Title: Just Wondering (4/?)
A/N: Yes, I know they're now the San Antonio Silver Stars. Remember that this was written in 2002, before the carnage began, and teams were moved, and important players/characters were traded.
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own no one and nothing. The bar is was actually Natalie's. Everyone is property of themselves, their families, Spurs Sports and Entertainment, their friends, and any significant others they might have. If you're connected to the WNBA, please don't sue me; this has been done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: The Utah Starzz go househunting.


"Remember the drill," Natalie Williams said to her Utah team. "How many people should be in a group, Marie?"

"Three at the most," Marie Ferdinand replied. "Singles are good too. Pairs will scare the locals. More than three is intimidating."

"Perfect answer. TJ! How should we look when we go house-hunting?"

LaTonya Johnson answered, "As miserable as possible so that people will pity us!"

"Correct. Kate, when should we offer to pay rent?"

Kate Starbird scrunched up her face, desperately trying to remember the answer. Jennifer Azzi bailed out her fellow Stanford alumna. "Only when they're about to close the door in our faces. That way we can play the poor us card as much as possible."

"Very good, Jen. Kate, you and Amy go with her. Goody, you take LaNeishea and Danielle." Adrienne Goodson looked like she was about to protest being assigned to watch the rookies, but she reconsidered. "TJ, you've got Margo and Marie. I'll chaperone anyone else who needs help. I've also got a couple of beds in the restaurant in case anyone strikes a run of bad luck."

"Happy huntin'," Jennifer said with a grin. "Think 'bout it this way, y'all- if it doesn't work out, then we can all bunk down in the gym."

And this is a good thing why?" Margo Dydek asked pointedly with her heavy accent.

"Least then no one has an excuse to be late to practice," Natalie replied with a smile. "Move out, everyone! Or, move in, depending."


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