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The James and Andrew Home Page (LuGa)
Mac Software Switch Site ?????? Spoofs Music and Media

Welcome to the James and Andrew Home Page
This site mainly functions as a links page to the other sites we have created. Please take time to visit these sites, and give us your opinion. Our e-mail addresses are located at the bottom of the page (click on the link 'e-mail me').

The Mac Software and Switch sites contain information about Apple Macs. The Switch Site contains information on why you should switch from Windows to Mac. The Mac Software contains more in-depth information about the software available for Mac, and the compatibilty with Windows computers/software. James's Page contains a wide array of links that you may find useful, interesting or funny. As it contains quite a large amount of photos etc., it would be advisable for you to use a cable modem to access the site, as load times may be very long on a 56k modem. The GameFAQs Spoof is just a bit of fun, and is amusing if you see the real The Music and Media Page is basically anything to do with music etc., and is hopefully going to be a multi-page site. Contact us with suggestions/comments using the links at the bottom of the page.

News and Developments

03/01/03 Started messing around and made this site, and all the different pages.

06/01/03 Basic site design is finished and links are up and running. More updates coming soon...

12/01/03 Switch Site up and running.

16/01/03 GameFAQs Spoof created, and posted on site.

28/01/03 Lack of updates lately...oops Some updates soon...

01/02/03 New site posted- Music, Media + Stuff...

A Totally Random Quote: "You're never too old to learn something stupid."

See you next time!


©2002 James L E-mail me & Andrew G E-mail meMac SoftwareSwitch SiteJames's SiteGameFAQs SpoofMusic & Media