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))) Special Thanks!.

The old saying goes "Credit is given where credit is due" so first off I'll say thanks to you, because if your reading this now, you've seen my site. Thanks go out also to the great bands who have put out the songs that have been the insperation for the site, to my whole music class for putting up with how high pitched my harmonica was when I first took up playing it and thanks to everyone who has signed the guest book.

That said, I'd like to give a special thanks to Jase, who was first to use the requests (and for trusting me to get him a song, I'll get back to ya Jase), to Ryan K 'cause he said it was a good idea to have a song on each page, a very special thanks to Nene, who told me about how good the styles of music were, for showing it to her friends, and just for being cool :) to C Will cause I didn't even tell him about the site and he checked it out anyway, I thank Neil for taking the whole thing seriously long enough to post an honest coment, thanks alos to Sonny B who made the excellent banner for the site, and finally, I thank them all again and have left one of the catchiest songs for them here at the bottom of the page.

The song you are listening to is Soul Man by Sam and Dave.
<bgsound src="soul_man.mid">