Title: Play Misty For Me
Rating: PG, maybe. MAYBE.
A/N: Figures that the best-formed notion I get for the wheel is from the lyrics I sent to the person who didn't actually sign up this time. Damn musii need to get their shit together.
Disclaimer: People real, slash probably fake, story definitely fake. Please don't sue me.
Summary: Kerri can't find the words, so she uses someone else's.


Kerri stared at the CD, at the CD player, at her microphone, and generally at anything that could be used to put noise across the airwaves. She could do this. She could get up the courage to put a message out there that might either go unnoticed by the person she was trying to talk to or might be insanely clear to everyone else that she didn't want to know. With her luck, both things would happen and the entire world would know that she was insanely in love with Misty, except for Misty.

"Slap me," she said to one of the technical guys who was always lurking around the station.


"I need you to slap me, otherwise I'll never get this show on the air."

He slapped her across the face. Kerri shook herself, blinked, then smiled. "Thank you. That's much better." She looked at the CD one more time, then put it in the player and forwarded it to the proper song. The clock ticked to its proper time. The show was about to start. She went into a quick intro, then put her plan into motion before she could convince herself to wait another week, because she knew that she would keep convincing herself to wait until next week. "This is going to be a little different, folks," she said. "I found this song while I was listening to the radio, and it says a lot of things I don't know how to say. I'm sending it out to someone very special, the one person in this world who means everything to me. So why don't we slide..."

"So why don't we slide..." Kerri's voice crackled through Misty's low-quality speakers, somewhat distorted and muffled. She soon gave way to the chosen song. Misty half-listened to the music for a couple of minutes because it made good background to what she was doing.


Misty looked up, confused. Had someone called her name? After a moment, she realized that, no, it was just the song lyric. How thoughtful of Kerri to pull up something like that...

Then she started listening closely to the lyrics, and her opinion turned from 'how thoughtful' to 'has she lost her mind?!' in record time. "Ohhh, May, put your arms around me... what you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful... oh, May, do you want to get married, or run away?"

By the second repetition she came to a shocking conclusion. It was no wonder those words had stood out so much more clearly than the rest of the song. Kerri was singing along, so quietly that no one would have heard her unless they knew Kerri very well. Misty knew her volleyball partner very well indeed, or at least she had thought so before Kerri played her a love song. She'd always suspected that their partnership wasn't just built on a solid friendship and great volleyball skills, but she'd tried hard not to think about that. There were other people in both their lives, people who would be hurt if they tried to take their partnership to another level.

And apparently Kerri didn't care about that, because she was taking a big risk in doing this publicly. Maybe she'd thought about it and decided that she'd rather have Misty than... than... Misty suddenly realized that she couldn't even remember the name of Kerri's fiancé. Some partner she was... unless her mind had decided that this information was unimportant because Kerri was hers and she was the only one Kerri should be needing.

Life had suddenly gotten more complicated.


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