Disclaimer/Legalese: This is complete and utter fiction. While some of these events happened, I don't think they happened this way. These screennames are not real. It's parody, no more and no less. Format lifted straight out of The Dugout, without permission, but with only the greatest of respect.

**OnlineHost: You have entered WNBA Chat.**

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: Hey, guys, what's going on?

Nykesha Sales     AllSalesFinal: We're playing Evil Genie. KT just wished she didn't have to worry about streaks in her hair, so now it's all the same shade.

**OnlineHost: KatieBarTheDoor wants to directly connect.**

**OnlineHost: KatieBarTheDoor is now directly connected.**

Katie Douglas     KatieBarTheDoor: /

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: aaaaaaaah!

Nykesha Sales     AllSalesFinal: So that's the game. You make a wish and it gets granted with a sick twist. Wanna play?

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: Sure, why not.

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Make a wish, Taj.

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: I wish to be traded out west, near my daughter.

Nykesha Sales     AllSalesFinal: :-O

Katie Douglas     KatieBarTheDoor: :'-(

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Wish granted. You get traded to Los Angeles for a low first-round pick and a foreign center who may or may not show up. Los Angeles then goes on a free agent spree, picking up another All-Star to go with you, Chamique Holdsclaw, and Mwadi Mabika.

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: But where's the twist?

**OnlineHost: Planet_Reed has entered the chatroom.**

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: aaaaaaaaaah!

**OnlineHost: AllSalesFinal has left the chatroom.**

**OnlineHost: KatieBarTheDoor has left the chatroom.**

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Just when you thought there was a chance to change the culture in Los Angeles, Brandy Reed and other malcontents take over. You catch Mabika literally sharpening her elbows and knees.

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Holdsclaw has a nervous breakdown brought on by the conflict of peer pressure and her refusal to get involved in drugs.

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Tempers flare, the locker room is a disjointed mess, no one will listen to you, and the Sparks finish at the bottom of the standings, having only managed to beat New York and Chicago.

Mike Thibault     I_Know_TaeBo: Oh, and Erika DeSouza is an Eastern Conference All-Star and the Sun win the WNBA championship.

Taj McWilliams-Franklin     TajMahal: You take this game way too seriously.


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