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Ronin Warriors Forever

Poem Of The Ronin Warriors
Birthday Page
Anime Guide
"...." Is Mine!
Ronin Warriors Forever Banners (Link To Me)

Welcome to my website
Konnichiwa,Hola,Hi I'm A.V.C I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. This site goes to five young boys named Ryo,Sage,Cye,Kento and Rowen and also the four Dark Warlords Anubis,Sekhmet,Cale and Dais. So have fun looking around in here and I hope you find what your looking for. So if you have any comments or questions just drop a line ok...I love hearing from you. So come back to cheak for updates cause this site is on major under constrution.
Arigatou,Gracias,Thank you

Since Feb. 2002

~Wow~ Its been about Five years??? and this site still
up running? o.O; yep, I'm crazy XD But I love Ronin Warriors ^_^ Lets just hope another five years
will be look forward too! Thank you all who visit! Over 21k HITS!?! WoW! I never thought I"ll have THAT
many. ^_^ I'm was so glad, I even updated the website today! So go check update note like always!

10/17/06 Wow o.O; just wow. . .I updated in almost a year! I'm sorry once again ^_^() but I'm just letting you guys know that I am in fact, still alive and well, I just got busy with college and whatnot. That and I been playing around gaiaonline. Shame on me. Anyways, Not much of a major update, I figure some of the pages were a bit. . .plain? So I add some Backgrounds to them, and if you notices, some of the pages change the email address from to Yeah, thats the one I'll be using. Since my hotmail one is overflowing with junk, I put the most protection, which is people who are on my list. So yeah, if you want to email me, yahoo will do. Anyways, lets see, I guess thats all I did, other then update My Info page in the Character info section. I guess I just got inspire into doing something about my website after seeing another old website yet newly done, URWWS! Do you guys remember that website? I remember I use to go there all the time back in the day, I was so suprise that its still up and running! Anyways, if you guys want to check it out, Here is the link: The URWWS (The Ulimate Ronin Warriors WebSite) by Dawn Sanada Till Next time ^_^
11/08/05 I"m sorry for the lack of updates, Its just...well, I dont know what to do on this website, there are plenty of websites out there and mines isn't that popluar, anyways, I updated the Ronin Names Around the World under the Charts page, someone email me a LONG time ago that gave me the rest of the french names, so thank you! I also made new bottoms on this page! They needed it! and it looks way better, and also, on congrats on the five years deal, I made a picture, and also put a new Title picture also! Hope you guys enjoy that XD man, I'm on a spree, maybe I'll update soon!

Please go to my other sites of mines:
Justice & Evil
Mazoku High School
A.V.C Dragon Ball Z Insane Site

I Kento
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Cassie's Fan Fic Website !