Genei Ryodan

Here are the links ^-^ Actually, I collected these links (Handpicked of course ^-^ I spent a lot of web-time just to get these lovely fruits... ahem... You're not thinking I'm Hisoka, ne? O.O) Yay! I really do say these links are definitly five-star! Sore ja! Do visit them. But you can always link us.

Ahhh! Don't take me away!!

EVERYTHING Ryodan!|General HxH Sites|Character Shrines|Other Links

General HxH Sites

Hunter X Hunter HQ
A real good site to visit. I got lots of info (Not to mention those cute little fruits *covers mouth* NEVER EVER MISTAKE ME FOR HISOKA!) from this wonderful site!

Another five-star one! Love the background. Kawaii little.... CHIBIS! (Haha! Thought I would say fruits eh?)

Hunter Quest
This is the almighty place where I found most of my pics *bows bows* I LOVE YOU!

Ahhh.... Aoi Notes.... Superb site you should go to. I reccommend it. It even has the cute little 'compatibility quiz' :D Don't forget the Hisoka and Illumi fanclub!

A Hunter's World
Another one of my favorites! Definitly worth seeing. Especially those nice misc. things put up...

Other Links

Arigatou for making the real URL of this site ( as short as this ( I LOVE YOU!!! *hugs*


Spiders X Spiders
Name says it all! I love you Kura and Pika... *slaps forehead* Why the hell the name of the enemy! This fruit is ripe for the picking... LET'S PICK IT!!! And they say...

Nan da to!? Watashi wa Kurotopi desu ka?? NAZEEEEEE!!

Hisoka and Illumi fan club!
Sugoi da yo! This site may not be 100% Ryodan related, but it relates to two of our favorite characters! The psycho clown and the black-hole-eyes-scary-onii-chan! The scariest duo in the world!!!

Genei Ryodan ML
Hibiemi wa ureshii da yo! I made this ML for true-blue Ryodan Lovers. But you'll have to go through screening by me or by any of the moderators (The people from the orig Ryodan). I'm still working here...

Get a Free E-mail Address
You can get your free geneiryodan e-mail addy here ^-^

Character Shrines

*sweatdrops* I know I'm not supposed to do this as a spider, demo, demo! All the other Ryodan approve of making the link list open to all HxH sites...

Link me, onegai...

If you love the site very much and want to share it with the whole world, please do link me... just right-click on this picture and save it. Now, I'm being a nice person and let you use a code to link back to this site. I'm simply making it easier for you to link to this site (I'd like the people to flood in...) Naturally, I wouldn't like people using my disk space, but this is a small exception. If you'd like to not use the code, you can simply save the image to somewhere else in your place and link it back to

The original black logo

The black logo's white twin :D

HxH's Kuroro and our Kuroro :)

The cute top four of our Genei Ryodan :)