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Interesting Stuff I've Encountered!

The interesting things I've run into when I've been exploring my religion. Some are miracles, some "coincidence"(doesn't exsisit!), some are brushes with other worlds and beings, and some are just borderline dangerous!

I've had alot of freaky encounters in my day. NO- I AM NOT crazy or "fantasy prone"... I've even seen counslers and they say I'm not so HA THERE! (no- i wasn't seeing the counslers for this- sillys! Personal family issues and depression) No- i'm just different from most "normal" people- if I'm even human at all! I'm extra sensative or whatever you'ld like to call it- hey its not always a gift! Sometimes its downright annoying and scary- for years I wished to be like evryone else... but now I'm thankful and see its value. I swear- I'm like some freak paranormal magnet! Ask anyone close to me... my family and best friends... I'm just different- don't want to sound egotistical or anything- but I am!

Anyways... there is stuff out there that us humans cannot even begin to understand or comprehend- our brains just don't work in the right way. The great plan, or whatever you'ld like to call it, is much to complecated for little egotyistical humans like us to figure out! But I've attempted to break the ice between and this is what I've seen....

If you've been through similar stuff- you know what I'm talking about.....


When I did my true love spell, well at the time I was practically obsessed with this guy named Jeremy. (puppy love) Anyways... I did the spell out of desperation- I finally reached the point of just want the rigth one- not nessicarially him. After that spell I wanted to date no one. I had many Jeremys ask me out (which was weird) and I told every guy "no" without barley thinking. Then out of the blue this guy I hardly knew named Jereme (yes- spelled right) asked me out- and out my mouth popped a "yes:- and I smacked myself. I hardly knew him and I thought it would last like a week. I'm still with him today. The name thing is weird... he is my different Jereme.. even spelled different.

When I did my cleansing candle spell I used a magick circle in my room. It clears out all the clutter of your life as well as negative energies in the room. Well, ever since if I try to bring the cordless phone into that area where the circle was (my altar) it goes all fuzzy. Weird- some kinda suction field or something.

Last year one of my friends was going through a hard time. She was hanging around bad people and trashing her life and reputation. Well, me and a few others were concerned (we all weren't even talking to her anymore it had gotten so bad) so we got together and did a spell for her hoping she'ld realize what she was doing. That night after the spell, even though we weren't talking, she called me wanting to change everything wanting to know what had gone wrong. After talking awhile I asked why she had called, even though we weren't talking, and she said she just had the strangest feeling to call me. Everythings been ok since.

This one is kinda funny! Well, I'd gotten a new book on herbs and different applications and myths about them. I read that basil is useful for dieters. It said that if you wanted to help someone diet... place basil under their plate and whatever is on the plate they will not be able to eat. So, I decided to try an experiment. My boyfriend had bought me a chochalate chip cheesecake and my sister had been eyeing it. So... I cut a peice, put it on a plate (basil underneath ofcourse), left it on the table and walked away. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, here comes my sister with a disgusted look on her face spitting out cheesecake. THen she exclaimed..."ickk! what is in that cheesecake- it tastes like MUD!" It was pretty funny- after i told her about my little prank she could eat it just fine. Hmmmmm- weird.

Dreams Oh- where do I begin???

Well, once I dreamt Jereme would dump me wearing a blue plaid shirt at Wendy's when it was raining... guess what- it happened exactly that way a few days later. He said the same thing and everything. (it was only for 2 days though- the breakup that is) Believe me- when I saw his shirt and the rain... I knew what was happening. The weird thing was after this dream I had "the feeling of dread" that I knew something was up... so I wrote it down in my dream journal. It was weird to read it after it had happened!

I've dreamt of people before I met them. When I meet them its weird. Like with Carra- I dreamt her and Jereme were walking down the hall at school together months before I knew who Carra was. And if you know me, you all know where that story goes. Weird huh?

Just last week I dreamt of snow coverign the ground. Now, I got that funny feeling when I woke up- the feeling I get when my dream means soemthing... but I thought it silly cuz it was knida nice out. A few hours after I woke up- it snowed for the first time for the witner. The next day we got enough to cover the ground.

I've had dreams that are seriously trying to tell me something deep, and when I wake up from these kind of dreams I always have two little bite marks above my right breast and once on my back. There is always a bat in my dream. My sister thought that was freaky after reading my dream journal and seeing the coorelaitons.

When me and Jereme were having problems... every time he cheated on me I'ld dream he'ld tell me he was... an it is always right.

Alot more dreams.. but those are the most interesting I'll share... my life is ruled by dreams.


First of all- my house is 130 years old! Also, when I was alone I spent hours alone in my bedroom (i didn't exactly have a "happy family") and I stareed at the walls for hours thinking. I trained my eyes to see air. I've only found one other person who can also do it. Its weird... my sister can also see this realm- but not as well. Its like you see shifting air masses going in and out of form. Sometimes they get strong enoughto see alittle of what they are.

Once I had a ghost I call the "pervert ghost"- he was freaky as hell! It was when I was about 12 I'd say. I'd be sitting in my room drawing or something and I'd feel breathing on my neck and in my ear. And sometimes my hair would suddenly flop over my face as if someone had been holding it straight up and flopped it that way- SCARY! I got rid of him!(lots of screaming and swearing at him)

Once our cupbourds all sparng open and some dishes went flying out onto the floor- not jsut one cupbourd, many at once. My whole family was in the living room and there was a crash, that was a surprise.

Once I had a female ghost and every night at 12:15 I hear papers shifting on my floor or like a big stack of papers was being dropped on the floor. (none would be moved when I looked though) Then, one night as I was going to sleep, i felt a presence above my face. Sometimes my sister sneaks into my room to talk and she puts her face above mine to freak me out-I thought it was her. Imagine my suprise to open my eyes and be inches away from a face with tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back and making choking sounds- I screamed and sat straight up- realizing I had just gone through whatever it was. Then that night I had a dream about a young girl that had lived in the house. After that it was calmer. I think she was afraid of the dark.

Me and my sister have always been afraid of my parents bedroom for no reason. Just when you're in there fear strikes your heart and you run out FAST! Even my little 4 yr old brother told me he is scared of the room because of the "fear striking his heart"- that was weird he said that. Holly, my sister, says she's seen some type of man in there... she ran out fast and was scared silly! I always look in there as I walk by and see strange shapes, it feels like someone is watching.

Once I went into the grove outside our house and saw many interesting things. Then, days later, I found an arrowhead near our house when we were digging for a garden or something. After that I heard drummong beating sounds outside and almost under my bed. My dad was remodeling the bathroom at the time, and being half asleep, I thought it might be him. THen I'd wake up more and realize it was the middle of the night and no one was up. It went on for like 2 weeks- that was annoying and scary! Lots more- I'll have to start a seperate page i think!

Faire Folk

Last fall, me and my sister rode the bus in the morning. We got on at 6:30 in the morning, so it was still kinda dark. Well, I'mm slow and always late and Holly is always early. One morning she went out early and heard a male voice say "yo" pretty loud by our dog kennel. THinking it might be me already out there she asked "ashley?" THen she heard a female voice say "shhhhh..." and then my dog started barking like mad. A few seconds later I walked out the door- my sister was quite shook up! Then, a few weeks later, I was kissing Jereme goodbye outside one evening. He got in his car and started to drive away. I turned around and started walking to the door of our house... then I heard giggeling and a short dark shape running through the bush near the door and across our wrap aroudn porch. I guess someone was spying.

When I was little- I could've sworn these little gnome like creatures in one corner of our house and they'd steal my toys. The also live under the reclining parts of chairs, the had pointy teeth. My brothers used to describe the same thing now.

Demons Yes, regretably I've had some bad experiences with some freaky creatures.

When I was in a bad relationship, the guy kept having nightmares with demon like creatures making him not want to sleep. Then at a mild party he went all freaky. He said he had to dump me because the demons told him to - at first i thought it was all some kind of act or something... but then it got wierd. His eyes were different... he got stiff and different. He had his had wrapped around my throat like he was gonna strangle me and I almost just let him. It was scary. Then what I saw next I never want to remember or see again- it is so disgusting. I saw 3 demons hovering in the air all in a line. They were in some sort of human shape... but toruted and gruesome- one was hung and- i won't even tell you. It was gross! Then the guy started talking in a jumblish language for like an hour and I just listened. It was so scary.

A long time after that and that expereince something odd happened at my house. It was night and me and my sister were watching my brothers. I was changing in my room when I heard a footstep outside the door. Thinking it was my little bros I called out thier name, but no one replied- so i thought i imagined it. THen my door opened a crack.. I froze. I was so scared. After taking someting heavy in my hand for protection, I bolted down the stairs. I told my sister and she said the boys had been there next to her the whole time. THen we both heard the creak of our last step... its a very distinctive sound. I grabbed a butcher knife, the phone... and my and my sister turned on every light upstairs and searched every room and closet of the house. We found nothing- everything was locked. Then all 4 of us, my little bros too, went down into the living room to sit together. Then we heard footsteps upstairs above us... I was so scared! Then we heard knocking outside the house. On the door and on the walls- outside! I stood int he kitchen waving a big knife around screaming threats! My boyfriends called and I told him hystreically what was going on. AFter that I called the neighbor.He came over with a flashlight to search the outside. He saw no footprints in the snow- nothing. When my parents got hiem we were scared- but htings had calmed down. The next night though, it happened again- but not as feirce... then I did a protection spell on the whole house and havn't had problems since. I think its odd the thing couldn't eneter my room- it was after i did the cleansing spell. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me!
