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Other Names or Fairys

Fays - early form of the word Fair Family/Fair Folk - Welsh nickname
Farisees/Pharisees - Suffolk nickname
Fary - Northumberland nickname
Fees - Upper Brittany nickname
Feriers/Ferishers - another Suffolk nickname
Frairies - Norfolk and Suffolk version
Good Neighbors - Scottish and Irish nickname
Good People - Irish reference to the Sidhe
The Green Children - Faerie reference in medieval
literature Greencoaties - Lincolnshire Fen version
Greenies - Lancashire nickname
The Grey Neighbors - Shetland nickname for the Trows
Henkies - Orkney and Shetland nickname for Trows
Klippe - Forfarshire nickname
Li'l Fellas - Manx nickname
The Old People - Cornish nickname
People of Peace - Irish reference to the Sidhe
Pigsies/Piskies - Cornwall variations