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Buffy Pictures

Since these were scanned in, there are scan lines on most of them. In all instances, I did my utmost to remove the lines from the picture. In some cases, the picture may be slightly tilted to the left or right, depending on how far I had to turn it to get the scan lines to the minimum level. I apologize if the scan lines spoil the image.

Please enjoy!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemies and Greenwolf. I only intend to enjoy, and share the enjoyment, not to infringe. Images, sounds and characters are copyright to their original creators. This webset is ©2003 Crescent Designs for the Fifth House.


Click to enlarge!


From Season One with Angel.


Season Two cast. Click to enlarge, but it's got a bunch of scan lines on it, sorry.


Season Two cast.


From Season Two, with Angel. Click to enlarge.


Season Two, with Angel. Click to enlarge, but again the stupid scan lines make it rough.



The season three cast.


Buffy Season Three, graduation. Click to enlarge.


Season Three. I enjoyed the saying more than the picture.


Season Three. Click to enlarge!


Click to enlarge!


The season 4 promotion. Sorry, just have to say how much I love Xander in this picture.


Kind of did a mix-n-match for this one. Please give a credit back to me if you take this. Thanks!


Okay, so I like Xander. Made one, found one.