Careful of train wrecks around here...

...Okay, not totally. But hey, it's a good title anyway. Fluff up a bean bag, grab a Jones soda and some Cheese Nips. Oh, don't mind the random male concubines who run around occasionally. No touchie, mind you! Poke around, but in some areas, do so at your own risk. Full disclaimer later on. Have fun!

-Yagiza Yoru (Capricorn Night)

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This site created: 08/08/01

Ohayo, minna-san! Yagiza desu. I've added as many pics as I've got from AnimeIowa in the Scrapbook. I know it's a bit of a pain, but until I figure out how to get the html for internal links to work properly, it'll have to do. So if anyone can help me figure out the specifics so I can make it much easier, email me! Thanks, and enjoy what's there!

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