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For Our Struggle is not Against Flesh and Blood, but Against The Rulers, Against The Powers, Against The World Forces of This Darkness, Against The Spiritual Forces of Wickedness in The Heavenly Places. Ephesians 6:12 NASB....


False Doctrine And The Examination Of Scripture

    1. Exposing Doctrinal Errors ~ Heresy Hunting or Biblical Mandate?
    2. Gnosticism And The Gnostic Jesus
    3. The Examination Of The Faith Movement
    4. Neil T. Anderson And Freedom In Christ Ministries
    5. Is Masonry Really Occultic?
    6. Seventh-Day Adventism ~ Christian Or Cultic?
    7. The Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses
    8. The Doctrine of Mormonism/Latter-day Saints
    9. The Doctrine Of Oneness Pentecostalism
    10. Roman Catholicism
    11. The Examination Of General Eschatology
    12. The Examination Of Personal Eschatology
    13. The Examination Of Doctrine of World Religions
    14. What is The Messianic Congregational Movement
    15. What is The Truth About The Trinity Broadcasting Network?


Exposing Doctrinal Errors ~ Heresy Hunting or Biblical Mandate? We read in such passages as Acts chapter 20, and 2 Peter chapter 2, that false teachers will arise, bringing with them destructive heresies, distorting the truth and destroying the faith of some.


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Gnosticism And The Gnostic Jesus ~ This ancient movement provides much of the form and color for the New Age portrait of Jesus as the illumined Illuminator: one who serves as a cosmic catalyst for others' awakening.


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The Examination Of The Faith Movement

The Atonement Of Christ and The "Faith Message"

Can We Have What Ever We Say? Both Word-Faith teachers and certain Mind Science cults teach that we can have whatever we confess as long as we have faith. Is this true? Click Here To Examine The Truth

The Shame Of The Gospel ~ Money Men

The Teachings of Kenneth Copeland

Does GOD Have Faith?

Faith In Faith Or Faith In GOD?

Growing Dangers In The Positive Confession Faith Teachings

Misunderstanding Of Faith ~ What The Scripture Teaches

The Untouchables: Are 'God's Anointed' Beyond Criticism?

"Word-faith" Teachers Claim We Are "Little Gods"


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Neil T. Anderson And Freedom In Christ Ministries: The Bondage Maker-Examining his Message and Methods.

Sanctification and the Believer’s Identity in Christ

Spiritual Warfare And The "Truth Encounter"

Spiritual Warfare And The Seven “Steps To Freedom”

Spiritual Warfare & Myth of Satanic Conspiracies and Ritual Abuse


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Is Masonry Really Occultic?

All About The Occult - Origins of Occult Practices and Power


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The Examination Of The Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses And Christs Resurrection

Jehovahs Witnesses The Deity Of Christ Part 1

Jehovah's Witnesses And The Eternal Destiny Of Saved Humanity

Jehovah's Witnesses And False Prophets

Jehovah's Witnesses And The Firstborn Of All Creation

Jehovah's Witnesses And The Name Of GOD

Jehovah's Witnesses And The Soul Of Man

Jehovah's Witnesses And Their View Of Jesus Christ

Jehovah's Witnesses Faithful and Wise Servant

The Watchtower And The Ante-Nicene Church Fathers

What About The New World Translation

A Grossly Misleading Translation (New World Translation)

Wither The Watchtower? Unfolding Crisis for Jehovah's Witnesses



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The Examination Of The Doctrine of Mormonism/Latter-day Saints

The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics

Mormonism and Jesus Christ

Mormon Temple Rituals

Mormonism And The Claim To Restoration

The Reorganized Latter-Day Saints



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Seventh-Day Adventism ~ Christian Or Cultic?


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The Doctrine Of Oneness Pentecostalism

Oneness Pentecostalism: Heresy, Not Hairsplitting

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Roman Catholicism

The Mary Of  Roman Catholicic

The Apocryphal Books Of The Catholic Bible

The Apparitions At Bayside

The Apparitions Of Mary

Catholics And Protestants

Catholics And Salvation

The Catholic Mass

What is a Rosary?


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The Examination Of Eschatology

General Eschatology

Does "Bible Code" Offer New Clues to Coming Events?

What is Eschatology?

The Rapture And Great Tribulation, When?

When Truth Gets Left Behind


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Personal Eschatology

Are People Punished In Hell Forever?

What about Hell?

What is Inclusivism By Robin Brace

Questions on Death and The AfterLife

Soul Sleep

Watchtower Reverses Itself on Resurrection Doctrine


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The Examination Of Doctrine of World Religions

Christianity And Eastern Religions

Don't All Religions Lead To GOD?

The Bible And The Religious Writings Of The World

The Uniqueness Of Christianity

The 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions-Part 1

Interreligious Dialogue or New Age Rally?

The 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions-Part 2

The Fundamentalism of Tolerance

What Happens To People Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?


What is The Messianic Congregational Movement?

The Messianic Congregational Movement


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What is The Truth About The Trinity Broadcasting Network?

What Is The Truth About "The Trinity Broadcasting Network"?


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Bible Study


False Doctrine

False Teachers





Spiritual Warfare





"I Am The Alpha And Omega" Says The Lord God,"Who is And Who Was And Who Is To Come, The Almighty" Rev 1:8