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12-07-03 Message from Samantha: It has definitely been a long time since I last updated and I hope all is well with you and yours this holiday season. Mercury's Wings would like to thank the people at 21c for linking us to their site and for featuring my coven and I (Samantha) on their most recent episode on modern religion and young people. At this time, with college and moving out and all, the lack of funds is proving quite difficult for the release of Mercury's Wings and, again, I apologize for the excruciatingly long wait. Once funding picks up and hopefully with the addition of sponsors, Wings will set a definite release date and I assure you, it will come out in due time. Thanks for your patience and keep checking back. As always, feel free to write me with regards to anything concerning Mercury's Wings. Have a blessed Winter Solstice and all the joys of the seasons to you and yours.

02-27-03 Message from Samantha: I know I promised to have Mercury's Wings released within two weeks, all is going as planned, but there have been circumstances in my own personal life that interfere with the release of Mercury's Wings, so, unfortunately, our release date will be postponed until further notice once more. These circumstances are none that I can control myself, I never expected anything like this to happen, but then you can't really plan problems, they just happen. Allow me to deal with my life first, and, with due time, Mercury's Wings will be released in due time. I alway love the chance to interact with people, especially now, so if you like you can still write me at Blessed Be, and I'll speak to you all soon. Again, I'm terribly sorry for the delay.

02-12-03 New links added. The first issue of Mercury's Wings will be officially released within two weeks. Check back for more information coming shortly. Samantha also has a new e-mail address where you can reach her for information concerning submitting your work for the magazine, links, and any general inquiry. You can reach her here. As for advertisements, if you would like to advertise in Mercury's Wings, feel free to send an e-mail here for more information as well as pricing.

05-12-2002 I added a forum to the site.

29-11-2002 The Mercury's Wing Webpage is now up and running. Take a look around and enjoy!

Greetings and welcome to Mercury's Wings. This is an independently run
print magazine for teen Pagans throughout Canada. Everything that goes
into this magazine is put together by a group of individuals of all
ages from all over Canada and the United States at various stages of
their life. All work is done so on a voluntary basis. This magazine is
for you, the young Pagan either taking the first steps on your path and
looking to see what the waters are like, as well as those that are
simply interested in what Paganism is and what leading a Pagan
lifestyle is like to those already well on their way and want to learn
more. All of us here are Pagan, but not all of us here are Witches
and/or Wiccan, this is help ensure that all branches of Paganism are
included. From finding Paganism, growing up in a religious hosehold or
community or attending a religious school and coming out of
the "closet" this magazine is here to help you find the answers to your

Take a look around the site. And feel free to Visit our message board to chat.


Mercury's Wings

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