Part 122: And She shot my Old dog Terri

Rosamond gets out in the fresh air which hits her in the face and gives her an instant semi-sobering up. She aims a well-placed kick at John where she figures it would hurt the most. He sidesteps it neatly, then grabs her by her hair, and lets her swing away. She keeps swinging until she sees she's getting nowehere.
"OK, let's get in the car and go home."
"I'm going nowhere with you. You can just go to..."she yells at him.
"Let me know when you've had enough and can settle down."
Three good old boys come out of the bar. They run up to the altercation. "Trouble, little lady?"
John assumes his best good old boy dialect.
John says "Back off, dudes--this is my wife. Caught her 'in the act' with my brother, can you believe? I cut all her clothes up and tossed them on the lawn and set them aflamin'. Took my credit cards, went down to Walmart and spent it on cheap face paint. Run them credit cards to the limit. Don't know where I'm gonna get the 200.00 to pay it off. Then she shot Ol' Red, my best huntin' dog. Come to fetch her, she run out and left the baby with her maw. She wrecked my pickup and put sugar in my tractor engine. Seein' s how she's all likkered up. Gotta take her home and slap her around a little..hey, you guys unnerstand, don'tcher! Can't let these honkey tonk angels walk all over ya...walks over one of us, walks all over all of us! Plus she gave me a little sumpin' I gotta take penicillin for. That's means I can't get likkered up for at least ten days!"
The good old boys slap John on the back in sympathy. Cameraderie--best protection in a redneck bar called "Dew Drop Inn"!
They make sympathetic clucking noises. "Hey, sorry, dude...yeah, tough....wife of mine like that, I'd shoot her AND my brother...worth doin' 99 yrs for!"
Rosamond and John stand there under the glare of the streetlights until the redneck brigade goes back to their beers.
John turns to Rosamond, "Are you trying to get me killed?"
Rosamond starts to swear, "I wish I had never met you! I wish I could bounce you and your no good brother back to Southold. I would take William's coin and throw it into the deepest part of the Atlantic. You have ruined my life."
Then Rosamond covers her mouth and runs to the side of the building.
John just sighs, crosses his arms and leans against the side of his car. Rosamond reappears after a few minutes.
"Had enough, Rosamond?"
"Yes" she says in a small voice.
"NEVER mix tequila and beer. You make a pretty lousy redneck."
Rosamond just folds her hands across her stomach and bends over.
"I'll lock your car up. Get in mine. I'll take you home."
Rosamond unsteadily lowers herself into John's car.
John walks over to the driver's side, puts the car in reverse and burns out of the parking lot.

William, Bethia and Eleanor are sitting around the table. Eleanor and Bethia clued William in on what Rosamond had done. William was horrified. Bethia was more than upset. Eleanor pretended to be upset but secretly championed Rosamond on.

William says, "So where are the two of them now?"
Bethia and Eleanor say in unison, "We have no idea."

An hour later, Rosamond and John pull into the driveway. William and the girls all peer out the window. John has to practically drag Rosamond in the house. She has a defiant look on her face. John raises his hand. "Don't say a word. This is between Rosamond and me. We will settle it without any interference from anyone."
He grabs Rosamond's hair by the ponytail and drags her to her room. With one hand of Rosamond, he opens the door and throws her on her bed.

Rosamond jumps off the bed. "How DARE you? Are you attempting to ravish me, too?"
John sneers. "Get off it, Rosie--from what I hear, you weren't ravished. I could have died at Daniel's hand."
Rosamond tries to kick John again. Missed! John grabs her by the foot that's in midair. Rosamond hops to maintain her balance, which is hard enough seeing she has half a gallon of liquor in her.
John grabs her by the waist and pulls her into the bathroom. He throws the shower curtain back and throws Rosamond in the tub. He then turns the shower on--COLD!
Rosamond lets out a blood-curdling scream.

Eleanor and William hear the scream. Eleanor starts to laugh uncontrollably. Sheis clutching the back of the chair and laughing so hard she almost falls down. William is bewildered. "What the thunder is so funny?"
Eleanor wipes her eyes and gasps for breath. "Oh, it's just that Bethia and I heard her screaming before--same girl, same scream--different twin!" Eleanor explains between hiccups. Then Eleanor winks and assumes her most bawdy air. "Yea, although I think she was screaming for a very different reason before!" Eleanor then dissolves into laughter. William just shakes his head and leaves the room. Must be an estrogen thing!

John shuts the water off.
Rosamond sputters and coughs. "I wish you had a hound dog so I COULD kill it. Over and over again. In front of you! I wish I was married to you so I could make your life miserable for all times! I wish I HAD herpes---so I could give you the gift that keeps on giving..."
John turns the water back on.

Daniel sits in Henry's castle. He is no longer relegated to the dungeon. Henry seems to have bonded with Daniel. In fact, Henry has begun to admire, respect and even idolize Daniel. Perhaps to pick up tips on how to pick up women. Or maybe even pick up some of Daniel's leftovers. They are watching another one of Henry's skinflicks. Henry had sent out for pizza and beer. Daniel picks up another piece.
"What the devil are these round discs, Henry? They fold up into little cups and hold a puddle of grease!"
"Oh, that's pepperoni. Comes from a pig."
Daniel is impressed. "Really! Never saw THAT part when I slaughtered the hogs."
Henry pulls the curtain back. "I see John's car is back. Wonder if Rose is back too."

Daniel sits up. "Hey, you never did explain to me what you meant by Rosamond not wanting to have your baby. Did you and she ever...?" Daniel makes a gesture that makes it very clear what he means.
Henry is surprised. "Oh, me and Rosamond? No--not that I didn't want to! We were at that cocktail party from hell--the first one, even before Bethia and John came on the scene. I was beamed into it and I immediately began looking for a bonnie wench to sire me a bairn. Isabelle--that was the "She-Wolf" --was there but she was but a twig of a woman. Eleanor, well, she's a bitter lemon. Can make your mouth pucker just thinking of her. But Ellie does have her good qualities. Her quick thinking got us--and me--out of New Orleans in one piece. That and Rosamond's panties!
Daniel perks up.
Henry ruminates... "But I digress...I chose Rosamond to sire an heir with. Hell, I never got to first base with that wench! She started screaming that she was pregnant already. Let me tell you, I had enough trouble with adulterous women. One more beheading and my reputation would really have been shot. I was not going to raise another man's bastard. Well, William had this coin, you see..and there was something called DNA testing..."
Daniel is fascinated. "So what happened to the child that Rosamond was carrying?
Was that little Will?"
Henry belches. "Oh, man, no! Will is Henry II's little love child. Nay, the wench was lying! She was not with child at all." Henry assumes an injured air. "It was all a ruse so she did not have to lie with me. Can you IMAGINE?"
Daniel just laughs. "Don't have to imagine, mate!" They both laugh.

John grabs a towel and Rosamond's white silk robe. He yanks her out of the shower. She's dripping wet from head to toe.
"I will wait outside the door. I suggest you dry off and slip into this."
Rosamond holds her hand out for the towel and robe. John lets them casually drop to the floor.
Rosamond tries to draw off her wet jeans. She tries to balance herself against the wall, but looses her balance and falls over. John sticks his head in. "Having trouble? Need help?"
Rosamond mutters. "Get..." but John shuts the door.
Rosamond finally comes out. Ignoring John, she reaches for her purse and pulls out a joint. John grabs it. "Where did you get that?" Rosamond tries to snatch it away from him. "Just a little present from that VERY cute dude at the bar. Give it back! I've never tried one before!"
John throws it in the toilet and flushes it down. "And you never will. I have some bad news that you may or may not want to hear. William has refused to let Daniel go back to Southold or Virginia or anywhere else or whenever else. I am stuck with him and he is going to be my 'bunkie'. I am sorry all that I can be. And I saw him, his hair is light brown again. Thanks to Henry for getting him the hair dye. I just thought I would warn you."
Rosamond feels sick again. Both of them--under the same roof.
Like Daniel said, "Awwww---HELL!"

Part 123: Love's Labours Coralynn

Bethia, Grace and the two children thank Eleanor for the lift and proceed up the sidewalk to the blue house.
They hardly reach the front door before Ludwig is suddenly all over Grace,
who he hugs tightly.
She screams.
People out mowing their lawns on this lazy Sunday afternoon stop and gape.
Bethia motions to them that all is well, and they enter the house, Ludwig trailing them with a puzzled expression on his face.
"But my love, what is the matter?" he inquires of Grace.
She looks at him with horror and demands, "Who gave you the right to get overly familiar with me? You are evil, you are dangerous!!"
"But last night......." he begins, but is cut off by Bethia who tells him, "I'll come up to your flat later and explain. Right now, please leave Grace alone. She is hardly well after the wine she drank last night."
Ludwig backs off and ascends the stairs to this own flat.
He then goes to the piano and begins playing Moonlight Sonata again.

Bethia hurries the three into the downstairs flat and tells the children to please go play with their new toys. They comply.
The sound of childish laughter is soon heard coming from Rebecca's room where she has a card table set up with board games. Of course she wins every time!!

Grace is still alarmed by what she considers Ludwig's assault upon her.
"That man is evil," she keeps repeating over and over and over.
Bethia closes her eyes and breathes deeply. What have I done, she thinks, bringing this person into the 21st Century? Rebecca, at almost 4, has adjusted more quickly to modern times than her mother. I MUST hire a Nanny tomorrow. I'll go mad if I have to keep babysitting this grown woman. I want to go home. I want to sleep in my own bed!!!

She tells Grace to lie on the couch, which she does, and, after covering her with a light blanket, goes upstairs to talk to Ludwig/Luke.
She taps on his door.
The piano music stops abruptly and he throws open the door,
"What is wrong?" he wants to know.
Bethia feels sorry for this poor guy. He has every right to be confused.
"Luke, please sit down and I'll tell you what the problem is," she begins.
After they're both seated, she proceeds to tell Ludwig about all of Grace's problems and how they yanked her out of 1650 Southold without a bye-your-leave, and how uptight Grace is when sober and how wild she is when drunk.
"She had but two glasses of wine!" he remarks, "How could so little make her so inebriated?"
"It only takes two sips, Luke, so two wine glasses puts her into another world altogether. It would be like someone else drinking 10 or 12 of them."
"Ohhhh my," he is genuinely concerned, "How dangerous for her! Can I help?"

"You can help by leaving her alone for a day or so, Luke."
"But I think I'm in love!!"
"You're going to have to deal with it, Luke, but if you come on to Grace the way you did a few minutes ago she'll have the Cops over here arresting you. That is if anyone shows her how to dial 911. She isn't the most intelligent woman on the planet, surely you've picked up on that."
"She doesn't have to be intelligent to earn my love!" he states, "Her form, her face, her graceful walk, her fragrant hair....."
Bethia is getting nauseous. "I get the idea, Luke. But if you love her as you say you do, you will have to woo her as if last night never happened. She doesn't remember any of it, and you'd do well to try to forget as well."
"How can I forget, when just the thought of her passion makes me delirius?" he asks.
"She'll have the cops on you in a heartbeat unless you at least ACT like you've forgotten. Please take my word for it."
"Ohhhh, I will. I will treat her as the rare flower she is, the Helen of Troy, the Cleopatra, the beauteous Aphrodite, Athena, and all other Greek godesses........"
He is about to make Bethia nauseous again, so she stands and, holding out her hand, tells him:
"You must ACT like you've forgotten. Can we shake on it?"
He holds out his hand with a forlorn expression, "Yes, I promise. I'll shake on it."
"GOOD!!" she smiles, then goes to the stairs, quickly runs down, and re-enters the first floor apartment.
She looks to see if Grace is still asleep on the couch, and is alarmed: Grace is gone!!

Bethia runs out of the house in a panic. Where's Grace? Where could she have gone? As she scans the neighborhood, she sees what looks to be Grace walking down the middle of the street.
Bethia runs as fast as she can to where Grace is strolling along, and yells, "You can't walk in the street! You'll get hit by a car!"
Grace gives her a glassy stare.
Oh-oh, maybe she sleep-walks, Bethia now has a new concern. Oh great, a person who goes wild on 2 sips of wine, and now, come to find out, she's a sleepwalker!

She takes Grace's arm and guides her over onto the sidewalk and they walk back to the blue house. Grace is very docile, not resisting at all.
As they enter the house, Rebecca comes out of her room.
"Oh there you are, Mommy!"
Grace begins to come around.
"Here I am," she says like a robot. "Yes, here I am."
Bethia then realizes that she cannot for one short minute leave Grace alone.
She'll have to take her with her to the Agency tomorrow after they drop off the children at pre-school.
"Time to make dinner," Grace intones in a slightly less zombie-like voice.
Grace goes to the cupboards and refrigerator and begins looking around for something to make.

Bethia opens the freezer compartment, takes out pre-cooked dinners and tells Grace, "I can do these up in the microwave. Ought to take all of 15 minutes tops."

Grace sits on a kitchen chair and watches as Bethia opens bags of Chicken Voila and dumps them into a large container....then puts the whole thing into the microwave.

Soon they're eating heartily. The children think the food is great.
"You made this in what, 15 minutes??" Rebecca asks.
"That's right, Rebecca. Amazing, isn't it?"
"Welllllll it certainly IS. Do you know how much time it would take back in 1650 to put together this meal? First you'd have to go out and kill a chicken, then pluck the feathers, gut it, cut it up, then pick vegetables out of the garden, clean them, cut them up, then you'd have to somehow make these noodles. I don't think anyone made noodles like this back then. Wonder how they DO it?"

"It is amazing," is all the explanation Bethia has.
Everyone continues to eat.
Rebecca is examining all the various ingredients in her plate full of food, totally fascinated.
Timothy just bolts his down, then leaves to play with his toys.

"Grace, dear," Bethia starts, "Tomorrow you and I are going to an Agency that has Nannies. We are going to hire one. This person is going to cook and clean and take care of the children for you. I have to go back to the big house; I can't keep living here. Do you understand?"
Grace takes in the information, gets tears in her eyes and answers, "You don't like me. You want to go away. Whatever shall I do?"
"NO, you misunderstand. I like you a lot, Grace. But you need more help than I can provide. I really do like you! The reading tutor will come every morning at 9, too, just as she has the last few days. You know, Mrs. Dalrymple, the tutor? She likes you, too. I know the Nanny will also like you. Everyone likes you. Ludwig upstairs likes you a lot...."
Bethia brings Ludwig into the conversation to see what response she'll get from Grace. The man is living upstairs, after all. In large and small ways Grace will have to learn to deal with it.
"Ludwig is evil!!" is all Grace will say.
"Oh, no, Grace, it's just that Ludwig likes to hug people. You know how you hug your children? You do hug your children, don't you?"
"Not really," Grace states, "You have to be firm with children, that's what Caleb told me. He said if they think you like them a lot they'll turn out bad. Better to take a switch to them, he says....."
This is too much for Bethia to stand.
She calms herself just enough to tell Grace, "You must never take a switch to your children. Never. It isn't allowed in this century, and you could end up in the stocks if you do it."
Of course there are no "stocks" anymore, but at least that's something Grace understands.
"Not the stocks! Oh no!" she is terrified.
"So, Grace, what I want you to do from now on is gently hug your children. At least twice a day. I don't care what Caleb said. HE was the evil man, not poor Ludwig upstairs who is only trying to be affectionate."
Grace isn't sure about the "ways of the 21 Century" and squints up her eyes at Bethia.
"Do I have to?"
"YES, that's a direct order!" Bethia proclaims.
Grace nods yes and that seems to have settled it. Bethia realizes that if you lay down the law to Grace, she acquiesces. Good, she'll see if they can find a Nanny who is capable of that.
It's almost bedtime. Bethia decides to lock and bolt all the doors so that hopefully Grace won't be able to do any more sleepwalking.
One more night and I'm OUT of here, she tells herself as she turns on the shower.
She says it over and over like a mantra. One more night and I'm out of here..................

Part 124: John G, Stud Muffin? Terri

Rosamond stares at John incredulously. "Here? Under this roof? Right next door? In your room?"
She feels sick...and scared...and a little bit excited.
John looks at her sympathetically. "I am sorry, Rosamond. Daniel can be beastly. I, uh, am to understand you thought Daniel was me, is that right?"
Rosamond returns his look with a level gaze. "Yes, that is right, John. You two are impossible to tell apart. Except that Daniel smokes cigarettes, drinks Wild Turkey and has a scar on his chest."
John reminisces. "I gave him that scar. With a pitchfork."
"Yes, we were about fifteen. We both liked the same girl. Her name was Margaret Westford. It was in England. Well, Daniel put the moves on her. It was in the hayloft. I guess they were just kissing and then Daniel got too amorous. I heard her yelling. I surmised what was going on and I grabbed the pitchfork. Daniel lunged for it and I didn't drop it fast enough. Gouged him right in the chest. We had a hard time stopping the bleeding. One thing, parents never found out. Funny thing, though...Margaret thought it was me she was kissing in that loft! Until Daniel's libido kicked in!
After that, Margaret wouldn't have anything to do with either of us. We would see her in town and she would turn her head. Daniel thought it was funny but I was always a little ashamed of it. Why did I have to have an IDENTICAL twin? Why not fraternal? And why does he get to have all the fun?"

Rosamond looks at John. "Maybe he has no conscience...maybe you have too much of one. I don't know."
John looks at Rosamond. "So what are we going to do about the purchases you have made?"
Rosamond stares at him blankly. "What do you mean? I feel you owe it to me. For the disaster you and your brother have wreaked in my life!"
John looks at her unbelievingly. "Disaster? You want to talk about DISASTER? 100,000 dolllars in furs and jewelry and shoes is not a disaster, it is a catastrophe!"
Rosamond's eyes flash
. "Suit yourself. I am in no mood to discuss this. I am still buzzed from that tequila and beer. And guess what? I intend to go back and see that very cute cowboy dude at the Dew Drop Inn."
John laughs. "Well, he won't let you get ten feet near him. Or his dog."
Rosamond throws her pillows down on the bed. "Will you please leave? I am getting ready for bed. You are in the way."
John continues to sit on the bed. "No. I am not moving until we work out the settlement deal on those charges. Even if I have to stay here all night."
"Fine! Just fine! You can just sit there in that chair." She pushes John off the bed.

William and Eleanor are watching an old movie on TV together when they hear the door slamming and then yelling.
William exclaims, "What the devil is going on up there?"
Eleanor scoops a handful of popcorn up and into her mouth. "You don't want to know. Probably just nature taking its course."
William harrumphs. "Well, I wish it would take its course a little more quietly. I have to work in my rosebed tomorrow.
Transplanting those expensive new experimental bushes I got from England."
Eleanor coughs and spits her popcorn in her hands.
"Something wrong, El?"
"Oh, noooo....but they may have already been transplanted."
William just stretchs out and smiles. "Noo, I don't think so! Everyone knows. No one touches those bushes but me!"

Rosamond pulls back the covers on her bed. She turns down the light. She loosens the tie on her white silk robe. "Are you going to sit there all night?"
John carefully unwraps the foil around the cork of the bottle of brandy. By now it is becoming very evident that John has been drinking most of the day, and it's starting to catch up to him.
He pours himself a snifter. "Oh, but by all means continue on!"
Rosamond marches over to him. John stands up. She pushes him. "Get out! Get out!"
John finally can take it no more.
"I am so tired of this bailing you out of trouble and almost getting myself killed. Well, guess what, Rosamond? It's payback time!"
With that, Rosamond's white robe falls to the floor and John's testosterone kicks in.

The sunbeams are starting to stream through the French doors of the balcony. Rosamond rolls over in the bed. Her hand absent-mindedly stretches out. She A body? She opens one eye...whaaaaat?
A man? She peers over the sheet, seeing the back of someone. Very fearfully she lifts up the sheet over her body. OOOOOPS! Then she looks down at the floor next to the bed. There in a puddle lay her white silk robe. She keeps looking back from under the the person next to the robe on the floor...back to the sheet again. NO! IT COULDN'T BE! Her heart drops to her feet and her stomach lurches. AGAIN? Could Daniel have gotten out of Henry's dungeon?
The person next to her begins to stir. Rosamond looks around the room for a white Stetson hat and jeans. Did I bring Tex home with me? If I did, did I drive home?
And if I did drive, how come I don't have a DUI? Very cautiously she sits up and leans over. He rolls over, still asleep. A look of horror comes over Rosamond's face. She carefully peels the sheet back and looks at his chest. The face is the same.....but no scar.

William comes down to breakfast. Eleanor has made coffee and is dipping bread into whipped eggs. She has added whiskey to the coffee, figuring William would need it.
William is whistling a happy tune. Eleanor can barely suppress a smile.
"Hello, Miss Eleanor!"
"Good morning, William. Why so chipper?"
"Because this is the crucial moment! I am transplanting the English roses! I spent half the night on the computer with one of those Gardening computer programs. I have it all laid out. The white one will go over here, the pink over here and here is a section for the reds."
"William, why didn't you just plant them where you wanted them in the first place?"
William touches Eleanor's nose playfully. "Because they arrived at a wrong time and I had to set them in the ground just to keep the roots alive. You can transplant them now which is what I will do. Aaaah! I have waited for this moment forever! I can almost salivate anticipating the rewards I will reap!"
With that, he grabs an apple and bites into it, then poured himself a cup of the coffee not knowing it had whiskey in it. He put a splash of cream in it and drank deeply.
"Eleanor, whatever you do...don't sell that cow! This cream is fantastic!"
Eleanor watches as William goes humming out the door. Poor guy. Doesn't have a clue. And I don't have the heart to warn him.

William goes to the shed and puts on his gardening gloves. He picks up his hoe, his shovel, and the rose fertilizer he had special ordered from Denmark. He claps on his straw hat. Then he purposely marches down to the flower bed.
What happens next....well, let's just say Rosamond can make a grown man cry.
William stands shellshocked in the middle of what used to be his flower bed. All around him are broken canes...and tire marks...and ruts, like someone stuck in the snow and spinning their wheels. In the middle of it all are the remnants of Bethia's birdhouse. William weaves a tapestry of obscenities, the likes of which had never been heard in Chappaqua. Eleanor sits down and covers her ears.
William just about tears the door off the hinges. He is blubbering incoherently.
Eleanor takes a sip of her coffee and serenely turns the newspaper page. She doesn't even look up at him as she says in a calm voice that one word he dreaded.

Rosamond tries to move as far over to the edge of the bed as she can. Maybe I could somehow get out of this bed and sneak into my clothes and that way he would think I spent the night in Will's room? John was so full of alcohol he wouldn't even know what happened. Of course, so was I. Maybe nothing did happen....
All of a sudden, William flings the door back. He is purple in the face and stuttering and sputtering. Rosamond sits upright and clutches the sheet to her neck.
"William! HOW DARE YOU!" William reaches over and yanks the sheet off Rosamond and yanks her out of bed. But she grabs the blanket on her wild ride out of the bed and flings it around her. "Are you crazy?"
All William can get out is " B....."
John shoots up in the bed. He looks around at Rosamond, and William..and himself.
William stands back and surveys the scene. He sees the empty bottles of brandy, the white silk jumble. He gives each of them a disgusted look and yells, "BAH!" and slams the door behind him.

Rosamond stands there with the blanket draped around her. John sits up with his head in his hands, his hair rumpled. "Ooooh, my head hurts. What the hell happened?"
Rosamond looks down, ready to cry.
John looked under his sheet. Very quietly he says, "Oh."
Then he says, "I guess we both had too much to drink, Rosamond. I am very sorry. I don't know what came over me. I certainly didn't intend to make you pay for the purchases by taking it out That would make you a...and you aren't...I mean, not anymore...what I mean is..."
Rosamond goes into the bathroom and slams the door. The shower turns on.
John sits there trying to remember what happened. He was pretty sure.. and was he mistaken or had Rosamond called out "Daniel!" at a most inopportune time?

Part 126: Monday: the Nanny Diaries

The sun slants into the room through the vertical blinds, which wakes Bethia.
"Monday! At last!" she thinks, as she leaps from the bed and throws on her robe.
"Today I get my drivers license and hire a Nanny for Grace! YES!"
As she is putting on the coffee pot, Grace also enters the kitchen. Grace is quite rested, as she should be, considering she had all day yesterday and all night to sleep off the effects of the wine.
"We're going to a couple fun places, today, Grace!" Bethia announces.
"FUN? Fun is evil, fun is of the devil. We learned in Church that fun leads to sin." is Grace's contribution to the conversation.
Bethia groans inwardly and thinks, "You have to monitor every word you say or you get a sermon from this woman! God help whoever we hire as a Nanny!"

The children emerge from their rooms as well.
Breakfast is eaten, everyone dresses for their days acitvities, and soon the van from the Pre-School is out front.
"Time to go!" Rebecca pulls at Timothy, "Our van is here! See you later!" and the children run down the path to the bus.
Bethia is grateful that Rebecca is at least a quick study. She has adjusted to modern times 100 times more quickly than her mother.

Bethia has called for a Cab, which arrives very shortly thereafter.
"We have to go over to the big house and get my new car," she cheerfully announces to Grace, hoping the woman will at least smile for the love of heaven.

They pull up in front of the big house, Bethia pays the cab driver, and as they near the house they hear a man's voice yelling.
Sounds like William. Oh yes, it is him, and he's now outside standing by some rubble.
The two women approach him warily as his expression is one of profound anger.
"Look what Rose did to my rose bushes! Look what she did to your bird feeder!"
Bethia is in no mood for crisis, William's or anyone else's and simply says, "We can always replace these things, William, it's not the end of the world."
He glowers at her, "Do you know how rare those roses were? Are you aware I had to send to England for them? They cost me a young fortune. This has ripped the very heart out of me! Eleanor thinks it's amusing! She's reading the newspaper, smirking every time I try to talk to her! She has no heart, no heart....none."
This man is not about to be mollified, so Bethia and Grace enter the house.
Indeed Eleanor is reading the newspaper, and when she sees the two women, she
beckons them over.
"You don't want to talk with William this morning." she then laughs, "Seems Rose, in her haste, ran over his roses with her car. He is inconsolable! Over roses, of all things. I say Get A Life, William!"
Bethia nods and smiles. "He does seem in a fit of temper. However, we are going to have a productive day whether or not William does. I can just see him on his cooking show NOW, throwing everything and everyone on that grill he so fancies.
I pity the production crew! But WE are off to get my drivers' license and hire a Nanny for Grace's children.

Eleanor knows who the Nanny is really going to be hired to watch, so she sends Bethia a knowing look.
"Off you go, then, ladies. Have fun!" she waves them off.
Grace is going into preacher mode again, and, as they walk toward the door, she tells Eleanor, "Fun is of the devil!"
Eleanor does not envy Bethia this Project of helping Grace.

The drivers test goes well. As Bethia is standing in line to receive her drivers license, the man wearing a shirt with the name TEX embroidered on it,
making them up and putting the ID photos on, asks,
"I notice your address. Do you have someone living with you name Rose?"
"Uhhhhhhh, well, yeah, I guess you'd say so! Bethia is suspicious.
Tex goes on, "Is she beautiful and curvy and do her jeans fit her like a second skin?"
Now this is getting creepy.
"I have no idea," she tells this jerk, "Thank you for the license."
They leave.
Whew, wonder what that was all about?!

Next stop: the Nanny Agency.
Bethia and Grace enter the building and soon Bethia has located the office of the Agency. Upon entering, she sees that there are only two others ahead of them. Good.
She goes to the window where an application is handed to her.
She looks at the questions and wonders how she can subtly tell them that the Nanny is actually for a grown woman.
Hmmmmm, age of children? How about 22? Some child!! She writes down, 4 and 5
and 22. There! That oughta get their attention!
Grace is examining the furniture, one of her favorite pastimes, Bethia has noticed. She scowls as she runs her hands over the cracked red vinyl on the seat next to hers.
"This is old," she tells Bethia.
"Probably," is all Bethia wants to contribute to that subject. This woman is a weird duck. Very tactile. Maybe she gets all her jollies by feeling walls, furniture, fabrics. Still, she's weird.

"Ms Adams," one of the Agency workers calls, "Can you come to my office?"
"Yes!" Bethia motions to Grace that they are to follow this nice lady.
Grace gives the nice lady, Miss Henderson, a suspicious look.
"I see by your application that you're looking for a Nanncy for ages 4, 5 and....."
Bethia cuts her off before she can utter "22."
"Yes, we need a live-in Nanny for the children."
Miss Henderson points to the '22' on the application, and Bethia then gets up and whispers to her, "Actually, it's more for the 22 yr old. I have her with me. Please don't let on."
Miss Henderson is obliging and goes on with the interview.
She goes to her computer screen and brings up several names of prospective Nannies. After printing out a copy for Bethia, there is silence while Bethia reads the descriptions.
"Well," she finally tells Miss Henderson, "Of the 25, I think these five are good possibilities. When can I interview them? Will they be able to come
to our house?"
Miss Henderson makes some phone calls and tells her, "You're in luck. All five are available today. I've set up a schedule for you, too." as she
hands Bethia another printout, on which the interviews are scheduled an hour apart, beginning at 11am.
"This is perfect, thank you so much, Miss Henderson!" Bethia is encouraged that this project may indeed be completed by nightfall. If she isn't able to sleep in her own bed tonight she figures she'll go mad.

On the way back to the blue house they have to drive by the big house again.
Eleanor is in her Renaissance Festival getup and about to go to work.
Bethia honks and waves.
"Those are strange clothes Eleanor is wearing!" Grace comments diapprovingly.
Bethia is determined to not get into that discussion and drives on.

As 11am nears, Bethia is getting nervous. If the Agency doesn't send a
woman who is a perfect fit, she'll be stuck there another whole day.

The first woman arrives at 5 minutes before 11. That's a good sign, Bethia decides.
My, but she looks strong. Big. Grim. Almost scary. Bethia decides to be fair and give her a chance.
"Hello, Ms Adams, I am Gwendolyn Dogface." the woman says as she goes to sit on the couch after dusting it off carefully.
Bethia is trying hard not to laugh at the woman's last name. She does possess a dogface, which makes it all too, too funny.
"I was a Sergeant in the Marines for 15 years, after which I worked for the FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department," Gwendolyn Dogface says proudly.

Bethia glances at Grace to catch her reaction to this person. Grace is withdrawing into the chair and is almost in a fetal position. This can't be good. Grace needs someone who can lay down the law, but this woman is downright scary.

"I'm most impressed!" she tells Gwendolyn, and sends her on her way without telling her what her duties would be were she hired. The woman no doubt knows this is a kiss-off.

"That woman is really a man in a dress!" Grace announces, as she unfolds herself from the tight ball she's gotten into from trying to pull away from
the frightening person.
Bethia crosses out Gwendolyn's name, puts a firm black line through it.

Bethia and Grace quickly eat sandwiches and are ready to meet Candidate #2 at 12 noon.

This woman sweeps into the house, looks around and says dreamily, "I love what you've done to the place!"
HUH? The place is very basic, what's up with her?!
"I think the lamp should be moved over here, however," Mrs. Dwight tells them, as she begins lugging the lamp by the couch over to the easy chair.
"There! Now isn't that better?"
"Wonderful," Bethia comments, "Tell me, Mrs. Dwight, have you had any experience being a nanny?"
"Oh no, dear, I am just breaking into the nanny business. I spent my adult life as an interior decorator, but the company went bankrupt and I am now on unemployment. How young are the children?"
Bethia answers, "4 and 5," then mouths the "22."
But Mrs. Dwight doesn't see her mouth the last word, as she is so busy moving the dining room table from one part of the dining room to another.
"Now isn't that better?" she is so pleased with herself, "You get more of the morning light this way! I always say an eastern exposure is perfect
for a dining room! Now, what ages did you say the children were?"
Bethia sends the woman away with a "Don't call us, we'll call you."

Two down, three to go. HELP! Bethia is sending out into the universe.

At 1pm a lady, pushing a walker approaches their front door and rings the bell.
Bethia doesn't remember any of the information about the prospective nannies mentioning that one of them had a walker! Those things are masterpieces of omission, she decides.

As she opens the door, she realizes that this is the same old lady who applied to be their Cleaning woman back when Celeste was hired.
The woman slowly enters the house and introduces herself.
"I am Mable Taylor," she says haltingly, "And you look familiar; have we met before?"
"I don't know," Bethia lies, "But come have a seat."
The poor woman barely makes it to the couch before she collapses thereon.
"Do you think you're up to chasing a 4 and 5 yr old
around?" Bethia tries not to be insulting, but really!!
Even though the job doesn't actually have much to do with the small children, Bethia figures this question may cause the woman to think twice.
"I chased many a 4 and 5 yr old around," the woman answers testily, "How do you think I got in this condition?"
"Let me get you some tea," Bethia offers, and before long the woman is told that she will be notified if chosen.
As the old lay totters away from the house and gets
into her specially equipped car, Bethia's heart
sinks. Only two more possibilities. If none of
them pan out, she's stuck.

The clock chimes twice and there on the doorstep is someone who resembles Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins.
Bethia is afraid to hope that this person could be
the right one. So many people lie on those appli-
cation blanks so that on paper they're wonderful,
but in person absolute disasters.
This one at least looks right; now let's see if
she is right.
"Come in, come in," she looks at her schedule and
sees the name, "Mrs. Balboa."
"Just call me Lucretia," the other woman tells
her, "My husband, my ex-husband, Rocko, calls me "slut" but my first name is really Lucretia."
This woman who looks so perfect then goes on to tell what hell she endured being married to a
mobster. The stories are truly harrowing.
"But you've put all that behind you," Bethia
says cheerily.
"Well, not exactly. One reason I have to have a live-in job is because he has vowed to track me down and kill me."
Bethia looks at the celing and exhales audibly.
"You do realize this would put Grace and her children in jeapordy," she says the obvious.
"Ohhhh, don't worry, it usually takes him a
couple months to find out where I am. I'm
safe for that long."
"I'm so sorry, Lucretia, but this would be
too dangerous for Grace and the children, I
know you understand."
Lucretia just shrugs like she's heard this
many times before; picks up her heavy purse and leaves.
Bethia is beginning to panic.

3pm. The Last Chance Nanny applicant arrives.
Bethia is almost afraid to look out to see
who is ringing the bell. What next, an escaped

A healthy looking middle aged woman enters
the house. So far so good, Bethia thinks.
"Name's McNamara! Gilda McNamara!!" she
holds out her hand, which Bethia grasps
gladly. This one is at least cheerful.
She introduces Gilda to Grace who seems to be comfortable around her, which is half the battle.
"I come with many references," she says happily, as the file she's holding is opened and sheet after sheet of what looks to be references, cascade out in a long line.
"I do better looking after adults than small
children," she tells them, "I cook, I clean,
I turn down the bed, I keep telemarketers
from phoning, oh YES, I have my way of doing
that, don't you doubt it!"
"Why are you considering a live-in job?"
Bethia knows she has to ask that.
"Well, dearie, it's like this: my children are grown, my husband is dead....keeled over of a heart attack just last year, he I don't need that large house anymore. Should sell it is what I should do. Know anyone who needs a 4000 sq foot
house in a good section of town? Well....
I also like to be around people, and cook for them. If I don't have to do too much child care, this looks like a nice situation for me. Grace, that is your name is it not?
What would you like me to do if I take this job?"

Grace is jolted out of her passive mode,which she's been in all day as Bethia has handled all the Nanny interviewing.
"Whatever you please," Grace says, "Just as long as you aren't a party person."
Hmmmmmm, party person, Bethia thinks, where did she come up with that expression?
"ohhh no, my party days are well behind me!" Gilda laughs, "I just want a place to take care of that isn't 4000 sq feet, and a good television to watch my soaps on."
"You're hired!" Bethia tells her, standing
up and shaking her and vigorously.
"Can you come over with some of your things this evening?"
"Well, and I don't see why not!!" Gilda is obviously pleased. "So I'll see you at 6pm on the dot!"
Grace seems pleased; Bethia is relieved,
and Gilda looks like the perfect nanny.

Bethia keeps beating back the question that continues to intrude on her mind: Just how many Soaps does this woman watch???

Part 127: Aftershocks of When the Earth Terri

John gets out of bed and searches for his clothes. He finds his jeans over there...his shirt over there....He puts his shirt on. No buttons. Just little holes where the buttons had been. Oh, well. He kicks the brandy bottle out of the way. Ooh, I have got to find the Excedrin. He quietly clicks the door shut behind him.
Rosamond stays in the shower a good long time. Good place to have a cry, too.
She turns the water off and reaches for her terrycloth robe on the hook.
Cautiously she looks out the door. Good! He's gone! She comes out and surveys the rumpled bed covers. Just what the heck happened? Rosamond reaches for the Advil. She looks out her bedroom window. There is William kicking the ground, throwing his hat down and stomping on it. For heaven's sake, William--they are only plants! My life is in shambles. Rosamond begins to do some quick calculations in her head. One hundred thousand dollars! I think I am in big trouble now! And my car is still at the Dew Drop Inn. Maybe I should just take a cab and pick it up. She rubs her temple. Later!
John grabs a quick shower. His mouth feels like the bottom of a bird cage. But that was sure some good brandy! He feels the hot water cascade over him. What happened? How did I get there? And did I enjoy it?
Rosamond dresses in her jeans and sweater. She looks for her shoes. The strappy ones I had on last night. Where are they? Uh, oh--I think I took them off when I was dancing with that big strapping cowboy. She thought of his lopsided smile. Cute!
Probably never see HIM again! John saw to that. Wonder what he said to him? Whatever it was, he sure backed off in a hurry. Shame!
John rubs shaving cream on and takes out a new razor. What do I say? Do I apologize? Do I act like nothing happened? Has anything changed between us?
Rosamond goes down and fixes herself a Pop-Tart. Why do they call them Pop-Tarts? Sounds like something Eleanor would call ME! Pop into bed, you little tart!
Rosamond hears footsteps coming down the stairs. She looks up and John comes in.
He quietly fixes himself a cup of coffee.
" Rosamond, about last night...."
Rosamond continues to read the paper, unable to look him in the eyes. She holds up her hand. "Talk to the hand, 'cause the face ain't listenin' "
That is when John loses his temper.

I mean REALLY looses it!

John grabs the paper out of Rosamond's hands and throws her coffee cup against the wall. His eyes are bloodshot. "DAMN YOU, ROSAMOND! Does it mean nothing to you? I guess not! You've had three men in the last three weeks! You ran up my credit cards! You're drinking too much. Now you have got me drinking too much. I have to call in sick to work because I am in no shape to go in. Did last night not mean anything to you?"
Rosamond looks him straight in the eye. "No, it didn't."
John turns on his heel and leaves the room.
Rosamond says to herself, No, John---it meant everything.

John goes to his room and starts to clean out his closet. He puts anything of value in the wall safe. I don't trust Daniel, he thinks. He always took my stuff and used it and returned it to me a real mess. Even my woman.

Rosamond picks up the pieces of the coffee cup. Celeste comes in, ready to start her day's work. Rosamond is trying very hard not to cry in front of Celeste.
Celeste looks at the coffee on the wall and the ceramic pieces on the floor. She sees newspapers scattered about.
Rosamond's brave front comes crashing down. She puts her head on the table and starts to sob.
Celeste reaches out and strokes her hair. "There, child. You have not had an easy time."
Rosamond looks up at her with a tear-stained face. " know what has gone on?"
Celeste gives her a wise look. "I know all, see all, Rosamond. You have been bounced around in several time frames with Medieval thinking. A thirteenth century upbringing trying to deal with a modern world."
Rosamond pleads, "Celeste, you...know things. What is to become of me?"
Celeste holds her hands. "You are a brave woman, Rosamond. Most women would have just folded up and died but you are a survivor. You have choices. You have made some bad ones. I see a life-altering change in the near future. Be careful and do not act too hastily."
Rosamond bursts out, "I am in love with two men!"
Celeste says, "I see two men in your life. But it is the face of one. Perhaps it is clouded. Perhaps it is Henry II that I cannot see the face of."
But Rosamond knew what she meant. It was the face of Daniel and John, melded into one. "Thank you, Celeste. Yes, I must tread carefully. I feel this is a deja vu in my life, like it was with Henry and Richard."
Celeste looks at her with worried eyes. "Search your heart, my child. But do not act rashly or else you will regret it. The day you take the one you have to leave the other."

John puts the clothes that Daniel had worn in the clothes hamper. I should burn them, he thinks. Celeste knocks on the door. "Hello, John--I am here to change the sheets. It's Monday, you know. What has happened here? This place smells like a distillery." She picks up the pretzel bag and the liquor bottles. "Entertaining? You know, I have warned you about bugs if you leave this stuff lying around."
John rubs his forehead and temple. "I am sorry, Celeste. It won't happen again."
Celeste tries to fake cheerfulness. "I've seen worse. Of course I haven't started on your bathroom yet."
John looks out of the window onto the balcony. He says softly, "I am sorry for any trouble I may have caused. I, er, wasn't myself."
Celeste comes over and lays a hand on his shoulder. "I know all about it, John. I see things that others cannot."
John turns and smiles wanly. "Then you know about the horrible scene I made with Rosamond downstairs, don't you?"
Celeste says, "If it is any consolation, the girl is suffering. Terribly. I found her picking up pieces of a coffee cup. I don't need to be psychic to figure out who threw the cup."
John bursts out, "I never intended for anything to happen. She--she just drives me insane! Constantly into trouble. Being so helpless--and so desirable. What am I to do now, Celeste?"
Celeste just replies, "That is for you to decide. But one thing I must advise. Watch your brother. Or else he may get what you yearn for. The die is cast--but it is your call."
John just murmurs. "Thanks, Celeste--this is about as clear as that swamp in Southold."
Celeste puts the finishing touches on the spare room off John's suite. "I understand you have a new roomate. Keep your friends close--and your enemies even closer. And your brother even closer still. By the way, do you want this shirt with the buttons ripped off?"
With that, Celeste lets out a laugh and John has to laugh, too.
"I'll keep it as a souvenir."
Celeste just waves her hand. "Put it on Daniel's bed. Then let him draw his own conclusions! Or let him find the buttons where they landed!" They both smile and John gives Celeste a kiss on the cheek. "You're one hell of a woman, Celeste...if you were thirty years younger...!"
Celeste just laughs. "I'd take you up on that!"

"Hello, Operator? I need a cab....Yellow Cab?...I don't care what color it is. I just need one to take me to the Dew Drop Inn on Hwy 41...yes, I know it is only ten o'clock...heaven, no..I'm just getting my car...hey,what business is it of yours anyways?...OK, fifteen minutes. Thank you!"
Rosamond hangs up the phone, then searches for her purse. She remembers she left it up in her room. She's filled with dread. I hope I don't run into John. Perhaps I had better take the balcony stairs.
Up in her room, Rosamond surveys the damage. Her white silk robe is in a heap.
There are buttons all over. A pair of men's jockeys were on the...ceiling fan? How did THAT happen? She sits on the bed, trying hard to remember.
She reaches up and grabs the underwear off the fan. She creeps very quietly down to John's room and puts them on the doorknob. A horn honks outside. The cab is here.

Rosamond pays the driver and checks her car over. Yes, John had locked it up for her. She walks into the Dew Drop Inn. She figures it'll be quiet since it is mid-morning. Bobby Joe is mopping up the bar and drying beer glasses.
"Excuse me, sir--did you happen to find a pair of shoes left here last night? They were bright red with a strap across the front, about five inches in the heel?"
Bobby Joe just grins. "Hey, angel."
Rosamond looks puzzled. "My name isn't Angel. I think you have me confused with someone else."
Bobby Joe says, "Kiss an angel good-morning and love her like the Devil when you get back home, like the song says. Hey, someone was looking for you."
Rosamond just sighs. "Yes, and he found me. Dragged me out of here."
Bobby Joe says, "Well, what do you expect? It's bad enough that you slept your way through the Brooks and Dunn band and got the carnal flu but did you have to shoot the dog, too? Leave the baby at your maw's while you had cheatin' on your mind?"
Rosamond is really confused now. " Brooks and Dunn? A BABY? Now I know you have me confused with someone else."
Bobby Joe just grins and pulls out the credit card receipt. "Ain't your name Rose-mound?"
Rosamond just wants to get out of there. "Do you have my shoes or don't you?"
Bobby Joe reaches under the bar. "Got 'em right here, little lady. You shore do know how to dance up a storm. Shore got Tex het up."
Rosamond smiles. "Oh, you mean that nice gentleman that bought me that beer. I didn't dance with him."
Bobby Joe says, "Shore you did. Your old man yanked you right off that dancefloor by the hair. According to the boys, he was gonna take you back to the trailer and smack you around. Funny, you ain't got no bruises on you. Guess you worked out somethin' called...diplomatic RELATIONS, huh?" Bobby Joe laughs at his own joke.
Rosamond still doesn't understand. "Mr. Bartender, sir.."
"Bobby Joe. Pleased to meetcha."
"...but I don't have a husband. Never have. Now I know you have me confused with someone else."
Bobby Joe shakes his head no. "No ma'am, that was you. Now iffen you wanta cheat without the stigman of a husband, that be your business..but someone else was asking for you..There he is! Hey, Billy Bob!"
Rosamond whirls around and looks up into the deepest blue eyes that were ever under a white Stetson.

Billy Bob aka Tex looks Rosamond up and down and breaks out in a delighted grin.
He pushes his Stetson back on his head.
"Well, angel...always knew someday you'd come walkin' back through my door."
Rosamond surveys him cooly. "So you remember me?"
Tex smiles, "Only every other memory. Heart don't forget somethin' like that. Come on--buy you a Tequila Sunrise, OK?"
Rosamond smiles in spite of herself. "OK--just one. I am cutting WAY back. Liquor just...complicates things." Rosamond slides onto the barstool. She's dressed to kill---short denim skirt and jean jacket with her slingback heels. All courtesy of John Gwinnett.
She sits there swinging her leg, high heel dangling on her foot. The effect, however innocent on Rosamond's part, is not lost on Tex. He keeps staring at her legs.
Rosamond leans down. "Did you lose something? You keep looking down."
Tex immediately looks up. "No, ma'am--just my heart."
Bobby Joe sets a Tequila Sunrise in front of Rosamond and a Bud Longneck in front of Tex.
"So, cowboy, what do you do besides rope steer--and whatever else you are good at with a rope?"
Tex smiles, showing very white teeth. "Well, ma'am, I inherited a right fine thoroughbred ranch up a ways from my Aunt Teresa---Tessie we always called her.
I work part-time and am aiming for a license to go into business for myself."
"Hey, Billy Bob--phone call for you! Someone looking for your expertise!"
Billy Bob calls over his shoulder. "Tell 'em I'm occupied and take a message!"
Bobby Joe yells back. "I ain't your answering service! Take it yourself!"
Billy Bob winks at Rosamond. "I'll be right back."
Rosamond downs her Tequila Sunrise, checks her watch and says to Bobby Joe, "What I really came back for are my shoes and my car. I have to run. Please tell that nice young man thank you for me!"
Bobby Joe smiles back at her.
"Sure hope you feel better real soon, honey. That carnal flu can do you in--but don't worry, that penicillin kicks in fast." He leans conspiratorially towards her. "And iffen that old man of yours comes in, remember--I didn't see you!"
Rosamond sighs. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you--I have no husband and I am not sick. With cardinal flu or whatever I supposedly have."
Bobby Joe just winks. "Say hi to Brooks and Dunn for me. Think you can get me tickets to the concert, seeing how you know the band so well?"
Rosamond shakes her head. "Sir, obviously you know what you are talking about, because I sure don't!"
Bobby Joe motions her to come closer. "Y'know, if it doesn't work out with Billy Bob there, I have a little trailer just about a mile down the road..."
Rosamond gives him a blistering look and walks out, slamming the door behind her.
She unlocks the door of the car, throws the shoes in the back seat, turns the key and roars out of the parking lot.
Billy Bob hangs up and walks back to the bar. "Hey, where'd angel go?"
Bobby Joe shrugs. "Said she had to leave. Hope it wasn't anything I said."
Billy Bob waves a piece of paper in front of Bobby Joe's nose. "I ran her tag on the computer. But it didn't come up with the name 'Rosamond Gwinnett'. It came up as 'Rosamond D. Clifford.' So I ran the name 'John Gwinnett' and a red Corvette tag came up. Sure matches the car that husband of hers was driving. The address on each of the registrations came up as 224 Winding Willow Drive. Do you suppose that it's a shack-up? You know how these trailer trash women are."
Bobby Joe grins, "And I know you like your women on the trashy side, Billy Bob!"
Billy Bob stares down at the paper. "Guess I'll have to check out the address. Wonder what trailer park that is?"
Bobby Joe looks at the zip code. "Huh. That's Chataqua's zip. Don't recollect no trailer parks there."
Billy Bob smiles. "Well. Only one thing to do...go check it out for myself. Later, Bobby Joe!"

Rosamond roars into the driveway and parks her car out back in the circular driveway. William is still picking pieces of his roses up and trying to prune them to salvage whatever he could out of the mashed canes.
He holds up the canes and gestures wildly to Rosamond. She just sticks her tongue out at him and walks inside.
John's car is still in the driveway. Obviously he hasn't gone out. Rosamond parks her car as far from his as she can.

Billy Bob gets in his pickup and drives up Hwy 141. "Welcome to Chataqua" the sign says. Billy Bob whistles. Look at these estates! He pulls into a gas station. Even the gas station is first class. The store part is a white clapboard house with flowers on the ground and in the window boxes.
He pumps his gas and goes in to pay. A nice teenage girl is working the cash register. She looks Billy Bob appreciatively up and down.
"Excuse me, miss. I was wondering, could you please tell me where the trailer parks are?"
The girl stands open mouthed. "Trailer parks? In CHATAQUA?" She dissolves into laughter. Seeing the hurt look on Billy Bob's face, she quickly recovers. "I'm sorry. There are no trailer parks here." Billy Bob is confused. Then he realizes his mistake. "Oh, I am sorry. I meant 'mobile home parks'. "
The girl patiently explains. "These are all homes here. Mobile home parks are not allowed here. Zoning, you know. Are you looking for a particular address?"
Billy Bob reaches in his jeans pocket. Kind of hard because his jeans were so tight. The girl just stares, mesmerized by this gorgeous guy in the white Stetson.
"I'm looking for 224 Winding Willow."
The girl's brow furrows in perplexity. "Go down to the traffic light and turn right. Continue down for about a mile. Winding Willow is right on the lake."
Billy Bob is a little confused. "How will I know which one is theirs?"
The girl smiles. "Oh, there are address numbers. You can't miss that one. It is the big white estate with the willow trees on either side of the drive. Turn in there and follow the drive up for about a half mile."
Billy Bob is confused. Maybe Rosamond works on the estate. They must have trailers there for their help. Why else would that guy that was with her call her "trailer trash" ? And what about the hunting dogs? That has to be it! She and that John guy must be caretakers. Probably have a little trailer out back. He smiles. Woman like that must be real fun, didn't that John dude say she was cheatin' on him? Guess he doesn't know how to treat her right. Else she wouldn't be dancing in honkeytonks.
Well, honey, I'm here!

Billy Bob finds the willow trees. He turns and goes up the driveway but parks at a discreet distance. Can this really be the place? So where's the trailer?
The house is a veritable mansion. Out back Billy Bob can see a stable, a boat house and a walled in patio. The house is huge, the yard is immaculate--and lots of it. There is a very round person in the garden working and sweating over some destroyed plants. Billy Bob gets out of the truck and walks up to him. Must be the gardener.
"Excuse me, sir---Do you work here?" William looks up and runs his shirt sleeve down his face, wiping the sweat away. "No, I live here. Can I help you?"
Billy Bob looks a little perplexed. "I am looking for a Rosamond D. Clifford. Does she work here?"
"Work here? WORK HERE? Hell no, man..that little trollop lives here. Look what she did to my roses. LOOK!!" William then starts speaking gibberish and foaming at the mouth.
Billy Bob just backs away. "It-it's OK, man. Sorry to upset you."
Billy Bob returns to his truck. Just what was going on? There's no trailer here.
Then he catches sight of her car in the drive. Along with the red Corvette.
Looks like her old man is loaded. Bet they aren't even married. Must be his mistress.
Billy Bob heads back to the Dew Drop Inn. I need to think this whole scene out, he thinks.

Part 128: Monday evening: Gilda takes Coralynn

Part 128: Gilda takes charge? Coralynn

Bethia is glad to see Gilda arrive a few minutes before 6, and goes out to help her carry in her luggage and several boxes of possessions.
"I brought dinner, too," Gilda says happily, placing a large casserole in the oven.
"Are the little sprouts here now?" she asks, and at just that moment Rebecca and Timothy come out of their rooms and ask Bethia if this is their Nanny.
"Yes, this is Mrs. McNamara!" Bethia tells them, "She's going to use the room I was using, and I'm going back to live in the big house again."
The children seem to have no problem with this, but Grace tears up again and clings to Bethia.
Gilda sees the problem right away.
"Now, now," she pulls Grace away from Bethia, "I'm going to be here for you, you sweet little thing." and hugs Grace.
This seems to be all Grace needs to switch her bonding over to a new person. Bethia is relieved.

"Before I leave, though, Gilda, here's a file with instructions which I hope you'll read as soon as possible. There are some important things in there that you must know."
"Surely!" Gilda takes the file and lays it on the counter. "Now you go home and don't worry your head about us."
Bethia leaves the blue house, gets in her car, and drives away, hoping things are going to work out.
She also hopes Gilda reads the material in the folder about what NOT to say around Grace, and many other things, including keeping alcoholic beverages away from her.
There is information about Ludwig upstairs in the folder as well. Not in graphic detail, why scare the woman away, just that Grace is afraid of him, etc.

Grace is clinging on to Gilda, who tells her to please wash up for dinner, because the casserole is almost done.
Grace and the children wash up.

Not much is said during the meal, though Rebecca is scrutinizing Gilda carefully, sizing her up.
Gilda hasn't read the info in the folder yet, so she isn't aware that Grace probably has an IQ of 90, whereas Rebecca's is up off the top of the charts.
She does know the child is very bright, however, just one look at her tells her that.

Soon the children are in the bedroom with the board games, laughing and chatting away.
Grace is sitting listlessly in a stuffed chair, and Gilda can see that the woman has nothing to do. Well, she can fix that, and she pulls some needlework out of one of her bags, shows it to Grace, who takes it gratefully and begins working away.
Gilda flips on the TV and goes to her favorite evening programs. She has one for every hour of the day or night, and doesn't need to consult a TV guide.
Grace looks at the TV and tenses up.
"You don't enjoy watching TV, Grace?"
"Enjoyment is sinful," Grace tells her.
Gilda flips open the file to the page that says "Words to never utter around Grace" and finds the word 'enjoy' there, along with 'fun', 'dance', 'party' and quite a few others.
She decides to read this tomorrow. Tonight she's determined not to miss her shows.
Page 3 in the file tells of Grace's reaction to alcoholic beverages, but of course Gilda has yet to read that far.
She brings out a bottle of wine and pours a little into a glass, then, getting Grace's attention, picks up another glass and waits for Grace to show whether or not she would like to join her.
"Ohhhhhh, that looks like grape juice," Grace is quite pleased, "We used to have grape juice in church for the Lord's Communion. I haven't been able to get to Church this week. Could you pour me some?"
Gilda passes her a glass. Grace downs it within 10 seconds.
Grace also begins to look more relaxed, and is now even watching TV. She is laughing at the jokes like she actually understands them, and Gilda finds her jolly good company.
"Hmmmm," she makes a mental note, "To keep Grace relaxed, give her wine.

"Ludwig has been home all day brooding. His Lady has ignored him, and he's seen women going in and out of the downstairs flat. Wonder what that's all about, he muses.

He hears the sound of the TV coming up through the floorboards. He hears laughter. Ahhhh, but this sounds more like my Lady, my beautiful Lady.
He descends the stairs, trying not to make any noise.
As he then gets to the door to the downstairs flat, he presses his left ear up against the door to hear the melodious laughter of his Lady Love.
That is definitely her, he decides, though I hear another woman's laughter as well.
Gathering up his courage, he knocks on the door.
Grace opens it right away and flings herself into his arms.
Gilda stands up and wonders what this is all about.
Seeing her expression, Ludwig happily tells her, "I'm Luke from upstairs. Grace and I are in love, and about to be engaged. Did she not tell you about me?"
"No, she didn't, but then she doesn't talk all that much, and this is my first day here, Luke. Come in, come in, take a seat. Do you like to watch TV?"
"We're going up to hithhhhh plathhhh," Grace tells her, and taking Ludwig's arm, proceeds to pull him out the door, and soon Gilda can hear the sounds of footsteps going up the stairs.
"Well, isn't that nice?" she thinks, and goes back to watching her shows.

Part 129: +++++++++++++ by Terri

William comes into the house, a hot and sweaty mess. He wipes his face with his shirt sleeve. He tosses his hat on the table. The brim is broken and the crown totally crushed. Like someone had twisted it in bad temper.
John is in the kitchen eating cold pizza and downing a Michelob.
"Hey, what happened to your hat?"
"Let's just say I got bent out of shape and the hat went with the territory."
"How's the rosebed?"
"What rosebed? It's been destroyed by our very own Rose. I swear, that girl is barbed wire and roses. Rust and thorns! Or haven't you noticed, John?"
John keeps eating his pizza and hopes that William will forget what he saw.
Yeah, riiiiiight!
William sits down. "I want to talk to you seriously, John. You need to pick your brother up from Henry's castle. Henry can't be babysitting Daniel. Hell, he can't even babysit himself. The two of them have been sitting there eating pizza, drinking bourbon, playing poker and watching porn flicks. Hardly beneficial for anyone, let alone those two."
John wonders, "Why can't I just leave him locked up? He certainly deserves it. Then maybe you can remember the name you put the coin under. Maybe Celeste could help. We could ask her.."
William sighs. "No, if she remembers she could very well get the coin herself. If she leaves it lying around, it could fall into the wrong hands. Can you imagine who a few of these people could beam into our century? I shudder to think!"
John is argumentive. "Well, why can't we just get him a room somewhere?"
"WHAT? Look at the havoc he wreaked in Southold. Look at the disaster he caused in our house alone! You need to keep an eye on him--you and you alone. Don't even think of asking Bethia to help you because (a) she has her hands full of Grace (b)
she is a woman and to Daniel that is catnip to a cat and (c) no one asked you to do this. You stole the coin. Now you pay the price."
William leaves the room.
John mutters, "You fat old.."

John walks over to Henry's. Henry and Daniel are sitting there watching bass fishing on ESPN. "OK, Daniel, I am here to pick you up. If you give me any grief, I will handcuff you to the bed!"
Daniel brightens up. "Do I get to pick the bed?"
John grabbed him by the shirtcollar. "From now on we are joined at the hip. We will cast a single shadow as it were."
"Oh, like stink on a monkey?"
John just sighs and opens the door. Daniel follows.
Daniel smirks, "Shall I tell you what you missed while you were napping?"
John ignores that remark. "NO," then thinks, And I shan't tell you what you missed while you were incarcerated.
John leads Daniel into his suite of rooms. "Here's a spare bedroom off my room. It is smaller but I think you will be comfortable. The only way out of here is by my room. I am a light sleeper so don't even think of it. Not unless you are Spiderman and can crawl out and down a second story wall. We will have to share clothes. My credit line is uh, unavailable right now."
Daniel says, "Hey, I heard Rosamond went on a shopping spree. Henry said he heard she cleaned out the stores. Then went to some country western bar and got pretty drunk. She had to leave her car. How did she get home?"
John says, "Barely in one piece."
Daniel thinks, Yeah, she was something else when she was sober!
John thinks, Yeah, she was something else when she was plastered!
And sitting at his ranch in Westchester county, Billy Bob is thinking, Yeah, she would be something else when she's cured!

Rosamond spends that afternoon rearranging her furniture and calling a locksmith. Just in case!

Bethia comes into the kitchen. "Whew! Free at last! I finally found a competent nanny for Grace. I trust her implicitly. I gave her very detailed instructions on the care and feeding of Grace and I can breathe easier knowing that Gilda is standing between our resident musicmaker and his main squeeze. By the way, William, what are you cooking?"
William is grating cheese. "Oh, I thought I would make lasagna. With a nice tossed salad. Fresh garlic bread. Kind of a welcome aboard for Daniel."
"Daniel! Why ever would you want to treat that...that...moral bankruptcy to anything except bread and water! And I don't mean seven grain bread and Perrier. I mean Wonder bread and whatever comes out of the tap!"
William hums. "This way John and Daniel will keep an eye on each other. Then they won't each get a chance to back Rosamond in a corner. Dinner's in an hour, by the way."

Everyone meets at 6:00 PM for dinner. William sits at one end of the table and Eleanor sits at the other. Bethia and Henry sit next to each other. Daniel and John appear together.
"I'm not sitting next to HIM!"
"Well, I'm not sitting next to HIM!"
William bellows. "FINE! Each of you take the chairs on that side and leave the seat in the middle to separate you. Were you this argumentive when your mother was carrying you? Did you punch each other out in utero?"
Daniel and John scoot their chairs as far apart from each other as they can.
Bethia asks, "Where's Rosamond? "
Eleanor replies, "She's up in her bedroom with the locksmith."
John gets a panicked look on his face. "Not the locksmith TOO?"
Daniel looks over, "What do you mean, TOO?"
John just reaches over for some bread. "Nothing."
Daniel relaxes and smiles.

Rosamond hurries down to dinner. She enters the dining room and sees the only chair vacant is the one between Daniel and John. "What is going on?" she demands.
William dishes some salad on his plate. "The last down takes the last seat available.
Like in an airplane."
Rosamond pleads with Eleanor. "El, please change seats with me!"
Eleanor retorts. "Oh, don't be such a baby! That seat won't bite!"
Daniel bares his teeth and growls at Rosamond in jest. She turns away from him.
"Bethia," she whispers. "For the love of God please change seats with me!"
Bethia looks at her. "I'm sorry, Rosamond, but I just dished out my food."
"William...." William puts his fingers in his ears, hums and says, "I can't hear you!"
"Henry?" Henry just mfffdjjes, his face stuffed with food.
Reluctantly Rosamond slides into the seat between Daniel and John. She looks down at her plate and reaches for a piece of bread.
Bethia, to make polite conversation, says, "I understand you went shopping, Rosamond. Were there any good sales?"
Eleanor supplies, "Oh, Rosamond didn't shop the sales rack. It was onward and forward!" Eleanor makes a gesture with her fist straight out.
William loads up with salad. "I hope Rosamond bought some saltpeter."
Rosamond just sits there, miserable, between the two men she is torn between.
"So what did you buy?"
Rosamond says, "Oh, I bought shoes...and a fur coat....and lingerie...and perfume...and jewelry...." Her voice is getting higher and higher and her breath is coming in short ragged breaths.
Daniel sits there, eating his lasagna. His eyes are on Bethia, as if fascinated by her conversation. But unbeknownst to all but one person, his foot is playing footsie with his dinner companion and his hand is traveling up her thigh!

Rosamond moves her hand down under the table. She reaches over to Daniel's hand. Stroking his hand gently, Daniel moves his hand further up her thigh. Just when he is thinking he's heading for a trip to the moon on gossamer wings, Rosamond grabs his index finger and bends it back as far as she can. She never takes her eyes off Bethia as she is telling her experiences with Grace. Rosamond then twists Daniel's finger. He is trying very hard not to cry out. Then Rosamond grinds her high heel into the instep of Daniel's foot. He bites his lip but he doesn't flinch.
William sits there like a benevolent father surveying his children. "See how nice it is when all of us can eat together and be civilized. I am very proud of all of you!"
Rosamond says sweetly, "Please pass the pitcher of water. I am incredibly thirsty all of a sudden."
William smiles and passes it to her, giving her a "thumbs up" with his eyes.
Rosamond "clumsily" dumps the entire pitcher in Daniel's lap.
He jumps up, gasping and limping in place. "Ohhhhh, I am SO sorry, Daniel. Did I spill ice down your pants?" She attempts to mop him up.
Rosamond's eyes grow wide. "Oh, I am so clumsy! My but this must be the equivalent of a wet T-shirt contest. Allow me please to dry you off."
Daniel pushes her hand away. "It's nothing. NOTHING!"
Rosamond says under her breath, "You can say that again!"

Rosamond gets up from the table. "May I please be excused?"
William frowns, thinking how wonderful things had been five minutes ago. "Yes, yes."
Daniel surveys the pants and shakes the leg out. "I seem to be standing in a puddle of water. I need to change them."
John says darkly. "Should I go too, William?"
"Whatever for? Daniel is a big boy, he can change his own pants!"
John continues to eat. Eleanor and Bethia exchange glances.
Rosamond is walking towards the staircase. Daniel catches her arm. "Just what were you trying to pull?"
Rosamond pulls away. "You are as barbaric as a Saxon!"
Daniel laughs. "You should be glad I am not a Viking! You would have been ravaged and plundered by now!"
"What makes you think I haven't!"
Daniel leans close to Rosamond. "How about me and you doing a spot of rollickin'?
I've had many women before and not one of them's complained. Including you!"

John appears in the doorway. "What's going on?"
Rosamond starts up the stairs. "Nothing! I'm going to finish cleaning out my closet.
I expect to be left alone for the rest of the night! Will is still at summer camp. I have to go through his clothes to see what he has outgrown."
John turns and goes back into the dining room. Daniel follows Rosamond up to her door. She fumbles with the key. "Allow me--the lock must be new and sticking."
He takes the key from her hand and opens the door. As she crosses the threshold,
Daniel attempts to follow her in. She slams the door in her face.
Through the door she yells. "I thought you Puritans were supposed to be so proper!"
Daniel yells back, "I may not be a priest but I can get you to heaven!"
He turns around and John is standing there. "Ah, ale and wenches! Neither are cheap. Both are likely to leave you with a nasty headache in the morning. Yet what would a man do without them?"
With that, Daniel turns, and whistling, he goes down to the room he shares with his brother.

Rosamond sits down on her bed. She's bored. She can't go shopping, her source of credit has been cut off.
She goes to the balcony. A full moon. Too good to waste sitting around here. She doesn't want to be asked alot of nosy questions on where she's going. She changes into her jeans and pullover sweater. Gathering her purse, she digs for the car keys. She slides the French doors open and steps onto the balcony and sneaks quietly down the spiral staircase by the pool. She slides into the seat of her Miata and turns the key. The engine emits a low growl. Just my luck, she thinks. William probably installed a lo-jack in my car and can chart my every move. I'm glad I kept the top down. She quietly pulls out of the driveway and, tossing her hair in the wind, she heads down Hwy 141.

She pulls into the parking lot of the Dew Drop Inn. Just a quick drink to relax, she thinks. No harm in that! She walks in and the place is exceptionally crowded.
She slides onto the barstool. "Hey, Bobby Joe!"
Bobby Joe grins at her. "Hey, Tequila Sunrise!"
All of a sudden, Rosamond hears singing. She turns around and she catches her breath. There on the stage of the Dew Drop Inn is Billy Bob Montgomery, resplendant in his jeans, White Stetson, and brilliant smile. Behind him is an entire backup band. He grabs the mike and starts strumming on his guitar, singing of cheating women and rodeos. The women at the Dew Drop Inn are swooning, the men are stomping their feet and belting back their beers.
When Billy Bob is finished, the applause is deafening. He catches Rosamond's eye and breaks out in a smile. She raises her glass and gives a little wave.
After his set, Billy Bob breaks away from his adoring crowd of groupies and heads toward Rosamond. "You've got the best child-bearing hips I've ever seen. Can I buy you a pint?"
And Rosamond smiles and said, "I can't think of a reason why not?"

Bobby Joe puts two Longneck Buds in front of Rosamond and Billy Bob.
He smiles beguilingly. "Y'know, I'm in love with ya, baby, and I don't even know your name!"
Rosamond takes a long sip of beer. She turns to Billy Bob and holds out her hand.
"My name is Rosalie...Rosalie Gifford. Pleased to meet you!" Rosamond is a little apprehensive about giving out her real name. If worse came to worse, she could always tell Billy Bob that he must have heard wrong, and she never noticed.
Billy Bob smiles, showing a gorgeous set of teeth. "Nice to meet you, Rosalie. .I've met you before, once upon a dream! My name is Billy Bob Montgomery from Austin, Texas."
Rosamond laughs.
Billy Bob says, "I'm surprised you even remembered me from the other night. You were pretty likkered up and lacquered down!"
Rosamond frowns. "Bad day...the worst! Bad weekend..bad month..." then her face brightens and she holds her beer glass up. "But hey, here's to better days...and better friends...and hopefully better lovers!"
Billy Bob smiles. "I'll drink to that!" And they click glasses.

Daniel is restless. John is in the library, playing on something called a computer.
Daniel goes to the balcony and lites up the last of his home-rolled Virginia tobacco cigarettes. He spies Henry sitting by the pool drinking an Alka-seltzer and belching.
Daniel heads down the balcony stairs. "Hey, Henry, what are you doing?"
"Just *burp* trying to *belch* settle my dinner. Guess I ate too much! "
Daniel sits in the lawn chair next to him. He keeps rubbing his finger where it's starting to swell.
"John is in playing on that contraption called a computer. Eleanor and Bethia and William are playing some board game and Rosamond has locked herself in her room.
I knocked but she ignored me. Guess she won't come out to play--or let me in!"
Henry laughs bawdily. "I know a place where we can go--drink and listen to great music and check out the local women. Are you game?"
Daniel smiles broadly. "Am I game? Don't shoot me! Hell, yes, just lead me to it. Let me go take care of something upstairs, OK?"
Henry smiles. "I'll meet you by the garage. That big Eldorado is mine!"
Daniel quietly goes up the stairs. He grabs some towels and bunches them up in the bed, then throws the blankets over them. He looks in the closet and finds a volleyball and stuffs that under the pillow so it looks like he is totally asleep.
He changes into John's boots and puts on his black pullover.
Henry is waiting in the car with the motor running. "LET'S GO BOOT-SCOOTIN'!"

"So, Billy Bob, looks like you come here often!"
Billy Bob leans towards Rosamond. "Well, my Uncle Jed owns this establishment.
It was a real rundown place and he took it and revamped it. Lucky country music is making a come-back because Jed really turned this place around. I fool around on the guitar, me and some of my friends and Jed asked me if I wanted to sing here a few nights a week. Well, I've got a real following. Funny I haven't seen you around town before."
Rosamond says, "Well, I had been working alot. I work in New York City. I am an actress."
Billy Bob is impressed. "An actress! Are you in one of those chorus line on Broadway?"
Rosamond is blown away. "You mean you don't watch 'As the Planet Turns'?"
"No, Miss Rosalie. I guess I am too busy with the Thoroughbred Ranch to watch TV.
The horses and the music are all I care about..well, just about! Sure hope you get to feeling better. Can I take you out for dinner when you are a little more peart?"
Rosamond looks at him funny.
"Everyone keeps thinking I am sick. What gives?"
Billy Bob pats her hand. "I heard in high school hygiene class that it isn't all that rare.
Hell, anyone can make a mistake! And you can't even tell by looking at you!
No festering pustules!"
Rosamond has just about had it. "WHAT are you talking about?"
Billy Bob gets all embarrassed. "You know--VD! Sex-u-a-lly transmitted diseases.
The clap!"
Rosamond is aghast. "Where did you hear THAT? That's an outright lie!"
Billy Bob is still embarrassed. "That guy--that husband of yours, told me and some of the guys in the band that you gave him a dose. I did find it hard to believe. None of those guys back there in the band will bother you. And they are all dog lovers, too. Guess you are pretty handy with a shotgun. But what I can't understand is..why did he call you trailer trash?"
Rosamond is furious. "TRAILER TRASH? TRAILER TRASH? Just what else did that...that...what else did he tell you?"
Billy Bob takes a swig of his Bud. "Let's cheated on him with his brother, left your little baby at home with your mother while you got all likkered up in town, then ran through his money, wrecked his pick up, and shot his dog. That dog bit really bothered him. Can I get you another beer?"
Rosamond says, "No, but get me a Tequila Sunrise..make it a double and I'll set you straight. First of all, I don't have a baby, I used his credit cards and he can well afford it, he doesn't own a pick up truck and he doesn't have a dog!"
Bobby Joe sets the drinks down in front of them. "What about the brother?"
Rosamond takes a long drink. "What about him?"

Henry and Daniel stop in the parking lot of the Dew Drop Inn. "Now we are gonna have some fun! I have heard about this place but have never been here. Daniel, a word of warning...don't start any fights and keep your mouth shut. If you do that, we'll have a good time. Hey...look! In the parking lot there....a Miata, that red one there! Rosamond has a car just like it. Wonder if it is hers?"
Daniel gets out and shuts the car door. "Naw, she went to bed early. Much too much of a big weekend."
Henry just laughs. "Yes, especially after Saturday night!"
Daniel frowns. "What about Saturday night? She wasn't with me."
Henry fumbles with the door lock. "Did I say Saturday? I must have made a mistake!"

Billy Bob says, "Well, what ABOUT the brother?"
Bobby Joe yells from the end of the bar. "Hey, Billy Bob, the band wants you back on stage!"
Billy Bob straightens up and finishes his beer. "Guess I'd better go."
Rosamond stares straight ahead. "Yes, you'd better go, Mr. Montgomery."
Rosamond sits there and finishes her Tequila Sunrise. Billy Bob had finished two songs in his set and then after the applause, said, 'Folks, we have an actress in the crowd. Miss Rosalie Gifford!" The crowd claps and Rosamond looks embarrassed.
"Now, I hear tell actresses can sing, too. And I wonder if the little lady would like to join me in a duet. How about it, folks?"
The applause is deafening and people are cheering Rosamond on. Someone is leading her by the hand and one burly guy put his hands on her waist and lifts her onto the stage.
Billy Bob says, "How about singing ' Wild as the Wind' with me?"
Rosamond is bashfull but has had enough of the Tequila to make her willing to try.
"OK, stud. Let's give it a go!"
The band cranks up and Rosamond and Billy Bob sing perfect harmony.
After, the crowd gives them a standing ovation.
Rosamond is deeply moved. As she scans the crowd, the door opens to the Dew Drop Inn and who should walk in but Henry Tudor and Daniel Gwinnett. At least she was pretty sure it was Daniel..or John...who can tell when the shirt is on?
Rosamond panicks. Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of here....
She turns her back and says to Billy Bob. "Too much beer and tequila, I need the facilities! Billy Bob grabs her hand and helps her off the stage like a cavalier.
Rosamond runs into the bathroom and jumps on the wastecan. She loosens up a screen and cranks the window open. Crawling through, she jumps and hits the ground running. She can't get to that Miata fast enough, starts it up and roars out of the parking lot.

Henry and Daniel go up to the bar. Henry says, "Two of your finest meads, please."
Bobby Joe looks him. "If you want meat, you'd better go to the Lone Steer, pal."
Daniel says, "Let me handle this. Two ales, please."
Bobby Joe smiles. "That's more like it, partner!"
Billy Bob is still singing. After the end of his song, he says to the crowd, "How about we get Rosalie up here to sing with me again?" The crowd claps.
Billy Bob shieldes his eyes and scans the crowd. "Rosalie? Rosalie? You out there? Come on up, darlin', if you are!"
The burly man from the crowd yells out, "Looks like she took a powder on you, Billy Bob!"
Billy Bob starts playing a tune that showcased the talents of his band. During the instrumental, he passes a note to the barmaid.
It reads: 'Please check the ladies' room for Rosalie.'
Verla, the barmaid checks the room. No Rosalie.
She goes up to Billy Bob and whispers, "No one in there but the screen is busted out and the window cranked open."
Billy Bob bites his lip. Just what is the deal with that little filly? She jumped the fence?

Rosamond roars into the back driveway and slams the brakes on. She jumps out of the car and heads for the living room. William, Bethia and Eleanor look up from their game of Trivial Pursuit.
"Rosamond! We thought you were in for the night!" William exclaims.
Rosamond throws her purse down. "WHERE'S JOHN?"
Eleanor jerks her thumb back over her shoulder. "He's in the library. Peanuts?"
Eleanor holds the bowl out to Rosamond.
Rosamond smacks the bowl out of Eleanor's hand and walks out.
Eleanor and Bethia start giggling. "Oh, this we HAVE to hear!"
Rosamond stomps into the library. "HOW DARE YOU! Telling strange men that I have VD? That I shot your dog? That I dumped my baby? And that I am married to you and cheated on you?"
John hit "save" on the computer and looked at her. "Well, I had to get you out somehow. I used the universal law in the male world. I appealed to their sense of well-being, camaraderie and the justice due a husband for a cheating wife. No man in the world would have denied me the opportunity to mete out a little 'backwoods justice'."

Then John puts on a phony southern accent. "You were in serious peril, lil' lady. I bailed your butt out of it. Are you disappointed I didn't turn you over my knee and spank you?"
Rosamond turns on her heel. "YOU WISH! So I guess you just think we are going to kiss and make up, don't you? Well, forget it!"
She yanks the door open and Bethia and Eleanor fall into the room.

During the break, Billy Bob goes to the bar. He says to Bobby Joe, "Where do you suppose Rosalie went?" Bobby Joe just shrugs. "Who knows? Hey, Verla, any sign of Tequila Sunrise?"
Verla says, "No, and use her real name. Tequila Sunrise sounds like someone who would work at Lollipops down the street. A real stripper name!"
Henry and Daniel start talking to Billy Bob. "Lose someone?" Henry asks.
Billy Bob orders a bourbon and branch. "Misplaced, more likely. I suppose she'll come walking through that door again. If not, I work at the DMV and got her driver's license info. Her name is Rosalie and she's a pretty little thing. She came in here a few times. Trouble is, she's married to a guy..hey, wait a minute! YOU'RE THAT GUY! Sure am sorry, pal, don't mean to cause you any trouble between you and the missus. She sure didn't cheat with ME!"
Daniel pointed to himself "ME? Married? I think not, pal. I am unfettered!"

Billy Bob looks at him closely. "Are you sure? You came out here and dragged her away. Said she cheated on you and had a social disease and killed Ol' Red."
Daniel shakes his head, "Dude, I've never been in this establishment in my life. Guess you have me confused with someone else."
Billy Bob shrugs. "Maybe. It is awfully dim in here." Then he grins. "And I was feeling no pain that night!"
Henry leaves to use the facilities and check out the women. Daniel takes a long drink.
"Yeah, I know how you feel, pal. I kind of lost the girl of my dreams, too."
Billy Bob smiles as he remembers Rosamond dancing with him that first night.
"She had a face of an angel and a body made for sin!"
Daniel says, "So what's your story, pal?"
Billy Bob turns to Daniel. "Well, she came in here a few nights ago, trying to drown her sorrows. Think she had a situation with her husband's brother. Poor girl--probably got seduced by a no-good brother-in-law. Probably the guy was trying to get back at his brother. Anyways, the husband comes in here all het up and dragged her out by the hair. She came in a couple of times since and I found out she didn't have the STD after all. Didn't kill his dog. But clammed up on the other stuff. Don't think she's happily married, though. Anyways, we kind of hit it off and she came up and did a duet with me. Really brought the house down. I've been looking for a female partner now and then to do some of the love songs I hear. Her name is Rosalie."
Daniel orders a bourbon and branch and asked Billy Bob, "Need a refill?"
Billy Bob downs the rest of his drink. "Suits me fine, pal. Thanks! So--what's your tale of woe?"

Rosamond slams the door to her room shut. And I was having a good time, she thinks. Then those two morons had to come in. At least my closet is safe tonight, knowing those two are dousing their walnut brains in liquor. Then Rosamond feels a twinge of longing. But for who? John or Daniel? Or possibly...Billy Bob? No, she thinks, my life is complicated enough. She fills the tub up with hot water, bath oil, lit the candles and slides into the water, humming 'Wild as the Wind'.

John comes out of the library and into the living room where the three others are now playing Scrabble. William looks over his reading glasses. "Why did you tell all those lies about Rosamond?"
John looks down at all the peanuts on the floor. "I don't know. I got really jealous of that cowboy dancing with her."
Eleanor says, "That cowboy is the least of your problems. Daniel is a bigger threat. He's like you...but with a bad boy attitude that some women find irresistable. Pretzels?" Eleanor holds the bowl out. Daniel smacks it out of her hand and walks out the room. Bethia starts giggling. "I'll get the vacuum!"

Daniel leans back against the bar. "Seems like my brother had this unrequited love for a sweet young thing he's living with. So I requited it!"
Billy Bob is puzzled. "Living with him? But how can it be?"
Daniel smiles. "It's a long story and you wouldn't believe it if I told you the whole story. I can't believe half of it myself. My brother took me in from a bad situation and now I am rooted in his house like a turnip. Anyways, he tried to drug me to keep me away from her. But I beat him to the punch, as it were. If I weren't such a gentleman,"
and here Daniel winks, "I'd give you the lowdown. Suffice to say, my brother and I are not on good terms. This babe is something else. Like fire and ice. Been around, though. She even had an affair with the king!"
"The KING? But Elvis has been dead for 25 years!"
"KIng Elvis? What country is he king of?"
Billy Bob starts laughing. "Oh, you crack me up, boy. What's this little hot-stuff's name?"
Daniel runs his fingers through his hair. "Rose."
The crowd is clamouring for Billy Bob to get back to playing his set.
Verla comes over to him. "Clint's wife just called. She's in labor. He just left."
Billy Bob groans. "Oh, great! NOW what do I do for a fiddle player?"
Daniel's ears perk up. "Fiddle? You need a fiddle player?"
Billy Bob sighs. "Yes. Without Clint we are up the creek without a paddle. It was Clint's last week anyhow. He was going to move to Tennessee after the baby was born."
Daniel grins. "Shake hands with the best fiddle player Southold Long Island ever produced!"
Billy Bob smiles broadly. "Let's see how you do!"
The two of them go on stage and join the band.
"This here guy is gonna sit in for Clint."
The rest of the band welcomes Daniel warmly. Daniel picks up the fiddle and between all of them, they make magical history.
After the set is over, Billy Bob says, "Come on, I'll buy you a drink!"
After the drinks are set down, Billy Bob says to Daniel, "Would you like to play with the band in the evenings? The pay is low but the liquor is free."
Daniel drinks. "Why, I'd be right pleased!"
Billy Bob holds out his hand."I'm Billy Bob Montgomery."
Daniel shakes his hand. "Daniel Gwinnett, at your service."
"Well, Daniel Gwinnett--welcome aboard!"

: Part 130: William drops a Coralynn

Eleanor and Bethia are putting away the Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble games when William clears his throat and announces,
"Did I tell you that tomorrow a TV camera crew is coming to document "Spend A Day with William the Conquering Chef?"
"What?!" both women respond simultaneously.
"Surely you've seen at weekly feature on TV, you know, the show about spending a day with various celebrities. Looks like I qualify!"
"What?!" the women respond again.
William figures he'd better explain as obviously these two have never heard of it.
"They come with cameras in the morning and keep them positioned all over the house until about 9 or 10pm, so that they can broadcast the most interesting parts of the celebrity's day. I need everyone to be on their best behaviour."
"What best behavior, William?" Eleanor is annoyed, "Shall we tiptoe around saying sweet things to one another? Shall we tell Rose to stop having all her "romantic" problems for an entire day? Think that'll happen? Shall we tell just one of them, either John or Daniel, to stay hidden? What?"
Rosamond has now come downstairs for a bite of something......she didn't get much to eat at the Dew Drop Inn, just stuff to drink, and her stomach is rumbling.
"What is this??" she demands, "You are going to have cameras all over the house? What are you thinking, William? Are they going to put one in my bedroom for instance?"
William grins, "I don't think that would be wise of them, Rose, after all this TV program is shown during the family hour. It is not R rated."
"Are you suggesting that my life is R rated?" Rosamond is becoming more than annoyed.
"You'll have to stop smacking snack dishes out of people hands," Eleanor breaks into the conversation.
"I've never heard of anything that outrageous! If they want to spend the day with you, William, I would suggest someone follow YOU around with a hand-held camera. How many rooms are they going to put cameras in anyway?"
"All the common areas," William explains, feeling nervous because he hadn't expected such a negative reaction from the others.
"Common areas...." Rosamond picks it up from there, "Like the kitchen, the dining room, the living room......where else, William?"
"Wait and see," he gets up from his chair and goes into the kitchen, "But I warn on your best behavior."
William shakes his head and goes up the stairs to his room.

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