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Site © Duel Swords
Layout © Kylara Design

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    Welcome to the Rogue Gundam Alliance Version 3.0, the version where our layout has to do with our motto 'Don't Let Me Die Here... Bring Me To Life' and is pretty sweet!

    This site is dedicated to Gundam Wing and is for people who love it just as much as we do! We want you to have fun in our site, from checking out the multimedia to having conversation with other cool pilots! In this community you can rp as the Gundam Wing characters or your own made up character! There are no restrictions on Yaoi/Non-Yaoi because we just dont plain care, and we want you to enjoy our guild. Please have a look at the rules before applying to our guild so that you can have an idea of what is permitted and what is not (although the rules are kept to a bare minimum).

    In our site we have a lot for you to look at, lots of eye candy! We have Character Pics, Gundam Wing Info, Humor, Pilots of the Month, Games (Endless Duel), Music and much much more! We are always looking for new ideas to make our site better and would love to hear what you have to say!

