The Insanity Tour Begins Here

<font face="verdana" color="AF orange" size="6">The Insanity Tour Begins Here</font>

The Beginning...
Jesika: You know what I wanna do?
Lisa: What?
Jesika: I really wanna make a website...but I don't know what to make it on or what to do with it. And I was wondering....If there was any way....we could have a me and you and ashli or something like that, and I can have a page for the bunch....and then crazy things...and then a section dedicated to perverted-...ness.
Lisa: That'd be greatness, man *claps hand on shoulder*
Jesika: ^^!!!!!! *gets to go Super-Gorkerd and make a website*

Okay. This site shall be dedicated to the insanity of a variety of things. From The Bunch, to The Perverted Trio, and the Art of being Not All There. WOOO, AND NOW I'M EVEN UPDATING THIS PLACE! IT'S GONNA GET FANCY PRETTY SOON!

I Soooo Totally Support! I really am gonna be a member of that site someday...

The Bunch ||| The Perverted Trio ||| Not All There ||| SockPuppets! ||| DistortedMindsAsylum |||Pictures
