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Sweet Dreams...

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Well, once again I've decide to redo my site. Hopefully this will be the one that I keep up to date. As you will notice there is a slightly new lay out. As I come up with more ideas, maybe you'll get more surprises :) But for now any constructive criticism is appreciated. Please email me at Feel free to browse around. Beware of the Mp3 page, it may take quite a while to download unless you have a very fast connection. I will frequently upload Mp3s for download.

Song of the Week: Usher- You Remind Me
Video of the Week: Tokyo Breakfast
Site of the Week: Pretty Boy - Flash Work

I am currently still trying to reconstruct the site, so bare with me. I realize that the majority of the links don't work :)

In The News


I always thought it was funny how Longhorn students referred to their Aggie rivals as farmers on the Longhorn land. Now it's been proven. Click on the picture for proof

For those who have gotten, Andrea yates was accused in the murder of her 5 children. She plead innocent due to post-partum, a disease in which affects female hormones after birth. Doctors now declare that she suffers from an accute psychosis. Is this woman really crazy or is she a murderer? You decide.

Is it really monkey love? Or is he getting paid to do that? Ever thought about your dream job? Now think about it with a slight quirky twist. He never thought he'd be paid to do something like this. Click on the picture for the full story.