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You Are Invited to a Spiritual Journey of RAPID TRANSFORMATION!








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The Holy Spirit will show you the absolute necessity of accepting "The Call" and Commission to not only become a true disciple and make other disciples, but to make and multiply disciple-makers!

The Call

...And as we disciple every "nation," ethnic group and culture, we must live TRUTH (by being REAL) and communicate TRUTH in a way that others can relate and understand.

The Reality of Truth


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At least two (2) manuals will be produced to guide and/or supplement your training seasons. The most important Manual, however, is the Holy Bible. Linked below are primary foundational Scripture that unify all BT Students and New Recruits in the divine purposes of BT. You can read each passage from several transalations (and in its biblical context) to get a fuller understanding if you follow the links to the Bible site. We highly recommend NIV (New International Version), AMP (Amplified) and NLT (New Living Translation). NOTE: The NLT version is NOT to be confused with the "Living Bible," which is only a paraphrase, and not an authentic translation from the original languages. We ONLY recommend authentic translations, NOT paraphrased versions of the Bible.

Foundation WORD

The Holy Bible (Text)

The Holy Bible (Audio)


The RAPID-Transformation Challenge

Spiritual Boot Camp Series


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Without reservation, BTDS employs what some may call "extreme measures" to transform true disciples of Christ into yielded soldiers committed to long-term full-scope spiritual maturation. Fortunately, for those who have greater hunger and a hightened passion to see change quickly, the challenge of an "evolution revolution" awaits them. There are certain biblical Spiritual Disciplines that have been proven throughout the ages to produce spiritual transformation in those who use them diligently to "seek the Lord." Combining these various methods of holy "brainwashing" with spiritual hyper-edification can yield extraordinary results. Dramatic change can be obtained by skillfully and methodically renewing the mind with Truth (Rom 12:1-2) while thoroughly and continually "washing" the inner-person with Scripture (Eph 5:25-27).

The true disciple of Christ will continue to follow Him (with the assistance of the Holy Spirit) thru the "death of the old human nature" and on to the resurrection and growth of the new spiritual nature demonstrated by Christ Himself while He lived as a transformed human on earth. This uncomfortable and quite challenging journey takes faith, patience and endurance, but can be greatly enhanced and accelerated when we employ divine wisdom with the innovative creativity given by the Spirit for our times.

We borrow a technique from the military and CIA called Total Immersion Learning. Many years ago, Kenneth Copeland was also instructed by God to utilize this principle in his KCM Conventions. By combining God's 21st-Century technology with a "remnant" who possess the hunger and extravagant devotion to fully implement these techniques, BTDS can introduce a higher level of rapid transformation to those who desire and deserve to be Xtravant Worshippers of God and human weapons -- agents of change -- in God's right hand.

Hear Kenneth Copeland on Total Immersion Learning [17 min.]


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A New Season in the Spirit Realm Awaits You!

"Behold, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him. If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you. My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land [that I promised you], ...and I will wipe [your enemies] out." -- EXODUS 23:20-23

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WARNING: This is NOT a game! When you submit to the Holy Spirit for discipleship in this process, your entire life will become the training ground of the Spirit!

Please do NOT enlist before thouroughly reviewing all materials made available in the ORIENTATION Section in the left column of this page. We have made even unedited first draft materials (from 2001) available in order to give inquirers more information to familiarize yourselves with this process. We recommend that you read the "History" for real life examples of the season that awaits a new recruit. [The unfinished version can be found at the "Welcome" page.]

Not everyone is cut out for the intensive training experienced in BASIC TRAINING; but we'd like to think everyone is at least a candidate to experience and spread revival in The Challenge. Whether or not BTDS and/or The Challenge is for you, we believe that everyone should absolutely participate in the Xtravagant Worship Alliance (XWA)!

Enlisting in any branch of BTDS should be done ONLY by the permission, leading, or explicit direction of the Holy Spirit -- unless you are NOT a born-again, believing Christian AND are a genuine seeker or Truth. Under these circumstances, you will be guided in a way that undeniably leads you to what or Who you will know is Truth.

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Your new season of intensive spiritual training will result in rapid transformation in every arena of your life in one short season...

Basic Training Discipleship (BTD) Systems include several "branches" or modular 'programs' that create distinct seasons of specialized intensive spiritual training.

The RAPID-Transformation Challenge

This "Challenge" can radically change your life and the lives of at least three (3) others you help. It is possible that the immediate and massive action you take could lead to dozens (maybe hundreds) of others experiencing the same dramatic, life-changing results... All because of your quality decision to force positive change in your own life and the lives of a few others who decide to follow your lead and take the Challenge, too.

The transformation that begins when you Accept the Challenge will eventually effect every arena of your life in profoundly positive ways. Your dreams will be resurrected, your hopes will become anchors and your faith will become activated to realize your dreams and accomplish God-given goals. You and many others around you will experience true spiritual revival and you will become empowered catalysts of a revival that not only brings Divine Destiny to many, regardless of age, race, social class, or background, but will impact entire communities abroad, including many urban population centers.

Basic Training (BT) or "Spiritual Boot Camp"

This is a Holy Spirit orchestrated season of intensive training designed to teach you the most basic skills that will rapidly transform you - spirit, soul and body. By developing an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, Who is your Teacher, Guide and Trainer, you will never be a spiritual "orphan" without "parental guidance" or divine direction in life. You will learn spiritual disciplines that, when skillfully used, will give you the ability to properly execute our ONLY "work" as a New Testament Believer (accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders) -- that is to BELIEVE and trust Him as we live by FAITH.

Advanced Individual Training (AIT)

Upon graduating Boot Camp, you immediately enter this season of specialized training to [further] establish you in your own personal divine purpose. You will learn how to gain clarity on and how to enter more fully into your individual "calling" in life, which is your pre-ordained life mission and a primary purpose for which God created you... be continued!

Special Operations Training** (SOT)

After succesfully completing BT and AIT, some will have a propensity toward an extreme lifestyle of 'Xtravagant Worship' ...and we don't mean loud music and ecstatic dancing! Special Ops demands a fully devoted life that dynamically impacts others, especially those you are sent to. This is a "100% lifestyle" that requires all that you are and all you can be. You will become a man or woman that God can depend upon to successfully complete any assignment He sends you on -- without concerns of you quitting before the mission is accomplished. Even when the task is extremely costly, dangerous, or so difficult it seems impossible to others, you must remain focused and determined to overcome all obstacles by His grace and with His power. You will learn to live life uncontrolled by people, circumstances, or demonic spiritual forces, but controlled by the Holy Spirit within. You will learn to enforce His Kingdom at His command anywhere it is not already established.

**SPECIAL OPS is optional and only available for an elite few. Further research into this branch of specialized training normally disinterests the vast majority of inquirers. MOST SEEKERS WILL NOT QUALIFY! ...And out of those whom are accepted, typically only a few actually graduate.

Not participating in or graduating from THIS Special Ops Training does not, however, mean that you cannot or will not be prepared by Holy Spirit later in life or in a different context. It simply means you will not at this time experience this training in our "flank" of God's militant forces. We rest in the fact that our Commander-In-Chief (Christ) and our Commanding Officer (Holy Spirit) knows best.

FIELD Officers Training Corp (FOTC)

This is for those whom are no longer novices in the faith, but experienced in leadership and established in the foundational conviction that end-time ministry funding strategies must include unconventional methods that utilize wealth transferred from the world's marketplace. be continued!