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Welcome to Sunbeam's Dreams

Here's how it goes. My graphics are linkware. That means that you must link the graphic set back to my site. My graphics are free to use on personal non-commercial web sites. If you're interested in using them on a commercial site, please contact me to discuss licensing terms. Once a graphic set has been licensed, it will be listed as sold and removed from this site. Custom sets are also available upon request for a small fee.



1. Save the graphics to your own computer. Do not link directly to the graphics on this site!!

2. Don't alter the graphics except to add text to blank buttons.

3. These graphics are not to be included in any other graphic collections or offered as free downloads from any other web sites.

4. Place a link on the same page you use the graphics using this URL:

You may use simple text or one of my logos.

Help make a difference in our world....


website © Sapphire Sunray 2000-2004
last update 8.04