Title: Just Wondering (14/?)
A/N: Wee, guest star! This one could actually happen, if I changed the locale.
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own no one. The players are property of themselves, their families, the Mohegan Sun casino, their friends, and any significant others they might have. The guest star is property of herself and the athletic department of the University of Kansas. If you are connected to either of these entities, please don’t sue me; this has been done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: The Orlando Miracle gets a surprise.


As the Orlando Miracle walked into the gym, they were greeted by a surprise. "What in the polka-dotted heck are you doing here?" Wendy Palmer said of the disreputable-looking woman in the rumpled pants and jacket.

"I'm your new coach," the stranger replied.

"What happened to Coach Brown?" Nykesha Sales demanded.

"He decided he didn't feel like coaching for free anymore. You know those NBA boys, the money's everything to them." She shrugged.

"Um... I have the feeling this is going to be a stupid question, but who are you?" Davalyn Cunningham asked. Several of the veterans gasped, and Adrienne Johnson put a hand over the young forward's mouth.

Turning to the self-proclaimed coach, Adrienne said, "Forgive her, Lynette, she knows not what she does. Davalyn, you ever heard of the Harlem Globetrotters?" The look that Davalyn gave her was enough answer. "Well, this lady was the first lady to be a Globetrotter. She's one of the all-time legends in the women's game. I had the privilege of being her teammate the first season."

"I thought you were coaching at Kansas," Shannon Johnson said suspiciously. "Did you get lost or something? 'Cause somehow I don't think you're in Kansas anymore."

Taj McWilliams-Franklin and Carla McGhee, both of whom normally had a good stock of patience, groaned loudly. "That was one of the worst puns I've ever heard from you, Pee-Wee, and I've been hearing them for years," Taj proclaimed.

Carla, the oldest of the Miracle players, gave Lynette a long look. "And you're doing this for free out of the goodness of your heart? Somehow I just can't believe that. What's in it for you?" Suddenly Carla's eyes narrowed. "You want a place to showcase yourself, don't you? You watch coach after coach get fired and assistant after assistant get promoted, and you want a piece of the action. Is that it?"

Lynette gasped as if stricken. "How can you say such a thing? I heard you guys needed a new coach after Brown walked out, and I thought-"

"You thought it would be a great chance to promote yourself," Jessie Hicks growled. "Unless you're comin' with some serious coachin' skills, get your ass out of here. We don't need some drama queen prancin' up and down the sideline gettin' the cameras on her just for the hell of it. The league and I saw enough of that with Cheryl Miller. We know how to play the game- we can do it without someone's help unless they're really doin' it for us. You got that?"

Lynette nodded easily. "You might be surprised, Jessie. I know what I'm doing. Now everyone get into lay-up lines, and let's see if we can make this work without anyone else trying to get me out of here."

The Miracle players exchanged a glance with each other asking what they should do, but they came away inconclusive. So they followed directions until they could come up with a better idea.


Onward and upward...
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