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Hey- whats up??? My name is Ashley and I'm from Minnesota. A little about me? Well... I am 23, pretty spontanous and rather intellegent when I wish to be. Me and my three kids live in a nice big house. Yay- I finally moved out of the apartment and have more of a house with a yard and hardwood- whoo hoo! My mom sold the big old house I grew up in and I miss it in the country with all the plants, trees, and birds! Oh no- there I go off on another tangent. As I was saying... I have an almost 5 yr old son and a almost 3 yr old daughter and a cute little one yr old baby boy- they're GREAT. I'm currently going through a divorce, Jereme is his name... we were together for 8 yrs, married for 2. We are still friends and prob. always will be... we just didn't work and we both know it. But we made some great kids that we both love. So now i'm adjusting to single life for the first time in a long time. I am just getting comfortable with my new life... an I'm happy. I do alot of artwork, as you can see, and am very curious about religion.. all of them. My personal beliefs are not very conventional and complicated, but I'm doing alittle soul searching right now. I love to discuss that kind of stuff... religion, personal beliefs... you know the meaning of life- lol! I'm just very open minded to different things and cultures. MYST, Riven, and MYST 3 Exile are some of my favorite computer games because they are absolutley beautiful, mind challenging, and the history of the games is amazing. And ofcourse I'm addicted to the SIMS! I think its because I will be studying for interior design. I spend hours designing their little house, but never really play the game (oops). I never really have time to play any games now though since I'm in the "throws of motherhood" They keep me RUNNING! But they make me so happy- they are the loves of my life!

I'm a colorful person, once you get to know me, with many aspects. I like to party hard core, or I used to, now I'm a mommy "hard core" but also am nerdy when I want to be. Thats ok- because being a mom is only the BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!! I do go out though when I have free time... I do know how to let go and have a crazy fun time! I HATE liers with a passion and have seen my share of hardships as I was growing up- I swear I've been through it all- my life is a soap opera and I WANT TO ESCAPE THE DRAMA!!!!

Hmmm...Well I love art- drawing and painting and clay and charcoal... well you get the point. I love interior design and I also love my computer and making this website.

Beleive me- I have been through it all! I also love faries, mermaids, water, thunderstorms, and the sea. I absolutley love storms and water.. did I say that already? Well there it is again. I'm so crazy- if its raining.. I'll be out standing in it- I garantee that... or have my nose pressed up against the window at least! Well- anyways... I don't want to rant and rave about myself all day... so why don't you all check out some of my stuff? Some of its really old... I have to update! I'm also on myspace "mermaid_lair" if that helps.


All About Me.........

Wanna know where I found all my nifty pictures, graphics, and art on this whole webstie at??? Come and see on my "pics cited" page!!!

Check out elfwood...

I found a website that supports mythical and fantasy art and they PUBLISH it!!! They support artists looking for recognition...and I got accepted!!!! Check out more of my art work here!!!


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