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"Buffy" ended this year, a tragic thing for all die-hard fans of the show. I thought the final episode did well and tied up a lot of our questions, while leaving it open enough to have spin-offs or even to return.

However, "The Gift" was a better final ending. That was the way Buffy should have "gone out", really. But I was glad they brought the show back for more seasons after it anyhow, so I'm not going to complain much.

These pages are dedicated to the Vampire Slayer. There are pictures both old and new for you to peruse. Go ahead and grab a couple if you like. Just don't forget to give Buffy and Joss the credit they deserve for creating the show.

Please enjoy the offerings!

I know. It's an old photo. But I love that dress.

Favorite Episode

"Once More, With Feeling"

 I mean, I LOVED the '"Gift", the final WB episode, but the musical really rocked my world. Then again, my sons were so impressed, they watched about 100 times before the week was out. But the songs were catchy and memorable, good to sing as you walk around town. The episode ends with a kiss between Buffy & Spike, which has been coming for a long while now, and prefaces one of the hottest, steamiest, grandest love scenes you could ever hope for in prime time at the end of "Smashed".

Images scanned from the DVD versions of the First, Second, and Third seasons.

Buffy AIM Icons

Click to download a zip file containing all the icons you see here.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemies and Greenwolf. I only intend to enjoy, and share the enjoyment, not to infringe. Images, sounds and characters are copyright to their original creators. This webset is ©2003 Crescent Designs for the Fifth House.