Disclaimer: This obviously never happened. It was hatched solely from my attempt to twist someone else's fantasy. No harm is meant by this story. Please don't hurt me.
A Day at the Beach


It was a scene out of the fantasies of most red-blooded males (and more than a few red-blooded females): two tall, slender, long-legged, toned blondes in bikinis, reclining on the beach as their skin shone in the late summer sun. Although there was a small bucket of suntan oil between the two, neither of them was making any moves towards it. They looked at each other, the sidewise glances indicating either romantic shyness or simple discomfort.

Another bikini-clad figure entered the scene, also tall, slender, and toned, but where the other two were fair, she was dark, and carried herself with a style and grace that goddesses would weep for. Swin stared at the two blondes for a moment, unable to believe what she had just come across, and finally said, "Oh my gosh! Schuey! You're burning!" Before Schuey could react to this unexpected concern, Swin opened her capacious beach bag, took out some sunscreen, and proceeded to squirt it in Schuey's general direction. It splatted against more than Schuey's exposed and reddening skin- it went into her hair, smeared on her swimsuit, and disturbed her companion.

"What is going on here? Are you part of Asjha's plan?"

Swin blinked. "Oooooookay. Schuey, I think you gotta explain why you're doing a swimsuit shoot with Margo Dydek, because somehow I don't think this was your idea."

Schuey reached around to scratch the back of her neck and avoid Swin's curious gaze. "Well, um, before the season, AB and I were talking some trash with Keesh and AJ, and we did this thing where whoever's team won the season series got to make silly requests from the losers. And, well, we got swept, so they really wanted to embarrass us."

"Should I ask where Ash is?"

"I think Keesh took her to a gym somewhere. Wanted to see how many press reps she could get in. I think they're going for a record."

"I'm sure," Swin murmured. She turned her attention to the other blonde and tossed her the bottle of sunscreen before asking, "And how did you get here?"

"I made a wager with Asjha. I should have known better, because we have been teammates now for three seasons, but always she seems so innocent. I did not know this was what she had in mind."

"Don't worry. Schu's known her a lot longer and still hasn't figured it out. The rules aren't different on Planet Schuey, you know." Swin had been getting ready to settle down on the blue beach towel both blondes had been reclined on, but just before she settled down, she jumped up again and searched the area until she found the camera that had been set up in the cover of some rocks. "Hi, AJ!" she said into it before turning it off.

As soon as Swin turned the camera off, Margo and Schuey got up and stretched. "I was wondering how long we'd have to do that. I should have figured something was up when I didn't see her. She's gotten even sneakier."

"Very sneaky. I do not see our clothes."

Schuey buried her face in her hands with a sound like, "oh shit not again." After a long moment in which she found, lost, and relocated her composure, she finally said aloud, "I'll just have to hitch a ride back to Mohegan Sun and wait for Keesh to give me back my clothes. She will eventually. It's not like she has any use for them."

"If my car is still here, I can drive you back," Margo offered. "She will also have my clothes, after all. I must remember where I parked is all."

"You two gonna be okay?" Swin asked.

Schuey nodded. "We'll muddle through. Hey, there've been weirder times."

"Let me know how it goes, okay?" Swin waved as Schuey and Margo headed out across the sands in their attempt to find a way off the beach with their dignity. Once they were out of sight- which took a while; it was hard to lose track of a seven-foot blonde- Swin headed back to her bright pink towel, which was staking out a prime spot between the tide and the dry sand. Two large bundles anchored the towel; had they been unwrapped, clothing slightly too long for even Swin's frame would have rolled out. She laughed softly to herself and leaned back to soak in the sun, idly wondering just how much trouble two tall, toned, long-legged blondes in bikinis could get into before they finally found Margo's car.


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