Title: Just Wondering (2/?)
A/N: Yes, I know Anne Donovan is in Seattle. This is AU, remember? And I have no idea what happened to the Enis kid. Yes, I know this wouldn't happen in real life, I'm a sick little puppy, remember?
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own no one. Everyone is property of themselves, their families, Mr. Johnson, their friends, and any significant others. No harm is intended. If you are connected to the WNBA, please don’t sue me; this was done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: The Charlotte Sting discovers the joys of motherhood.


At the Charlotte Coliseum, Anne Donovan looked down her bench. She pointed at Shalonda Enis and said, "You're in. Come on, put the kid down and put your jersey on. I thought I told you to wean her before the season started."

Shalonda looked up from breastfeeding her daughter and said, "Come on, Coach, she's less than a year old. Oh, well. Erin, could you hold Lashonda for a minute?"

Oh, no," Summer Erb said quickly. "I signed up for a giant and a dwarf, not babysittin' duty. If anyone has to do it, it should be Keisha."

Keisha Anderson sighed heavily. "The things I do for this team," she said, taking Lashonda in her arms and turning away so that Shalonda could put her jersey on. The baby looked up at her and bubbled vaguely. Keisha said, "Shalonda, Summer, Erin, you so owe me for this, you know that, right? Especially if I have to change her diaper."

I changed her at the last timeout," Kelly Miller said. "If she needs another change, she's got problems."

Keisha winced. "Kelly, I think either you messed it up or this girl has problems. She feels a little too squishy near the bottom part."

"She's not the only one with problems," Charlotte Smith sniggered. "Shalonda's got a problem too."

"Shut up, Charlotte," Shalonda hissed, trying to cover the damp spot on her uniform. "Shut up or I'll kick your ass."

"Just get in the game," Coach Donovan groaned.


Onward we march...
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