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 About Us
   - E-fan is maintained mainly by three people. You can thank them for their hard work by doing whatever they tell you to, like giving them money or eating a baby...

 -Iceydice (Jason)
 Icey is the big man. E-fan is co-founded by this guy, who is a damn good web designer and a damn handsome man. He's designed a great deal of web sites, many of whom he allowed to grow into masterworks, others that could've been great if they had gotten more attention. Icey has big plans for E-fan, just you wait and see. Some of his interests include gaming, pc and console, and anime. He also plays guitar. - Email:

 Soundwave is the other nutcase behind E-fan. Besides wanting to offer the world some entertainment, he mainly wants to get money. He's found several ways to do this, many of which he's probably given great detail to on many places around the site. He is a computer fanatic, as well as a fanatic about military tactics, weaponry and history. He's also an avid movie fan and computer/xbox gamer. - Email:

 Mark is helping us with advertising. He's also a creative consultant,and due to his dynamic IP... is making us money. He's into video games and playing guitar. - Email:

 The final is Maruchan... Maruchan can best be described as someone who is on crack...and unfortunately grabbed hold of a computer and used it in his fiendish ways. He also plays guitar, loves to play video games (some of which he gets OBSESSED over) and likes to draw various things on his bedroom wall in crayon. But thats another story... - Email:

*Written by Maruchan


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