Title: Wrangle
Rating: PG
A/N: Part 4 of the LA!Jackie series. We may safely presume Jackie is over her Tot-induced marijuana high. And Jackie, alas, lost the wrangle; her first Sparks card shows her in #15.
Disclaimer/Legalese: Jackie Stiles and Nicky McCrimmon are both Sparks. Jackie Stiles wore #10 in Portland and Nicky McCrimmon wore/wears #10 for Los Angeles. That is the extent of truth in this story. All else is fiction pulled from my deepest, darkest recesses, and you don’t want to know where those are.
Summary: Let’s make a deal.


I wasn’t happy when I found my number on someone else’s jersey. I’ve worn 10 since high school. I wanted it back. So I talked to her. “Uh... Nicky, right?”

“Nice guess.” Wow, what a New York accent. I was in awe. “Whaddya want?”

“Uh... can I talk to you about our number?”

“Our number? Listen, bitch, ten is mine. I ain’t givin’ it up for no stuck-up, pampered, prissy farmgirl.”

“Is there anything I can do to change your mind? I know there’s been negotiations before. What can I offer?”

“Nothin’,” she huffed. Aw, damn. Why was I cursing?!

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