It is, not surprisingly, in the middle of the night when Eleanor touches down in the middle of Paris. The battle noises have subsided, and she can see dead bodies lying everywhere. Drawing a deep breath to keep from gagging, she looks about for a place where hopefully she'll find Elizabeth and her three new best friends.
Most of the buildings are dark and shuttered, but she sees some light coming from a Saloon across the street. Picking her way through the dead bodies, she reaches it and goes inside.
A bartender is cleaning up the counter and tables, while only a few hardcore drinkers are left sprawled on the barstools and chairs.
She approaches the bar-tender and asks, "Did you see four women tonight dressed similarly to the way I'm dressed?"
"Well," he leans on the bar, "I did see three dressed like you, and the fourth woman in some wild looking yellow thing."
"That's them! Do you know where they are now?"
"They got up on stage and danced, then this really loud one told some jokes and they left."
"You didn't by any chance see which direction they went in, did you?"
"Thanks," Eleanor says and goes back outside.
OK, she thinks, if I were them, where would I go? It must have gotten late and they probably looked for a place to sleep. Some place that doesn't require any money. I'd better start walking.
She walks south out of Paris for quite a ways and sees nothing that she thinks the four women could use for a resting place, so she returns to the center of town and walks north. Before too long she spies a house with a barn. Bingo! she thinks, knowing them that's where they are.
She walks to the barn and peers in. Still too dark to see anything, so she slides open the door and steps inside. The sound of snoring is the first thing she notices and smiles to herself, 'What'd'ya want to bet that's WandaSue?' she thinks.
Following the snoring, she soon finds the four women huddled on hay, sleeping like the dead.
"PARDON ME, ladies!" she says loudly, "But the ship is departing for the 21st Century, so if you want to get aboard, do it now!"
They all wake up and when they see Eleanor, leap up eagerly. "Get me out of this place!" Elizabeth begs.
"That was my plan," Eleanor replies, "Take my hands or just hold on to my arm or whatever, and we'll ditch this place. OK, now, here we go: Sycamore Street, Sally's house, Dec. 25, 2003, NOW!"

They find themselves standing in Sally's living room. Sally, Penelope and WandaSue immediately go to the fridge for beer.
"You aren't going to thank me?!" Eleanor says crossly.
"No. You were vile to have taken us there in the first place. Now take this scum-bucket you call Lizzie back to your house. She's a loser!" WandaSue proclaims.
Eleanor almost laughs and thinks, So they don't want her either, do they? Looks like Elizabeth is a misfit no matter how lowdown the company she keeps.
Penelope adds, "If she thinks she's getting John back, I suggest you commit her to a mental institution! Now get her out of here!"
Elizabeth stands there mute, then follows Eleanor outdoors.
When the cold air hits her she demands, "Where's your car? The least you could have done is bring your car! I'm freezing!"
"Oh yeah, sure, Liz, time travel with my car. Uhh-huh. Now we're going to walk and if you walk fast enough your blood won't freeze solid."
"Those women are hateful!" Eliz says bitterly as she tries to keep up with Eleanor's brisk pace.
"That's the first true thing I've heard come out of your mouth yet, Liz. Here's the situation, though. Bess noticed you were missing and someone phoned the Police, who are at the house as we speak. They think you were kidnapped. Celeste suggested you might have gone out for a walk, and that's the story you're going to tell. You went out for a walk and got disoriented and lost until I came out and found you. Got it?"
"Why should I lie like that?"
Eleanor stopped walking and looked at her sternly, "If you tell any other story, Liz, you will be taken back to 1640 Southold and left there forever. It's a step up from the French Revolution and you know how to exist there, but you don't have the opportunity to try to wrest John from Rose from back there and then. What's it going to be? Are you going to tell the story about the late night walk, or do you want to be sent back?"
No comment.
"OK, then, let's up the antie. I'll take you to another unpleasant place, and I'll tell no one, not even Celeste or Marilyn. Hmmmmmm, let's see, what unpleasant place might be good? Ahhhhhh, I know, prehistoric times, back in the stone age or better yet, the Ice Age. And you without a thick winter coat. So, what's it going to be?"
"Alright, you win," Elizabeth says in a pitiful little voice, hoping to arouse some sympathy in the other woman.
Eleanor feels no sympathy, just an overpowering urge to rid them all of this miserable trouble-maker.


Travis said, "I haven't interrogated you OR your lovely bride yet!" John said, "What's to 'interrogate'? I called YOU, remember? I was the one who was concerned about Elizabeth's safety and welfare. Would I have done that if I wasn't worried?"
Travis retorted, "A clever ploy to throw me off the track. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on Travis McGee!"
John looked at the clock. "You got that right. It's now 5:30. I NEED SLEEP, MAN!"
Travis barked, "SIT! This very well could be a murder investigation and I intend to get to the bottom of it!"
He leaned forward. "What did you use? Cement? A woodchipper? Did you scatter her all over Westchester County? Or is she in the Hudson?"
John stood up. "It is 5:30. It is officially Christmas. And I am going to bed."
Travis protested. "Hey, you can't do that! I'm not done!"
John ran his hands over the lower half of his face. He needed a shave. His eyes were bleary. "If this isn't over, then I am calling Patrick O'Malley. Because I refuse to answer any questions."
Travis was shocked. "You invoking your Miranda Rights?"
"I am!"
Travis was flustered. "Uh...uh..."
John looked at him through bloodshot eyes. "What? What?"
Travis blurted out. "No one has ever done that before. I don't know what to do!"

John walked deliberately into the living room but kept on going. Everyone stared at him. Rosamond called out, "John? Where are you going?"
John paused on the steps. "I am going to bed. I apologize for bringing Officer Dudley Doo-right to the house tonight. If I had known it was him, I would have waited for however long it took Alan Carson to come on shift. Are you coming, Rose? Because if you do, we can maybe get an hour and a half sleep until the children wake up. And I am calling Patrick O'Malley. It is something we ALL should have done. Rose--I said, are you COMING?"
Rosamond glanced from John to Travis to the others. She got a sudden burst of energy. "No, John. It is about time Officer McGee was told the way things are. You go on up. I'll be OK."
John gave Travis an evil grin. "I feel sorry for YOU, Buddy!" and he went upstairs.
Travis and Rosamond locked eyes. Rose said, "Bring it on."
Travis nodded mockingly, "Shall we, Mrs. Gwinnett?"
Rose sashayed around him and walked with her head high into the kitchen. Travis nervously walked behind her.
When Rosamond entered the kitchen, she doubled up her fists and started swinging at Travis. He put up his arms to fend off her blows.
"HEY! HEY!HEY! HEY!" She continued to swing, punctuating every blow with swearing. Finally he got out his handcuffs and grabbed her wrist. He deftly slapped one cuff on and then put the other cuff on the refrigerator handle. She kicked at the fridge.
Travis said superiorly, "OK--get yourself out of THIS situation, Mrs. Gwinnett! You seem to get yourself out of every other situation, why not this one?"
"Let me go, you fool!" She swung at him with her feet.
Travis stood back and let Rosamond duke it out with the Fridgidaire. Finally she quieted down when she saw she was getting nowhere.
Travis took a kitchen chair, turned it backwards and straddled it. He looked at Rosamond. Even at 5:30 AM she looked pretty good. Hair was a bit disheveled, face was flush with exertion. Wears a terrycloth robe kinda sexy...MOM never looked like that in her robe. No slippers. I like that. What am I saying? This very well could be a murderess! He brought himself down to earth and narrowed his eyes. "I am inclined to grant you clemency if you come clean with what happened."
Rosamond retorted, "I am afraid I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request." Travis looked confused. Rosamond said, "MEANS NO!"
Travis tried his good cop routine. "I know you are an innocent in this, Rosamond. All you need to do..."
"It's Mrs. Gwinnett to you!"
Travis thought, What is with these women? All these people are shacked up together and lord knows what goes on, especially with that Incredible Hulk they call Hotspur.. and they insist on no first names?
Travis poured himself a cup of Celeste's heavenly coffee and cut himself another piece of pie.
"Look. A woman is missing. An ex-wife. Who disappears on Christmas?" Rose said, "Santa Claus."
Travis stuffed a forkful of pie in his mouth. "NOT FUNNY!!"
Rosamond's eyes widened. "You still believe in Santa, McGee?"
Travis threw his fork down. "Of course I don't! You know what I meant! May I tell you what I think?"
Rose still continued to pull on the handcuffs. "Can I stop you?"
Travis leaned back and looked her in the eyes. Blue.
He shook his head as if to clear it. "I think Elizabeth Gwinnett showed up and threatened Gwinnett. Maybe tried to blackmail him. She's kind of plain. Attractive but ordinary. You on the other hand are a trophy wife. An actress with nice ass...assets!"
Travis was making a royal mess out of it. It suddenly dawned on Rosamond. This man wants me! Maybe I can use this to get out of these cuffs..unless McGee is kind of kinky!
Travis continued. "You may as well confess, Rosamond. The Chappaqua police force will continue to search the length and breast..BREADTH...of Westchester county until we get to the bottom....uh, the, uh, until we find her. Now, legs, uh, ..LET'S be honest. I know you know what happened. Gwinnett is not worth going to jail for."
Rosamond said, "Do you honestly think I would conspire to put the father of my baby in jail?"
Travis said, "I don't give a hooter...HOOT!...about Gwinnett. But I would hate to see a woman of your..caliber....sent to prison for 25 to life. So shall we strike an accord?"
Rosamond thought. These cuffs are killing my circulation. She sighed, "OK, Officer McGee. I will tell you what went down. But you have to take the cuffs off first."
Travis said dubiously, "Only if you promise not to strike me. Otherwise I will take you down to the station and throw your....throw you into a jailcell."
Rose said, "Agreed."
Travis uncuffed her. She stood chafing her wrists. Travis sat down and pushed the chair opposite him with his foot. "Sit down. And let's parlez!"
Rose turned to go. "I think not. I changed my mind. Talk to Patrick O'Malley. He's my lawyer. And you will be getting a call from him the day after Christmas. NOW! I am going upstairs to my nice king-size bed with the downfilled comforter and snuggle up next to my husband. And if all goes well, I will get at least one hour of sleep."
As she walked into the living room, Travis followed her. "Not so fast! EVERYONE STAY WHERE YOU ARE! I have one more person to question. Just where is Eleanor Aquitaine?"

No sooner were the words out of Travis McGee's mouth than Eleanor came in the front door with her arm firmly on the elbow of Elizabeth Gwinnett. Rose and Travis both gasped. Because Elizabeth was an ungodly shade of blue. She looked like a Smurf.
William blustered, "MY GOD, WOMAN! Where is your coat?"
Eleanor prodded Elizabeth who tried to speak through the chattering of her teeth. "S-s-s-omeone s-s-s-tole it!"
"Stole it?" Travis asked.
"Y-y-yes! I went to the li-li-library and put the c-c-coat over a chair. Then it w-w-was GONE!"
Travis got out his notebook. "Can you describe the coat?"
Elizabeth looked at Eleanor pleadingly to help her out. Eleanor retorted, "What difference does it make? A homeless person probably has it now. What are you going to do, put out an APB on it?"
Travis snapped his notebook shut. "Are you sure you are OK, Mrs. Gwinnett?"
Rosamond clenched her hands at that.
"Y-y-yes, I just need some w-w-warmth!"
Travis headed for the door and stepped outside. He turned and said, "I guess my job is...
William shook his head. "I for one am heading off for bed. IF I can get any sleep!"
He and Celeste each walked towards their rooms. Bethia and Roger, along with Marilyn, had already gone to bed. John had just gone up. Rosamond decided to let him sleep. Time enough to tell him SHE was back!
Eleanor said, "I think you need to take a hot shower, Elizabeth. Then go to bed. Wrap yourself in a quilt. And sleep all day. ALL DAY! Get it?" Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at Eleanor. Eleanor shrugged and said, "I'm going to bed. I'll let you use my shower, Lizzie Borden! Just so you don't wake the rest of the house up."
Elizabeth turned to follow Eleanor but Rosamond caught her by the arm. "NOT so fast, Elizabeth. We have unfinished business!"
Elizabeth jerked her arm out of Rosamond's grasp. "I have no business at all with you! Unless it is my husband you are handing over. So unhand ME!"
Rosamond wouldn't let go. "The last person I duked it out with was Wanda Sue Skaggs. You would be a piece of cake!"
Elizabeth stood shaking both from rage and cold.
Rosamond pushed her down in a chair and put her knee on Elizabeth's stomach. "Move and I apply pressure. I am sure you don't want a gut-punch! NO? Then let's talk."
Elizabeth sat there unable to move. Rosamond continued. "I get a little tired of saying this. Are you so dense that you can't understand? Read my lips. JOHN LOVES ME! He doesn't love you. He said he never did."
Elizabeth snorted, "OH? Shall I tell you about the passion we shared?" Rosamond started to apply pressure with her knee. Elizabeth started to gasp a little.
"Don't play that 'passion we shared' game with me, Lizzie! NOW! Let me give you a little history lesson. William, Eleanor and I landed in Southold in 1640. We were time travelers that took a wrong turn. I met John--Captain John Gwinnett of the Southold Long Island Militia, if you please!--and he was very solicitous of us. He took us to the Red Goose Inn and got us rooms. I ran into a spot of trouble with Constable Spencer. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself when--and notice I say WHEN, not IF!--you go back. John rescued me and he kissed me. And honey, he just about sucked my lips off my face! The man was parched for...satisfaction? Because if he wasn't, with his Puritan upbringing, he never would have looked twice at me. Oh, well, he may have looked twice but he NEVER would have acted on it!"
Rosamond released her knee and stood back with one hand on her hip and she examined the fingernails on her left hand. Must get a manicure before New Years, she thought. She played her ace card. "John took us to Bethia's house and along the way he told me you were barren. And what John wanted more than anything in the world was children. I can give him that. I have proved it. So you think he is going to leave me for YOU?? I think not! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we had another baby on the way right now!"
Elizabeth's face turned red. Actually, since she was blue from cold, her face was turning purple because everyone knows that red and blue make purple.
Elizabeth jumped up. "You are nothing but a strumpet! Oh, Bess told me all about your sordid past! Bedding down with both Daniel AND John in 24 hours! Then a week later you run off with that Montgomery guy. No wonder you have no way of knowing who the father of your brat is!" Rose hauled off and slapped her. Elizabeth put her hand up to her face in shock.

Rose said in a deadly calm voice. "Don't you ever--EVER--talk about my baby that way. Or I will kill you. She is John's baby. That has been proven by medical tests. John's and mine. There in nothing you can do to change that. And even if by some miracle you COULD have a child, John wouldn't even want one from you. Why should he when he has Julie? She's his first child. And now I have wasted enough time on you, Lizzie! I am going upstairs to MY bed next to what you perceive to be as YOUR husband which is really mine, and get perhaps an hour of sleep. And start packing, Lizzie. Because mark my words, you will be out of here by the end of the week."
Rosamond switched off the light and let Elizabeth sit in the dark. She was furious. Her face was red with humiliation and the taunts that Rosamond had hurled at her. All John wanted was children? That seems to be the only thing that--what was it Wanda Sue called her? Rosetramp?--only thing that Rosetramp was good for was breeding. The children seems to be the glue that holds that marriage together. Those damn kids. At least Will was only a step-son, even though John adopted him. But Julie....that baby is the whole reason I don't have John. That damn brat.
Elizabeth wrapped the quilt around her and headed off to Eleanor's shower. We'll just see, you strumpet! Just you wait!

CHRISTMAS, COMATOSE STYLE............by Coralynn

Little Will opens one eye, then the other one. What's special about this day......I know there's something special.....oh I know......Christmas!
He bounds out of bed and races into the living room where the Christmas tree is a blaze of light. YES! Santa has been here!
"YAY! Santa has been here!" he announces loudly to the room full of people. His Mum is smiling and slowly goes to where he is dancing around in a circle, putting her arms around him, "Merry Chritmas, Will!" she says with as much energy as she has left.
He wonders why everyone is up already. There's Poppy William sitting on the couch with his head back and his eyes closed. Poor Poppy, he must be tired.
He sees that odd woman Elizabeth sitting in the dining room with a thick blanket around her and her feet in a pail of water. Gramma Celeste is putting breakfast dishes on the table and smiles at him. "Why is everyone up already?" he asks.
John decides to downplay the fact that no one has had enough sleep to mention, and replies, "We all wanted to see how you like your presents from Santa."
"Oh I love them!" Will lifts up the huge box of Lincoln Logs and dumps them all out on the floor. "See?"
After Will has examined all his Santa presents, he lifts up a big wrapped present and plops it on William's lap, which causes William to wake up with a start. When his eyes finally focus, he sees Will standing in front of him expectantly, and looks at the tag.
"This is from Little Will!" he says cheerily, "Oh now, Will, you didn't have to go out and get me anything!"
"Yes I did," Will contradicts, "Mummy said that now I'm old enough to give presents, not just get them. Open it up! Open it up!"
William opens the box and lifts out a brocaded smoking jacket. Will dances around in glee, his eyes shining. "Try it on! Try it on!"
William somehow extricates himself from the plush leather couch and manages to shed his robe and put on the jacket. It looks wonderful, so everyone comments and Little Will laughs happily, "It's perfect, huh, Mummy?"
"Oh yes, you got the perfect present for Poppy William!" Rose stifles a yawn.
"Your turn to pick a present, Poppy!" Will tugs at William and the older man lets himself be led over to the tree. Will hands him a medium sized present to deliver to the recipient.
"Ahhhh, this one is for Beth!" William shuffles across the room and hands it to Beth who has been leaning on Roger's shoulder, but now straightens up. "For me!?" she pretends to be surprised.
"YES! It's from Eleanor! See? I can read names now! Open it! Open it!"
Beth does so and finds a long silk dress with a lot of room through the middle. She smiles at Eleanor, "Ah! Now I can go to dinner dances even if I am getting lumpy through the waist! Thank you, Eleanor!"
"You can wear it after, too!" Eleanor points out.
They hear moaning coming from the dining room. Marilyn goes to where Elizabeth is sitting all bundled up in blankets and snaps, "Now what do you want?"
"The water in the bucket is cold!" Elizabeth whines.
"Well, la de da. Go in the kitchen, turn on the tap, tilt it to the left, and when the water becomes hot enough, fill the stupid pail. Even you must know how to do that!"
Elizabeth actually does so. Marilyn returns to her place sitting on the floor beside Bess and quips, "Ya know, if you pamper that type they become real pains in the neck! Now, let's see, what present shall I pass out? Ahhhhh, John! John! Hey, wake him up, Rose. Poke him with something. And someone jab William, too, he's beginning to snore."

A pleasant two hours are spent opening presents. During this entire persiod, Elizabeth sits in the dining room with her feet in a pail of hot water, trying to look pitiful. The others try not to glance her way.
She finally gets up, wipes off her feet and walks into the living room. Sitting down on the floor beside Beth, she asks, "So where are my presents?"
"Good question!" Eleanor cuts in, "Where are the presents you got for everyone? Hey, everyone! Did you get a present from Liz here?"
Elizabeth pouts and a tear begins the long journey down her face.
Eleanor gets up, goes to the closet and brings back her thickest winter coat, and, tossing it in Elizabeth's lap, tells her, "Here! This is the winter coat I was telling you about on our walk over here. Remember?" she looks Eliz straight in the eye until the other woman acknowledges that she remembers.
"Ok, then, Merry Christmas!" Eleanor says without any warmth, "And," she lowers her voice to a whisper, "remember how cold it'll get in the Ice Age. Even this alpaca coat will have a hard time at 75 below zero."
William rouses from his latest foray into the land of nod and sees the coat Elizabeth has draped over her lap. "MY! What a great present, Elizabeth. Wear it in good health." and with that he gets up to help Celeste finish the preparations for breakfast.

"Breakfast is served!" Celeste says with fanfare, "Take your places!"
Slowly, one by one, they seat themselves around the large table.
"Let me help!" Marilyn tells Celeste as the food is being placed on the table.
Marilyn, Celeste and WIlliam bring out platter after platter of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and toast.
"Oh YUM!" Little Will takes a big helping and digs in.
Marilyn re-seats herself and looks across the table at Beth and Roger, whose eyes are beginning to close. "Some food may help us wake up!" she says cheerily, knowing that food can only do so much and no more when people are that sleep deprived.
Elizabeth, who has taken a chair and wedged it in on the other side of John, Rose being on the other side, takes a bite of the scrambled eggs and wrinkles up her face, "Euuuu, these are awful!"
"Shut up and eat!" William tells her, no one reminding him that he's being rude.
She ignores him and turns to John, "I made breakfast ever so much better than this when you and I were together, John, do you remember?"
He glares at her.
She rambles on, "Bringing me here was no accident, you all understand. John wants me back."
Eleanor heaves an audible sigh and, reaching over Jerry to where Eizabeth is sitting, pinches her hard on the arm, "You heard the man, shut up!"
Elizabeth howls like a wounded animal and leaps from her chair, yelling "You all hate me! You're against me! If John loves me, it's no concern of yours! You're all in kahoots with Rose!"
William has heard enough and announces in his most Kingly voice, "You are henceforth banished to your room, Elizabeth. No one is allowed to disrupt our household, and that applies to you. Now, go!"
She hesitates, then approaches John, who is still in his chair, "John, are you going to let him speak to me like that?"
"Yes, I am. I love Rose and you know it. I have no desire to reconcile with you, Elizabeth. You have been nothing but a disruptive element....."
Elizabeth hauls off and slaps him across the face, "I hate you!" she screams and runs out of the room into the bedroom assigned to her on the first floor.

Little Will pauses in his feasting and asks in his child voice, "Why do we have that lady here, Poppy William? Nobody likes her."
William looks at each person sitting around the table and asks, "Anybody here want to disagree with that?"
Rose watches John closely to see if he has the unmitigated gaul to disagree. He sits there looking at the food on his plate, pushing it around from one side to the other.
To break the tension, Celeste announces, "I invited Luke and Henry8 and Rafe and Hotspur and Slim....."
"Good! You should see what I bought for Hots!" Rose laughs for the first time that day.
"Is Luke going to play Christmas songs for us?" Marilyn asks.
"I think he may have composed a new one," William tells her, "I was over at the Castle yesterday and heard the most glorious sounds coming from the music room."
They all smile. Having Beethoven living next door is one of the blessings of time travel. Having Elizabeth on the premesis, however, is quite another.

MEANWHILE over on Sycamore:

"Where did you get this Christmas tree anyway, Sally?" WandaSue is replacing bulbs and shaking the strings of lights, which refuse to shine. "Whoever heard of a tree without lights?"
"The store said it was prewired for lights and that they worked!" Sally insists. "Stomp it up and down and see if that helps."
WandaSue lifts the tree and bangs it against the floor. Still no working lights.
Penelope walks over to the tree, lifts the electric cord and plugs it into the outlet on the wall. The tree springs to life, all bulbs blazing.
WandaSue and Sally look at her in amazement. "It's called 'it works better if you plug it in!'" Penelope tells them.
"Oh what the hell," WandaSue remarks, "How's the turkey coming, Sally? Isn't it about time we ate?"
Sally's face creases, "It was supposed to be done three hours ago, but when I stick that temperature thingee into it, it only reads 36 degrees inside the meat. That's not enough! I read that if a turkey is undercooked you can die from eating it."
"I suppose!" Penelope says in frustration, "but we're dying of starvation. I'm to the point where I'll eat anything! Let me take a look at it."
She goes to the oven, opens it, checks the dials and yells out, "You dolt! You set the oven for less than 100 degrees, no wonder!"
"100 is a lot!" Sally insists.
"No it's not!"
WandaSue smirks, "Let's go over to my place in Pleasantville. I have the freezer stocked....."
"We know, we know! HungryMan dinners!" Penelope says as she grabs her coat and puts it on.

MEANWHILE, back at the Big House:

Most of the occupants of the Big House on Winding Willow have retired for the night. William is snoring away in his chair with the lever on the side, though, and Celeste is sitting at the kitchen table making out a shopping list.
She hears a door close. Glancing around, she sees that Elizabeth's bedroom door shows light underneath. Hmmmm, wonder what she's up to! she wonders.
Celeste tries to continue making out her shopping list, but something nags at her mind. Something strange is going on. Something ominous.
She goes into her own room and uncovers the crystal ball, asking what strange thing is going on, and is shown a scene with Elizabeth in William's greenhouse laboratory. She looks intently at Elizabeth moving about looking at the vials in which William has concocted his weed-killing liquids. She sees Elizabeth pour a small amount into a glass and leave the greenhouse.
"Oh so that's what she's up to, is it?" Celeste is aghast.
She hears Elizabeth's door open and quickly ducks into the storage closet, which is crammed with ironing boards and supplies and none too roomy, in fact the door doesn't close totally on her, affording her a view of Elizabeth entering the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, taking something out, then returning to her bedroom.
When she's sure Elizabeth is in her room, Celeste vacates the storage closet and walks into the dark living room. William is still sleeping in his chair but Celeste needs to awaken him.....slowly. She doesn't want him to yell out which will alert Elizabeth and anyone else who's not in a deep sleep.
She touches his arm and he stirs. She whispers in his ear, "William. Wake up."
He opens his eyes and looks disoriented. "Why am I still in my chair?"
"Because you fell asleep there and none of us had the heart to wake you up. But, whisper, we mustn't be heard. In my crystal ball I saw Elizabeth in your laboratory taking some of your new weed killer, William. I hid in the closet when she came back through the kitchen. I saw her take something from the fridge and go back into her room. She has no idea anyone in the house is still awake. I think she's going to try to poison Rose."
William's eyes grow round, then squint as his face takes on the look of someone about to attack.
"We have to catch her in the act," Celeste whispers, "Come with me."
William rises with some effort and follows Celeste through the kitchen back to the room Elizabeth has been using. Sure enough, there's light showing under the door.
William shoves the door open and what they see is horrifying. Elizabeth has several baby bottles lined up on her bureau and is adding weed killer to each one.
She whirls around when she hears them enter and tries to cover the evidence by tossing a dresser scrarf over the bottles, but it's too late.
William grabs her, pining her arms behind her. She screeches, "YOU HATE ME! I want John back, and if he's staying with Rose because she has his child, the child has to go!"
Celeste is beyond shocked. She rushes up to John and Rose's room and bursts in on them. "Come quickly! NOW!" she yells.
They rouse and when Celeste flips on the light, cover their eyes with their forearms. "What is it that can't wait till morning?" John asks crossly.
"Elizabeth! You must see what she's done! Come! Now!"
That sentence causes Rose to jump out of bed and throw on her robe. John is slower, but follows them down the stairs still grumbling about his interrupted sleep.
The racket coming out of Elizabeth's bedroom hits them the minute they get to the bottom of the stairs.
"The baby must go!" they hear her scream over and over.
When they get to Elizabeth's room and look in, they see William trying her hand and foot and about to tie a gag on her mouth.
Rose sees the baby bottles and is confused. Why would Elizabeth have baby bottles? Is she so demented she thinks she has a child?
"She was putting poison in the milk!" William explains as he is about to tie on the gag.
"Not yet, William," Rose stays his hand, "I want to hear what she has to say. Alright, Elizabeth, TALK!"
"John is with you because you have his baby. If his baby dies, then he'll leave you and return to me!"
John walks over and smacks Elizabeth's face, yelling, "You miserable witch! How dare you?"
She tries to manipulate sympathy by crying, "I am just a barren woman who is unwanted, unloved..."
"Cut the crap!" John yells, "Celeste, Rose, this miserable excuse for a human being is going back. Tonight, or this morning or whatever it is. Do you have enough forgetting-potion made up, Celeste?"
Celeste answers, "I say we take her to 1641 Rhode Island where she lives with Reverend Jackson before he dumps her. That way she has absolutely no access to John, the one back in 1640 or the one in 2003. NO, she gets no forgetting potion. She needs to live with the guilt of what she's done for the rest of her life."
Rose glances at John, hoping he has finally run out of patience and sympathy for Elizabeth, and is gratified to hear him say, "Good plan. Let her live with her guilt! If she stays here more than five more minutes I may kill her outright!"
By now William has successfully affixed the gag to Elizabeth head. She squirms but to no avail, and the only sounds she makes are strange gutteral sounds in her throat.
"Let me have the pleasure...." William puts a t/t coin in his hand and, touching Elizabeth, pronounces, "1641 Rhode Island....NOW!"
Both disappear.
Rose collapses on the bed and cries, now that the threat is over.
"How could anyone even think of doing something that vile?" John shakes his head, then sits by Rose, putting his arm around her, rocking her like a child.
Celeste is suddenly so weary she can barely stand up. She also sits on the bed, feeling almost comatose from the shocking event that has just transpired.
William reappears. "She's gone! When I got her to Reverend Jackson's house, I took off her gag, but kept her tied up. She started screaming all manner of nonsense that Jackson is not going to understand, and you know, I don't care. She's out of our lives."
All four vacate the room, Celeste gathering up the baby bottles and throwing them into the garbage as she passes the receptacle.
"Thank you William!" Rose throws her arms around the old man.
"You have Celeste to thank for this one," he tells her. She walks over to Celeste and hugs her and whispers, "Thanks, Mom. I'll never forget it. You saved my baby's life. God bless you!"
"And you, too, dear, now try to get some sleep, won't you?" Celeste advises as she flips off the kitchen lights, goes back to her own room and collapses in a heap.

A HARD DAY'S NIGHT......by Terri

John led Rosamond through the kitchen. "Honey, you look like you could use a spot of brandy. To calm you down. Lord knows Ii could use one. Here! You sit right there and let me get it for you."
Rose collapsed at the table. John poured a generous splash in each glass. He took Rosamond's hand and unfolded it, put the glass in her hand and folded her fingers around it. "OK--now take a nice swallow....that's right!" Rosamond started to cough but immediately the warmth of the brandy spread through her body. John drained his glass all at once. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Rose began to cry.
The shock was starting to settle in. She sobbed, "John, she was going to kill our baby! Poison her! What kind of a sick twisted mind would do a thing like that?"
John's mouth drew in a tight line. "I have no idea how she got so unhinged." After a few minutes, Rose got up. She sat down quickly. "I feel so faint."
John picked her up and carried her down to their room and put her in bed. He slid into bed and covered her up with the down comforter. She said, "I have to see my baby. I have to see for myself that she is alright!"
John said, "I'll check on her for you. You just stay there." He got out of bed and went down the hall. In a few minutes he came back. To Rosamond it seemed like an eternity but she felt too light-headed and weak to go. He said, "Sleeping like an angel. I covered her up, she likes to kick her covers off, doesn't she?"
Rose whispered, "Thank you, God!" To John she said, "I don't know how many times she could have had the opportunity to do that, John. Why now? Why on Christmas Day?"
John put his arm around Rose and drew her close. "Because she's crazy. And now she is out of our lives forever. William saw to that."
Rosamond said, "I'll be eternally grateful to Celeste. That woman is a god-send."
John yawned, "She sure looks out for this family."
Rose stretched out. "I am so exhausted I can barely move."
John said,"I can't understand why...you were up all night with Officer McGee. Then you had that showdown with Lizzie Borden. And today was Christmas and you had to entertain a five year old and a toddler all day. Aw, honey, come on! You've got no right to be tired!"
Rose said half asleep, "If I had the strength I'd beat you senseless with this pillow, John."
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her but she didn't notice. She was already asleep.

LET'S CELEBRATE!....by Terri

Bess and Marilyn sat at the kitchen table drinking their coffee and looking at holiday dresses in the store flyers. Bess said, "Should they be on sale yet?"
Marilyn said, "Bet they go half price after New Year's."
Eleanor came in the room and yawned. "Where's Celeste? Usually she is the first one down here." Eleanor upended the coffee pot and it was empty. "You know, you COULD have started up a new pot!"
Roger and Bethia came through the kitchen door. Roger said, "We were out of coffee. And there is ever so much more action over here than at our place!"
Eleanor said, "Coffee will be ready in a jiffy. William! Want some breakfast?"
William yawned and tightened the belt on his robe. He had four of his five newspapers under his arm. "Damn paperboy! The fifth one is hanging halfway over the roof. I need a broom to get it down!" He got one from the janitor closet and went to the front door. Within one minute he came back, covered head to toe with snow and shaking.
Everyone burst out laughing. Someone knocked at the door again. Roger opened the door and it was Jerry. "Hey, everyone! Brought donuts!" He kissed Eleanor hello. She got the coffee which was now done and poured him a cup.
William slammed the phone down. "BLAST IT! I'm down to four newspapers now!"
Eleanor said, "Oh, just log on to CNN.com, you old fussbudget!"

Little Will came downstairs, dragging his quilt behind him. He said, "Mommy and Daddy are still sleeping. I tried to wake Mommy up but she whispered for me to go downstairs with Grandma Celeste. She said she needed to sleep. And that Daddy had a rough night, too."
William muttered, "You can say that again!"
Everyone said, "What??"
Bethia asked, "Where's Elizabeth, still sleeping? Has she thawed out yet? Roger, now THAT'S the shade of blue I want for that second bathroom, you know, the colour that Elizabeth was? But not the colour she was when she FIRST got in, about 15 minutes later..."
Celeste came into the kitchen, her eyes bleary. "Good morning, everyone!"
To William she said, "You look mighty chipper for last night's escapade!"
Everyone made questioning remarks behind William and Celeste's backs. Jerry made a gesture (not obscene) like maybe William and Celeste spent the night together. Eleanor tried to stifle her laughter as she shook her head 'no way'.
William turned and they all stopped their whispering and gesturing. To Celeste he said, "I suppose we ought to tell them about John and Rosamond."

Bess blurted out, "Oh, don't tell me Rose caught John in bed with Elizabeth AGAIN?!"
Celeste motioned for them to be quiet and pointed to Will. She said, "Will, here's your toast. Go watch Sesame Street, OK? And then we will go to the museum this morning."
"OK. Grandma."
Celeste took a deep drink of her coffee and William nodded to her. She started out by saying, "Elizabeth is no longer with us."
Bess put her hands to her face and gasped, "ROSE KILLED HER!" She leaned forward eagerly, "Was it a knife? I didn't hear a gunshot! OH! You CAN creep up on someone and just garrot them..."
Marilyn pinched her.
William continued, "Celeste felt in her bones that something was wrong. Elizabeth had been creeping around the house long after everyone was in bed. So she got her crystal ball out."
Celeste started in again. "I saw Elizabeth creeping around William's conservatory. She had a vial in her hand and then she went to the refrigerator."
From behind them, a voice said flatly, "She tried to murder my baby."

All of them turned around. Rosamond stood there looking like death warmed over.
A collective gasp went up. Rosamond sat down shakily. Eleanor handed her a cup of tea. She drank it gratefully. "She took William's organic weedkiller made with nightshade and foxglove and put it in Julie's babybottles. If Celeste hadn't seen it, Julie would have died." Marilyn jumped up and put her arms around Rosamond. "Where is she? I'll kick her till she's dead!"
William continued. "I took her back to Rhode Island 1641 to live out her life with Reverend Jackson and her guilt."
Everyone clapped. Roger said, "She should be hung!"
Eleanor said, "What did John do? He couldn't possibly defend her! Not after this!"
Rosamond said, "He said he was taking her back to Southold right that minute. If he didn't, he was going to kill her himself! But before he said that, he did something that he had only done once before in his life."
"What's that, Rosamond?" Bethia asked.
"He slapped her. I thought her teeth were going to come loose. It takes alot to get John that riled. I think murdering his little baby is number one on the list."
Jerry started humming, "Ding dong, the witch is dead..."
Bethia had tears in her eyes. "I can't believe a woman could be so cruel. How is John this morning?"
Rosamond said, "Still sleeping. Julie woke up and then she fell back asleep. I put her next to John. So she's next to her daddy."
The group was quiet, reflecting on how this day could have turned out. Bess broke the silence by saying, "What can we do for fun NOW?"
Marilyn looked at Bess and said, "Haven't we had enough excitement? Why can't we ever have a nice normal holiday?"
Rosamond said, "Bess is right. We need something nice. Elegant. How about a nice welcome home party for Marthy and Jack? They get back from Vermont on New Years Eve. What better time to have a nice quiet family dinner?"
Bess jumped up. "NO! We need to rock the rafters! After all, our Halloween party was a success! And we missed having Rosamond and John at Thanksgiving. Marthy and Jack missed Christmas. We got rid of Elizabeth."
William said, "That alone is reason to celebrate!"
Bess continued, "Let Marilyn and I plan it! I have ideas like you wouldn't believe!"
Celeste laid her hand on Marilyn's and whispered, "Keep a tight leash on that party animal, Marilyn!"
John came downstairs and brought Julie with him. "Ma-ma!" She held out her little arms to Rose. Rose took her eagerly and held her close. Her eyes started to tear up as she touched her curls.
Everyone wa quiet as they began to realize that if Elizabeth had been successful they would have been planning something very different. Rose smiled through her tears. "YES! Let's have a total blow-out of a party! Let's make it a new year for all of us! We'll invite anyone and everyone! Everyone we know! Let's make it semi-formal! Or formal! Whatever! I spent Christmas in my robe and that was a bust! It's been a weird year for us. But in some ways pleasant. Look how many new people we have added to our family!"
Bess began to count. "Let's see..you got Marthy and Jack this time of the year. You added me and Rafe, Hotspur....Mike.....Slim by association...and Julie...."
John said, "On the other hand, we added Travis McGee, Wanda Sue, Sally, and that Penelope Patterson."
Eleanor added, "We got three...count 'em...THREE weddings out of it.. Bethia, Rose and Marthy. We unloaded Billy Bob Montgomery. Unfortunately we also gained Henry 2 into our midst."
John added, "Don't forget I got shot, we went to Pompeii, Rose and I went to the Gold Rush...you guys did the French Revolution.."
Rose said, "Why can't we ever take a normal vacation, John?"
He said, "We did go to Colorado."
"Oh yes, that was so normal, I forgot about it!"
William poured his cup of coffee and said, "Wonder what the next year will bring."
Celeste said, "I don't know. I am afraid to guess. But after this hum-dinger..what else can possibly go wrong?"
They all looked at Celeste and laughed.
Eleanor said, "Where shall I begin?"
The various party-planning jobs were divided up among the women. The men bowed out, except for William who insisted on making his famous chile.
Eleanor said, "Just show up in your tuxes or suits or whatever we decide on."
Bess said, "Let me get a list of invitations going. OH, this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!"

WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEW YEARS..............by Coralynn

What are you women doing?" William stands in the doorway to the living room amazed at the amount of decorations affixed to the walls, looping from the ceiling, and otherwise turning a normal living room into a theme park.
Celeste, standing atop a ladder, looks down at him and frowns, "We're having a New Years Eve party here tonight, William, you know that!"
"I was told, and I even helped move the furniture out so this could resemble a ballroom, but don't you think the decorations are a bit too much, Celeste?"
She gets down off the ladder and shakes her head, "You don't understand. We want everything to be festive. Festive with a capital F. Marthy and Jack are returning from their honeymoon today and will be the guests of honor. What would they think if they walked in here and it just looked like the same old-same old room?"
"They'd probably think it very sensible," William grumbles as he walks toward the den where his recliner with the lever on the side has been relocated for the duration.
Celeste hears the front door open and sees Eleanor, Marilyn, Rose and Bess rush in, just pausing long enough to stomp the snow off their shoes.
"I got the greatest streamers!" Bess says happily, "They change colors depending on the light." she pulls some out and they are indeed magically colorful.
"These are perfect!" Celeste agrees.
"I got some more food, too," Eleanor says, "I know William is supposed to be in charge of the refreshments, but I doubt everyone wants to eat that chili he made when they're wearing their finest clothes. He means well, but...."
The other women laugh and go about unpacking the decorations and helping El put away the food they're all sure will be more appropriate than William's chili, of which he is inordinately proud because he featured it on a recent episode of his William the Conquering Chef TV show.

The snow is falling more heavily when Bess sees the delivery truck pause, then stop in front of the house. She rushes to the door and has it open even before the delivery man hands her the large box. She signs for it and closes the door, shivering from the brief exposure to the cold.
"What's that?" Marilyn asks casually.
"My dress for tonight!" Bess is already on her way back to her room as she says that.
"Oh," is all Mailyn replies, as it isn't uncommon to choose a dress, have the store alter it, then deliver it to one's house.
Once inside her room, she notices an envelope affixed to the top of the box, which she rips off and opens.
It begins: "My dearest Bess, This is the dress of a star, which soon you will be. Together we shall rule Hollywood and the Broadway Stage. I chose this dress for you because reigning movie queens dress in this design, and since you will soon join their ranks, now is not too soon to become accustomed to dressing as a STAR.
Looking forward to seeing you this evening, Love and devotion,
She pulls the black dress out of the box and sees a picture of it on a flier the store included in the package. She gasps when she sees it.
How can I wear something like this? she asks herself. Oh how I wish Marthy were her right now so I could talk it over with her. If I don't wear it, Nathan will think I'm just a simple country girl with no glamour, which of course I am, but if I wear it to please him, Eleanor and William and probably everyone else as well will fall down in a faint.


"HEY Sally!" Penelope yells, "Move that streamer higher...yeah....up there! That looks super!"
"Why are we decorating so much? We don't even know if those guys are going to show up!" WandaSue complains, "I mean, Penny, we met them in a chat room, and they said they were coming over, but that remains to be seen! What happens if they stiff us?"
"Then we sit here and get drunk without them! It's New Years Eve, girl!"
"I don't want anything to do with those strange men," Sally proclaims as she gets off the step-stool. "I don't mind decorating, but I'm not going to be pawed or slapped around by some weird guys you two met on the internet!"
Penelope frowns. As usual, Sally's hostility toward men is getting in the way. What happens if 8 guys show up and the only two 'women' there are her and WandaSue? Maybe they need to invite another couple woman to make it look more like a party, but who?
WandaSue, as if reading her mind, mentions, "We need at least two more women, Penny. But we don't know any, do we?"
"I know. What if 10 guys show up. They aren't going to stick around long if there are only two women here. Sally doesn't count. She'll probably spend the night in her bedroom with the door locked!"
"I have an idea...."
WandaSue's eyes become mischievous, "You know the women who hang around that area outside of town, the women who wait on street-corners for men? I'll bet a few of them would jump at the chance to spend New Years Eve at an indoor party where it's warm and the men are here for the pickin!"
Penelope considers that idea, which seems ridiculous until she continues to think about it and think about it and finally says, "I know! We can give them decent clothes to wear so they look more like 'ladies'......the guys'll never know!"
"They might suspect something when one of them asks for payment, though," WandaSue suggests.
"I know! You have a lot of money, WandaSue!"
"What of it?"
"You pay 'em ahead of time, then the guys'll never suspect!"
"I could do that, yeah, not a bad idea, Penny! Think we'd better cruise down there and get us some of them-there whores before it gets darker outside?"
"I think it's a plan!" Penelope grabs her coat and heads for the door.

STREET of RED LIGHTS..............by Coralynn

"I think Sally is getting angry about our party," Penelope says to WandaSue as they drive down toward 'the wrong side of the tracks.'
"I'm getting pretty tired of her attitude, too," WandaSue says as the makes a sharp left onto a dimly lit road.
"I have to humor her, though, because otherwise she won't let me live in her house," Penelope explains, "I don't want to go back to Staten Island. I want to live around here."
"Hey! If she tosses you out, you can come live with me!" WandaSue says as though she just thought up a brilliant idea, not realizing that Penelope has been waiting for her to make that suggestion all along.
"Could I?" Penelope tries to act surprised.
"But do you have room?"
"I have three bedrooms in that apartment, haven't cha noticed? They're all big, too. Hey, never mind Sally! Move in with me! Don't wait for her to throw you out."
Penelope pretends to be thinking it over, and after a few minutes replies, "OK! Sounds good!"
"Now, let's see......" WandaSue scans the scattering of women standing by the side of the street in various lewd outfits, "Which ones would clean up nice?"
Penelope points at one and suggests, "Why don't we park? I see a few who look like we could pass them off as regular women. That one over there....see?"
"Ohhh yeah, she's not too miserable looking...." WandaSue parks the car, they get out and walk toward the assemblage of hookers.
"How do we approach the ones we want? They're lookin' for men, not women!" WandaSue whispers to Penny.
Penny demonstrates by approaching one of the women, asking her to step back so she can talk to her. The woman does so, as no cars full of men are currently cruising the area.
"We're having a New Years Eve party," Penny begins, "And we need several more women for it. Would you come to our party if we paid you five hundred bucks?"
"In a heartbeat!" the woman replies.
By now WandaSue is standing with the other two and asks, "Do ya mind if we put some other clothes on ya for the party?"
The woman shrugs and says, "For that kind of money I'd wear a monkey outfit."
"We're talking about real nice stuff," WandaSue explains, "What's yer name anyhow?"
"Mary, as in the Virgin Mary!" the woman laughs, slapping her thigh.
"Well, Mary, who else do you think would fit in at our party? Do you know any of the others?"
"Yeah, I know Cassie real well. Want I should get 'er?"
"Yes, please."
Mary whistles through her teeth, and all the others turn to look, "HEY CASSIE! Get your royal rump over here!"
A woman who might have been attractive twenty years earlier, but no longer, approached them, "What?"
Penelope takes over, "Would you like to attend a New Years Eve party if we pay you five hundred bucks to come?"
She cracks her gum and looks at Penelope skeptically, "What's the catch?"
"No catch. We need a few more women for our party," WandaSue explains.
"Do I haveta turn tricks?"
"No. You can do whatever you like. We have nice clothes for you to wear, too."
"Is this Candid Camera?" she starts looking around her for clues.
"No. But we need maybe two more women. Who would you suggest?" Penelope asks.
"Welllllll, there's Maxine. She used to be a body builder.....see her over there.....the one with all the shiny muscles? She sprays herself with Pam to look like that. yeah, really. We use her as a bouncer. Anybody get rough with one of us and she cleans their clock."
WandaSue whispers, "She looks like a man, though. Sorry. Who else?"
"Ehhhhhh, the Tucker Triplets might be a blast!"
"Triplets? As in identical?"
Cassie walks away and returns with three identical women, all blonde, all painfully pale and thin except for the obvious silicone breast implants, "These are Dixie, Trixie and Mixie, the Tucker triplets."
Penelope extends her hand toward them but they aren't used to shaking hands, so she lets her hand relax back at her side.
"These are enough!" Wandasue says, "Let's all get in the car and go back to the party."
"What party?" Trixie wants to know.
Mary and Cassie push the three of them into the car as Cassie tells them, "Five hundred smackers to go to a fancy dress party and ya don't even have to 'work' if ya don't wanna."
There are seven people in the car, all schrunched together, but since it's only about 15 miles back to Sally's house, they all hold their breaths. When WandaSue pulls up in the driveway, they exhale, then exit the car with a whoop.
"I want my five hundred now!" Mixie says aggressively as they all walk toward the house.
"You'll get it, don't worry. And, if any of you get through the evening without any of the men suspecting what you do for a 'living,' there's even more money in it for ya!" WandaSue thinks quickly and puts that out.

In all the excitement none of them had noticed the police car that followed them from the red light district to the house on Sycamore, as the car had no lights blazing or siren sounding. Within that car, Travis McGee is thinking, "Someone is setting up a House of Ill Repute right here in Chappaqua! Hot damn!"


"I don't know why we have to dress up. I would feel so much better in a nice sweater and jeans, Rose."
Rose was trying to zip up her dress. "Just be glad we decided not to do tuxedos. Help me with this zipper, darling. I can't... quite... reach..."
John deftly zipped up her dress. "There!"
"You like?" she said.
"Always have been partial to you in black velvet, babe!"
Rose gathered her hair up and twisted it, pinning it. She put her earrings on and the diamond tennis bracelet. She touched the earrings and smiled. "Darling, I just love the earrings you gave me!" John smiled, "I saw those and said, 'That's my Rose!'"
She looked in the mirror and smiled at his reflection. "I am sorry you won't be able to use yours until the weather gets better."
John laughed, "How did you know I always wanted to learn to fly a chopper?"

Down the hall, Eleanor and Marilyn were getting dressed together, helping with jewelry and zippers. Eleanor got out an elegant gold brocade dress that fit her like a glove. Marilyn dug out a nice red sequined job. Eleanor said, "What ever happened to the 'Happy Birthday Mr. President' dress that you had?"
Marilyn laughed. "I heard that went for auction and someone paid 1,267,500.00 for it. It was so tight I had to be sewn into it. What a thrill! I am so glad dresses today are a lot more forgiving."
Eleanor asked, "I heard you invited Patrick O'Malley to the party."
Marilyn tried to clasp her bracelet and then held her wrist out to Eleanor. Eleanor clasped it for her.
"Where does that leave you and Luke?" Marilyn said, "Nowhere, I guess. Luke is so involved with his music. She's his mistress. And a very demanding mistress she is. Patrick is fun. Nothing serious. While we are at it, Jerry seems to be hanging around a lot."
Eleanor applied lipstick in the mirror. "I love Jerry. He loves me."
"Do I hear wedding bells?"
"Heavens no! Jerry and I are satisfied with the way things are. We have fun. We don't want to spoil it. Don't forget, I was married to Henry for all those years. That was enough to last me a lifetime!"
Marilyn said, "Bess made out the invitations. Before I had a chance to check her list, she invited Daniel. You know Bess, not a malicious bone in her body. She just wanted everyone and everybody there. I am surprised she didn't invite Billy Bob Montgomery."

Bess sat in her room. I sure wish Marthy was here to bounce ideas off. She had seen Marthy and Jack briefly when they returned. Marthy was just glowing. I could go down the hall and ask Marthy what she thinks of this dress Nathan sent over. Maybe if I wear a white lace body suit under it...No, that would look babyish. What would Nathan think of me? I know Slim wouldn't approve. But maybe I have outgrown Slim. I'll have them side by side and I can do a comparison test...

Marthy unpacked her suitcase. "Jack, isn't it wonderful the family is having a welcome home/new year's eve party? It will be so nice to be back with them..Wonder where Elizabeth is? I hardly got a chance to talk to anyone."
Jack dumped his suitcase on the bed and tried to find a pair of socks that matched. He rooted around and found a couple black socks. He smelled them, shrugged and thought, ok, they're clean!
"I don't know, sweetheart. I expect she'll be there. I feel sorry for Rose. She doesn't need Elizabeth hanging on the fringes of her life. Now, if I can just find a white shirt.."
Marthy looked around. "Darling, I think we need to fix this bedroom up a bit. It's so...masculine! Maybe a few throw pillows, some fresh flowers, a new bedspread..."
Jack silenced her with a kiss. "Trying to change me already, Marthy?"
She put her arms around him. "Never! Now, let's go to our first party as Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart!"

Vinnie Paponetti was trying to tie his tie. And not having much success. Sheila took it and deftly wove her magic.
"Youse got da magic touch, babe!"
Sheila smiled. "Ya like my dress, Vinnie?"
She twirled around. It was understated. Vinnie said, "I guess I'm not used to dresses dat don' sparkle, Sheila."
Sheila applied her lipstick. "And dat lipstick....it ain't red. It's...what do dey call dat color?"
Sheila blotted her lips. "It's called Wineberry. I ran into Marilyn at the mall and we had lunch. She took me to the beauty counter and showed me how it was a better color for...what did she call it? Oh yeah! My 'skin tone'."
Vinnie said, "I don't know, doll! You look like a real...UPTOWN girl!" Sheila's face fell. "What's the matter, Poopsie, you don't like it?"
Vinnie looked her up and down. "No, da problem is I think I DO!"
Then he broke out in a chorus of Billy Joel's 'Uptown Girl', twirling Sheila around. She laughed and got their coats. As they walked out the door, Vinnie said, "How did we get so luck as to have such classy friends as them?"
Sheila stopped dead in her tracks. "VINNIE!"
Vinnie turned around and said, "What? I didn't belch, did I?"
Sheila glowed. "NO! You said, 'them' not 'dem'!"
Vinnie said, "I sure did, didn't I?"
Sheila said, "Maybe it's rubbing off on you, Vincent!"
Vinnie looked at his jacket, "What, the chalky paint?"
Sheila hooked her arm around his. "No, Vincent----class! Maybe their class has started to rub off on you!"
Vinnie laughed. "You never know!" as he held the car door open for them and they drove in the direction of Chappaqua.

"Bill, I'm glad Buffy Vanderbilt's party got cancelled. I'd much rather be with William's group anyday. They are so fun-loving. And you never know what will happen!"
Hillary sprayed perfume on and adjusted her necklace. Bill said, "I don't think we have seen them since Rose and John's wedding. Was that a wild scene or what?"
She said, "I've never seen a wedding where the ex-husband came back and actually wanted the bride! Usually they can't wait to get rid of them."
Bill said, "Yeah, how many return from the dead? Kind of like that Doris Day-James Garner movie. What was the name of that?"
"Move Over, Darling. But the wife is the one who 'returned' from the dead. Are you playing with Luke and Henry tonight?"
Bill said, "No, Rose got the quartet that was supposed to be at Buffy's party. I think their party was last-minute. I understand that John's ex-wife showed up and caused a scene. Repeatedly."
Hillary said, "I think that's awful. Rose and John are made for each other. And they have had some bad breaks. They need a little peace and quiet. I understand they'll be moving down the street from William."
"Wonder if that Papponetti guy will be there."
Hillary said, "That guy with the 'dese' and 'dems' and 'dose'?"
Bill laughed, "Yeah, that's him. He's a great guy. Really down to earth."
Hillary grabbed her coat and handed Bill his. She turned and shook her finger in Bill's face. "And don't forget, dear. I will be watching you so you'd best be on your best behaviour."
Bill took her finger and kissed the fingertip. "You can bet on it. Let's go!"

Bethia stood in her robe and surveyed her figure. She dropped the robe and looked closely. "Roger, look! I'm getting a 'pot-belly.'"
Roger looked at her and said, "What did you expect? You are in the middle of your fourth month. You're going to get a lot bigger than that, darling."
She turned sideways. Tried to suck in her stomach. It still pooched out. She sighed. "Maybe I will start designing clothes for pregnant elephants."
Roger came behind her, put his arms around her and kissed her neck. "You look beautiful to me!"
She laughed and pulled away. "I think I'll wear the new dress that Eleanor gave me. It has a drawstring under the bust that adjusts. Right now it looks like a flowing empire waist dress." She pulled it over her head.
Roger stood in his walk-in closet and looked through his ties, pulling out a blue print one. "I wish you girls would stop having these 'dress-up parties." I know I can speak for Jerry and John and I when I say we want our sweatshirts and jeans!"
Bethia said, "It was Rose and Bess' idea to make it semi-formal. You know how Rose likes to dress up and Bess loves to plan parties. That girl is a virtual Elsa Maxwell!"
Roger pulled out a matching blue shirt. "She sure pulled that Halloween party together. That was a blast!"
Bethia tried her pantyhose on. She didn't know if she should pull them over or under her belly. She sighed and pulled them over. At least it didn't bind. She slipped on her strappy shoes. Hmmm...the heel is too thin. May need more ballast!
As she dug through her closet, she said, "I am glad that Elizabeth is out of here! I can hardly believe she was going to poison the baby!"
Roger said, "I shudder to think of what could have happened if Celeste hadn't been so intuned to what was going on...There! How does this shirt look?"
Bethia made an 'OK' sign with her hand. "Perfect! It brings out the blue in your crystal eyes!"
Roger went to the closet and got out Bethia's coat. She put her arms in it and he turned her around. He buttoned up her coat and pulled her close by the collar. "Have I told you how much I love you, Mrs. Doctor Bidwell?"
Bethia laughed. "Yes! But tell me again!"
Roger opened the door. "Brrrh! Cold!" Bethia said, as their voices faded down the street, "...at least the twins are warm...."

TRAVIS' DILEMMA......by Coralynn

Travis sits in his patrol car scoping out the house on Sycamore Street. Well, I see some cars arriving, let's see who else is going into the den of iniquity.
Several cars park out front and men of various types emerge and head for the house. One is old, very old, leaning upon a walker; another looks to be a teenager; then there's one guy, middle aged, bedecked in those awful gold chains that were so popular back in the '70s.
Travis can't figure it out. Who are these guys going into that whorehouse? They don't fit any pattern, except, of course, the guy with the gold necklaces. That type is known to be degenerate.
He reaches back and pulls his civilian clothing into the front seat. Struggling out of his police shirt, he slips on a white one, then, struggling even harder, manages to take off his pants and put on ones that don't give away his identity.
How long should I wait till I rush the place? he wonders. I could always slip my Police jacket back on, yeah, that would make me look more authoritative. But if I just casually saunter on in there in the clothes I have on now, maybe I could pass myself off as one of the Johns. What to do, what to do!!
Better phone Alan Carson. He's been riding my tail pretty hard lately. Well, when I become Captain he'll sing another tune!
He dials Carson's cell phone and after it rings 5 or 6 times, Alan's voice answers, "Carson here."
"Uhhhhh, this is Travis. You know, Travis McGee..."
"YES, I know. You're the only person I know named Travis, and you're the only person I know who'd be phoning me on New Years Eve just as I'm about to leave for a party! What is it?"
"Well, ya see, it's like this......I'm over on Sycamore Street in front of a house that looks like it's having it's grand opening as a whorehouse."
"Awwww, come on, Travis! What makes you think that?"
"I saw a couple women down at the red light district loading their car up with street walkers, hookers, you know...."
"YES, I know. So?"
"They brought them back to this house I'm out front of. Now the men are beginning to arrive. Quite a motley bunch, too, I must say."
"If anyone would recognize a motley bunch, it would have to be you, Travis!"
He's not sure whether that's a compliment or an insult, but forges ahead anyway. "I think I may need some backup!" he says dramatically.
"I'm going to a party, Travis, I am not staking out what you think could be a whorehouse. I am not spending new years eve sitting around waiting for you to make a fool of both of us yet again!"
"I changed clothes," Travis says conspiratorially, "I could sneak in and mingle with them and find out what's going on."
"Travis, I think you have too much time on your hands. Get a life!" Carson clicks off.
Travis thinks it over. Yeah, I could spend the entire evening just sitting here, or.......I know, I know.......Carson must be going to a party over on Winding Willow; he hobnobs with that bunch. Hmmmm, I'd like to see what that bunch of outlaws is up to tonight. I know they'll have their guard down. Maybe drink too much. Blab everything they know to me. That clinches it!
He starts up his cruiser and heads for Winding Willow, the possibilities of finally busting John Gwinett, who he knows will be handing out drugs to the partygoers, is too good to resist.

It takes but minutes before he tries to park in front of the big house on WW. So many cars have arrived before him, he has to park two blocks away and walk.
He can hear the merriment from the front yard. Yep! They're in there and probably half tanked by now. This is going to be the night I redeem myself and prove I'm not just imagining the chacanery that's going on in that house.


"Alan! How wonderful that you could make it!" Rosamond held out her hands to him and he kissed her on the cheek.
"Hello, Rose! I'd like you to meet Tori Sheffield. Tori? This is Rose, the wife of my good friend John."
Rose extended her hand. "Very happy to have you! Come on in! You can put your coats upstairs on any of the beds."
Alan helped Tori out of her coat and they took them upstairs.
Travis slid into the house via the terrace. He waited on the fringes of the party until he could mingle where no one would see him. He glanced around. The decorations were tasteful. A quartet was playing jazz tunes. There was a big punch bowl and pitchers of mixed drinks on the sideboard. The table held platters groaning with hor d'oeuvres. But there was an underlying odor coming from the kitchen. What was that....chili? YUM! Travis thought.
He thought he blended in well. Most people don't look at my face, they only see the uniform. But I will try and stay out of their way just in case they recognize me.
Travis looked around at all the beautiful women. Why are all rich women beautiful?
He wandered over to the sideboard. What a neat idea! Milkshakes in a pitcher! And vanilla, my favorite! He poured himself a glass. He took a sip and coughed. WOW! Wonder where they got this...he helped himself to another one.

Bess looked at the pitchers on the sideboard. She said to Eleanor, "Wow! That pitcher of White Russians is sure going over well! I'd better get Jerry to mix up some more!"

Daniel surveyed the crowd. Hm...is there anyone here who ISN'T mad at me? I haven't seen Rosamond since she took me on that little jaunt on the high seas! Hey, if anyone should be mad, it's ME! I had to spend over a week with Henry and Billy Bob!
Still, we had a helluva time! Rose looked over at him and then got a confused look on her face. She walked up to him and said, "Darling, why did you change out of that shirt? I LOVE that one on you." Daniel thought, Ah! She thinks I'm John! He took her aside, put both hands on either side of her face and gave her a kiss. She broke away, breathless. "JOHN! Save it for midnight!" He laughed softly and said, "I couldn't wait for midnight!" She turned to go, giving him a long lingering look. HOT DAMN! Daniel thought! I still got it!

Bess kept trying to hoist up her dress. Marilyn looked at it and said, "If you are that uncomfortable wearing that dress, dear, why not go upstairs and change it?"
Bess grabbed the shoulders and yanked on it. At least I had the forsight to wear black underwear with it! she thought. She kept scanning the door for Nathan.

Travis poured himself another milkshake. Sure doesn't taste like the ones at Steak and Shake! He looked in the diningroom mirror. Great idea I had, adding these horn-rimmed glasses and this fake mustache. And coming my hair back didn't hurt, either. Yeah, people never look at the face, just the uniform. He sucked back the milkshake and poured another one.
William bustled into the kitchen, lifting the potlid. Ahhhh! My five-alarm chili! He added the diced jalapeno peppers. Got to add them at the right time. Not too soon, not too late.
Daniel took Bess aside. "Hey, sweetie, I want to thank you for inviting me. If you hadn't I probably would have just gone to the Dew Drop Inn for their generic party."
Bess put her finger to her mouth in a 'hush' gesture. "Don't let on that I was the one who invited you. Try to stay away from trouble, OK, Daniel? My name will be 'Blunder-Bess if they found out I was the one who invited you."
Daniel poured himself another drink. "I'll avoid John, try to make it look like we are the same person. I may be able to pull it off since my shirt's color is just a shade off from his. Got to tell you, though, Rose is pretty sharp. She asked me why I changed my shirt!"
Bess groaned. "Do me a favor, stay away from Rose and just enjoy yourself, OK?"
Daniel grinned. "Will do!" To himself he added, suuuure, Blunder-bess!

Marty and Barbara Henshaw arrived a bit late. Daniel was standing next to the door so he answered it.
"JOHN! HI! Sorry we're late. Stuck in traffic."
Barbara gave John a hug and kiss. "You look great, John! I haven't seen you since the wedding! It must agree with you! How's the baby?"
Daniel laughed to himself. Hmmm..this could be fun! He said, "Oh, she's great. Trying to walk!"
Barbara said, "Well, you are just looking wonderful! Where's Rosamond?"
Daniel looked around. "She's here somewhere."
Marty said, "Hope you don't mind. I brought a houseguest. I didn't want him to spend New Year's alone!"
From behind Marty, Henry 2 emerged. Daniel brightened up and started to laugh. He put his arm around Henry and said, "Any friend of Marty's is a friend of ours! Welcome!"
Henry looked at Daniel and started to say, "But you aren't...."
Daniel said quickly. "Upset? Of course not! The more the merrier! I think I see some of your co-stars! Look! There's Eleanor and over there....THERE'S Rosamond!"
Daniel then whispered to him, "And for heaven's sake keep your mouth shut. I'm Daniel!"

BESS & NATHAN...........by Coralynn

Slim has been watching Bess from across the room and wonders what's going on. First, she's dressed in something very atypical for her, and second, she has yet to even say hello to him.
He slowly walks across the room, greeting William, Eleanor and John or Daniel, hard to say which, and when he reaches her side, casually asks, "Bess. I wondered why you weren't returning my phone calls. Is there a problem?"
She looks at him furtively and mumbles, "You phoned me?"
"Well yes. I left several messages on your answering machine. I was hoping you'd be free to go into Manhattan with me and see the Radio City Music Hall spectacular."
"Oh?" is all she can come up with.
"Bess, another question: where did you get that dress?"
"I got it from......OH!" she sees Nathan enter the house and rushes toward the door. Slim sees her give Nathan a hug and it dawns on him that something is going on here.
I can't believe that cad has taken her over, but look at her! She's beaming and making a fool of herself. Doesn't she know he's married? His wife is that famous actress, Gwendolyn Gardner. Everybody knows that!
William is observing this scenario as well and thinks, How many times do we have to warn Bess about that guy? She may be almost 20, but she acts like she's just past puberty and not handling it very well. Mayhap I should have a few words with the man. Scare him off.
Marilyn and Eleanor have been conversing, but stop when they see Nathan and Bess walking arm in arm toward the sideboard.
"Good grief!" Marilyn exclaims, "What's he doing here?"
"Bess seems to be besotted with the man," Eleanor answers, "And it spells trouble. He's charming, God knows, but he's also married, plus he gives off the aroma of a slimy, wet eel."
"I think I'd better have a word with him!" Marilyn says grimly, "If I have to beat him senseless, I will."
"Now, now, let's not have violence on New Years eve!" Eleanor warns her, "I think talking to him is a good idea, but please, Marilyn, save the physical attack for some other time."
Hillary and Bill watch as Bess and Nathan fill their glasses and seem incapable of keeping their hands off each other.
"Isn't that Nathan Sloan?" Hillary asks.
"It sure is!" Bill confirms it, "And I see a young woman headed for a peck of trouble. Think I ought to have a word with the man?"
"Yes. You've been down that road, and he might listen to you!" she says sharply.
He grimmaces at the reference, and begins his walk over to where Bess and Nathan are smiling into each other's faces like there is no one else in the room.
Slim sees Bill walking toward Bess and Nathan and decides to join him. William decides the same thing. Eleanor and Marilyn saunter over closer as well, knowing that something is about to go down.
Celeste sees a small group forming around the couple and shakes her head, thinking, This could get nasty. But I think I can help!
She goes into her room and retrieves a beaker of liquid. Returning to the party, she walks over to Nathan and casually suggests, "May I refresh your drinks?" looking at both him and at Bess. They smile and hand her their glasses.
Quickly ducking into the kitchen, she pours a few drops of the liquid from the beaker into each of their glasses, stirs, and when she hands them back is given a cursory 'thank you.'
Nathan then drains his glass, as he continues to look soulfully into Bess' eyes.
"Could I have a word with you?" Bill reaches Nathan first. Nathan has been so engrossed in Bess that hearing this startles him, and when he sees who it is, smiles broadly, extending his hand for a shake.
"Why surely!" he replies, following Bill out onto the deck, not noticing there are several others in his train.
Slim, William, Eleanor and Marilyn, stand back just far enough to hear, but not close enough to be considered participants, and wait for what is to come.
Marilyn has her fists balled up at her sides. When Eleanor sees this she reaches over and pulls the fingers of Marilyn's hand back open and shakes her head, whispering, "No violence, remember?"
Slim and William stand behind Bill, knowing what is about to transpire.
"Nathan," Bill begins, "Where's your wife, Gwendolyn, tonight?"
"In France filming," Nathan answers as though anyone should know that.
"Isn't that handy for you?" Bill almost sneers.
"Yes. Very. She's not around to see me with Bess!" Nathan answers, then realizes what he's said and blanches.
"What would she do if she saw you here behaving the way you are?"
"Probably divorce me. This is the 8th affair I've had since we were married twelve years ago." Nathan can't believe he just said that.
Slim is emboldened and steps forward, "Bess and I had a good relationship going before you came along. Don't you think you should knock it off and let her date men who are single?!"
Nathan says in a self-satisfied way, "HA! She thinks I'm all but single. My story about Gwen and I being estranged is working like a charm!" Nathan's left hand flies up and covers his mouth. Now why did I say that?!
Bess hears that last remark, as she has also gone out on the deck to see why Nathan has left her side. She's in shock. What did he say, that it was just a story?
"Then you and Gwen have no plans to divorce?" Bill asks.
"Hell no, man! She's raking in the big bucks now so I can't divorce her."
"And your career is in the toilet?" William steps forward and asks.
"Yeah. This mini-series we're doing is not going to make me a lot of money. I need another big break so my name can be listed above the movie title the way it used to be."
"You have no intention of marrying Bess, am I right?" Slim presses the issue.
"Good grief NO. She doesn't have the brains God gave little geese!" Nathan's right hand flies up and covers his mouth as his eyes register shock at what just came from his lips.
"Then why?" Slim asks.
"Why? WHY? Have you seen the body on that little tramp? I gotta have me some of that!" both Nathan's hands fly up and almost smack him in the mouth.
It's hard to say who attacks first, Slim or Marilyn, but between them they reduce Nathan to a whimpering mass on his knees on the cold deck. It's only now that anyone sees Bess, who cries out in dismay and runs back into the house.
"Oh-oh!" Eleanor says as she follows her in and back to Bess' room, where she finds her sobbing on the bed.
She sits beside her and rubs her back consolingly.
"He was....he was......"
"Using you is the term," Eleanor finishes the sentence.
"I should have listened to you, but....."
"You're young, Bess, and you were flattered by the attention of an older, sophistocated man of the world. But that type is no good."
"No good.....no good...." Bess sobs, lying on the bed, covering the pillow in tears.
Eleanor waits till Bess' crying slows, and tells her in a more cheerful voice, "NOW, we get our revenge, Bess."
"We do?!"
"We do. First, let's put a more appropriate dress on you, then return to the party and show what you're made of."
"What am I made of? Mush, that's what. I'm all mushy and silly and...."
Eleanor pulls Bess up into a sitting postition as Marilyn enters the room, and who, after sizing up the situation adds, "You're a winner, kid. Don't ever let 'em see ya sweat!"
Bess gives a feeble laugh and reaches for Marilyn, who pulls her to her feet and gives her a warm hug.
"But first, change that awful dress!" Marilyn says happily as she goes to the closet to find something better. Pulling out a filmy pink gown, she holds it up to Bess and pronouncess, "AH! Now this is more like our girl, Bess! Put it on, kid, and knock 'em dead!"

When Bess, Marilyn and Eleanor emerge from Bess' room, all eyes notice that Bess is now respendent in a lovely pink gown, eyes slightly red-rimmed, but a brave smile on her face.
Celeste lets out a deep breath and thinks, Oh good! Looks like that truth serum must have worked.
She goes into the kitchen, where she left the beaker, to return it to her room. It's empty. Ahhhhhh, she thinks, someone mistook this for part of a drink and poured it into one of the bowls. Oh well, a little truth telling never hurt anybody! she takes the empty beaker back to her room.

Travis McGee wonders why that one guy, all doubled over, left the house so quickly. Did someone beat him up, but why, and who?
He sidles nearer to where a lively conversation is taking place.
Bill is exultant, "You should have seen it, Hill! The man spilled out the truth like he was on dope or something. Then Slim and Marilyn decked him. It was wonderful!"
Dope? Drugs?! Travis seizes on this one word, and concludes the party must be awash in illegal substances. Just as I thought, he thinks, and that guy John has to be behind it all! Wait till I tell Carson! He won't be poo-pooing me anymore!

Daniel refills his glass and takes a sip, keeping his eyes on Rose, wondering when she'll again mistake him for John. Well, I don't see John around right now, so......" he drains his glass, sets it down and makes his way to where Rose is being regaled by Eleanor. He waits till Eleanor concludes with, ".....and he hit the deck like a wet sack of cement!"
Rose is laughing at what El is telling her, then sees what she thinks is John out of the corner of her eye. "John, you've gotta hear this! Where have you been anyway?"
Daniel slips his arm around her waist and says, "I've been watching you, Rose, waiting......"
"Waiting? What are you talking about, John?"
"Waiting to make sure John was out of the room before I made my next move," he says before he realizes it.
Rose pushes him away and looks him in the eye, "You're......you're Daniel!"
"I didn't think you were allowed onto the premisis!" Eleanor says crossly.
"That little twit Bess invited me all the same!" he smiles as he tells them.
Rose hauls off and smacks him hard across the face, "Get out! Get out!"
Daniel begins to slowly retreat, but throws over his shoulder, "Ya know ya can't resist me, babe!" he blows her a kiss and says just before he goes out the door, "Till next time, lover!"
Rose is beyond angry. She turns to Eleanor and says with great rancor, "We've gotta do something about him, El. He's getting obnoxious again, not that he's ever been anything else. Got any ideas?"
"I'll work on it, Rose. But why did he tell you he wasn't John if he had been having so much success tonight passing himself off as his twin brother?"
Rose sighs, "That is passing strange, I agree."

The music begins again after the combo has taken a 20 minute break, and soon couples are filling the area of the room set off as a dance floor.
Slim walks up to Bess, bowing deeply, "May I have this dance, Cinderella?"
She laughs up at him. Good old Slim! and puts out her hand as he pulls her onto the dance floor.
Marthy turns to Jack and remarks, "I'm glad to see Bess with Slim again. He really is a sweet guy. Wonder how she got rid of Nathan? Did you see him skulk out of here?"
"Yes. I think there's something more going on than we know. I'll ask William."

William is in good high spirits again after having banished Nathan from their midst. He looks over at Celeste and asks, "Care to dance m'lady?"
"I thought you would never ask!" she replies as they partner up and swirl across the floor.

Bess is embarrased because of Nathan and her foolishness, and, in a soft voice, says to Slim, "I'm so sorry I made such a mess of things, Slim. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Mess of things? Hmmm, what mess? I don't recall you making any such thing. Must be something I've already forgotten! Ya know, Bess, we can still catch a showing of the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall tomorrow night. What do you say?"
"I say I would be thrilled to accompany you!" she smiles up at him, grateful that she is back with a real man again, not a phony like Nathan. Slim holds her closer as the music dies away.

THE DARE.............by Coralynn

"That's it, just three guys?!" WandaSue remarks to Penelope, "I thought ten of them said they were going to show up!"
"Maybe they got better offers," Penelope replies, "These guys sure don't look like the pictures they posted in that chat room, either. Where's the Cary Grant clone, the George Clooney look-alike, the Richard Gere double?"
"Let's get rid of them!" Wandasue suggests. "We can say we're coming down with the flu. That oughta clear the room in a hurry."
"Yeah, but then what do we do with the rest of the night?"
"Ohhhh we'll think up something!" WandaSue says with less than complete confidence.
Both women start coughing. Everyone, including the street walkers, look at them speculatively.
"Oh God, I'm getting hot! My fever must be 104!" Penelope moans.
"I think I have the flu!" WandaSue groans.
Everyone, including the street walkers, make for the front door.
Penelope grabs a couple of them and drags them back inside as she slams the door behind the men who are now heading for their cars.
"We aren't sick. We just didn't feel like dealing with those losers," she tells the other women.
Trixie objects, "HEY! I kinda liked the guy in the gold chains. We were gonna get it on, ya know?"
"I don't want to know," WandaSue says sharply, "But he's no great loss, Trixie, believe me. I think we'd have more fun just sitting around having girl talk, don't you?"
Dixie adds, "Yeah! We don't get to do much of that in our line of work."
Mary comments, "Just about the time we're half way through a sentence, some John comes along in a car and whisks away the person we were talking to. OK, I'm 'in.'"
Cassie sits on the floor and pulls her knees to her chest, "Fine. So what'll we talk about?"
"How about how much we hate rich snobs?" WandaSue suggests.
The hookers all look pensive and Mary says, "We don't know any rich snobs. The guys we deal with all pretend to be dirt poor so we don't roll 'em, ya know?"
"There's a whole house full of 'em over on Winding Willow, just over a few blocks from here." WandaSue explains. "They're having a big new years eve bash tonight, too. Big. Fancy. Expensive cars. The women wear mink coats, the men sport 20 carat diamonds, and that's just the men!" she exaggerates.
Cassie whistles through her teeth, "Sure would like to get my hands or some other body part on people like that......I could be set for life!"
"I know!" Penelope yells out, "I know! They have this old guy over there named William, who has to be old enough to be any of our dads. I say why not have one of us, or rather you girls".....gesturing toward the hookers, ."....go over and tell him he's your real biological father and you've just now found him."
There is some excitement while the hookers all vie to be the one chosen.
Penelope looks over the group and wonders which one would be the most convincing. Well, she concludes, Mary cleans up the best. Now if she'd just stop cracking that gum she might just be able to pull it off.
"Mary, I think you'd be able to do it if you get rid of the gum," she tells her.
Mary immediately takes the gum out of her mouth and affixes it to the underside of the coffee table.
Penelope looks her over. "That dress is good on you....yeah....it's one of my best ones, so take it easy on it, will ya? Here's what we do: we drive you over there and let you out a couple/three houses away, then you go up to the big house and ring the bell. Tell whoever answers that you're William's longlost bastard daughter. Got it?"
"Who's supposed to be my mother?" Mary wants more information than that.
"Oh yeah. Well, tell him her name is Nancy, that's a common enough name in his generation. Chances are high he's had an affair with a Nancy."
"Where did he meet her?"
"Sheeeesh, Mary, how do I know?" Penelope complains.
"It has to be a convincing story, so I've gotta know where he met her and all that."
WandaSue jumps in, "In a bar. They met in a bar. He was about to be shipped out to fight in Korea and they had a one night stand. Sort of a 'going away party, sailor!' type of thing.
"He was in the Navy?"
"Army, Navy, Marines, who knows? You can't be expected to know, either. So, come on, let's roll!"
The other four hookers are disappointed they aren't getting this chance of a liftime. Cassie remarks, "If ya get money, honey, ya share it five ways."
"No problem!" Mary tells her, then thinks, In your dreams! If I get money out of this old geezer, none of you will ever see me again.
Mary and WandaSue leave the house. In just a matter of minutes, the car pauses along the street and WandaSue points at the target house. "There it is! Go to it!" she says with great energy as Mary gets out her side of the car and walks toward the house.
WandaSue can't just leave, she's curious to see if Mary gains entree, so she slowly moves the car forward till it's double parked outside the house. She sees Mary walking up the front sidewalk and onto the porch. Obviously she's rung the bell, but hey! those people have rowdy parties, so maybe they don't hear it.
OH! she sees the door open and Mary walks into the house. The door closes.
"Damn! I'd like to be a fly on the wall in there!" she grumbles as the turns the car and heads back to Sycamore.

"My name is Mary and I'm here to see William," Mary tells the lady who answered the door.
Celeste is suspicious, "About what, dear?"
"He's my Dad!" Mary comes right out with it.
"Oh he is, is he?" Celeste tries not to laugh, and goes in search of William, who is having an animated conversation with John and Roger. She stands near till he notices her and pauses, "What is it, Celeste?"
She walks nearer and says in a soft voice, "There appears to be a woman here named Mary who says that you're her father. Care to deal with it, William?"
All three men laugh. Roger slaps him on the back, "A-ha! You randy goat! How many centuries did you sire children? I know you, you've been time traveling a long time. Think that one over there could be yours?"
William purses his lips and frowns, "I've time traveled a lot, true, but celebate."
"Sure, William, sure!" John laughs. "Are you going to talk to her?"
"Why should I?"
"Just to be polite?"
"She is obviously trying to pull a scam. I don't think she deserves politeness. Now where were we in our discussion?"
Roger remembers and they are just launching back into it when out of the blue this Mary person throws herself at William, hugging him, saying "DADDY! I finally found you!"
"Unhand me, young woman!" he says crossly, "I am not your father. There is no way on earth I could be your father..."
"Why not?" she asks.
Roger has an idea and quickly answers, "Because he's gay!"
William shoots Roger a dirty look, then realizes this may be the best way out after all.
He puts his arm around Roger and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Rog and I have been together for longer than you've been alive. I know, he looks young, but did you ever read 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?"
Mary squints up her face. What the hell is this all about?!
"I need money," she presses on, "My mother, the woman you tossed aside when you'd had your way with her, is ill. We live in squalor. Surely you don't want your own flesh and blood living in poverty!"
"If you don't go away, woman, you will see blood alright, but it'll be yours, now depart!" William goes into his kingly mode.
Mary is beginning to feel that this scam has run its course, a very unsuccessful course.
She stands and looks around the room for a way to save face. She sees a familiar face in the crowd and calls out, "Travis! Are you going to let this man treat me this way?!"


Travis was taking a drink of his 'milkshake' at the time and sputtered it out. "Wh-what are you talking about, young lady?"
Mary looked Travis up and down. She sidled up next to him and pulled his glasses down his nose. She went nose-to-nose with him. "It IS you, isn't it, Travis?"
Travis grew crimson in the face. "I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about, young lady. My name is Peter Van de Hoff. From Yonkers."
"HA! Peter van der Hoff my arse! It IS you--Travis as I live and breathe!" Mary exclaimed. "Hey, since when did you hobnob with the rich and famous?"
Travis shushed her. "Will you keep your voice down?"
Alan Carson's ears perked up. He wandered over to where Mary was reading Travis the riot act. Alan had a drink in his hand. "Trouble, sir?"
Travis pushed his glasses back up his nose and adjusted his mustache. He affected a Dutch accent. "No, I yust vant dis voman to go avay. She seems to tink I yam dis other person. I yust tell her, no dis is not my name! My name is Pieter van de Hoff. Of Utrecht Holland."
Mary looked at him. "Well," she said doubtfully, "maybe not...you do look kind of like this john I know."
Travis began to sweat. He mopped his forehead with his handkerchief. "I yam afraid it was yust a case of mistaken identity." He took the glass of White Russian and put it in front of his face.
Alan Carson took Mary by the arm. "I am afraid, Miss, you have him mistaken for someone else."
Mary looked over her shoulder. "Yeah, maybe you're right. But this john was really weird. Liked leather and lace. And afterwards he would buy me a Happy Meal and a milkshake!"
Alan stopped. "You don't say!"
Mary said, "Yep! A real weirdo!"
Alan looked over to where Travis had his back turned away from him and then looked at Mary. "Naw. Couldn't be.....could it?" He shook his head again and said, "Naw..."

Rose leaned her head on John's shoulder. "This is so nice, John. Our first New Year's Eve together. At least as a married couple!"
John buried his face in her neck. "It's so nice of Heather to stay over and watch the kids in that separate wing of the house."
Rose said, "Fifteen year olds don't have much of a party life yet. Bet we can't get her next year."
John murmured, "The ten dollars an hour and being able to sleep overnight is pretty good incentive, too."
"I'm glad Mrs. Appleton is letting her stay. At least she knows where her daughter is."
John said, "I slipped upstairs to check on them, Julie was asleep in her crib, Will fell asleep in front of the TV so I put him in bed and Heather said she is going to watch the ball drop in Times Square and head to bed herself."
They walked over to the punch bowl. Jerry and Eleanor were just about to pour themselves another glass of punch. Jerry had the punch dipper in his hand, "Want some?" He poured three cups and took one for himself.
Eleanor said, "This is great. William must have put something a little zippy in this batch. It has a nice tang."
They drank their punch and stood there laughing and making small talk. "Are you going on the cruise in February with Eleanor and me? Beth and Roger are going."
John said, "Yes, we talked about it last night. I think we could use some downtime. It's great that Celeste is not only a member of the family but she takes care of the kids better than Rose does."
Rose looked shocked. "JOHN! I can't believe you said that!"

John said, "It's true. You are pretty wrapped up in that Time and Chance miniseries. I pretended like it was alright but I hate it."
Eleanor and Jerry stood there watching things unfold.
Eleanor sipped her punch self-consciously. "Like I said, mighty fine punch!"
Jerry hemhawed around. He said, "I for one can't wait for the party to end. I want to stay overnight with Eleanor. I get tired of waiting for her to ask me and when she does it is always when it is convenient for her."
Eleanor choked on her punch. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Jerry said, "It means once in a while I would like to do put the moves on you instead of you calling the shots, Eleanor."
Rose stood there hardly believing what she heard out of John's mouth.
John said, "I was so pissed off at her I almost switched her birth control pills with aspirin. In fact, I think that night that I took that muscle relaxer I DID switch a few. Can't really remember if I did or not. I was so mad. Now I just can't remember which ones I switched. I think I went eeny meeny miney moe..."
Rose put her hands to the other side of her face, aghast. "You mean...you mean..."
John laughed. "That's right, honey! You just may be...what do they say in the South? 'standin' behind a baby, honeychile!' It was easy. They look just like Bayer aspirin for children. Which is fitting, don't you think? Get it? Bayer-aspirin-for-children..."
"How--how could you do something so devious?"
John said, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Can't really remember. Guess we will find out, won't we, love?"
To change the subject, Eleanor said, "This is a great party, just like the Halloween party."
John took another glass of punch. "Oh yeah, that was great fun for ME! You all had fun while I was laid up in bed with a gunshot wound. I heard Daniel came as Robin Hood. Did it stir any old feelings in you, Rose?" John was referring to the notion that Wanda Sue had put in his head about Rose having a torrid affair with Robin of Locksley in her past life.
Rose refilled her cup with trembling hands. "Yes, it did."
John looked fascinated. "Really, sweetheart? Feelings for Robin Hood?" Rose stood and faced him. "No, John. While you were laying up in bed with a gunshot wound, your brother made a pass at me."
John poured another glass of punch. "Why am I not surprised?"
Rose continued. "And he kissed me."
"I kissed him back."
Eleanor and Jerry looked at each other with the 'uh oh here comes trouble and it's hitting the fan' look.
John said quietly, "Want to repeat that one, love?"
Rose drank her punch and looked smolderingly into John's eyes. She said softly and quietly and very precise like you were explaining something to a child.
"Daniel made a pass at me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. And for about two minutes I enjoyed every blessed moment of it. Then I came to my senses and racked him."
Celeste was walking by and stopped suddenly. She exclaimed, "Rose! What are you doing? What are you saying?"
Rose turned to her and said calmly, "John wanted the truth and I told him. It's the least I can do, Celeste."
John said to Celeste, "And I 'fessed up to a little trick I played on Rose, 'Mom'. She just may be...what's that French word?"
Rose said, "Enciente. That's the one."
Celeste grabbed the punch and dipped her finger in it. She tasted it. "OH NO! That's not what I think it is, is it?"
Eleanor said, "Celeste, I have to tell you that is the best punch of the evening. And I've been wanting to ask you...do you have the hots for William?"
Rose, John and Jerry looked shocked at Eleanor. She said,"Hey, I'm just voicing what you all have been whispering behind their backs. Well, Celeste, do you? Have the hots for William, that is."
Celeste said sternly, "I'm going to ignore that question, Eleanor, because I know you can't help it."
Eleanor said, "Come on, Celeste! Inquiring minds want to know!"
Celeste said, "I need to remove the punch and make a fresh batch."
Jerry said,"OK, but one more cup all around, OK?"

Travis watched as Alan Carson escorted Mary to the front door. She said something to him and he laughed and closed the door after her. He poured himself another glass of White Russian. Wonder if I should get out of here before midnight? It's 11:45 now...looks like a heated discussion with Gwinnett and his lady.
That Aquitaine lady is laughing about something. Do these people have normal parties...ever?

Travis looked in the mirror over the sideboard. He thought, mustache is still on. Just have to keep thinking I'm a Dutch guy from Utrecht Holland relocated to Yonkers. What was my name again? Pete? Peter? Pieter! That was it! Pieter van de Hoff! Maybe about one minute to midnight I can saunter up next to Mrs. Gwinnett and lay one on her.... Henry2 casually walked over to where Eleanor and Rose were standing. Celeste went to get William to help her with the 'truth or consequences' game the four of them were playing. He dipped some punch and filled his glass. Eleanor wrinkled her nose. Rose took a sip of her punch. John stood there silently wondering what the hell was happening to them? The alcohol in the punch? It's not that strong...
Rose smiled at Henry and said, "Still looking good, Henry."
Henry smiled broadly, "Really, Rosamond?"
She said, "Yes. In a sleazy disgusting way, you still look good."
Henry drank deeply of the punch. "Wow! No wonder they call it 'punch'."
Marty Henshaw came over. He had a Scotch. "Punch, Marty?" Jerry said.
"No thanks. I am sticking to scotch. It's great to see all my Time and Chance stars getting together so we can wrap this up in about a month."
John said, "Just what are your reasons for hanging around, Henry?"
Henry replied without thinking. "I intend to take Will back to Court one way or another and raise him in the station to which he was born. And I intend to woo Rosamond back to the 12th century with me. There we shall rule a great Britain together. And if I can't woo her back I will take Will and blackmail her into coming back."
What am I saying? I'm laying all my cards on the table! And showing the ones I have up my sleeve!

Rosamond looked Henry up and down. "A couple years ago I may have considered it, Henry."
Henry slid up next to Rosamond and ran his hand up and down her bare back. He thought, HA! Right in front of her husband behind his back! Poor schmuck doesn't have a clue!
Rosamond said, "Henry, if you think that running your hand up and down my bare back sensuously will have me flinging my clothes off and throwing you down and having my way with you, you are sadly mistaken."
Marty stood there swirling his scotch, fascinated by this conversation. Rose continued. "Henry, I have had at least three men since you and I bedded together. I have to tell you, out of the four? You came in fourth place. Congratulations!"
Henry's face turned purple with rage. "Take that back, wench!"
Rose said in a voice a little louder. "You were a boring, lousy lover then and I am quite sure you are boring, lousy lover now. I can't begin to tell you how many times I thought, 'let's get this show on the road so I can get some sleep!'"
John took Rosamond by the arm. "I think that is a little out of line to be coming from my wife. Marty over there can hear everything."
Rose took another sip of her punch. "Don't be so righteous, John. You didn't mind having an affair with me three days after I came back from my honeymoon!"
Eleanor said, "You go, girl!"
John said, "OK, that's enough. Let's stop while we're ahead." He took another drink of punch. "You practically threw yourself at me!"
William was being dragged to their little inner circle by Celeste. "What is the meaning of all this bickering?"
Rose said, "He started it."
John said, "All I said was that Celeste is a better mother than you are."
Celeste had a worried look on her face. Eleanor took another glass of punch. "So, Tubby, how long are you going to piddle around before you make a move on Celeste?"
William roared, "WHAT?"
Eleanor continued, "William, you know you have a crush on Celeste. We all know it!"
John, Rose and Jerry all nodded the afirmative. William blustered, 'I have no idea what you are talking about!"
Jerry piped in with, "William, I think I'm staying overnight." He drained his glass.
William said to Celeste, "Do you know what to do?"
She nodded. He said, "Do you think you have enough?"
Celeste said, "I put a bottle right in the refridgerator to keep it fresh. I'll be right back."
Celeste bustled to the kitchen. Henry skulked off, having his masculine prowess shredded publicly by Rosamond again.
Jerry, Eleanor, John and Rose started in with their heated arguments, each telling the other some very unsavory truths about themselves. VERY unsavory truths. Made 'truth or dare' look like a kindergarten game. Celeste came back with a small punch bowl.
"OK, kids--more refreshments! A different flavor and Celeste wants your opinion."
William mopped his brow. Celeste filled four glasses up. They all took a drink.
Eleanor said, "This is just wonderful, Celeste!"
Jerry said, "Tastes like pineapple."
Rose said, "I think it tastes like cherry. What do you think, love?" John put his arms around Rose and said, "Kind of like your lip gloss. Strawberry."
He kissed her.
Celeste turned her back and heaved a sigh of relief. William asked, "Well?"
Celeste smiled shakily, "Mission accomplished! It negated the other punch. They don't remember a thing!"
William said, "What about Henry?"
Celeste said, "Him? Let him burn!"

AULD LANG SYNE.......by Terri

The clock struck midnight. Everyone threw confetti and drank their champagne and kissed.
Jerry grabbed Eleanor and said, "Happy New Year, my queen!" Eleanor laughed and gave him a big kiss. "To the next year! Hope it is peaceful!"
Bethia and Roger kissed. Bethia sighed with happiness, "To think this is the year we become parents! Oh, Roger! 2004 will be the best yet!"
Hotspur and Rafe kissed any and all the girls they could find.
Celeste and William were standing in the kitchen when the new year rang in. Celeste let out a pent-up sigh. "Whew! Another year down the drain!" William said, "As long as we are speaking of 'down the drain'! " and he threw the tainted punch in the sink.
Celeste said, "It's midnight, William!" He said quietly, "Yes it is. Celeste? Have I ever told you how much you mean to me...er, this family?"
Celeste could barely suppress her smile. "No, William, you haven't. But for some things there just are no words!"
Wiliam said, "Celeste?"
"Yes, William?"
He kissed her and said, "Happy New Year!"
Celeste gave him a big hug and said, "Happy New Year...you old poop!"

Travis drained his glass. He must have drunk his second pitcher of White Russians all by his lonesome. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and said, "It's now or never!" He flung his glass in the fireplace, hardly noticing that he broke it. He walked resolutely but unsteady on his feet. He got closer and closer to where Rosamond was kissing the new year in with her husband. Travis squared his shoulders and tapped John on the shoulder. He turned around. "Yes?" John said.
Travis pushed John away, grabbed Rosamond, and bent her backward like in that photo in Life magazine of the sailor kissing that nurse in Times Square at the end of World War Two. He gave Rosamond the dip of a lifetime and kissed her heartily.
He stood her upright and she stood there dizzily. He said thickly, "I've always wanted to do that", turned and walked off. John leaned over to Rosamond's face and tenderly plucked something off. John called out. "Oh, Mr. Van de Hoff? YOU FORGOT YOUR MOUSTACHE!"
Travis thought, I'd better get out of here and fast! He flung over his shoulder, "That's OK--you can keep it!"

That night, as each lay in their beds, they each reflected on the last year and wondered, After this year, what could 2004 possibly bring? And, gentle reader, I am sure we will find out.

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