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Chapter III: Home at Hogwarts

A buzz was in the air. Light feet and hearts were packed with the weight of many large text books, being carried around by young students throughout the school. There was the group of first-year wizards looking as though Nearly Headless Nick had just popped out of their Wheaties bowl and the rest of the students gladly milled around before entering classes. All were particularly excited because it was the first day of studies and a Quidditch pre-season game would be held that evening.

To the four girls, this place seemed like a paradise compared to the prison-like school administration they were used to in America. Life was going well. Being in England sure beat living in the U.S. The girls merely wondered how long this dream life would hold out.

They soon found out, after stepping foot in the potions class. The teacher immediately caught them off-guard. A more striking contrast of black and white had yet to be seen in a living person. The glint in his eye let his students know that his appearance was just like his soul. He hissed as he said his name, Professor Severus Snape.

“That man frightens me,” Taryn thought, as she shuddered.

“Shh. He might hear us!” Lily thought back.

Gabby, for once, was speechless. No one questioned this fact and assumed it was due to the professor’s powerful influence.

Professor Snape did not share a personal background with the class, as did most other professors. He merely assigned tables and cauldrons. They were given one simple assignment to mix up. You see, the professor greatly underestimated all of his students, therefore his first task for them was to mix up a mysterious packet of powders in the liquid in a cauldron. All seemed to pass the test.

“Wait, this isn’t a potion,” Ophelia cried. “It’s…It’s Kool-Aid!”

“Well done,” Professor Snape replied flatly. “You seem to be a genius for figuring that out,” he said sarcastically.

All were soon overjoyed to learn that they could enjoy this potion, when Lily realized that gabby was not smacking her lips in enjoyment. Instead Polka-dots slowly covered Gabby’s body, making her turn bright colors.

“Hey, look at the piñata,” a fellow student yelled.

Snape soon shifted his glance to the struggling Gabby, who looked as though she was turning into confetti.

“Hurry, do something!” Lily said, frantically.

“Preferably while we can still see her,” Taryn said, matter-of-factly.

Instead Snape continued watching Gabby with amusement. Few noticed Ophelia frantically mixing things in a vial. Within minutes Gabby was given the solution and had cleared up a bit, though, she still had one blue dot on her elbow.

“I’m a Smurf!” wailed Gabby, as they prepared to leave class.

“I’m glad one person found it amusing,” Taryn replied, sarcastically.

“Yeah, Professor Snape acted like he had a gherkin thrust up his back,” Ophelia said. She was miffed with the whole situation, but Lily’s mind had already shifted.

“I wonder if there will be any foreign wizards next square?” Lily thought, aloud.

“Of course there will be,” Taryn said, rolling her eyes. “We’re in a foreign country!”

“Right-O,” Lily responded. “Come on, let’s hurry.”

They milled into their next class and quietly sat down in the seats marked for them.

“My name is not AMI,” protested Gabby. “Look they made that mistake on all of our names.”

“No they didn’t. This is International Wizarding Studies so they put the name of our school on the desks, American Magic Institute, or AMI,” Taryn sighed. “Ophelia would you try to explain what an acronym is?”

But Ophelia was no longer paying attention. Her eyes were once again fixed on the professor. He flashed a big warm smile at her, then proceeded with roll call.

“Now, I’d like to turn my attention to our friends from abroad,” Professor Leopold stated in his sexy Aussie accent. He had taught down under before coming to Hogwarts.

“Let us start with Lily French. Lily would you like to share a few of your interests with us?” Professor Leopold asked.

“Well, I enjoy doing lots of things, particularly investigating hair care products and elves. Oh, and I do enjoy transfiguring things,” Lily stated, as she blushed under the professor’s gaze, but she knew better than to cross Ophelia in the matter of this man.

“Right, um, what a variety of hobbies,” Professor Leopold commented. “Next, let’s have Gabby Baggins.”

Gabby stood there and looked terrified. The spot of blue on her elbow seemed to enlarge as she stood in fear of the students.

“I, um, enjoy red…heads, and Weasleys, I mean…um,” Gabby stammered, her panic growing, as did the spot on her elbow.

“That’s nice,” the professor said, quickly stopping her almost drunken rambling. “Taryn Greenburr. Can you speak for us?”

“I enjoy charms and watching Quidditch, so I’m pretty excited about our game tonight,” Taryn replied.

“Good, as am I. We will have one of our all-stars there for you to meet tonight and get autographs from. The famed Oliver Wood will be available tonight. Well, enough about Quidditch. Miss Bennett, Ophelia, would you care to give us your thoughts?” the professor gently inquired.

“She had better not give her real thoughts,” Taryn thought to the others.

“I’m looking forward to making many new acquaintances in England and really delving deep into the heart of this class.”

“As soon as you have any question or concern, seek me immediately,” Professor Leopold replied.

“I’ll be sure to take your offer in that,” Ophelia said, melting in his gaze. The professor smiled fondly and the day went on.

That evening Taryn was in a rush to hurry down to the game.

“Why are we going down two hours before the game even starts?” Lily inquired of Taryn. “After all, the only things that will be up there are the concessions and the players.”

Taryn blushed a bit as she replied, “Oliver asked me to bring him some hot cocoa.”

“Oh, that justifies the rush you put us through,” Ophelia complained.

“A slow drizzle began to fall as the four traipsed their way to the small red and gold tent that housed Oliver.

“Now Taryn, let’s make sure we’re polite and get autographs from all of the team members,” Ophelia warned.

As Lily, Gabby, and Ophelia met up, they looked at each other’s autographs from Oliver. The four words on each of them were, Go Gryffs –Oliver Wood.

“Talk about an inspirational quote,” Ophelia stated to Lily and Gabby.

The three left Taryn to go get a cotton candy before the match. Gabby made sure to get blue so as to coordinate with her spot.

“You know, Gabby, you might want to get that checked out by a nurse or something,” Lily cautioned.

“We’ll see,” was the only she got, because at that moment they saw Taryn walking toward them, a photo clutched to her heart.

“Oh, read what it says!” Taryn advised as she reversed the photo and passed it around.

Your American Accent is so sexy, I’d like to hear more of it. Meet me in the commons room after the game. –love Ollie

“Wow!” Ophelia and Lily cried in astonishment.

“That’s twenty-four words!” Gabby said, shocked. The others were merely shocked at her momentary brightness.

“Hurry. Let’s get seats for the game,” Taryn said quickly.

“Oh, all right. Look Gabby, there’s Ron. Wave to him,” Lily pointed out.

Lily, Gabby, and Ophelia went off to find seats. Taryn followed slowly behind.

“Are you coming?” Gabby asked, Taryn as she looked behind and saw her lagging.

“Yes, I’m coming,” Taryn replied, excitedly.

The others noticed a flush come to her cheeks but knew not why. They were not to know for Taryn quickly hid the object of this in her coat pocket before the others could see. She caught up and they sat down, just before the whistle blew for the game to begin.

They didn’t know it but many things had begun that day.

The wind blew as a page turned.

Chapter Four