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Chapter IV: A Message in the Sky

Taryn’s heart was still fluttering as they left victoriously from the Quidditch pitch.

“Oh wasn’t Oliver amazing? I mean, that last save that he made was just superb!” Taryn gushed.

The other three girls smiled and nodded just to please her. After entering the school they heard very masculine voices singing Gershwin to each other.

“What the heck is that?” Taryn clucked.

“I don’t know, lets check it out,” Ophelia moved.

As they came closer to the vicinity of the sound, the words became clearer. The girls burst into laughter as they saw Crabbe and Goyle tangoing and singing the famous Gershwin lines “I’ve got rhythm, I’ve got music, I’ve got my man who could ask for anything more?”

Gabby let out a loud snort interrupting their solitary reverie. The girls immediately pulled out their wands and chanted “Superfly,” together. The boys froze in mid-dip as Ophelia commanded, “You gentlemen shall never do that in this castle again.”

“Yeah, ‘cause that’s just gross!” Gabby piped.

“Now be gone from our presence,” Lily bellowed.

The girls dropped their wands unfreezing the boys who scuttled off hand in hand. With that horror still fresh in their memories, the girls raced back to their dormitories. They entered through the portrait hole to find Hotex awaiting them.

“Hi, ya, Gabby, Taryn, Ophelia,” he sang. Then, turning to Lily, “Hi, Lily.” The girls could see the excitement in his eyes.

“Hey, Hotex,” the girls babbled together.

“Um…Lily, I was, um…wondering if, um…you wanted to, um…play some tennis,” he stammered.

“Tennis, I had no idea there were tennis courts at Hogwarts!” Lily shrieked.

“Well, they don’t, I got permission from McGongagall to transfigure one for the afternoon.”

“Wow, that’s great! How did you know that I like tennis?”

“I have sources,” Hotex testified, turning and giving a gracious smile to Lily’s friends.

“This is so splendiferous! I’ll go change, I’ll only be a minute.” Lily ran up the stairs to her room. She reappeared moments later with a racket in hand.

“Allons-y,” she chirped.

As Lily and Hotex took off, the other girls looked at each other asking internally, “What should we do now?”

“Well, I’ve got a study date,” thought Gabby.

“With who?” Ophelia asked.

“Percy,” Gabby whispered.

“Oh, dear!” Taryn groaned.

Gabby skipped off to find one of her beloveds, curiously forgetting her book bag.

“I guess we could work on our new spell,” Taryn suggested

“Alright,” Ophelia agreed.

The two sat down and began to wrack their brains on what would soon be the greatest spell on earth.

By the end of the day the girls returned tired, happy, and bursting at the seams with stories to tell.

“So, girls, how were your days?” Taryn inquired.

“Oh-my-gosh,” the girls started. They then began rambling incoherently.

“Wow, simmer down now!” Ophelia interrupted.

The girls took a deep breath, and then Gabby began to tell about her day. “Well, first Percy and I studied some French, and then we worked on Anatomy.”

“Oh, interesting…” the girls taunted together.


“Well, first of all you left your book bag here, and second, those are muggle courses,” Ophelia shot back.

“Um…yes, well…” Gabby rung her hand nervously, the blue spot on her elbow growing ever larger.

The girls snorted with surpassed laughter.

“Moving along, Lily, how was your day?” Taryn pressed.

Lily bubbled on and on about the wonderful afternoon she had spent with Hotex. By the time she was finished, the sun had gone down and the clock was striking midnight.

“Goodness, we better get to bed!” Taryn instructed.

The girls crawled into bed that night with magical thoughts going through their minds. Ophelia excitedly dreamed of their International Wizarding Studies class the next day; Taryn was counting Olivers riding sheep and slowly drifted off to sleep; Gabby’s blue spot was growing ever larger and larger as she dreamed. All the while Lily and one of her Legolases were killing spiders that were mysteriously appearing from an unknown source.


The next morning, after the girls finished breakfast, they set off for their International Wizarding Studies hurried by Ophelia. All during class Ophelia was on the edge of her seat, hanging on to Professor Leopold’s every word.

Ophelia stayed after class to help Leopold shelve books. The other girls set off down the corridor searching for a way to pass their time.

“I wonder where the Weasleys are,” gabby pondered to the others.

“Who cares,” Taryn accidentally thought.

Gabby reached for her wand, but Taryn stopped her and directed her gaze to Lily who had stopped walking twenty feet back and was now dancing to a very faint bass-heavy beat.

“What are you doing?” Taryn requested, raising her eyebrows.

“I’m getting down with my bad self!” Lily whooped.

“R-I-G-H-T…” Taryn and Gabby remarked together.

“Let’s go check out where that music’s coming from,” Lily suggested and took off running down the hall.

Taryn and Gabby followed Lily. They arrived in Professor Quirrel’s office to find Quirrel sleeping on his desk with a magical drum set pounding away in the background. A deep voice was rapping along with the beat, but it wasn’t Quirrel because his mouth remained motionless. Just then, Lily noticed Quirrel’s turban vibrating.

“Girl you look good, won’t you back that thang up; you’s a big, fine woman, won’t you back that thang up; call me big daddy when you back that thang up; girl, whose you playing wit, back that thang up.”

“Holy canasta!” Taryn exclaimed.

“Hey, who’s there,” the voice wondered.

“Um…sorry to interrupt you, but um…where are you?” Taryn asked.

“Well, I’m on Professor Quirrel,” the voice replied.

“Oh, do you have an invisibility cloak like that hot little nerdy kid?” Gabby squeaked.

“No, I am attached to the back of Quirrel’s head.”

“What are you doing there?” Lily interjected.

“I have been reduced to a mere parasite through a curse-gone-wrong.”

“You’re Voldemort!” Lily thundered.

“Yes, at least I was, you see I’ve been doing some thinking and I no longer want to rule the world as an evil lord, I now want to conquer the world of music and become a multi-platinum rapper,” Voldemort confessed.

“Cool, can I be your back-up singer? Listen: ‘You’ll be in my heart…’” Gabby sang.

“Um…I don’t think that will be necessary. Thanks anyway. Listen, you girls have got to take care of yourselves. There are evil things lurking about the castle.” Just then Professor Quirrel began to stir. “You guys better clear out before he wakes up. Fo’ shizzle!”

The girls ran out of the room, nearly knocking over Ophelia.

“There you guys are! I’ve been searching everywhere for you!” Ophelia proclaimed.

“We have so much to tell you!” Taryn chattered.

“Well, save it for lunch, I’m starved!” Ophelia urged.

They rushed through the castle towards the Great Hall. They sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table.

“So, what’s up?” Ophelia inquired.

“OK, so, Voldemort is here in this very castle!” Taryn whispered.

“What?” Ophelia questioned.

“Yeah, and he has turned good again and now he wants to be a rapper,” Lily divulged.

“Oh my gosh, do you know what this means?” Ophelia purred.

“Yeah, now I have to save up to buy his CD,” Gabby added.

“No, it means that the wizarding world is safe again,” Ophelia corrected.

“Not exactly, he warned us that there is evil in this very castle still,” Lily cautioned.

“Hey, what’s Taryn doing?” Gabby interrupted.

They turned to notice Taryn holding a strange new necklace close to her ear.

“Taryn, Taryn, TARYN!!!” Ophelia shouted.

“What, what, what?” Taryn sputtered, awakened suddenly from her trance.

“What’s you necklace?” Lily asked.

“It’s a fleur de lis. Oliver gave it to me,” Taryn sighed.

“Okay, that’s sweet and all, but why are you holding it so close to your ear?” Ophelia quizzed.

Well, Oliver put a spell on it that makes it whisper sweet nothings to me,” Taryn admitted, blushing.

“Ahh…” they all cooed.

“Oh jeez, oh Pete, we’re going to be late to Potions!” Taryn warned, glancing at her watch.

The girls ran to the dungeons knocking over many first years on their way. They rushed into the classroom trying to hide from the death-glare given by Professor Snape. The girls quickly took their seats and Snape proceeded with the lesson. He babbled on for quite some time before letting them loose to brew their potions.

Gabby was working quite hard, but kept getting distracted by the flaming redhead across the room who kept winking at her. Lily felt compelled to brush her elven hair since it had been a whole fifteen minutes since its last brushing. Lily’s locks were getting dangerously close to Gabby’s flame behind her. Gabby, oblivious of this, decides to turn up her flame. The end of Lily’s flowing locks caught fire and spread quickly, soon engulfing her entire head. Lily started to scream and run around in circles looking for a way to extinguish her head. Ophelia, being very quick with the reflexes and cool under pressure, grabbed an elisquer of burn soother and dumped it on Lily’s head.

“Phew, that was a close one,” Taryn stated.

“What?” asked Gabby, awakening from her trance.

“You nearly killed Lily, and now just look at her hair,” lectured Taryn.

“How is my hair? Give me a mirror,” ordered Lily.

“Lily, I really don’t think you want one,” Ophelia chided.

“Give me on NOW!!!” Lily screeched.

“But there’s nothing to look at,” Gabby chimed in.

“WHAT!!!” Lily wailed.

“Lily, sit down, Gabby accidentally burnt off all of your hair,” Ophelia consoled.

“Here you go,” sassed Draco, handing Lily a mirror with an evil smirk spreading across his face.

Lily took one look and burst out into sobs and took off running for her room.

“Draco how dare you,” charged Ophelia. Draco’s smirk left his face as he realized that his beloved was now mad at him.

The girls sprinted after lily. By the time they got there two of her Legolases were guarding the doorway.

“Let us through,” Taryn demanded.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I’m on strict orders from Lily not to let anyone through,” Legolas directed.

They heard sobs coming through the door and gentle cooings of another Legolas.

After another ten minutes another Legolas came through the door.

“Attention all, Lily has made a recovery and is ready to see you,” he informed.

Lily walked through the door looking a little puffy-eyed, but all- together cheerful.

“OH---MY---GOSH!!!” the three girls shrieked together.

“I know, isn’t it great?” squealed Lily.

The girls could do nothing bus stare. One of the guarding Legolases fainted.

“Lily, what is that on your head?” Gabby gasped.

“This, my dear Gabby, is a mullet. They’re all the rage in Paris,” she replied.

“No they’re not! Lily, what is the matter with you?” Ophelia squawked.

Lily paid no attention to their criticizing remarks. She quickly linked arms with a Legolas and went off to have a stair-sliding lesson. After a couple of hours she returned with many bruises and cuts, but the mullet remained in perfect condition.

“How was it?” Taryn asked.

“Great! Legolas says that in a couple of days I can try it while shooting a bow and arrow. Hotex even tried to do it.” Lily proclaimed.

“So where is he?” asked Taryn.

“Well, he kinda fell; Legolas is taking him to the nurse’s wing.” Lily answered with stifled a laugh

Tonight was to be a big night, for it was Halloween and the grand Halloween feast was only a few hours away. Lily spent the remaining time primping her hair with her friends rolling their eyes in the background.

The feast was a magical experience. The food was so good that the girls were some of the last ones left as they finished their pieces of pumpkin pie. Soon it was just the girls and Crabbe and Goyle who were feeding each other candies. After noticing that the girls were staring at them with horrified looks, they hurried off once again hand in hand.

They were waiting for Lily to finish her cheese sculpture of Legolas when Gabby noticed the bewitched stars on the ceiling.

“Look at all the pretty stars!” she exclaimed.

The stars were swirling and turning a deep shade of red. They soon took the shape of a face.

“Ha, ha, ha! So you are the filthy Americans that think you can just waltz in here and stop the great Voldeliana,” the evil stars hissed.

“Voldeliana…V.L. You’re the one that sent us that letter,” charged Ophelia.

“That’s right, and how did you like the little spiders I’ve been sending your way?”

At the word spiders Gabby spazzed and fell on the floor. The girls just stared at the ceiling with expressions of horror.

“Why are you doing this?” Taryn asked.

“I’m stopping you from meddling in things that you have no business getting involved in. You see, Voldemort is my little brother. In order for him to become a rapper he must get the Sorcerer’s Stone that is hidden in this castle and take on human form again. As his evil sister, I feel it is my duty to make sure that his dreams are squashed. That is why I am sending that dimwitted Harry Potter out to stop him. You wouldn’t believe how many clues I have to drop for that boy to take a hint!”

Gabby’s face contorted with anger as she shouted back, “How dare you say that about cute adorable Harry! And another thing, just because you’re a stuck-up ol’ bum doesn’t mean you should treat your brother like garbage. He’s a nice guy, and, and, … yeah!”

Gabby’s outburst did not sit well with Voldeliana, who started sending a shower of shooting stars their way. The girls dove underneath the table, narrowly escaping being sliced. After the shower had ceased, Lily looked up on the table and gasped as she saw that a pointy ear had been shaved off of her sculpture. Her eyes filled with tears as she hugged the cheese head to her. Voldeliana was about to start another barrage of stars as Ophelia, Taryn, and Gabby grabbed Lily and ran out of the door.

They ran for a while and had to stop because Lily was sobbing so loudly that she couldn’t breath.

“Shh… Calm down Lily, there will be other cheese sculptures,” comforted Gabby.

“Guys, I think we should go to Dumbledore’s office,” proposed Ophelia.

“Good idea,” Taryn responded.

They set off through the hallways. Gabby was leading the way. She had her Sting (a gift from Frodo) out and was muttering something about being on guard for orcs.

The girls paused before entering Dumbledore’s office. They used their spell to crack the code of the guarding gargoyle and were about to proceed when Ophelia stopped them.

“Secret sign on three,” she suggested.




At once an elaborate design flowed through their wands. The girls lowered their heads and climbed the staircase on their way to seek the advice of the great Albus Dumbledore.

Chapter Five