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Fairy Kisses

Fairy Kisses

*** WHATS NEW?? ***


I have tried SEVERAL times to renew my Angelfire account
to no avail so I apologize for the bothersome ads on my site

The button below will take you to any Original Fairy
and Fantasy art I currently have for sale! Check it out!
Please save it to your Favorites if you are interested
in my art and check back often since I am constantly updating.

And the banner below will take you to my art site!

And now its time to let the fairys take you
thru their magical world of wonder..Enjoy!

I am so honored that Fairy Kisses was chosen
for the November Site of the Month by The Enchanted
Ladies. Thank you all who voted for my site!
*+*+Elven Hugs & Fairy Kisses*+*+ to you!

Soft Poetry By Sand
(Please do not copy without author's written consent)

Her wings are luminescent, her eyes a purple hue
She'll look upon your face as if she can see right through you
The beauty of a fairy sprite, blowing kisses in the sweet sunlight
Clad in lavender, wrapped in vines, curious creatures to define

The meadow is her playground, the forest her delight
The flowers bloom profusely, all year long through the day and night
Butterflies dance lightly upon her golden hair
And bluebirds can be heard, singing sweetly in the air

Her spirit is contagious, she can vanish without a trace
Leaving behind some fairy dust with a smile upon her face
Sunbeams dance across the meadow, casting a soft glow
Lilting music can be heard, through the valley far below

Close your eyes and listen to the magical fairy tune
Feel the gentle flutter of a butterfly or two
Can you feel the difference, or do you really know?
Was it a butterfly that fluttered or a fairy kiss she blew?


Fairys in the moonlight
Froud's Fairys
Amy Browns Fairys
I Believe Buttons
Other Names for the Fae
Fairy's in Love
Me as a Fairy hehe
Gifts for You!
Fairy Webrings
Fairys Gifs!
Curios and Cupboards
Fairy Lake applets
My Pixie Adoptions
Limited Edition Pixies
**Win an Award**
Enchanted Ladies
Fairy Christmas!
St.Patty's Irish Fae
**New gifts for you!**
My Banners
Letter to the Elf Prince:)
Gothic Fairy's by Delphine

FK was honored to win the "World Web Award of Excellence"
for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of
navigation, and content.

Below is an area you can vote for
my fairy site (3)If you enjoyed your
visit here Please take the time to vote.
Its easy! Just click on one (or all) of
the buttons. Place your vote and you're done!
Thanks! in advance!

This The Enchanted Ladies site
owned by dawn "Fairy Brat"

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