Title: Tutorial
Rating: If you have an active imagination, this might go all the way up. If you don't, it's PG-13 at the outside.
A/N: Blame the Sacramento Bee for this one.
Disclaimer: Even if it had happened yet, it's not gonna happen, no matter how pretty it would be. I don't know these people, or their sexualities. This is just a piece of random fiction that popped into my head and refused to go away until I wrote it.
Summary: Young players always fuck up.


Ticha pulled open the locker room door, surprised to find that someone had tried to wedge it closed. The surprise didn't last long. Her first clue was when she nearly tripped over a pair of panties left haphazardly in the doorway, but the real revelation came five seconds later when she made the mistake of turning to see something from her peripheral vision. The sight of long limbs thrashing almost aimlessly and the loud moans that seemed stolen straight from a bad sex tape made Ticha sick to her stomach. She backed out of the locker room quickly, planting herself against the door the second she got it closed.

"Something the matter?" Yolanda asked, nodding her head towards the locker room.

Ticha nodded. She didn't trust her voice for a few moments; when she could finally speak, the words were slightly constricted. "You could say that. You could definitely say that."

"You look like a refugee from a horror film."

"I feel like one. I went in there, and, ah, Bekkah and Chantelle decided they wanted to get to know each other a little better. Well, a whole lot better. On the locker room floor, no less, and here's us with all this fancy stuff."

Yolanda's nose wrinkled. "Ew. Rookie sex."

"Exactly. Even if Chantelle isn't a rookie."

"And you're just going to let them take over the locker room and leave that kind of mess? Not a good example. They'll think they can get away with this. Step away from the door and let me handle this."

"You're a braver woman than I. Watch out for the panties." Ticha reluctantly let Yolanda enter the room with that last warning. She immediately put her ear to the door so that she could hear whatever it was that Yolanda had to say to the duo.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?! I don't know what kind of manners they teach at Georgetown or Vanderbilt, but you do NOT fuck on the locker room floor before practice! The only time you *ever* fuck on the locker room floor is if it's someone else's locker room, or the last game of the postseason. We have to walk on that, for God's sake! And, you know, we need the locker room to get changed, so you definitely don't have any right to go fucking around in it. You do this on your own time, in your own place, not here, not now! Are we clear?"

Silence. Ticha assumed that Chantelle and Rebekkah had nodded reluctant assent. "Go in the shower. Separately! After practice, I'll tell Tangela to give you guys a tutorial on the proper time and place to have sex." Yolanda's loud stomping footsteps gave Ticha plenty of time to get away from the door, though it didn't matter. Yolanda looked at the point guard with a smile and said, "I know you were listening, T, don't even try to pretend that you were just sitting here waiting for me to come out."

"If I was waiting for that, I'd be old and gray and still waiting." Ticha stepped back from the glare Yolanda shot her and quickly changed the subject. "Putting Tangela with those two would make it all too pretty, you know."

"They're young enough that they'd respond better to pretty." Yolanda paused. "And young enough that they're probably trying to screw around in the shower, too. I'll be-" But as Yolanda started to walk away, Ticha pulled on her sleeve.

"Let them have a little fun, Yo. They're just kids. Besides, the shower cleans everything up. They need to get rid of some of the stress that a sudden appearance of Yolanda the Destroyer can bring on." Both veterans snickered at that.

"All right. Because I like you." Yolanda opened the locker room door and indicated that Ticha should precede her. "But if they're not done by the time practice starts..."

"If they're not done by then, there's nothing Tan can teach them other than manners."


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