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Newb's guide to lucid dreaming. (To Stop Questions)
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From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:03:21 PM | Message Detail
This little post should clear up any problems regarding lucid dreaming for people who have never had one or don't know what it is:

Lucid dreaming: is when you know you are in a dream and know your real body is in your bed yet you have no trouble controling your in dream body and don't have problems not moving your real body.

1, Understand the following: Lucid Dreams Happen during REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. REM sleep occurs about once an hour increasing the length each hour until you wake up. During this time you can have a lucid dream meaning you are aware that you are dreaming and everything you see is in your mind and your body is in bed.

2, The key is to realize that nothing is really real. At the same time it is fun to keep some realism just for effect usually at your first time you will have little control. Now then for #2 do things during the day everytime you remember too and whenever you have an opportunity. Look at your hands and study them, do they look more red/smaller than usual? If so think about why this might be so. Then look at a clock and then look away and blink and look again. IS it still there? How much has the time changed? Then when walking around your house study every detail that pops out at you even if the hallway just appears more 3d for some reason. Don't expect to suddenly realize its a dream this rarely happens.

(After doing this for a day or so you should notice results. Usually you will suddenly know you are dreaming usually with no idea how you got into the dream or what the dream was about before you became lucid. What actually happened was you were going through your normal dream cycle and then you performed one of those checks and realized you were dreaming usually you don't remember performing the check but it works so keep doing those checks in real life.)

3, Staying lucid. Once becoming lucid for the first time you will probably wake up either right away or after a minute or so. Don't fear. Go right back to sleep and don't force it. After having one lucid dream the rest come rather quickly for the night. As soon as you are lucid look at your hands and then spin in a circle. DO NOT CLOSE OR OPEN YOUR EYES. especially when learnig opening or closing the eyes will wake you up mainly when the dream starts to fade. If you notice the dream fading get on the ground and spin and look at your hands.

4, Having wicked fun. Fly Fly Fly. The first thing to do is fly. Probably nothing but a float if you've never done it before but soon you'll be flying like super man. If you have trouble achiveing high speeds or flying period watch shows such as DBZ (Surprizingly it works) and the Matrix 2. (3 isn't as much flying) Try to imagine propelling your self. That is the biggest trouble imagineing what force is moving you and that has to be yourself your KI (DBZ) lol I say DBZ because they explain how they fly. lol. go online or something and catch the one where that guy teaches the girl to fly that should get you into the spirit. Anyways. Flying is fun and increases the vividness too. Fly fast enough to feel wind ripping past you. (Might seem like i'm saying how fun it is but it's important)

5, Things not to do. I highly suggest that you do not engage in any kind of sexual or sensual intercourse while dreaming. Not at first at least. This tends to end the dream real real quick especially for a novice at the art of lucid dreaming. Also do not stand around if you can't think of something to do spin or fly some more.

6, Final Notes. Lucid dreams are usually very short rarely spanning for more than 5 minutes which in itself is a very long time. When you wake up go right back to sleep and keep your adrenaline down cause the closer to the morning you get the longer the dreams can be.... just don't get too close or you'll experiance dream fading.

One last thing if you have a sleep walking problem do not lucid dream if you feel you are in a lucid dream wake up immediately becuase YOU WILL act out your dream. Often killing yourself or someone else.
From: Vashu The Stampedo | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:07:08 PM | Message Detail
This is a good idea, but sadly people will ignore it. I applaude you for trying though. I've tried before.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
From: Stynger | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:10:02 PM | Message Detail
Meh, I read it, so I won't be making any topics.
"777: the number of the Moose"
From: Seraphim Dan | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:11:00 PM | Message Detail
If I toke a bowl or two, then go to bed a little while later high, will I be stoned in my dream?
"Everyone knows the N-Gage is a tool of the Christian extremists to piss off gamers."-Spiral Subject
From: Vashu The Stampedo | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:11:23 PM | Message Detail
Well that's good.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
From: Vashu The Stampedo | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:12:38 PM | Message Detail
If I toke a bowl or two, then go to bed a little while later high, will I be stoned in my dream?

Er, I'm not sure. I've never really tried that. Although if you succesfully havea lucid dream, you could make yourself stoned. I guess.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
From: orintemple | Posted: 11/16/2003 7:13:33 PM | Message Detail
This makes it sound like a lucid dream is as real as the real world. It sounds awesome. I hope I can figure out how to do it.
Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist-Ralph Waldo Emerson
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/16/2003 8:23:24 PM | Message Detail
........ It is auwsome... lol i don't know how vivid lucid dreaming is for other people but for me it is exactly life like lol. Once I flew really fast through a window right after becomeing lucid and when crashing through the glass a large sheet of glass stuck to my chest and i had to slow down to get it off lol. Its as real as you want it to be.

With practice you can do anything.

Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/16/2003 8:24:13 PM | Message Detail
Sorry to double post but i forgot to add that i have disabilities in my legs that makes it difficult to walk and when lucid i can forget about that and have all the freedom i want. (Just to add)
Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: GeneralBlaze1988 | Posted: 11/16/2003 8:27:28 PM | Message Detail
that would be tapping the potential of our brain that we have lost...
Viera, they're sexy fox-like creatures with ears and legs that go on forever, just asking to be nibbled on-review writer
From: AnimalForestfan | Posted: 11/16/2003 8:50:20 PM | Message Detail
don't fly. Get food. Or sex. Or (eww) a combination of the two.
--- is my catalog, it is not done. See my quote!!
Person:Andrew Town:Lenian
From: kimaster | Posted: 11/17/2003 4:56:43 AM | Message Detail
Then look at a clock and then look away and blink and look again

you guys always say that but I've never seen a clock in my dreams,I always think I wanna go lucid before I fall asleep and then ussually my last dream is lucid(mostly in the early morning)
Murder was the case that they gave me
From: CheapTaktics101 | Posted: 11/17/2003 8:13:04 AM | Message Detail
, Staying lucid. Once becoming lucid for the first time you will probably wake up either right away or after a minute or so. Don't fear. Go right back to sleep and don't force it. After having one lucid dream the rest come rather quickly for the night. As soon as you are lucid look at your hands and then spin in a circle. DO NOT CLOSE OR OPEN YOUR EYES. especially when learnig opening or closing the eyes will wake you up mainly when the dream starts to fade. If you notice the dream fading get on the ground and spin and look at your hands.

what is the point of this... i don't understand i can understand the part of making us look at clocks and hands abut this is just like you are playing around with us, and how frequent do you have lucid dreams
<Neowizard> I'm gonna keep playing, I haven't told my friends I started playing again :)
<Stupid fool> ...with yourself, at night?
From: kimaster | Posted: 11/17/2003 8:18:23 AM | Message Detail
I've had alot of lucid dreams(long ones too)but I never looked at clocks,spinned around,looked at my hands or some other nonsense
Murder was the case that they gave me
From: kimaster | Posted: 11/17/2003 9:50:54 AM | Message Detail
The key to stay lucid is to stay extremely focused
Murder was the case that they gave me
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/17/2003 3:44:45 PM | Message Detail
Its tipe to help you stay lucid.

I have lucid dreams almost every night. All with the same level of control over myself and some general control of my surroundings. As long as i get enough sleep i'll always have a lucid dream but sometimes i'm busy and long sleep is not possible.
Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/17/2003 3:45:44 PM | Message Detail
and btw... those techniques have been proven by people far greater than me to work. Looking at your hands and spinning improves you senses in the dream and allows you to stay in control and not wake up. Go to any site and you'll see that.
Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: Mrmcgoogle | Posted: 11/17/2003 3:49:35 PM | Message Detail
What if you almost never remember your dreams? Plus even when I was in the dream I would never remember to do all that stuff! Is there any way to improve odds of lucid dreaming before you go to sleep?
Insult not Santa, for is it not written "Yo ho ho, have I got a surprise for you?"(Rudolph 10:18)-Dougal
From: Dark Hybrid | Posted: 11/17/2003 3:59:25 PM | Message Detail
Dreams contain parts of events that happened during either your day or recently. So, it might pull a part from when you were checking if you were dreaming or not.
Intelligence. Now.
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/17/2003 4:04:40 PM | Message Detail
Yes. There are plenty of ways of improving.

To help remember dreams some will say to start a dream jornal. This is a little annoying and didn't seem to help me. Spinning will help once you get in the dream to improve vividness.... all in all as soon as you are lucid say to yourself several times i'm in bed right now this isn't real. if you can't do this than you arn't truely lucid and should continue to do the things i said in the other post.
Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: Shagz | Posted: 11/17/2003 4:47:50 PM | Message Detail
LOL at "I'm in my bed. This isn't real." It reminds me of the Matrix. Has anyone done that just cause they were bored? Went up to Morpheus (sp) and said "This isn't real?" Then he would say "Your mind makes it real." LOL coolzers!

I had a lucid dream for two secs but when I realized it I went up to a person and looked at them and yelled "This isn't real!" Apparently if you become too excited in a lucid dream you wake up. Never had one since.
*reads Shagz's sig*
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/17/2003 4:50:40 PM | Message Detail
Yea.... lol also avoid moving your eyes down because when you do that your real eyes do that too and most likely your eyes are slightly opened meaning that you will see the real world and wake up. loL happened to me once.

Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: CheapTaktics101 | Posted: 11/18/2003 5:30:47 PM | Message Detail
<Neowizard> I'm gonna keep playing, I haven't told my friends I started playing again :)
<Stupid fool> ...with yourself, at night?
From: Shadow Badger X | Posted: 11/18/2003 5:42:11 PM | Message Detail
"Ford," he said, "You are turning into a penguin. Stop it." - Arthur Dent, Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy
From: orintemple | Posted: 11/18/2003 6:28:26 PM | Message Detail
What I can't figure out is how to have a lucid dream in the first place. I don't understand how to make a dream lucid. Is there anything I can do to help me.
Sometimes, whenever I type something, my face twitches alot for no reason. Is my face haunted or am I just acting strange?Devil Gear
From: BIGD9098 | Posted: 11/18/2003 7:35:10 PM | Message Detail
Ive lucid dreamt a few times. In one, I said "holy **** im dreaming", and grabbed some kids nose in my class and stretched it so it snapped back like elastic... it was fun :)
From: Kuja9998 | Posted: 11/18/2003 7:35:41 PM | Message Detail
Well...... You really must do a combination. Lets go all out shall we?

Do everything above

Before going to bed do this subliminal message for at least 5 minutes 10 minutes is recommended.

Now heres the cut off point. There is two ways to fall asleep. One takes a very very long time and often it gets too frustrating to continue however it almost always works. The other way is much more relaxing and usually works provided you have been doing everything right particuarly the subliminal.

First the long gauranteed one: When in bed get in a comfortable position that you will never have to adjust to stay comfortable. Then DON"T MOVE. CLOSE YOUR EYES. DON"T MOVE AT ALL. Think of nothing but lucid dreams keep your mind alert though. Think of what your dream will be and repeat it will bea dream. Soon you'll feel a tingle in your hands and arms and finally your legs. This is sleep paralasis. Don't worryh its natural. Now during this time it will be very tempting ot move. DON"T stay there. And after a hour or so you will drift off and have a 100 percent chance of being lucid because your body will be gone but your brain fully functional.

The easy relaxing not so gauranteed one: just relax and sleep make sure you followed everything i said. This is my personal preferance.

Why Bother Trying To Understand Something That Is Unfathomable?
From: BIGD9098 | Posted: 11/18/2003 7:37:05 PM | Message Detail
One time I was jumping like high, and coming back down.. And i knew it was a dream...
From: BIGD9098 | Posted: 11/18/2003 7:38:48 PM | Message Detail
woah that subliminal thingy freaked me out... my lucidity comes natural...
From: Zealous98 | Posted: 11/18/2003 9:43:06 PM | Message Detail
Sometimes, I come to a point that I'm aware of my dream, but somehow I'm afraid to really try anything strange. Often I'll end up "acting out" what seems to be a preset story of some kind.

A neat thing happened to me this morning.. I had forgotten to set my alarm last night, and, at the end of my quasi-lucid dream, I heard my mother calling my name (I was just outside the backdoor), but I also heard a mysterious whispering voice around the side of the house, it also was calling my name. I thought about coming inside, because that seemed to be where my mom was calling from. But instead, I went to investigate the other voice. As I reached the corner of the house, I woke up, and it was about three minutes after my normal alarm time.
"I have everything I need for the day... Except a life!" - Me
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