which led on to him being offered a two year stint doing 'audience withs' for the marines at all the barracks around the USA! (mind you, not until after the Iraq thing has been sorted!) Dave also enjoyed the 'Bed Club' Guess we will find out more about this when we next visit!

Dave also saw the foot specialist from the Miami Dolphins, who has carried out lots of tests and will be sending the results to Dave's specialist over here.

On the whole, the USA is going DC mad!

Dave's invited us up to Camelot for a couple of nights during half term where we will also meet up with Pierre who has finished the painting of Dave. We will be taking some professional photographs of the painting for Pierre and also doing some body casts of Dave (and maybe even Jen too!) Dave will want that foot professionally 'rubbed' as well!

So get those emails for Dave to us and they will be in his hands within the next week.

Jan 29th 2003

We chatted to Dave again today, just to sort out the latest article for PSI 2 (play station 2) magazine. Don't miss it, its due out on 20th Feb 2003. Before we get lots of emails, the game 'Getaway' is based on Dave, in fact Dave should have been at the launch of this game in Leicester square but was in hospital at the time. Dave's good pal Ricky held the fort for him though and Dave wants us to say a big thank you to Ricky. We have played 'Getaway' ourselves when up at Camelot, its a brill game and a good likeness of Dave in it too.

Dave was telling us all about his day pheasant shooting in Ashford with Hamish, the script writer for his latest film 'Get Courtney'  He really made us laugh when he told us how he had to go into the local gun shop. The poor lad behind the counter nearly fainted when he saw Dave before recovering to ask what Dave wanted. Dave had to say 'a pair of wellies please!' Still he bagged a couple of pheasants for tea!

Dave said don't miss Brendan on BBC2 tomorrow night in a programme called 'Easy Money' at 9.50pm, as if we would! Who saw car sharks today then? Let us know what you thought.

Dave spent all day today with Tel who runs Roy Shaw's web site. Dave said he had an excellent day, he beat Tel at pool (one handed of course!) and made Tel listen to his new record ten times til he knew it off by heart! Mind you, we heard it last week and it is great! (honest!) I'm sure Tel will be in touch and let us know what he thinks.

We also spoke to Jen and she tells us that she is writing a book with a working title of 'Living with Dave Courtney' It is due out in June 2003. Jen is also about to appear on stage as a singer in 'Cotton Club' at the Stratford Theatre. You can see her perform there throughout June 2003.

Don't forget, email us any questions for Dave as we will be visiting him personally again very soon.

Jan 28th 2003

Had a bit of a gossip with Dave tonight, he tells us that the long awaited painting should by ready by the end of next week. As well as having real gold and diamonds within it, it also has real hairs, painfully plucked from Dave's own hand! A DNA painting of Dave!

Hell To Pay is on schedule for release at the end of March, catch a preview at Caesars in Streatham on the 2nd March. Other venues for previews will be at the Circus Tavern, Essex and the Casino Rooms, Rochester.

Dave tells us he is sponsoring the Royal Artillery Football team based at Woolwich, SE London and is Patron and sponsor of Honor Oak Boxing Club, where he boxed as a young man.

Dave has strong opinions about the on-going firefighters dispute. Dave said:

" Anyone with any common sense has got to agree that a fireman has got to be worth as much as a train driver, no disrespect to train drivers. Firefighters save our babies after all and I have utmost respect for them. The press have manipulated the public to hate our fire service, even the army hate them now as they have to do their job when they should be fighting wars. This is not right. I'm a fireman believer, big time"

We will be visiting Dave and Jen again very soon and we will also be attending most of Dave's shows and film premieres, we hope to see many of you there. This will enable us to give you a real insight into the shows, especially behind the scenes and provide you with lots of exclusive pictures. You can even get your own photo with Dave and see it on this site! 

Jan 27th 2003

See Dave in Car Sharks Wednesday 29th 1pm on Sky Bravo. Dave's team go up against the police to see which team can do up an old banger for £500 quid and then sell it for a profit, the team who makes the most cash wins. But do they?

This is a repeat but well worth watching even if you have seen it before. Dave is firing on all pistons in this one. See pictures below


Click on one of the thumbnails above to see
much higher resolution pictures of the Hell2Pay
Roller in a new window.

January 13th 2003

Well, another visit to Camelot resulting in lots of news and lots of photographs for us to upload over the next few days! Dave was on top form and looking a lot fitter (and more tanned!) than on our last visit. Jen was very busy, as usual, and had had quite a morning of it! She still cooked a mean breakfast though!

Then something happened to brighten Jen's day, good news in the  post, Dave has finally been allowed to open a bank account and he says "Thanks Barclays, now I'm legit!"  Dave was well chuffed by the news, Jen was over the moon to get a bank card & cheque book  too. Dave said "its only taken nine years!" Within forty-five minutes Jen wanted to go shopping, Dave saw it coming.

Brendan was back from New York after a successful visit, he has arranged some 'Audience withs' for August and a tour with the band 'The Business' while in the States. As usual the British 'establishment' are trying their very best to scupper Dave's promotion and plans even in the U.S. What's new there then?!

Jen tells us that she is featured in this coming Sunday Mirror magazine, so watch out for that and Dave will shortly feature in The Chatham Standard.  Jen is performing at 'The Paradise Bar' New Cross Road SE14 on the last Friday of each month.

Dave says that his monthly radio broadcast with Passion FM may be taken off air, as the establishment are trying there best to close it down. So please don't be to disappointed if you can not tune in as we have warned you, lets just hope it goes ahead as planned.

There are a couple more 'Audience withs' booked and also we will be running a competition over the next couple of weeks. Check out the competition link and the audience with link on the front page for full details.

Please bear with us while we upload various news items and photographs over the coming days, there is much to do!

Finally, a big 'Hello' to Frank, who we met today at Dave's, blinding bloke! 

January 3rd 2003

Having spoken to Dave both Christmas Day and New Year's Day we thought it was about time that we called him up again tonight! The latest news Dave has for you is that all three of his new books are being published by Virgin and will be on sale this year. As mentioned previously the books will be a 'coffee table' type book full of photographs of Dave and friends, 'Hell To Make' all about the making of Dave's film 'Hell To Pay' and 'What The Papers Say' which will be full of newspaper articles about Dave.  

Dave also tells us that Brendan is currently in New York for seven days meeting with Snoop Dog and Tricky and sorting out the film deal.

Watch out for the January edition of PSI2 Magazine where Dave features yet again. Finally Dave wants to let you all know that he will be doing a monthly guest spot on Passion Radio (98.1 FM) so do try and tune in!

We will be visiting Dave at Camelot again on Friday 10th Jan 2003 so if you have any questions or comments don't forget to email us!

Lastly, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and sincerely wish all of you a very happy and prosperous New Year.   


Wednesday 18th December 2002

Over a thousand guests were at Ceasers night club in Streatham, London on the 18th Dec 2002. We were lucky enough to go along with Dave, Jen and Brendan and what a wicked time we all had! Click link to see pictures and report.


Friday 29th November 2002

Today Dave was with Rob Ferguson at Creative Studio's, Harold, Bedford. Dave has just recorded an album and finished it off this evening by doing his parts for the songs with Snoop Dog and Dr Dra. Dave said it all went really well and he will update us with further details about the album and it's release date ASAP.


Thursday 28th November 2002

We went up to Camelot to see Dave again today, to pick up some more photograph's and other documents, so we can continue to keep the site up to date. Dave had a group of students with him, filming a docu film for their final exams, a copy will remain at the university. Dave was on top form, all the students adored Dave's wit and humour. They spent most of the day there and also followed him to down to his friends Evor's solarium, Tan-Talising in Welling, Kent. Jen and Seymour were there and as usual we had a fantastic day.

Friday 22nd November 2002

PSI2 (play station 2) magazine will be having a monthly column by Dave called 'Gamebusters' which is the game cheats page! Here you will also be able to read the very latest news from Dave himself. The first issue is out on the 20th Dec 2002, don't miss it! We will be visiting Dave tomorrow, Sat 23rd Nov, so don't forget any questions email us! We will update you more ASAP.

Friday 15th November 2002

We arrived at Camelot at about 1pm, Dave was busy in his lounge doing an interview with Chris Blackhurst from Psi2 (play station 2) magazine and as usual Dave was on top form. The interview lasted for about 3 hours and the magazine will be available on 20th Dec 2002.

Jerry presented Dave with the first proto-type of a hand made gold knuckleduster wall clock. Dave said "f**king hell Jerry, thats the bollox" and insisted that it immediately replaced a picture on his lounge wall. As a result this unique hand crafted wall clock will become available to buy as part of a limited edition of only 100. Each clock will come with a valid, numbered certificate exclusively from this site and can be personalised by Dave at your request. See photo`s.

Click on one of the thumbnails above to see
a much higher resolution picture of the gold
Knuckleduster Clock in a new window.


At the moment Dave has his fingers in so many pies its hard to keep track! We are aware that there are at least three TV programmes/series in the pipeline and we will update you as soon as possible, he is also working on another new book.

This is just a quick update, we will have more in depth details and an interview very soon and will be seeing Dave again next week, so do please email us any questions or comments you have for Dave.

Dave's Breakout!

On Friday the 8th November we watched 'Car Sharks' on Bravo, 'Cops V Robbers' starring Dave! We would like to say that this was the funniest thing we have seen in ages, Dave really took the urine out of the Gravesend, Kent constabulary! Despite 'loosing' the show according to their rules, he was certainly the outright winner behind the scenes! The cops were truly robbed as Dave stole the limelight!

The car that Dave & his team refurbished is now sitting pretty on Camelot's driveway! See the pic below anyway, we phoned Dave after the show and had a good old gossip and plenty of laughs! The best news however was that Dave had been allowed to stand and walk for the first time that very day. We asked Dave when he expected to be out of hospital and he said 'by next weekend for sure we arranged to pop up and see Dave on Tuesday 12th November but unfortunately we couldn't make it. We phoned Dave that evening to let him know that we would be up Friday instead only to discover that he was AT HOME!! Just as well we didn't go then! Dave had decided to 'breakout' having had quite enough of hospital to last him a lifetime! He promptly discharged himself! Dave will of course be returning for regular physiotherapy and Kate will help with this as well. He is in good spirits, very pleased to be back at Camelot and with his family again. It will still be a while before he is back to 100% and ready to get the ride going at full steam, but rest assured DAVE IS BACK! .

To clear up one point, there was an invitation by 'Kilroy' for Dave to appear on one of his shows about living with a gangster, but Dave wisely refused this offer due to his experiences on the 'Trisha' show. We will be going to Camelot on Friday 15th November to see Dave and he will be giving us an exclusive statement and interview for the site. We are sure he has lots to say to you all and plenty of news. We will also be showing Dave our latest merchandise keep watching this space! Don't forget, send us your 'ask Dave' questions by email and we will reply as soon as possible.


02 October 2002

This is the first time that I have had a prolonged stay in any hospital and I would like to say that Darent Valley is certainly a 'flagship' hospital. I have had my eyes opened, the hospital is fantastic, new and has all the very latest in modern technology.

From when I first arrived, through casualty, up to ITU where I was in a coma and then onto the ward my treatment has been first class. All the staff have been wonderful, from the tea ladies & nurses, physio's and surgeons through to the very top. And they don't take any of my nonsense either!!

I have written this letter as I have heard that the hospital has had some bad press since I have been in here and I would just like to say that 'its all bollox' - the hospital is brilliant.

The hospital and it's staff have saved my life, brought me back from the brink and I am very very grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you all.

Dave Courtney O.B.E. 02/10/2002

Dave's Statement From His Hospital Bed 14/09/02

Hello people, this is Dave Courtney speaking from the hospital bed here I'd just like to set the story straight about what's supposed to have happened to me.

I was flying along the motorway, most probably a little bit over speeding in Brendan's landrover about half past eleven, twelve o'clock at night and something was just about to overtake me on the inside and I got a front wheel blow out, nothing more exciting than that really.

I don't give a f**k whether you are Michael Schumacher or what, once your front wheel goes pop on your motorway, you have got no control over the car whatsoever. I went into a proper little spin; rolled about all over the place and I proper broke myself up inside.

I've punctured my lung, broke my ribs, broke my pelvis, back and front, broke my collar bone, broke my foot, broke my coccyx, my coccyx O.K. its the little bone at the back, not the bone at the front! Broke a little vertebra of my back but the actual skin I didn't end up with a tear at all so I'm still as good looking as I was before I had the accident!

The ambulance men were fantastic, I was in a coma from that minute on for about a month nearly. I'd like to say thank you to Soul and Neil for looking after me, they actually slept outside the hospital ward for 24 hours a day for three weeks and they was just looking after me, not that I needed looking after. When I did wake up, cause coma's are really funny you know when you do wake up, I thought I'd had the accident 10 minutes ago you know. But apparently I gave these interviews to the newspapers where it was an underworld hit and they tried to ram me off the road and kill me and the next week I was reportedly said that I'd found out who it was and I was coming back for revenge. When all this time when I was supposed to be giving these interviews I'm afraid I was actually in a coma so they are not true I know it's nice and exciting but it's not true.

Whoever you are, I can think of a lot, lot easier ways of trying to kill someone than ram them doing 110mph! I'm getting better, you know, I've been very very very very very lucky, very very very lucky. I've got the hospital done up and I'm in a private ward here and I've got my door open. I'm looking out the door, looking at all these people going past with half the accidents I've had, with so much more injuries than I've got, that I genuinely feel very lucky.

The screws didn't set properly on the first operation on my pelvis, so they had to re-do that and so I'm going to be in here on traction for about another 10 to 12 weeks. But if that's the biggest moan that I've got, you know 'oh what a shame I've had 12 weeks in bed' I really really can't moan seeing as what I've seen happen to some of the other people.

I'm ever so sorry if it ain't as exciting a story as everyone wanted to hear, you know if there was anything more to it, I'd tell you, if there was anyone gonna try and kill me it would be the old bill, no one else! I've had Tony Lambrianou, Joey Pyle and Freddy Foreman have all been up here to say hello and things are looking superb.

I will actually get completely better, I did have a bad leg before I came in here which needed 3 to 4 months completely rested, there's more chance of getting a wank of the pope than me actually lying there with me foot in the air for four months. But now I've had all these operations done, I will actually have to have me leg up in the air, so that will actually get better, so I will eventually end up coming out of here in better nick than I come in.

That's it really, I'll give you a little update whenever I get another tape, don't panic, Dave Courtney's alive and well and the good news is the bad news was wrong! Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated as they say!

All right, so its goodnight from me and goodnight from him.


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