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Here are some questions which require a simple "yes" or "no" answer in regards to that pathetic band Nirvana...

Do you believe that a good or great band or artist should have "passion"? Please click this link to find out more on "passion" and the lack of passion that Nirvana had

Do you believe that a good or great band or artist should have some "originality"? Please click this link to find out more on "originality" and the lack of originality that Nirvana had

Do you believe that a good or great band or artist should be talented enough to play their music in the studio without fumbling through it - unless it is "electronic"? Please click this link to find out more on "talent" and how talentless Nirvana were

Do you believe that a good or great band or artist should be allowed to plagiarize others? More on Nirvana / Kurt and plagiarism On this page there is solid proof that Kurt Plagiarized

Do you believe that a good or great band or artist should have "meaning" to their lyrics / poetry? The meaning behind Kurt Cobain's supposed lyrics

It is quite simple, if you answered "no" to any of the questions - you do NOT respect music to it's fullest extent. If you answered "yes" to any of the questions, then it means that you utterly despise Nirvana for doing what they did within the content of the question.

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