Title: Just Wondering (22/?)
A/N: Mom again. Gotta love mom.
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own the three lumberjack boys. I don’t own Jackie Stiles. She is owned by herself, her family, her friends, and any significant other that she might have. If you’re connected to the WNBA, please don’t sue me; this has been done with tongue planted firmly in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: She’s a lumberjack and she's okay...


Three guys in the stereotypical plaid shirts of the lumberjack profession looked askance at the stranger in their midst. "What the hell is that chick doing here?" one of them asked the guy in charge.

The unfortunate soul who was in authority spread his hands. "My hands are tied, Joe. Someone from the office told me this chick needed a job and we had to give it to her or else our asses were all out. Just don't get her killed and give her hell and we'll be rid of her soon."

Joe shook his head. "Man, this place is fucked up; they just give this girl a job for no damn reason? What the hell? Steve, you know why she's here instead of some front office where she can be nice and safe?"

Steve shrugged. "Boss told me that she demanded to be here. Fuck I know why. Chicks don't know what the fuck they're doing half the time, and this one's gotta be tripping. Look at her!"

The lumberjacks looked at her. She was smaller than most of them, and immediately noticeable by her long sandy brown hair; though she kept it in a bun, even the least experienced of woodsmen knew that having long hair in this profession was a good way to stay inexperienced. But despite the ever-present danger, she seemed far too happy, whistling quietly as she helped lug logs. And despite her undisguised, if minimal, femininity, Jackie Stiles looked right at home in the logging camp.

"You know," the third lumberjack finally commented, "She doesn't seem so out of place. It's not like she's a slacker; she does her full share and then some. And she knows how to do things with corn that you never would have thought of before."

"Aaron, shut up," Joe said wearily. "We all know what you are, and you don't need to prove it to us any more." Joe turned away, and that was when several things happened.

First, Aaron grabbed Joe's shoulder and rumbled, "Quit fucking around with that, asshole." Second, Steve swung at Aaron as Joe got out of the way and readied to kick him while he was down.

And third, Jackie dropped the load she had been carrying and joined the fight. Although she would never win any league-wide acclaim for her musculature, she was still one tough cookie and showed it as she grappled with Steve. Steve, for his part, was more than a little surprised by her strength and tenacity. "All right, all right!" he yelled. "That's enough of this!"

Aaron and Joe quit as well. The two men and one woman looked expectantly at Steve, who said, "Jackie, you have to learn that men sometimes need to fight in order to feel manly. It's not always something that you have to get involved with. Have I made myself clear?"

"To be honest with you, you have, but I think you're bullshitting me." Joe and Steve were both taken aback by her forthrightness. "I've seen guys when they're doing that macho posturing thing, and it's usually pretty clear that it's only play-fighting. This was nothing of the sort. And Aaron is my friend, the only guy in camp who actually treats me like I belong here. I saw you two trying to kick his ass and had to step in. Do you have any objection to that kind of loyalty?"

"All right, you all get off this time, but next time it's out of the camp for you, do I make myself clear?"

Jackie spoke up again. "As long as the punishment applies to you too, Mr. Crowe." Steve gnashed his teeth but agreed. Jackie and Aaron then sat down on a nearby bench.

"Jackie, why did you really step in? Honest."

"Because Joe and Steve are assholes, pardon my French. If Steve hadn't wussed out, I would have laid some hurting on him."

Aaron shook his head. "Jackie Stiles, you sure are something else."

"That's what the hype kept saying," she agreed with a smile as she grabbed a nearby helmet and joined the nearest crew endeavoring to bring down a towering fir with a large saw.


Paging all readers, all readers to chapter 23.
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