HE'S MY ________

Part 98, Meanwhile, back at the 21st Century.........by Coralynn

Henry8 awakens out in his tent and rubs his eyes. Good grief it's cold!!
The main house looks awfully quiet and he wonders where everyone could have gone.
Peeling off his sleeping bag, he makes his way to the house and into the kitchen.
Bethiah and Little Will and Celeste are sitting at the table eating cereal.
"Where IS everyone?!" he demands in his most imperious tone.
The others look up at him with calm expressions; the man is all bluster, after all, not to be feared.
Celeste says very matter-of-factly, "They went time traveling, Henry. I'm not sure why you weren't invited to go along, but it appears you were not." and with that she refills Little Will's bowl.
Henry8 sputters, "Welll, uh, harumph, they must have given up their idea of taking me back to Court, not that I would have gone with them anyway. They aren't ditching ME back at Court and they know it!"
Henry8 smiles in satisfaction and begins rummaging around in the cupboards.
"The bowls are in the second cupboard from the right, Henry," Bethia informs him before he completely ruins the cupboards with his clumsy pawing around.
He finds one and slaps it down on the table. It's plastic, so it doesn't break. Henry8 looks at it, picks it up, and muses, "what do they make these dishes out of anyway? Whatever. I have an Announcement. William gets to make Announcements, and since he isn't here right now, I'm the leader of this group!" He thinks this is a good approach and fills his bowl with Fruit Loops. The others look at him with bored expressions.
He wonders what one has to do to get some respect out of these people. They are in no way intimidated by him, and that is not what he's used to, and if it weren't for the great stores, the fast food runs he makes with Bill and women in skirts short enough to show their legs, he would abandon this stupid Century altogether.
Before he gets a chance to make his big Announcement, however, the doorbell rings.
He impatiently goes to the front of the house and flings open the door. Two Policmen are standing there, one asking, "This is the home of Bethiah Adams, is it not?"
Henry nods and indicates she is in the kitchen.
When Bethiah sees the Policemen enter the room, she sits up very straight and looks at them intensely. What did they find out about Steven's murder? Are they there to take her to jail?
"Ma'm, we hate to bother you so early in the day, but felt you'd want to know as soon as possible that you are cleared of any suspicion in the murder of Steven Wood. Your fingerprints are definitely not the ones on the knife."
She exhales loudly and gives them a weak smile. "Thank you for telling me," she says in a tired voice, as she has lain awake the past several nights worrying that if she were not cleared she would end up in the 21st century version of the stocks.
"Do you know who the murderer is then?" she asks hopefully.
The other Cop replies line a robot, "Not yet, ma'am, but we will. That's what we do. We're cops!"
They leave.
Celeste gives Bethiah's hand a squeeze, "That is good news indeed, Bethiah. Now you can rest easy."
But Bethiah is still concerned, "Who did this awful thing then, Celeste? Can you find out with your crystal ball?"
Celeste shrugs and tells her "I would prefer the Police find out for themselves, dear. I suppose I could help them out as a last resort, but I don't want to make myself conspicuous, which I would if I meddled in this right now."
Bethia understands and smiles. "You have been such a good friend to use all, Celeste. How can you put up with all the craziness that goes on around here?"
"My dear girl," Celeste exclaims with a smile, "This is the most fun I've had for a long, long time! I always wondered what the Plantagenets were really like.......now I'm finding out!"
Henry8 is to the end of his patience,
"First off, Celeste, I am not a Plantagenet, and second, I have an Annoucement!"
Little Will chimes in, "Well, then, get on with it, man!!"
They all gasp and look at the child. Where has he come up with that?!
Not to be derailed, however, Henry8 plunges ever onward,
"I have me a job at the Renaissance Festival!" he proclaims proudly, "Yes, at the same one where Eleanor is all the rage. I am to be the Reining Monarch of the Festival. Aren't you curious to know which Monarch I am pretending to be?"
They look at him with glazed eyes.
"I am Henry the 8th!" he chuckles and slaps the table, making the bowls jump.
"Elearnor will not be pleased," Bethiah says in a neutral tone.
"The Devil take Elearnor!" Henry8 thunders, "When did she get to be Queen of the World anyway? I know, I've seen all those books written about her as if she were the only important Royal in the history of England. Mostly written by women, too, you have to notice. Trying to turn history on it's head by paying undue attention to a woman who should have spent her life in a French gaol, but instead insinuated herself into the English royal family. Anyone with any sense at all would pay her no mind, but these stupid modern women think she's a heroine. Not to me she isn't, she is just a woman. Women belong in the bedroom and the kitchen and that's all!"
This tirade fails to arouse any comments from Bethia and Celeste.
If Henry8 is spoiling for a fight, he's come to the wrong place. He waits for them to respond angrily, but nothing happens. Frustrated, he goes on to say, "I am building my own house, or Castle, too."
Oh-oh, the others think, not in the back yard, please God, not in the back yard. William will be homicidal if he gets back from Court only to find that Henry8 has indeed done so after explicit instructions from William to drop the idea.
But no one comments about his last bombshell.
He is again frustrated with these women who don't want to engage him in an argument. He misses Eleanor........incredibly.......she would have jumped on him in a rage.

Since no one is responding, he goes on to explain, "I bought the house next door."
Again, no response.
"I'm having it demolished and building a Castle there."
Mild eyebrow raising.
"Where am I getting the money you ask?" though no one has asked.
"I got 10 thousand from the Santa Claus parade job; alright, so it wasn't the full 35, but at least it's something. The people who run the Renaissance Festival gave me a signing bonus of 50 thousand, so I used it all for a downpayment. I"m catching on quickly to how things are done in this century!"
Not a peep out of anyone.
"The company demolishing the house are doing it for the materials, so that's won't cost me. There is also a possibility they'll just move the house to another location. I told them they could do anything they wanted with the house as long as it's gone within the next few days. Is that clever?!"
"Being a property owner, or rather a Castle owner, I will not be booted out of this century by William or Eleanor or anyone. I am here to stay!!"
Again using neutral tones, Bethiah asks, "Where will you live while your ummm, castle, is being built, Henry?"
"Where I am now!" he considers her question pretty stupid.
"What if William tells you to take your tent and go elsewhere?" Celeste inquires.
"Then I'll live in my OWN backyard. Besides, I'm getting my Castle from a pre-fabricated company who can have it built within five days. I think it's called Castles R Us. They're hoping the idea catches on all over the country, so they cut me a deal on the price. They want to direct prospective buyers here to see how magnificent mine looks. I'll be the only person with a Castle in the entire town of Chappaqua! Others may not require a moat, but I'm having one dug. I miss my moat!"
Bethia and Celeste roll their eyes and as their eyes meet they both begin to snicker.
Little Will has also been listening to Henry8's announcement and asks enthusiastically, "Can I live in your Castle, too? I had a long dream about living in a Castle and I want to live in one really and truly. Can I come too, can I, can I?"
"You can visit, Will, but you have to live in this house. Sorry. You can fish in the moat, though, anytime you want. I'll have it stocked with trout."
Little Will is the only one who thinks this whole thing is fun and interesting, and being only four yrs old, is ready to throw in his lot with anyone who conjures up something that's a small child's dream.
A lot of noise is heard in the direction of that house next door. Everyone goes to the side window and looks out. Sure enough, there are huge flatbed trucks obviously moving great parts of the house. Henry8 hurries out to supervise.

When he is well out of earshot, Bethia and Celeste shake their heads in disbelief. "This will send William into a fit!" Bethia says, and Celeste nods her agreement.
They clear away the breakfast dishes and load them into the dishwasher. Little Will is standing on a chair by the window enraptured by the sight of the house being carted away.
"Castles R US?" Bethia questions, "What kind of name is that?!"

Days pass.
Little Will spends most of his waking hours either looking out the window or standing by the side of the house, watching the construction. Henry8 has told him it's too dangerous for him to be nearer the building site.
Henry8, however, has donned a hard-hat and is trying to wrest control from the building superintendent, Ed Rathburn.
"Stay back, man, and let me do my job!" Ed insists, "I know how to put this castle together after all. You don't know how castles are built, do you?"
Henry8 is frustrated because he can't tell Ed that he indeed knows how castles are built, so he does all the micro-managing he can, hoping Ed is too busy to notice.

Bethiah is again working at the Colonial Village, though she is tiring of it, and wonders what other kind of job she might be able to do.
"What other kind of job can I possibly get?" she asks Celeste. "I haven't mastered the computer the way Eleanor has, and, as far as I know, I have no great acting talent as Rosamond has. So where do I fit in?"
Celeste has no ready solution to her conundrum. Bethiah sighs and begins getting ready for work.
"I am sorely tired of wearing these 1640 styles!" she says, smoothing down the skirt of the dress.
Celeste perks up.
"Do you fancy designing clothes, Beth?"
"I always wanted to do that," Bethiah replies, " I met Eleanor and Rosamond because I was so fascinated by their different style of dress. Now I realize they were dressed like, what do you call them, hippies?" she laughs.
"It's something to consider...." Celeste begins a sentence, but is interrupted by Henry8 bursting into the house.
"It is done!" he announces triumphantly.
"Already?" the woman are dubious.
"See for yourselves!" he gestures toward the property next door. Beth and Celeste go outside and sure enough, there stands a very large castle.
"It's awfully large!" Beth remarks.
"Only 6500 square feet!" Henry8 insists, "A mere shadow of the castles I had back in the homeland. Want a tour?"
Little Will has by now awakened from his nap and runs out to see. Henry8 takes the child's hand and the women follow them to the huge heavy wooden door at the front of the building.
Henry leans on it and it doesn't budge. He shoves harder. Nothing.
Finally he reaches into his pocket and produces a small square with buttons.
"I almost forgot!!" he exclaims, "You open the door by using this!" and, squeezing the large button in the middle, the door slowly opens, revealing a very large, very empty castle.
"You have no furniture yet, Henry, how can you live here?" Bethiah inquires, her voice echoing off the walls.
"A-ha!" he booms, "Just wait. I have great plans for this place. Come see my bed chambers!"
Little Will scampers ahead while the two women look at each other and shake their heads.
The large room Henry8 has indicated as his bed chamber, has his tent smack dab in the middle.
The women laugh, they can't help it. How ludicrous!!
"I know I shall have to gather together floor rushes to make it seem like home," Henry8 goes on, "but in no time at all this will be the most incredible home in town!"

The sound of many cars coming down the road distracts everyone. As they go to the ceiling to floor window in Henry8's "bed chamber" they see cars being parked in front of the castle, across the street from it, and even in front of their regular house.
"What is that?!" Celeste asks, "Is someone throwing a huge party?"
"Nononono," Henry8 tells her, "Since I got this castle for almost nothing, I agreed to let people come by and see it so that they will order one from the builder also. Clever idea if I do say so myself!"

The sound of voices is heard in the foyer, and the salesman for Castles R Us is making a big pitch to the crowd.
"Just like Royalty!!" he says, enthusiastically, "You can live like this too! Picture this on your lot. Picture having huge parties and celebrations in your very own castle!"
There is a buzz from the crowd. One woman pushes ahead and says in a raspy voice, "But I want mine custom made! I don't want mine to look like every other castle on the street!"
"You can have any style you prefer," the salesman goes on, "As the component parts are chosen one by one. Think how creative you can be.......how One of A Kind!!"
Others nod and the buzz continues.
Soon the prospective castle buyers are swarming all over the place; looking into various rooms, going up the large marble-looking stairs to the chambers above.
Henry8 bars his bed chamber from view.
"LET ME SEE!" the raspy-voiced woman insists, as she shoves Henry8 aside.
Henry8 shoves back. The woman's husband strides forth and confronts Henry8. "How dare you shove my wife??"
"Ohhh, is that your wife, sir, I thought it might be your dog!!"
The other man takes a swing at Henry, which is totally ineffective, Henry having a low center of gravity and skin as thick as a mule.
"Gentlemen!! Gentlemen!" the salesman hustles forward, trying to save this from deteriorating into a melee.
"Now, we shant invade our host's privacy. His bedchamber is off-limits. I hope you understand, but these others are very similar. Follow me......" his voice trails off as the group follows him to the next bedchamber.

As tactfully as possible, Bethia asks Henry8, "Are you sure you're going to be able to do this, Henry? Are people going to be coming into your house at all hours of the day and night?"

NO, by damn!" Henry says decisively, "Not after I get my moat built. I hate to disappoint you, little Will, but I won't be stocking it with trout. I heard that crocodiles make a good deterent. Let them try swimming across when the draw-bridge is up and they'll find out who is King in this Castle!!"
The women burst out laughing, then look at each other with the same thought: what will William say???

Part 99: The Homecoming.......by Coralynn

William, Eleanor, John and Rosamond open their eyes and see that indeed they have successfully returned to the 21st Century.
Rosamond is still shaking from her close shave, clinging to John for comfort.
"We made it home, Rose," John assures her, "See? There's our house! But what on earth is that building next door? It looks for all the world like a castle!! William, was it there when we left?"
"NAY!" William declares, "But I have a good idea who put that monstrosity up!"
They enter the house and Rosamond and Eleanor go immediately to Rosamond's bedroom to refresh her.
Rosamond is awed by the tender ministrations from Eleanor, who was always a foe.
"I appreciate your help, Eleanor. Why are you being so nice to me when before this we always hated each other?"
Eleanor answers as she helps Rosamond out of her tattered and blood-stained dress, "You have seen Henry for what he truly is, Rose. I have known for a long, long time how cruel he can be, but now you see it, too. We have a new kind of sisterhood, wouldn't you say?"
"How did you put up with him?" Rosamond is now curious about Eleanor's relationship with Henry2, whereas before she put the blame on Eleanor alone.
"We had those sons, remember? The Devil's Brood? How could I abandon them? Methinks that now I have to cut ties with them, however. They are men grown and it is too late for me to have a softening influence on any of them. A mother knows when her work is done. I have grown to detest Henry, which is sad when you think of how much passion was between us years ago. Now I but feel indifference. The devil take him!"
"Amen!!" Rosamond agrees, "I have now cut my ties with him as well. Whatever will he do without one of both of us to abuse?"
"Do we care??" Eleanot laughs. "Come, now, get in the shower. You haven't had a good washing up in days and I know how immaculate you like to be. You are truly a lovely woman, Rose, and deserve to be treated as such. If there's anything I can do to aid you, only say the word!"
Rosamond hugs Eleanor fiercely.
"You are my champion!" she declares, her face alight with glee, "And what a brave thing you did getting me out of Court just in time."
"Welllll, I did see Henry heading for the stables, after all. I think the stables are a fit place for a man such as he, wouldn't you agree?"
Rosamond laughs as she goes into the bathroom to shower.
Soon the sound of water is heard, and Eleanor also hears Rosamond singing a happy song as she washes days of grime from her body.

Satisfied that Rose is going to be alright, she joins the others.
William and John look up as she enters the kitchen, where they have been drinking coffee, the first cups since they left for Court.
"Pour me a cup, too, will you, William?" Eleanor requests.
"How is Rosamond?" John asks, obviously shaken by the sight of her bruises and blood stained dress, "Is she going to be all right?"
"She's a gutsy gal!" Eleanor brags, "Never you fear, gentlemen, "Rose will rise from the ashes as the ancient phoenix!!"
"You seem to have had an attitude adjustment!" William says with a twinkle in his eyes. "Have the two of your buried the ancient hatchet?"
"Absolutely!" Eleanor answers, as she takes her first sips of coffee, "My, how I've missed this brew. I hated it at first, but now it tastes like the elixir of the Gods!"

"I don't enjoy introducing anything negative into our conversation, but did you get a look at the castle next door?" William asks. "Methinks Henry8 has run amok in our absence. His tent is also no longer in our back yard. Shall I confront him and demand he take down that terrible excuse for a castle?"
"Too late," John puts in, "I doubt you can do anything now, William. What bothers me is the great increase in traffic. There must be 20 cars parked in front of that place, plus the driveway, and several cars are even parked in the front yard! Look!!
Several are now invading our driveway. Why?"

Part 100: What about Henry??........by Terri
Henry stood by the hedge maze and wondered what happened. It all happened so fast! They were there one minute and gone the next.
Then Eleanor's words rang in his ears. Kiss this? Kiss what? She always was speaking in riddles. Fine day, Henry thought. First Merovin going lame and then Rosamond running out on him--again. He wondered if she would ever come back. Not that she had any reason to. Little Wills was back in the 21st century, wherever that was. And that spawn of the Devil--John Gwinnett! He was back there, too---back with Rosamond. Henry's head began to pound. Too much claret, he thought. I can't think straight. He went up the side staircase by the turret into his chambers.
Kicking the bedclothes out of the way, he surveyed the damage. He opened another bottle of claret and took a long pull on the bottle. This situation demanded re-thinking.
He could only guess what was going on at Loverlock Castle. Sir Wallace had no idea of the child. That was a surprise to Henry. Why had Lady de Clifford kept it from her husband? Maybe she didn't want to admit she was old enough to be a grandmother?
That would be just like that scheming, vain woman.
Henry looked down at his hand. The blood had dried on the palm where he sliced his hand taking the knife away from Rosamond. That certainly wasn't something he expected. How long had he been with Rosamond anyways? Let's see, little Wills was four years old. Rosamond would be about twenty-two, twenty-three now. She still had a lot of life left in her! That was one woman I never got tired of! Where had everything gone wrong? It was that damn coin of William's! And Henry VIII's fault, too. If he hadn't been so randy and quick to further his line, Rosamond would never have lied about the fake pregnancy. She'd still be here.
Henry looked around and sat on the bed. What a mess! The bedsheets were on a heap on the bed. What was that over there? The mirror? I guess so, Henry thought.
Here's the frame and no looking glass. And over there? Three bottles of claret?
That wall will have to be scrubbed down. That must be claret--it surely isn't blood, is it? Henry took another long drink on the bottle. This can't possibly be over. There had to a way to get Rosamond back, even if he had to trick her or go back and fetch her himself. He would have to somehow get William's coin and blow it into oblivion. Then there would be an end to this nonsense.
She certainly put up a good fight! What did she say? Hell would freeze over before she let me touch her again? Yeah, that was a good one, Rosamond!
John and Richard were passing by the turret. Richard glanced in, saw the chaos.
John started to laugh but caught himself when he saw the stormy expression on his father's face.
Richard exclaimed, "Father! What happened?"
Henry smiled without humor. "What can I say? Hell froze over."

Eleanor came downstairs early Saturday morning. William was fixing bagels with cream cheese and olives. Wonderful stuff, this cream cheese, he thought.
Eleanor got a big cup of coffee and put three spoonfuls of sugar in it.
William looked at her unbelievingly. "Eleanor, do you really need all that sugar?"
"Awwww, Henry, let me guess-you already think I am sweet enough?"
"No, I think you would be diabetic."
Eleanor stuck her tongue out at him. "Seriously, I need to talk to you. It's about Rosamond."
William groaned inwardly. "What is it now?"
"Rosamond is putting up a good front. She is smiling, she is as motherly as she can be towards Wills. But something has changed. She is getting thinner. Have you noticed how she picks at her food? Sometimes I hear her pacing in her room at night. Once I thought I heard her sobbing into her pillow. I don't know what went down when she visited her parents or what happened when Henry dragged her home. Henry never hit me. Maybe she needs therapy. I think Rosamond has alot of baggage she has to deal with. I remember when she came to Court. She was so sweet and innocent, but all of a sudden she changed. Like my son John did when he came back from the military campaign in France. I think he went wenching alot with his
cousin Henry."
William just laughed. "Maybe Rosamond realized that she liked it.
Eleanor looked quizzically."It?"
William explained, "IT!"
Eleanor finally got it. "Oh, IT!" They both laughed and stopped when Rosamond walked into breakfast.
"Hey, Rosie, how's it going?" Eleanor put her arm around Rosamond's shoulder.
Rosamond shrugged. "It's going OK. I am to report to work on the soap. Excuse me-we call it daytime drama now. I guess they are writing me back in. Supposedly I got over my nervous breakdown and they are releasing my character from the sanitarium.
That's what they do when they don't know if they want to renew a contract. They wait for readers' input to see how much they are missed."
Rosamond casually asked, "I haven't seen much of John since we came back. Where has he been? "
William and Eleanor looked at each other. They knew John Gwinnett played a major role in what went down in England.
"He's been busy. His contract was renewed at that soap..er, daytime drama. And he said he has a bartending job three nights a week."
Eleanor and Rosamond exchanged glances. "Snappy job!" Eleanor said.
Rosamond reached for the vodka to put in her orange juice. And walked out of the room. Eleanor and William exchanged glances. Eleanor sighed. "OK, you don't have to ask me...I'll talk to her."

Rosamond was out by the pool sitting in a lounge chair and sipping her screwdriver.
Eleanor sat down next to her. "Rosamond, do you really have to have that so early in the morning?"
Rosamond looked to the east. "It's two o'clock in the afternoon in England. Tea time.
And as I have no tea..." She took a big swallow.
Eleanor looked at her. "Liquor won't dull the pain, Rosamond. You seemed happy enough when you first got back. What is it, PTS?"
Rosamond responded listlessly. "PTS?"
"PTS. Post traumatic stress syndrome. It happens to soldiers who have been in battle. I saw the room, Rosamond. Do you want to talk about it?"
Rosamond looked at her. "No, as a matter of fact, I don't. What's to talk about? I suppose William or John told you about what happened right after we got there."
Eleanor looked puzzled. "No, as a matter of fact they didn't. I was busy with my sons."
Rosamond looked down at her feet. "Henry cheated on me. I found a locket by the bed. I think it was that serving wench's."
Eleanor said quietly, "Now you know how I felt when you replaced me in Henry's affections."
But Rosamond stared at her full in the face. "But if only I had turned and walked out. If only I had never tried to get child support out of Henry. Henry walked in on me as I was leaving his room."
Rosamond covered her eyes and a tear slipped between her fingers. "I may have won the battle, but Henry won the war. The memory of what we had was too great. There has always been a fire that burned between us."
Eleanor got up to go. "You forget, Rosamond, Henry was my husband. You replaced me and I don't think I need to hear this."
Rosamond was miserable. "I am sorry, Eleanor. So sorry for a lot of things. Henry treated me like property--so I ran away. Right from the woods to the middle of the forest! My lot in life was explained by my dear sweet mother. Did you know she
deliberately set me up to be Henry's mistress? What chance did I have? When I confronted her on this, she locked me in my room and sent a note for Henry to come fetch me like a wayward child. When Henry came, he indicated that John Gwinnett's fate lay in my hands. If I didn't go back with him, I really did think he would have made John disappear. It has been known to happen."
Eleanor said, "I noticed the bruises. What happened?"
Rosamond stared off into space. "He backhanded me. He had never hit me before."
Eleanor looked sympathetically. "He never hit me either. He must be at his wit's end.
It must be killing him that you are in the 21st century with our very own 'Stud of the Month' ! After all, John must be about fifteen years younger than Henry. Henry is probably staring his own mortality in the face."
Rosamond shook her head unbelievingly. "He practically told me to forget about Wills. As if I could! I know I haven't been the best mother in the world but I do love my child. Does he think of me as a brood mare?"
Eleanor quietly urged Rosamond to continue.
"So what happened after that?"
"I went to my chambers. Henry had been drinking. That's what the claret bottles were from. One word led to another... glass was broken, mirrors were shattered. I don't remember much more than that."
"What about the blood on your gown? The tears and tatters?"
"I grabbed a dagger. I had never seen such rage in my life. It was hard to believe this was the man that I once loved. He grabbed it out of my hand. Blade first. That's why there was blood on my gown. He sliced his palm open. But he didn't care. The rest is a blur. The back of my head hurt. I think I hit it against the wall. I must have passed out. The next thing I knew you were standing there dragging me down to the hedge maze. I was never so happy to get back to New York."
Rosamond let out a big sigh. "Thank you for listening, Eleanor. I would just as soon forget the whole week."

John Gwinett came in quietly that night. It was 3:00 AM. Things were really jumping at Chippendales that night. John opened the door to his room and turned on the shower. The hot water felt good on his body. After a few minutes, he stepped out and wrapped his towel around himself. He heard noises coming from Rosamond's room.
He listened at the door. All of a sudden he heard her screaming.
He rushed in and Rosamond was sitting upright, with the blanket's wrapped around her. She was crying and shaking.
"Rosamond! Rosamond! Please! Wake up!" He wrapped his arms protectively around her. But Rosamond would not come out of her nightmare. John finally had to slap her. Rosamond instinctively started pounding on John's chest. "HENRY! HENRY!" she screamed. Finally Rosamond looked up and recognized John.
With that, she put her arms around him and sobbed. "Hold me, John! Please! Please! Never let me go!"
And John whispered back, "I'll never leave you, Rosamond."

Part 101: Bethia wins BIG!........by Coralynn

"It's almost dinnertime, I wonder where Bethiah is? She should have been home hours ago!" Rosamond muses, with a worried look on her face.
"You mean THIS Bethiah?! John says as he pulls her into the living room where the TV news is on. "The one holding the winning Power Ball lottery ticket?"
"Oh my gosh!! It is her! What's a powerball lottery ticket?"
Eleanor fills her in on what a lottery is, interspered with watching as the TV interviewer asks Bethiah questions.
"What do you plan to do with your 78 million dollars, Ms Adams?"
"I have no idea...." Bethiah is pensive and looks rather overwhelmed.
The interviewer goes on, "You realize you will only really receive 40 million, as the rest goes for taxes..."
Bethiah has no idea what taxes are. She squints her eyes at the guy holding the mike.
"Ohhhhhhh?" is her only response.
"Do you have a boyfriend or a husband and children?"
"No. I did have one, but he turned out the be a 'she'"....Bethiah tries to come up with something to satisfy this man who is asking altogether too many questions.
"Ahhh, I see, you're a lesbian!!" the guy announces, thinking this is a real coup.
"What's a lesbian?"
"So you're saying you aren't one, am I right?"
"I don't know. It would help if you'd tell me what one IS!" Bethiah is becoming annoyed.
William sits on one of the chairs with the levers on the side, shaking his head and groaning.
"Merciful heavens, will they leave her alone??"
The segment ends.
They all begin to relax. How humiliating for Bethiah, to have to answer questions when she is so behind the times.
Eleanor says, "I'll have to keep up my campaign to teach Bethiah about this century. She really is out of her depth."
"So she's won a whole lot of money?" Rosamond asks.
"Looks like she has enough money to see her through the rest of her life!" William smiles, "I can't think of a better person to have had this happen to. Except of course that horrible interview. But, yes, Rose, she is now fantastically wealthy."
Henry8 comes bounding into the house, the first time he has done so since our time travelers returned from court.
"Beth is a rich woman!" he declares, "She may want to invest in a castle!! If she buys one, I get a bonus! If enough people I know buy castles, I'll end up getting mine vitually free. How about that??"
"How did you know Bethia won all that money, Henry?" Eleanor inquires, "All you have in that ugly castle is a tent."
"I have me a little TV in there now, too!" Henry8 says triumphantly.
"You mean that place actually has electricity?" Eleanor has to laugh.
William has remained silent on this subject, and Henry8 is looking at him out of the corner of his eye to see what William's reaction might be.
No reaction whatsoever. William has decided to ignore everything about it with the exception of the cars parking all over both properties. He's decided that the next time it happens he's going to call the Police and have the cars towed off the lawns.
Why tell Henry that ahead of time and spoil all the fun?
"Who would like to visit me in my castle and see all the improvements I've made?" Henry8 asks, hoping someone will, as it's getting awfully lonely over there by himself.
There is no response.
"I have three hearty wenches over at my castle, men," he addresses William and John, "Mayhap you might care to join me in a bit of sport?"
After several more attempts to interest someone ... anyone ... Henry8 stomps off and slams the door behind him.
"Why did you bring that randy toad to this Century, William? Refresh my memory. Couldn't you have dumped him in the Hudson or the East River or something....."
"You know the story well, Eleanor, I had no choice, but had I to do it over, I might have thought of some other place to deposit him than right here. Actually, he would have been alright in 1910 New Orleans. Some jealous gangster was out to kill him, but would that really have been so bad? Too late to go back and re-do it, El. Here he is, and from what I see, here he is to stay."

As dinner is finished and the kitchen is being cleaned up, they soon hear someone enter the house.
"Bethia???" Rosamond runs to the door.
"Yes, it's me," Bethia says as she walks thru the house into the kitchen and slumps down on a chair. "I am so tired. Can someone pour me some coffee?"
As Rosemond sets a cup in front of her, Bethiah goes on,
"I don't mind being rich. In fact it will help me in my new venture designing a line of clothes. I can quit the Colonial Village. I will have more time to draw the dresses I'm fashioning. But why did they have to humiliate me on the television?"
"They DO that in this Century, Beth," Rosamond gives her a compassionate look, "They want to get something wild to talk about. Then they put it in those awful tabloid newspapers you see in the supermarket check-out lines."
"I'M going to be in the tabloids?" Bethiah is shocked.
"We can hope not, Beth," Eleanor tries to calm her, "But now you are something of a celebrity. Let me help you get more up to date on this century. I was not pleased about the lesbian thing coming up on the tele....."
"What IS that anyway? How can I know whether or not to be insulted or flattered if I know not what something IS?"
"That's why you need to watch more television, Beth," Eleanor picks up her train of conversation, "There are people from outer space who can figure out the culture in this country from watching television alone, or movies......."
The doorbell rings. John answers the door, and from the kitchen they can hear a heated exchange of words between John and whoever rang the bell. Soon the door is slammed shut and John thunders into the kitchen,
"Salesmen!!" he yells, "They want to sell Bethiah life insurance, an Annuity, whatever that is, a time-share in Florida, and a house in the Hamptons! This is insane!"
"A house in the Hamptons....." Bethiah is trying to remember, "Isn't that one of the things we put on our lists of things we would not buy, remember, back when William was trying to get us to budget?"
She smiles, then starts to giggle. "Wellllll, William, we may have to revisit that list!!"

William hears the welcome sound of laughter, and joins them.
Bethiah considers William an expert in practically everything, so she asks, "Is this truly enough money to last me for the rest of my life, William?"
"That depends," he begins carefully, "I don't think I've explained to any of you just how long your lives will be because you're time travelers."
They all gather round to hear this.....they are fearing the worst, as in their lives will suddenly end when they least expect it.
"When you live in a time that is not your own original time-frame, you do not age," he began.
"GREAT!!" Rosamond cheers, "I shall be lovely forever!! Truly, William, I will never get a day older?"
"Not as long as you live in this century, no, you won't. You will be as close to immortal as a person can be without dying."
Rosamond has by then started dancing around the kitchen. She grabs John out of his chair and he manages a few steps with her, trying not to trip over his feet. They didn't do any dancing back in 1640 Southold, Long Island, after all.
"You mean, if I fall off the top of a tall building, I will still live?" Bethia is squinting up her eyes again.
"I didn't say that. If you are unfortunate enough to be in the car when Eleanor drives it into the ditch, which is only a matter of time, you may be killed."
"Euuuuu, I don't like that! OK, no problem......I won't ride with Eleanor in her car. No offence, El, but if I'm to stay 28 years old for the next thousand years, I can't take any chances with your driving!"

Part 102: Long Island................by Terri

John is swimming laps in the pool early in the morning. Bethia comes out with coffee. She sighs happily. "John, I feel on top of the world. All that money! And the four of you coming back safe and sound. But no one will talk about what happened.
Did Rosamond get the child support out of Henry?'"
John grabs a towel and dries off. "No, she ran into complications and decided not to pursue it."
Bethia stretches out in the warm sun. "I feel like I should get away for the day. Rosamond took Will on a shopping trip. The child is growing out of everything.
Eleanor is reading and playing on the computer and William has taken over the kitchen, concocting up some dessert called Peanut Butter Pie."
John snaps his fingers. "I've got it, Bethia! I need a break, too--especially after England. Let's say you and I slip away and visit our old stomping grounds! We can drive out to Southold in two hours. Would you like to see what it looks like now?"
Bethia's eyes are shining. "WOULD I!! I would like to stop at the old Hamptons Burying Grounds and put flowers on my parents' grave, if they are still standing. I must have alot of friends there, too," she says soberly.
John grins conspiratorially at her. "I'll tell the others that you want to go to the investors and I want to stop at Barney's and pick up a new suit. No one will be the wiser! I look forward to the company of a low-maintenance woman, Beth!"
Bethia gives an exaggerated curtsey. "Meet you by the garage in half an hour, my fellow vagabond!"
John waits for Bethia. She comes out in jeans, an old sweatshirt and carrying a basket. "Hey, what's in the basket?" John sniffs appreciatively.
"I stole some of William's finger-lickin' chicken and some wine. We deserve it!
Maybe we can picnic on the grounds."
John puts the top of his new Corvette down and they roar off onto the Long Island
Expressway. Within a few hours they are there. Bethia looks around. "But, John, are you sure this is the right place?"
John looks on his map. "Yes, that's it. It sure looks different." They drive further.
Finally John stops at a small white church. It says in a small plaque, "This is the fourth church built on this site, the first being a Puritan church founded by Reverend
John Youngs, circa 1640" Bethia looks out back, a lump in her throat. "John,"
she whispers. "I found the cemetery." Bethia hangs back. John takes her hand. "What are you afraid of?" Bethia whispers ever so softly. "Caleb. Oh, dear God, I am afraid of Caleb!"
John reassures her. "Bethia, Caleb is in the ground and if there is any justice, he is in a worse place! He can't hurt you. Matter of fact, I'll let you spit on his grave and I won't even tell anyone about it!"
They walk cautiously forward. Bethia turns to John. "Are your kinfolk buried here, too, John?" John says, "No, my parents stayed in England."
Bethia gives a little cry. She is stepping on Caleb! "Oh, John, look! There are six women surrounding him! All are listed as Adams!" Her eyes grew rounder. "That blackard married six times! Yet no children surrounded him. Could it be that HE was barren, and not me?" Then Bethia gave a cry. She had come upon her own marker!
She looked about ready to faint. John rushed over.
He eases Bethia down to the ground. "Bethia, don't freak out on me. The stone says, 'In memoriam. Bethia Adams wife of Caleb. Disappeared and presumed dead 1640"
Bethia starts laughing hysterically. "They think I went into the woods and was eaten by a bear! No wonder--Caleb would never have looked for me. He was well rid of me. He could move on to the next..and the next...and the next! Trying to find an heir.
But he never could. The jerk was sterile!"
John starts laughing too. "Well, Bethia, I guess you could always find a 21st century husband and start your own little family!"
Bethia blushes. After the Steven fiasco, she has been gun-shy. "John, do you think they will ever find out who killed Steven?"
John shakes his head. "Maybe not. It seems he led a rather shady life. Sometimes they would rather let things be."
Bethia picks some wildflowers. "Here are my parents. They were the best! My mother didn't want me to marry Caleb. She thought he was a dumb ox! My father was sick that year and he wanted to provide for me. He thought Caleb would take care of me and that would be one less worry for them. How wrong they were! Within a month, Caleb started to beat me. What does it say on Caleb's stone?"
John reads, "Here lies Caleb Adams. Married six times, lamented none. 1610-1660"
Bethia shudders. "He burned out five more wives in twenty years. That means each of them lasted four years on the average. Bet if they did a DNA test they would find arsenic in their hair!"
John moves away to the far end of the cemetery. He gazes down at a stone and frowns. Bethia moves over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, peering over it.
"Daniel Gwinnett 1615-1650" She looks expectantly up at John. "A relative, John?"
John sighs deeply.
"My twin brother. And a bigger scoundrel and cad you would have to look long and hard to find." And with that, he walks off.

Bethia and John walk around Southold. They stop in at the Historical Society.
There are sketches of the town depicting 1640. A stout woman with a warm smile comes over to them.
"Hello--I am Margaret Cooper. May I help you or answer any questions you may have? How do you like our little hamlet?"
Bethia looked nervously over at John. John clears his throat. "Ma'am, we like it just fine. Always have!"
Bethia burst out in a nervous giggle. "Oh, are you folks local?" Mrs. Cooper asks.
John replied, "We are descendants from the original settlers, here to find our roots. We were just over to the burying ground at the Puritan church."
Mrs. Cooper claps her hands together. "Isn't it lovely and peaceful there? Just a picture perfect setting! My ancestors are buried there, too! Which ones are yours?"
John looks a little perturbed. "I seem to remember the name 'Daniel Gwinnett' from my research. What can you tell me about him?"
Mrs. Cooper frowns. "Gwinnett---Gwinnett--Daniel Gwinnett. Let me think...oh, yes!
I seem to remember some scandal connected with his name. Let me look in the church records and in this book...here he is! 'Daniel Gwinnett born in England 1615. Came to Massachusetts in 1635 with his brother John. They moved on to Long Island the following year in 1636. Brother John disappeared in 1640, presumed to be involved in a skirmish with the local Indian tribes. Body never found, probably buried in the woods by the Indians to avoid further altercations. Daniel Gwinnett was stabbed to death on June 20, 1650 in the home of Benjamin Bradley by Mr. Bradley under suspicious circumstances." Mrs. Cooper closes the book.
Then she looks over her glasses at Bethia. "And what about you, little lady? Do you have ancestors here, too?"
Bethia timidly answers, "Yes, ma' am. My parents were...uh, related to Prudence and James Mallory. I think one of their daughters married a Caleb Adams?"
Mrs. Cooper got a disgusted look on her face. "Caleb Adams! He was a nasty piece of work! His first wife Bethia disappeared. They didn't think she befell the same fate as John Gwinnett, though. In the woods was found a basket and cape that were identified as hers. I imagine one of the local bears got her! She probably went for a picnic by herself and bears, well, being what they are...Bethia probably became the main course! It was probably a blessing, though... considering."
Bethia asked, "Considering what?"
Mrs. Cooper bends over like she is gossiping over a backyard fence. "Well, hear tell Mr. Caleb Adams was a regular Bluebeard! He kept marrying and trying to have a son..or a daughter...my goodness, he would keep marrying women and they kept dying. Yes, ma'am! The last one finally cracked his head open with a frying pan!
It was rumoured that Caleb would beat his wives...maybe even poisoned them!
Well, the last one, Martha Whitcomb, did him in! He sure was a sorry excuse for a man."
Bethia mutters, "Amen to that!"
John asks, "What was the reason for the stabbing of Daniel Gwinnett?"
Mrs. Cooper relishes the information. She motiones them closer. Bethia and John lean forward. "Well, the rumour mill has it that Gwinnett had been seen after dark with Mrs. Bradley. Benjamin got home from a long hunting trip and caught Mr. Gwinnett in a compromising situation with Mrs. Bradley. He just used his hunting knife and..."
Mrs. Cooper shudders.
"By the way, what are your names? Would you like to sign our guestbook?"
John takes the pen from Mrs. Cooper's hand. With a flourish, he writes, "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith."
Mrs. Cooper looks at the entry. "Hmmm-we get alot of John Smiths here! Funny--but you look just like the sketch of Daniel Gwinnett. Do you think you might be related?"
John looks over his shoulder as they walk out the door. "I doubt it, ma'am--I seriously doubt it!"

Bethia squints in the bright sunlight. "Well, now I know what happened definitely to Caleb. And it couldn't happen to a better person. But what of your twin Daniel, John?"
John sits on the park bench and traces a doodle in the dirt. "He always was a ladies man, Daniel was. Couldn't leave a bonnet tied or a skirt alone. I guess he is what Rosamond would call a 'stud muffin'. I always knew it would lead him into serious trouble. I can't tell you how many times angry husbands and fathers had mistaken me for him. What can I do, though?"
Bethia thinks. "Did you love your brother?"
John sighs deeply. "Yes, I did. Too bad I wasn't around to warn him."
Bethia grows excited. "John, do you know what we could do? We could steal the coin from William--just for a few hours. We could go back to 1650 and get your brother the heck out of there before he ran into uh, difficulties. Then you could visit with him a few hours and beam him out of Southold. Maybe stick him in 1650 but in Virginia.
That way he would at least have a chance! You could give him, say, a second chance!"
John frowns. "How could I do that? I need three people to make the coin work."
Bethia sits and thinks. "I know! We could use the pole at the gazebo for a 'third'.
It doesn't have to be a person. I have been reading up on the time travel thing. All you need is a third object to connect the energy force with!"
John smiles appreciatively. "Why, Miss Bethia! You are a wealth of information. But I don't know about bringing Daniel into the 21st century if only for a few hours."
Bethia thinks. "I don't see any other way. The coin needs to recharge. You can't just be bopping all over the time quadrants. It needs at least 48 hours to recharge. That means your brother would be stuck in New York for two days. If you don't do this, Daniel will die a horrible death, even though he probably deserves it!"
John sighs deeply. "Let's do it, then!"

Bethia and John get back in the car. Bethia is excited.
John is dubious. "Do you think we can do the time travel without William?"
Bethia is confident. "Yes, I do! Look how many times you have gone with William. How many times you had to bail Rosamond out. I'll bet you can do this with your eyes blindfolded, John!"
John leans over and gives Bethia a kiss on the cheek. "Bethia, you are one of the sweetest, nicest women I know."
Bethia blushes. "I know, John. Your heart belongs to another. Honestly, I understand!"
John stares straight ahead. "I don't know what you mean, Bethia."
Bethia decides not to pursue it.
As they pull the car in the drive, Bethia cautions John. "Maybe you should just park behind the garage. I can sneak in. I know William keeps the coin under lock and key in his underwear drawer!"
John laughs. "How do you know that, Bethie?"
Bethia retorts., "You forget who got stuck doing the laundry while you all were gone in England. Whatever happened there, John? Rosamond was a basket case."
John just shrugs. "Trouble with Henry. She ran away to her parents and her mother tossed her back to Henry like a volleyball. There was some...trouble later."
Bethia sneaks into William's room. She deftly takes a nailfile out of her pocket, and jiggles the mechanism on the desk. I would have made a great cat burgler, she thinks. With a click, the drawer opens. Bethia clutches the coin to her chest.
"Forgive us, William. We have to save someone's butt!"
Bethia hurries to the gazebo. John is already waiting there. "Are you ready?"
"Wait!" John says. "This means we have to stay in Southold for 48 hours. Won't William miss us--and the coin?"
Bethia muses. "Oh, John, ye of little faith! Know you not that I have all the bases covered? We can come back anytime we want. We can rig it so we come back to this century and it will be only a little bit past lunch! We can hide your brother in your room. No one will be the wiser!"
John frowns. "What of Caleb, will he recognize you?" Bethia smiles. "This is the first week of June. Caleb goes bear hunting in the mountains with his louty friends. He won't be there."
With that, they join hands and also touch the gazebo support post. The air glows and spins. When they open their eyes, they are right across from the Red Goose Inn. Bethia catches her breath. John exhales loudly. "It's like we never left!"

Part 103: He Ain't Heavy, He's my............by Coralynn

"It looks just the same, John, except that the picket fence around our old house has been repaired. How can we find out if we're here in time to save Daniel? We have to get to him before June 20, 1650."
"We can go to the farm and see if he's there," he tells her as they begin to walk in the direction of the Gwinett farm, "He hung out there quite a bit because he had no livlihood so, when he got hungry or needed something, he came there. I must say it was difficult at times keeping him in clothes. If he's there and still alive, then we know we made it, but....."
"Speaking of clothes, John, we need to change into something more time appropriate, though at least we aren't wearing that polyester stuff the other 3 showed up in when we met them," she giggles thinking of how bizarre Rosamond, Eleanor and William looked.
"We'll take the back route and hopefully not run into anyone," John pulls her toward a path through the woods, "I think I may have an old dress my mother left at the farm. Hope it fits, you, Beth, she was a very large woman!"
It takes most of 45 minutes for them to finally arrive at John's farm.
The farm equipment is still where he left it and the fields are overgrown.
"Looks like after ten years without me, this place has gone to ruin!" he exclaims, kicking a rusty old plow that is still in the furrow it was in when he left.
"If Daniel is here, he hasn't been working the place. But then 'work' was never his favorite activity."
As they enter the house, they have to step around rotting boards on the front porch. John grimmances.
They slowly enter the parlor of the house. Dark. Dark and dusty and musty smelling. As they quietly move through the room, Bethia tugs at John's sleeve and points to an old couch.
There is Daniel, sprawled, sleeping on the old smelly couch.
Bethia goes over and peers down at him.
"He kinda looks like you, John, but only if you were hung over from a night on the town and hadn't shaved in two weeks."
Even though Bethia is whispering, Daniel rouses. He grabs her arm. She shrieks.
"Whaaaaaaaa......who are you? Oh my God in Heaven, John ! I see John! You've come back from the dead to haunt me and torture me, I know it!!"
John pulls Bethia clear of Daniel's grasp and confronts his brother.
"I am alive, and have been for the past ten years, Daniel, but you have done nothing but let our property go to ruin. What have you been doing all this time?"
Daniel leers, "Ahhhhh, having a randy old time of it. Let me tell you, John, the women in this town aren't called "goodwives" for nothing!! Some of them are pretty damned good in bed, whooooooeeee!"
Daniel gets off the couch and shuffles off to the kitchen.
"This is the last chicken, John, see, boiling in the pot? I tried to get them to breed, HA! Pretty weak, those roosters. But at least they make good stew."
John grabs him by the front of his shirt.
"Daniel! Look at me and stop trying to be a braggart. I know about you and Benjamin Bradley's wife, and if you aren't out of town in the next few days, you are going to be sliced to death by Benjamin. He's on to you. Did you think you could keep up your degenerate ways and never pay the price?"
"YOU know? How?"
"Never mind, but I know. The people 350 years from now even know. You're written up in a book as having been murdered by Ben Bradley. Your only way of escape is to do just as I say. You must stay in this house, and in 48 hours we are going to take you into the 21st Century where Ben can't find you."
Daniel stirs the pot full of chicken and winces up his face.
"I don't get it!!! I don't know how you know I get murdered and what is this junk about a 21st Century? What century are we living in now?"
Daniel has never been the brightest student in school.
"At this moment you are in the 17th Century, Daniel. Figure it out. Add 350 years and you get the 21st."
Daniel takes a deep breath and sits down on one of the rickety kitchen chairs. Bethia sits on one as well, after brushing off ten years of dust, dirt and whatever else has never been cleaned off.
John remains standing.
Daniel sits there obviously thinking it over.
"So ......I go with you into the future? HA! Is that where you've been all this time?"
"Yes, it is, Daniel, and although it will be a huge adjustment for you, at least it will save your life. You probably don't deserve being saved, but I used to like you a long time ago. You were fun to hunt with and do all those things naughty boys do. But I grew out of that behaviour, and you obviously never did. Hence, we take you out of here the day after tomorrow, OR on June 20, the very next day after that, Ben Bradley is going to cut you to ribbons."
"Ribbons, huh?" Daniel is subdued. "What if I don't go near his wife, though, not ever again, would that help?"
"I doubt it," John answers, "As there's a good chance he already suspects you of dallying with her. He could seek you out and kill you, even were you at home. Of course I have no proof of that, but I think the wisest thing is to get you out of here and give you a chance to start over somewhere else."
Daniel is pensive, "Start over......yeah......with a new town full of goodwives, hhmmmm...."
"NO!" John slaps the table, "You will behave as long as we are with you. If you don't, then we'll have to dispose of you ourselves."
"Dispose?? As in kill, John?"
"We would just have to take you somewhere else where there are no women."
"Come again? No women?"
"If you get arrested in the 21st Century for sex crimes, you are locked away in a prison that holds men only. Think about it! Big, nasty, hairy, smelly, mean men!"
"Looks like I'll have to be a bit more careful in this new century of yours, John," Daniel grins.

Bethia looks through the cupboards. Nothing there.
"You really have run out of food, Daniel. I may have to go to the little store and buy some for us. Where did your mother-in-law put those dresses, John? Even if they are too big, I can't go into town dressed like this," and she gestures to her very modern outfit.
John goes into another room and returns with two dresses draped over his arm.
Holding one up he sighs, "This is pretty drab and awfully large, but maybe if we cinch the waist up.."
"Should work!" Bethia takes the dresses, goes into a bedroom and shuts the door.
In a matter of minutes she's back, looking like a Southold Puritan lady.
"I'd forgotten how dreadful this stuff was," she comments, as she shoves some money into a pocket and heads for the door.
"Just a minute, Beth," John stops her, "What date is printed on that money? And will they accept it? They've never seen money that looks like that before."
"True," Beth rubs her chin and tries to figure it out.
"Hell, Bethia," Daniel chimes in, "Just take this old pipe-stand and use it as barter."
John and Bethia think it over.
"It's large, Beth, too large for you to carry. Would you like me to go with you?"
"Won't they think you're Daniel? Can you risk it John?"
"Tell ya what; I'll stick this big old wide brimmed hat on and they'll never even notice," John does just that and it does hide most of his face.
"Well, I still think you're taking an awful chance, but OK",,,,,and they leave the house, John carrying the pipe-stand on his back.
It takes quite a while, but they do arrive at the country store. It doesn't look like it's been painted or repaired in the ten years they've been gone, either. The boards on the front porch creak and groan, and the hinges on the door send forth a loud screeching sound.
As their eyes adjust to the dim light inside, the proprietor yells out,
"What can I do fer ya?"
"We need some milk and eggs and bread. How much can we get in exhange for this valuable pipe-stand?" John asks.
The clerk is hard of hearing, and squints, "Haaaaaaaah? Pie stand? I don't see a pie stand!"
"No, a Pipe stand," Bethia speaks loudy and clearly.
"Ohhhhhhhh, yeah, one of those! Huh. Got a whole room full of those contraptions out back in the storage. Seems the crops were bad last year, and people are using them as money. I must have 20 of 'em, why would I want one more, ayyyy?"
"We don't need much," John says right into the man's ear, "Just enough for two days. You'd be doing us a huge favor."
"Flavor? What flavor do you want? Let's see, we have this pudding over here in vanilla or chocolate. Which flavor do ya want?"
"Sir, I mean Favor, as in a Kindness," Bethia says in what she thinks may be his 'good' ear, or at least his 'better' ear.
The old man shakes his head vigorously, or as vigorously as someone 90 years old can.
Before the transaction can be completed, loud voices are heard and two men enter the store. They look at Bethia and nod courteously. Then they look at John, who has the hat pulled around as far as possible to hide his face.
The bigger of the two men strides over to John and knocks the hat off.
"There he is!! That's the man who has ruined the virtue of ten women in this town!! Daniel Gwinnett, we are going to string you up to the tallest tree!"

Part 104:...........Brother!!!........by Terri

As the townsmen drag John out by his collar, Bethia stands frozen by the pickle barrel.
However can I stop these men? If I don't speak up, John will hang in Daniel's place and if I DO, I will be recognized and sent back to Caleb!
As John is thrown down in the dirt on the street, a man on a horse comes riding up nonchalantly. "Ho now, what has you men in a dither?"
The ringleader spits on the ground and takes his hat off. Twisiting it in his hands, he says, "Beggin' your pardon, Constable, but this here despoiler of women has dropped his breeches for the last time! My daughter Hester..."
Constable Spencer waves his hand. "Yes, yes, yes, Elias, we all have heard the stories."
Elias sputters, "Not only Hester but my other daughters Prudence and Mehitable..
Hester says she is with child and claims this man is responsible."
Spencer picks John off the ground by the seat of his pants. "You all go home now, I will tend to this...lecher."
As the crowd disperses, Elias turns around and shouts, "You have not heard the last of this, Daniel Gwinnett!"
Bethia is hanging back in the shadows. John Gwinnett dusts himself off. "Thank you, Constable Spencer. I am much obliged. Of course, there is no truth to the rumours."
Constable Spencer winks and says, "Well, from what I hear at the Red Goose, Mehitable is just that....ready, willing and 'able'--if you 'hit' on her, she is 'able' !"
The constable slaps his knee and guffaws--which is not hard to do considering he is a big oaf. "So how goes it, Daniel? Have you taken possession of that farm of that do-gooder brother of yours?"
John realizes he has to play along to at least have a shot at getting out of Southold in one piece--even if it will take 48 hours. Thank goodness it is just Bethia! John is remembering a few instances with Spencer and Rosamond.
John puts his hat back on. "It seems John was pretty smart. He had the land tied up in some sort of trust that no one could possess it outside the family for at least 100 years. Guess he hoped to leave it to his children one day."
Spencer doubles over in laughter. "Well, the joke is on him! Here he is somewhere out there 'sleeping with the bears' and I hear tell his wife Elizabeth done run off with Reverend Jackson. I guess he got tired of her because she is living in Boston with some dull shoemaker and has a passel of kids."
Bethia's mouth flies open. John's mouth set tightly yet he dare not give anything away.
Poor John, Bethia thinks. He wanted children so badly and Elizabeth pretended to be sick, had a headache, yada yada yada.
Stay in character, stay in character, John says to himself as in a mantra. Hey, if I can pull off this Daniel imitation, I should be a shoo in for the Grammy for "Best Actor in a Daytime Series."
Spencer scratches himself and belches. "Lay low for a few days, Danny boy. I'll cool their heels...oh, and if you find any women who are bored with their providers being gone on a fur trappin' trip, keep me in mind. I don't mind snackin' on your leftovers."
With a leer, Spencer gets on his horse and rides away.
With Spencer safely out of sight, Bethia steps out of the shadows and into the bright sunlight. "Oh, John! That was close!"
John swears. "I think I need to have a talk with Daniel and see exactly what has been going on since I have been gone."

John and Bethia load the wagon up quickly. John is quiet all the way back to the farm. So is Bethia. After they have gone on a bit and are heading out through the trail at the meadow, Bethia says quietly, "Are you alright, John?" John just sighs. "Maybe I was meant for the 21st century. There seems to be nothing but hard luck and bad times here. Funny how the memory serves as a safety valve. Bethia, we have enough for two days of food. I think we should all stay safely at the farm. Especially you. If Constable Spencer sees you, he will tell Caleb."
Bethia shudders visibly. "I know. I would rather die than put up with that madman."
As they pull up to the farm, Daniel comes out tucking his shirt in his breeches. He looks Bethia up and down appreciatively. John catches his look and grabs Daniel by the collar. "And just what were you thinking of, Brother?"
Daniel squeaks out a reply sounding like he is sucking on a helium balloon. "Nothing--just how much she resembles Caleb's wife. You know, the one who got et by that bear."
"Well, she's not her--so get that out of your head."
Daniel grins. "Yeah, you're right. All cats look alike to me. It's been right fine pickings around here, lots of lonely wives and widows."
John let go of Daniel's shirt and sighed. "Daniel, you always did have an eye for a skirt. Sometimes it's hard to believe we are brothers, let alone twins."
Daniel bursts out laughing. "And you were right popular with the goodwives, let me tell you. I never told you but I pretended to be you! Some of the more uptight and prudish ones would never glance my way, with my reputation. But sometimes I came across as 'poor old depressed John whose wife didn't understand him and ran away with the preacher man.' It worked fine until I had to make you officially dead!
That way, none of the menfolk would come looking for me to exact vengeance. My, for a long while you sure had all the luck. I took your hunting knife and crossbow and ripped one of your shirts up. Then I looked up your old friend Little Feather. Remember him? Yes, I see you do! Well, Little Feather had quite a reputation with the Indian squaws. He understood. So he helped me spread the story that you were caught unaware by the Iroquois and beaten to a pulp and buried in a shallow grave.
Too bad! It was fun while it lasted."
Daniel's gloating doesn't last long--just until it takes John's fist to connect with his nose.
Daniel finally got to see the stars without going to Graumann's Chinese Theatre!

Daniel comes to just as the sky is turning purple with twilight. Gingerly he sits up and rubs his jaw. John sits at the table glaring. Ruefully, Daniel smiles.
"Gotta say, Twin, you haven't lost your right hook!"
Bethia comes forth with a bowl of hot chowder. "Here, eat some--you both will feel better after a hearty meal."
Daniel takes the bowl gratefully. "Thank you, ma'am. By the way, I didn't get your name."
Bethia glances at John. "It's Sarah Comstock--of the Connecticut Comstocks. I am visiting the area wrapping up a few loose ends of my cousin's estate. Maybe that is why you see a resemblance between me and this Bethia. I think she is a third cousin or something like that."
Daniel says, "Yes, or something like that!"
John lets out a silent sigh. The story he and Bethia had concocted up was holding water--so far. Best not to dwell on the story too much. Daniel wasn't the brightest bulb in the room but he still was clever enough.
Bethia watches Daniel in amazement. "I can't get over how identical you two look. Is there any difference at all?"
John replies, "Only in the morals department. Looks like I was the straight shooter and Daniel here pounced on whatever came along."
Daniel grins. "Yeah, it's a tough job but someone has to do it! So what is this 21st century like? Lots of women? What do the two of you do--are you shacking up?"
John explains patiently like he was explaining things to a moron.
"Sarah and I left the 21st century under duress. I ran into trouble with Constable Spencer. He was accosting a young woman I made the acquaintance of."
"Oh, HO! My brother doing the dirty deed with someone other than his wife! Was she beautiful?"
John lowers his voice so Bethia can not hear. He and Bethia were good friends, but why should she feel in competition with Rosamond.
"The woman in question is,er, was most exquisite with a knack for getting in trouble on a daily basis. And NO, I was NOT betraying my marital vows."
Daniel is astounded. "By all that is holy, I do believe you are blushing, brother dear! Mayhaps I shall meet this Helen of Troy of yours. If she is anything like Mistress Comstock over there, you are doing alright, brother!"
Daniel closes his eyes and lays back on the bed. It is the first time in months that the sheets had been changed, the floor swept clean, dished done and a hot meal on the table.
John whispers to himself. "And Heaven help us all if you do meet my Helen of Troy!
Con Edison alone could not control all the voltage that would generate."
John bites his lip, deep in thought. However can I keep Rosamond and Daniel from running into each other? Would Daniel pretend to be me?..."
John begins to have second thoughts about taking Daniel back.
"Bethia, I am worried. Daniel is a high maintenance high risk time traveler. Cannot we just show up in Virginia in 1650 and dump him there?"
Bethia shakes her head no. "There are too many complications, John. We ourselves would be stuck in Virginia for 48 hours while the coin recharges. I think we could send Daniel back by himself--you know, kind of like the principle that William uses to sendd mail back in time, that thing with the blender."
John sighs. "Why do I sense trouble?"
John looks over at the sleeping face of his brother. "Part of me is telling myself to leave him here and not disturb future events..and part of me is saying 'I am my brother's keeper' ".
Bethia gives John a hug. "Oh, come on, John, it is only 48 hours. What could go wrong?"
And John gives her shoulders a squeeze. "Where shall I start?"

The sun shines bright. Bethia gets out of bed and makes pancakes and hot coffee for Daniel and John.
John is dressed, sitting at the table. Daniel crawls out of bed and stumbles into the kitchen. "Smells great, Miss Comstock! I haven't had home cooking since I can't remember when!"
John looks at his twin with distaste. Daniel had not shaved in a few days and he looked like the bottom of a country bar with peanuts on the floor that fifty people had boot-scootin' boogied on.
John tells him, "Daniel, I think before you get ready to eat you should wash up. You look like the bottom of a bird cage."
Daniel looks down at himself. "Yeah, I guess you are right. Be right back."
Daniel takes a towel and a bar of lye soap out to the cistern barrel.
John sighs. "However are we going to put up with him?"
Bethia wrinkles her nose. "Well, remember how raw around the edges we were?"
John laughs. "Yes--wonder if Daniel would look good in an Armani suit?"
Bethia smiles, "Well, you did! Remember the AmEx bill of William's that we ran up?
One thing--we have to keep Daniel in the gazebo until we can get some 21st century clothes on him. Where can we hide him while we wait for the 48 hour charge-up? And how can we keep William from finding out that we have access to his coin?"
John rubs his chin in thought. "I could chain him up in the boathouse. No one ever goes out there. Or in the yard like a dog...."
"JOHN! That is so inhuman! I mean, he may be a cad but he is your brother." Bethia is shocked.
John gets a worried look on his face. "I am afraid I will have to keep him in my room. Wonder if I could sedate him for 48 hours. I just hope Rosamond decides to go to the beach with Little Will for that weekend. She had mentioned it. If so, we are in the clear because Eleanor is so busy with her newscasting job and William, well, he may have to be told. We will see when we get back."
Daniel came back with a smooth face and hair that had been neatly washed and combed. He even had on clean clothes.
"Thank you, Miss Sarah, for the laundry. I guess I let it pile up."
"You certainly did! John has something to discuss with you."
Daniel sits backwards on the chair, his arms crossed over the back of the chair.
"Fire away, Bro."
John takes a deep breath. "Before we leave tomorrow, there are a few ground rules I want to cover. You will NOT be allowed out of my room. There is a balcony where you can get some fresh air. The gardener and anyone else will think you are me...I..whatever. But don't think you are staying. As soon as 48 hours are up, I am sending you off to Virginia. On second thought, I may send you to the Ohio Western Reserve. It is just starting to get settled and there are no...distractions....for you to get in trouble with."
Daniel looks crestfallen. "Whatever you say, John, whatever you say."
But to himself he said, Like hell I will! Mayhaps I will linger a little longer in this 21st century. And get a look at this babe that has John's knickers in such a twist. This Sarah isn't too shabby either. Wonder why John never took a run on her?
Daniel got up. "Guess I had better feed the horse."
John looked worriedly after him. "I hope I am not making a mistake. Daniel and I were always in such competition with each other. We always wanted what the other one had. Daniel just may want my life in the 21st century. And I really do hope Rosamond will go to Fire Island for a few days. She needs the rest. England really did a number on her."
Bethia frowns. Oh, John, she thinks. You are so transparent. You just want to keep Daniel away from Rosamond.
Just then, there is a loud knock at the door. Bethia jumps a mile and peers out the crack of the door.
"Uh, oh, John---l think we have trouble. Look who is at the door!"

Part 105: Amazing Grace??.......by Coralynn

Bethia is stricken with fear.
"It's Caleb!" she whispers to John, who is by now standing right behind her.
"Don't panic, Bethia", he whispers back, "Just remember, you are Sarah and I am Daniel. We have to keep Daniel out in the barn with the horse, so as soon as you can, find some reason to go out there and waylay him. If two Daniels show up, Caleb will have to know there's something fishy going on."
By now the pounding has become insistent.
John opens the door.
"Well, Caleb, how good to see you again!" he lies.
"Thought you weren't home, Daniel!" Caleb yells as he enters the house, "I need you to be a pallbearer for my wife's funeral. Stupid woman up and died while I was out hunting. After the funeral I'm going back to hunting, too. Women are just an inconsiderate lot of........"
With that he stops, staring at Bethia.
"Bethia's ghost!! Do ye see her, Daniel? Standing over yonder by the cookstove?"
"That's her cousin, Sarah, not a ghost, Caleb. She sure looks like her though, huh??"
"Yes!" Caleb slumps into a chair. "Damn woman didn't know enough to keep from getting et by a bear! She has to be the dumbest of all my wives and the one we're burying today is my third stupid wife who couldn't give me sons or anything else for that matter. Barren!! That's what they are, barren!!"
"You have had the worst luck," John commiserates with him, trying not to laugh, pulling the corners of his mouth down forcibly to keep from grinning.
Bethia finally finds to courage to speak.
"Let me go out to the hen coop and get some fresh eggs for you.......I'll be right back."
She slips out the back way.
John keeps Caleb's back to the window on the back wall so that he doesn't see where Bethia is running.
Caleb belches and then says, a bit more cheerfully,
"At least my new wife will be able to give me sons. Her first husband died and they had two children already. Grace will be a great wife for me! You can meet her at the funeral this afternoon."
"You are a fast mover!" John tries to sound complimentary. "So Grace will become your wife soon, right?"
"Ohhh yeah," Caleb stretches out his legs in front of him, "Right after I get back from the rest of my hunting trip. Ohhhhhh, should be in about ten days from now. Think you that ten days is enough "mourning time" for that useless woman we're planting in the ground today?"
"You don't seem to like your wives very much, Caleb, I can't help noticing."
"HA!! They all seem docile enough till they get that cansarned ring on their fingers, then they get nasty. This last one was even named Submit, but did she submit? She had the nerve to insist on eating at the table with me! Can you imagine? Wives are supposed to eat standing up at the stove, not sitting at the table. That's for the menfolk, the Head of the Family....."
This diatribe is broken up somewhat as Bethia re-enters the kitchen by the back door.
She gives John a thumbs-up look very briefly so that Caleb doesn't notice.
"Chickens aren't laying like they should, J.....DANIEL!! Sorry there won't be eggs for your breakfast."
"See what I mean?" Caleb interrupts, "Useless women!! Can't even get the hens to lay!"
Bethia has the strongest urge to hit him with the cast-iron frying pan, but breathes deeply and controls herself.
Caleb stands up and clumps to the front door, "See you at 2, then, Daniel," he almost orders him, "Gotta get rid of Submit's earthly remains. The rest of her is rotting in hell, you know that!" and he leaves, the door banging behind him.

"How did you tolerate that man?" John asks, as Bethia goes limp in a chair.
"You notice I managed to get away from him, John, so I didn't tolerate him anywhere near as much as these other poor women did. Remember in the cemetery, remember the names of the wives he probably poisoned? There was a Submit, I recall that stone. Was there a Grace on another stone?"
"There was," John replies sadly.
"Well, there won't be if I have anything to say about it!" Bethia is becoming angry.
"Ohhhh noooooo, Beth, are you planning another Recue Mission? Don't we have our hands full with Daniel?"
"How can you even consider not taking that Grace woman out of here, when you know what will happen if she remains, John? Let someone else's name appear on the stone for wife number four; someone we're not here to help, but this woman we can help and we must!" she is getting that determined look on her face.
John knows they have no choice, not when Bethia gets that look.
"Do you think you're becoming more like Eleanor, after spending so much time around her?" he jokes.
"You know, I think I am!!" she concludes, "Eleanor has backbone, and by all that's holy, so do I !"
"So be it then. Caleb is leaving to go back to his hunting after the funeral. You have less than 24 hours after he leaves again to somehow get this woman to agree to leave this century. You don't remember her from when we lived here in 1640, do you?"
Bethia thinks back, "Seems to me there was a child named Grace Wheeler, she must have been around 12 back then, so she's about 22 now. I think that's the person. If I remember right, she was not too bright, either. Had a breathless quality about her. Blonde. Hmmmmm, if she lived in the 21st century she would definitely be called "A dumb blonde."
John suddenly realizes that this poor blonde, dumb or not, has two children.
"What about her two children?" he asks Bethia.
"We have no choice. We take them as well!" she says decisively.
John's mind is beginning to reel. This is going to be a big production number, he realizes, and all he had planned was to get Daniel out of harm's way.
One advantage strikes him, however.
"With Grace and her children, they'll get a lot of attention from William and Eleanor and Rosamond, so it may help in that they'll be distracted and not notice Daniel, so this could work in our favor."
"But.....?" Bethia is waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"But if she's that dull mentally, it'll be hard for her to adjust to more modern times. She may also be harder to keep from "blowing our cover" as William puts it. Plus, will she even believe you when you tell her that her life is at stake staying in 1650?"
"I'll find a way, John. I must!"

The funeral is almost over. At the gravesite, John has completed his duties as pallbearer and is standing beside Bethia.
"I see Grace and her children over there," Bethia tells him. "The boy looks to be about 4, and the girl about 3. I was hoping they wouldn't be babies, so we lucked out."
"She is definitely a blond, too," John adds, "Look at how her hair shimmers in the sunlight. She may not be very intelligent, but she certainly is beautiful!"
"John!" Bethia chastizes him, "At a time like this you're not supposed to be noticing things like that. What would Rosamond say if she knew?"
They see Caleb, Grace, and the children walking toward them. The service is over, and people are leaving.
"Thanks for helping out, old man!" he claps John on the shoulder.
"This is Grace and her children, Timothy and Rebecca. Would you mind escorting them back to my house? I have my gear packed and I'm heading out for my hunting right now."
Timothy and Rebecca cling to their mother's skirts.
"Grace, you and the children go with Daniel and Sarah, ya hear?" he barks at her.
She hangs her head submissively and stands with them.
"Whatever you say, Caleb, you know best!"
Bethia mentally groans. This woman is going to need a lot of work!! A whole lot of work!
Caleb marches off and is soon out of sight.
Grace finally lifts her head and says, in that breathless voice Bethia noticed years before, "I am to have Caleb's house spotless before he returns or he said he wouldn't marry me, and I so need a new husband!"
"Like a moose needs a hatrack! Bethia thinks to herself.
The Adams house is a short distance from the cemetery, and they are soon walking into the parlor. Bethia winces when she sees how the place looks just like it did when she was all but a prisoner within these walls.
"Let me get you some tea," Grace suggests.
"I'll help," Bethia goes into the kitchen with her.
Bethia is racking her brains for a way to introduce the subject of Caleb's brutality to this poor, ignorant woman and is still pondering it when she hears John say,
"Would you like to go on a little trip with us, Grace? Bring the children along, too. You'll still have plenty of time to get Caleb's house immaculate when you return. Does that sound good?"
Grace claps her hands together like a child who is being told she is having a birthday party.
"I love trips. Well, I think I do. I never took one. I've never been outside Southold. Would there be sweets and tea and scones and...."
"All of that and more!" Bethia joins into John's plan. "You deserve it!"
"MEN deserve, Sarah, women don't!" Grace looks shocked.
Ohhhh boy, this is a hard case if ever there was one.
"Litttle Timothy deserves, then"......Bethia is not going to argue the point right now.
The main thing is to get Grace out of 1650 Southold, even if she has to be tricked into it.
Grace likes the sound of that. "Yes, then, we'll take the trip, but only if I am gone a short time. Caleb said the house has to be immaculate. Will you help me clean when we return?" she turns trusting eyes on Bethia.
"Certainly!" Bethia lies.
John stands and Bethia follows his lead.
"We'll pick you up around 10 in the morning tomorrow, then," he tells Grace, "For now, get some rest. It must have been difficult for you, attending Submit's funeral. It was so sad."
'Ohhhhh no, it was easy," Grace tells him in her most innocent voice, "Caleb told me how awful Submit was and I agreed with him that he was better off without her."
Bethia fakes a smile and follows John outside.
As they make their way out to the farm, which is a considerable distance, they both ponder this newest development.
"So we have to trick her?" Bethia asks, knowing full well what the answser is.
"No other way, Beth," John says grimly, "It would take too long to undo the brain washing she's had all her life and make her see that she has to leave for her own safety."
"We'll have to get her out to the farm first, though," John adds, "Since we dare not bring Daniel into town. You know how two Daniels appearing together might just make some of the citizens suspicious?"
"I'll be so relieved when this is over!!" Bethia exclaims, "My nerves are on the raw!"
John puts his arm around her shoulders, "But you'll be just fine, Eleanor, I mean....ur......Beth!!"
She smiles.

Part 106........................by Terri

John paces the floor in the kitchen nervously.
Bethia tries to sew some of Daniel's clothes. She had laundered them and found the seat in the breeches and every shirt had ripped the seams.
"John, for heaven's sake, please settle down! You are making me a nervous wreck!"
Bethia exclaims.
"I can't help it. How can I....WE....face William after what we have done? Not only are we going to have to take Daniel back, we have the baggage of that Grace and her two children! William will pitch a fit!'
Bethia calmly lays the sewing aside. "I will take personal responsibility for Grace and the children. Since I came into this money, I can set them up in an apartment or a house. Besides, look how fast we learned to live in the 21st century."
"Yes, Bethie...but we weren't reluctant travelers. We didn't have to be tricked."
"Well, I was just wondering....maybe we could bump Caleb off before we leave. That would stop the wife-killing and we could hire a hit man and..."
"NO!" John is horrified. "What are you saying? This isn't like you, Bethia! We would be no better than him! Besides, with Grace gone that would stop the time flow.
It would go off into an alternative time line. So it is possible that things would change.
Caleb could get eaten by a bear or scalped by the Indians while hunting. We just have to rely on the natural course of events."
Bethia bites her lip. "John, do you think that Daniel is going to want to stay in the 21st century? It could prove to be a problem...you know, with his testosterone problem. What if he hooks up with Henry Tudor? Those two would go 'wenching' Can you imagine them in a singles bar?"
At that moment Daniel comes in. "Well, I sold the horse to Barnabas Dunlap for 50 pounds. Since there are no more chickens, we don't have to worry about them. But what of the farm, John? I know you had it held in trust for the next 100 years."
John smiles contentedly. "I made sure that was taken care of. After 100 years I had it bequeathed to the city of Southold for a city park. When we go back we will find a 'Gwinnett Park' on this site. I went down to the clerk's office today and took care of it.
I had fake papers drawn up giving you, Daniel, power of attorney. Then I just changed the will."
Bethia claps her hands. "John, that is brilliant! But what of the houses that ended up being here?"
John patiently explains. "It's like they never were there. So whoever is living in them, they will be in other houses."
Daniel picks up his musket. "I guess I had better not leave without my old Blunderbuss, you never know what kind of varmints you run into."
John just smiles at Bethia. "Yes, especially in the Bowery!"
John looks outside. "It's getting near dusk. All we have to do is make it through until 10:00 tomorrow morning. Then we can leave here and Daniel will be safe and sound. And by the way, Daniel, you will not need your blunderbuss. You are not leaving my room the 48 hours you are there. I will bring food up to you."
Daniel looks slyly at his brother. "Just why won't you let me out of your room, John?
Are you keeping me in.....or away from someone? Or aren't you the kind who kisses and tells?"
But John just sighs, not knowing what would be the longest. The next 15 hours or the 48 after that.

Part 107: The Kidnapping............by Coralynn

The morning is clear and cool, which is a great relief, as Bethia and John still have to get Grace and her chlildren out to the farm.
"I could use another cup of coffee, but, we'd better get going, John," Bethia tells him. "Too bad that horse was sold; my feet are sore from all the walking we've been doing."
"Just this one more time and we'll be home-free," he assures her as they step outside.
As they get nearer to the Adams house, John has to ask,
"How do you plan to trick Grace into time traveling with us, Bethia? The old "Ring Around The Rosey" ploy?"
"I think so," she answers, "I can't come up with anything better, can you?"
"No, I can't," he admits.
"She's rather child-like, so she may think it's fun to go in a circle and she'll never know you have the coin in your hand, she'll never see it, so I think it'll work."
John frowns.
"What will she do once she finds she's in an alien time, though?"
"What can she do?"
"Not much," he has to agree.
"Once she's safe, I'll think of some way to handle her."
"Hmmmm, good luck!"
"Thanks, I'll need it!"

Grace and the children are waiting for them in the front yard. Grace becomes excited and waves enthusiastically as John and Bethia approach.
"Hello! Are we going to have a party today?" Grace beams.
"Ohhhhhh yes, a real party," Bethia says, smiling, showing every tooth in her mouth. Shs is thinking "oh please, oh please, let us get this over with!"
It takes no prompting for Grace and the children to follow John and Bethia back to the farmhouse.
"Ohhh, look, Tim and Rebecca, a real farm!!"
"I wanna see de animuls," Tim announces, "where are de animuls?"
"They're asleep!" Bethia tells them, thinking this is a vey lame answer, but it stops the clamoring.

Daniel has been alerted to come outside when he sees them return with the newcomers.
He strides toward them and looks to John for what to do next.

"Have you ever played Ring Around the Rosie?" Beth asks, more cheerfully than she feels, "Let's learn. Here: take hands, you too men, everyone, all six of us!"
They form a circle, but Grace keeps clapping her hands in glee.
"Grace, dear, can you take hands? We all have to take hands for this game! It's something I learned in CHURCH. All children learn it in CHURCH."
Bingo: the magic word. Grace grabs on.

The next minute or two are crucial. If Grace or the children become alarmed, they may drop hands and the coin will not work properly, but just enough of its energy will have escaped, that they'll have to wait another 48 hours for it to recharge.
Bethia takes a deep breath and as the air begins to spin and change colors, she holds on to Grace's hand with a vise grip. John on the other side of Grace does the same.

The air clears. They are in the back yard of the house in Chappaqua. Little Timmy starts running around, pointing "Castle!! Castle!!" trying to go over to Henry8's place.

William, Rosamond and Eleanor are in the kitchen when they hear this little child yelling "Castle!" and rush to the window.
"What in bloody hell!" William blurts out, then thinks better of it.
"Sorry, ladies."
"Don't be, William, this is crazy. Who are those people?"
Rosamond peers over Eleanor's shoulder, "Yeah, who are they? I see Bethia with a woman and two little children. But where is John?? They said they were going into town. Look how those new people are dressed!"
"Oh-oh!" William shakes his head, "They look like more Puritans. I just hope they're from the Colonial Village, and not what I fear: that those two have gone back and fetched more people from 1640 Southold!"

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