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Welcome to MY site

BLOG (2.13.03) Hey guys. Sorry about not updating my site so much. I'm getting lazy again and since I'm using scratch to update my site, it takes a while just to post pictures, etc. I still have a lot more pictures to upload and links to finish up, but I'll get around to it when I have time. As for now, I hope all of you are doing great. Happy valentine's Day tomorrow and have fun!

BLOG (1.27.03) Ok, I uploaded most of the pictures from our trip. Check under ROAD TRIP and you'll be able to see them.

BLOG (1.20.03) I'm back from San Francisco and I can definitely say I had a great time over there. Despite the reckless driving, near collisions, and bad directions we experienced the overall trip was exhilarating. Derek and I took turns driving his beamer and visited a few friends and saw interesting sites. Unfortunately, a few of our plans had to be cancelled due to time restraints but like I said, it was a fun trip.

On day one, we left around 1:30 pm and headed towards the 5 freeway. It was funny, since Derek was driving for the first few hours, he met a 300z and a Lexus IS 300 that kept flashing their lights at us. So I guess Derek decided to take the challenge and raced them. I was taking a nap at the time and didn't wake up until I heard the beamer's engine roaring. Anyway it took us about 3 or 4 horus before we finally hit HARRIS RANCH where we took a quick break for food and gas. We then headed back on the freeway and finally arrived in SARATOGA. David, Derek's godfather, took us out for dinner and by the time we came back home I was just pooped. We spent the next few nights at David's house.

The next day, Derek and I traveled up to San Francisco and met up with Derek's girlfriend, Tricia. She called up her cousin, Julie, and the four of us set out for a small tour of San Francisco. We took the bus from her home and traveled to downtown frisco. We took a trolly up the streets where we encountered the pier. There was some guy hiding behind a fence of brushes where he would intermittently scare people for donations. There was another guy who coated his entire body in silver and acted as if he was an android or robot of some sort... Anyway, we went further down the pier and saw groups of sea lions laying lazily atop buoys. I took a few pictures of them, so I'll be posting them up later. We finished the night off at the pool halls and headed home. I didn't get much sleep the past few weeks, so I was dead tired by the time we left San Francisco.

On day three, we were supposed to go skiing up in Reno, but we decided not too since we heard the weather would be pretty bad up there. So instead, we visited our buddy Derek in San Jose. We chilled at his house for a while, and finally headed to San Francisco to pick up Tricia again. We went to J-town and had sushi over there. Derek and I tried what looked like seals in the picture, but it really turned up to be dumplings. haha. After dinner, we saw a lot of people gathered around some miniature race-track where people raced with toy cars. It was pretty cool, cuz the cars were going pretty fast. Well, since most of the clubs required you to be 21, we watched National Security at the AMC. It took a lot of tolerance to watch Martin Lawerance because his character in the movie was annoying. It was pissing me off. It's like, DAMN IT, stfu already. But the overall movie was pretty funny :) After the movie, we wanted to shoot pool, but when we got there the place was literally packed with people. So the four of us went down to San Jose to go bowling. Crazy stuff happened there, but I'll tell you later. Anyway, it was another late night for us, since Derek took his time in the car. *achem*

On Sunday, Derek and I traveled to Oakland and Berekley. Since there was a Raider's game that day, traffic was sorta heavy. We got to Cal in about an hour and found Derek and Daniel. Since a lot of the fraternities were partying, we decided to attend one of them for FREE FOOD! The brothers over thought we were from Berkely and tried to get us to pledge. We didn't but the guys were nice enough to take us on a quick tour around the house. If you've ever seen the movie THE OTHERS, the house was pretty similar to that...'cept it was crappier. We toured around the campus and had dinner at FAT SLICE. Thanks again for dinner and everything Daniel. I LOVE BERKLEY!

So after a few days of fun, it was time to head back. The plan was to leave Berkeley pretty early, go back to Dav's house and sleep really early and finally wake up at 6:30 am and set off. Unfortunately, the plan didn't work out, cuz we slept around 1 or 2 am and woke up at 11:00 am. I guess it didn't matter too much, since I drove freakin' fast back towards LA. I think it took about 3 hours 'til we hit LA...and add another 1 or 2 hours because of the traffic.

We took 3 rolls of film and we're getting them developed. I should have them by friday, so I'll post all of them on my website probably by next week. Sigh, first day of Spring Semester tomorrow and I'm dreading it. Hope ya'll havin' a fun holiday!

BLOG (1.1.03) Happy New year's!!

BLOG (12.26.02) Hope ya'll had a great christmas. We just spent the night away watching BICENTENNIAL MAN and INSOMNIA. Both movies with ROBIN williams.heh. Anyway, if ANY of you guys are interested in going to MAGIC MOUNTAIN for only $23 dollars this or next year, just CONTACT me. Thanks.

BLOG (12.21.02) I attended my BOY SCOUTS COH banquet tonight at the strawhat pizza place. We had a short awards ceremony and a small gift exchange. I got a nice mess kit (which I really need for the long-term campouts) from Steven. -Thanks again. Anyway, I rushed to tommy's house right after for the youth meeting. We had our first 'secret santa' gift exchange which turned out pretty nice. I got a kool book from chris (thanks!) and some chocolates from Dale :) oh yea, I watched LORD OF THE RINGS II: THE TWO TOWERS on friday. The movie was extremely long. But fun and interesting to watch nonetheless. If any of you guys plan on watching THE HOT CHICK, please don't because it'll be a waste of your 6 bucks. The directing was horrible and all the funny scenes can be seen in the trailers. heh. Well, 4 more days 'till christmas and i'm excited. catch me if you can!

BLOG (12.11.02) Hey guys! Check out BOY SCOUT PICTURES that I took during our Shooting Campout last weekend. They brought about 5 sniper rifles, 2 shotguns, 8 .32 rifles, 3 pistols, and about 6 .22 rifles. My FAVORITE rifle is the .308 Sniper Rifle that Jeff brought. That thing was so accurate and precise, but also had a pretty high recoil. My shoulder was bruised by the end of the day. The pistol I loved using was the Glock 14 that Daniel brought. It carried 16 bullets and reminded me of the glock used in CS. Anyway, after we spent the entire saturday shooting rifles, Steve and Shad brought their paintball guns and pistols where we played HUNTER at night. They dressed up in camo and held duels against one another. When it was my turn to duel, I got shot once in the ass and several times on my back and leg. If you've never been hit by a paintball...GOOD, cuz it HURTS like a &^$#(*@#^!!!!!! Well, the overall campout was fun and we didn't have any accidents like the one we had last year. Sorry, I haven't been online for the past few days, I had connection problems with both our computers.

BLOG (12.3.02) It's December. You know what that means... PRESENTS on the 25th! haha. jk. But it's my favorite time of the year since I get to see people like you again. I'm out for the weekend again...I have a Shooting Campout with my scout troop. But i'll be be back on sunday. Heh, and the next week should be really fun and interesting cuz that's when we start our finals. well, i hope to hear from you soon.

BLOG (11.28.02) Guess who's back?! haha, we got back from the winter retreat a few hours ago, but I took a few minutes to upload a few pictures. If you click on CONCORDIA PICTURES, you should be able to see them. Anyway, I enjoyed the winter retreat very much. Although we left a day late, we were able to catch up on everything. Surprisingly, it didn't rain again like last year, but it was freakin' cold. I thought I would have some time to write stuff, but once we got there, there was always something to do. We held several meetings where the lil kids and the older youth bonded. Oh, and yesterday night, Tommy took out his expensive camera and took pictures of the stars and planets. It was absolutely clear that night, so all the constellations and planets were out. None of us saw any shooting stars, 'cept Nancy who saw two of them! haha, and then I guess it just got way too cold out there for us so we spent the rest of the night dealing cards with the older youth. Anyway, it was an overall fun experience and I'm waiting again for next year. :)

BLOG (11.28.02) first of all... Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I'm thankful for friends like you :) I'm out for a retreat this weekend so I'll be back sunday afternoon. But it looks like I have to finish my term paper before I leave... heh. Derek, Steve, and Daniel came over yesterday really late. We just chilled in my house and finally left to Rowland Heights. Came back late where we watched Frailty...everyone fell asleep, haha. snorin' daniel. :0 zZzZz ) Anyway, I slept through the entire day. We're about to have our turkey dinner in a few minutes and I'm freakin' hungry. Oh, btw, something is wrong with my entire subprofile thing. it's not working again for some reason...heh, so i'm resorting over here now. Have the best time everyone.

BLOG (11.17.02) wahoo..i finally created a GUEST BOOK for my site, so you better sign it or else. haha, jk :b anyway, I watched the premiere of HP2 last friday. It was a pretty good movie, but as always the books are simply better. I'm beginning work this monday (finally i get paid) and also get my advisor appointment with ucla this tuesday. I'm looking forward to turkey day and my 4 day weekend. :) but ya know, a few weeks after that means finals...and finals mean stress...and stress leads to incoherence and bahhhhhhhhhh. anyway, have another fun week ya'll. :b

BLOG (11.14.02) ok, i'm just gonna start blogging in here now since my subprofile refuses to work. I finally received my National Eagle Medal yesterday so i'm really :D haa, and i just finished my midterms last tuesday so i'm happy about that too... but school's almost over which means that finals are coming up. :b Anyway, anyone see 8- mile yet? Is it good? HP2 comes out tomorrw! haha, so go watch that too

BLOG (11.13.02) sorry, but i've been pretty lazy the past few days to update anything. Actually, I haven't had the time to load up any more pictures either. But i'll get around to that sooner or later. Anyway, "all i need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend." haha, nice song eh?

BLOG (11.12.02) it's tuesday! what are you doing looking at my site instead of watching Smallville!??! tonight at 9 !!!!

BLOG (11.07.02) ok, so I realized that not all of the pictures can be seen when you click on them. I'll try and fix it so you guys can. Any more problems on here? Oh, and if you guys want to submit pictures, then I'll be glad to post anything up. ;)

BLOG (11.05.02) If you guys CLICK under PROM 2002 and go to GALLERY 1 and GALLERY 2, you should be able to view the pictures. If you can't access them then tell me. I'll upload more later. LYRICS page is updated

BLOG (11.02.02) i'm still uploading a few pictures and messing around with javascript. don't worry, i think everyone will be able to view the pics now... have fun ya'll

BLOG (10.28.02) Ok, If you click under BEACH PICTURES you'll find some random pics. I'm still working on the gallery pictures and the other links. I'm gonna work around javascript and make sure it can be seen by everyone. heh.

BLOG (10.20.02) I realized that the other gallery links cannot be viewed. It's protected by this server, so I guess if you wanna view them then i have to add you to some list or whatever. tell me if you wanna see. i hate javascript.

BLOG (10.16.02) More pictures, new layout for Prom and "lyrics" link now functions.

BLOG (10.15.02) Some more photos have been uploaded into the "pictures" link. A few more pictures can be found under "prom 2002". Sorry it took so long to post them. The layout on each of them are pretty crappy, but I'll fix everything later. I just wanted to get these pictures up before I forget. heh, I still have a lot of pictures to upload. I've also added a midi file from ff8 :b

BLOG (9.27.02) My bio has been updated

BLOG (9.19.02) The links are taking me the longest to finish. There's just too much stuff I have to add. A lot of this html/javascript stuff is a bit confusing. If YOU would like to work on one of the links, please tell me. :)

BLOG (9.15.02) I'm still working on the links. It took me an entire day to make the front layout alone! So be patient yea? I still have a bunch of pictures to upload and edit so that's gonna take me a while. If you guys have any pictures you would like me to post then ask. As for now, enjoy. :)


Blog (09.14.02) I finally created a frontpage for my site. I decided to use the Final Fantasy 8 theme for my layout (btw, I'm not a FF8 freak). I'll try to update as much as possible and post a lot of pictures, thoughts, friends, etc. But so far I'm not done with the site just yet. Don't bother clicking on any of the links because they won't work until I get everything sorted out. Site is still under construction!

BLOG (9.10.02) I'm creating as fast as I can! AGHH, bah humbug to all this javascript and html crap.

BLOG (9.5.02) Does anyone wanna help me choose a layout? I've been thinking about some girly layout like Daniel's site (haha), but I dunno. Help!

Site Updates (12.16.02) Here's what can be viewed:BIOGRAPHY. PICTURES. PROM. BEACH. LYRICS. CONCORDIA. BOY SCOUTS

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Nov. 4, 2002 .

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