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Do you only seen the anime that are only on tv such as Toonami, WBkids and Foxkids ? and your ready to see other anime by renting a video from a rental store and have no idea which one to rent ? well this is your anime guide of all different kinds of anime by your interest of them, if your interest isn't here (such as drama, comdey, horrer, ect.) then e-mail me ok.

Drama: Are you looking for a good love story, that include Goddesses ? who knows what happen when you dial the wrong phone number with mix up with ordering food in a apartment with tons of rules,and a twist of fate that lies with the Goddesses rules ? and a wish ? be careful what you wish for, it might happen. If this suits you, the anime is called Oh My Goddess! its in a OAV format, the good thing about it, that anime is in Subtitle and Dub too, the bad thing about it, there is only one ep. per tape and there are 5 tapes and the ep. is only about 30min long per tape. I never seen the dub version but the subtitle is pretty did a great job also. Even though its only 30 min, its really good drama and a bit of comdey into it, and here is a tissue warning, if you go down to the last tape, be sure you have some tissues with ya, cause the ending is sad, but a happy one.

Comdey: looking for a werid mix up comdey ? then this one is just for you. A boy got warn about a curse but ignore it, and he payed the price of it, so did his father...(like father like son if you would said). Now he has to live his life as being more careful what water he touches it ? and a full tons of girls that loves him and also some hates him (a bit different from Tenchi)and a whole lots of laughs in there adventure in life, As a girl ?, guess he should listen to that warning, a boy that turns into a girl , now thats different, this comdey is called Ranma 1/2 , the good thing about it, IT HAS TONS OF EPS. ! the bad thing about it, there is too many to rent them all. And just in my opinon, I really hate this character called Shampoo, she so annoying to me but as I said, is my opinon.

An other Comdey: Getting away from home because your brother just married your first love ? that what happen to a boy in the anime Here Is Greenwood. A boy gets sick that his own brother married his first love, so...he goes into a all boy high school dorm with a whole bunch of werid people and his roommate is a girl ? or a boy in disguies(sp?) ? The next room in the left is the school president and vice president ? who knows what cruel thing they would do to the new student, can he trust them ? And a "bit" love twisting in the end, who is this Miya ? does he has a chance with her then his first love ? rent it to find it ^_^ the bad thing about the anime, well...**thinks**....I really don't like the ending theme of it. The good thing about it, ITS SOOO FUNNY ! if you love comdey then you will love this, but don't let the video cover fool you, looks can be deciving, its worth to watch and it also has 2 eps. per tape and there are 3 in all. And oh yeah, this anime is a OAV format

Comdey/Drama/Action: This is for the Tenchi's fans from Tenchi Muyo. Tenchi goes back in time to save......his mother...? This is very interesting, and also sees his father and bring those two together as well. Lots of action in this one with fighting a big bad guy (I won't say who, aren't I mean ? ^_^). This movie(its a movie format) is called Tenchi Muyo: Tenchi in Love ,yes, he kinda likes his mother, I have to say, she does looks pretty too, better then all the other girls, but thats my opinon also. and oh yeah ALSO..(yes a other Tenchi movie)there is an other Tenchi Muyo, If you like Tenchi In Love, then you will love Tenchi Muyo: The Daugher of Darkness , back in the planet where Akane is from (I dont know how to spell it), Tenchi grandfather met someone but gets capture because she is some kind of witch or monster. That person still remembers and make a person with Tenchi geans and on geans and made a daugher, and when she came, a whole bunch of problem came between the girls that are living with him, it all started when she follow Tenchi and start calling him..."Daddy", and a whole lots of action but I won't say how that goes, the bad thing about those two movies, there is a bit confussing in first but then you will know whats happens, the good thing about it, the laughter and action from it.

Comdey/Fastany/Action: A girl was fighting bandits and doing quite fine till a guy came in and think he was resucing her, which he doesn't. Then he wants to be her bodygraud? thats tough, but she lets him anyway, because he happen to have a legendary sword, as those two go together, they both get into trouble, and also bump into a hyper princess that wanted to learn black magic? but she can only learn white magic, lots of trouble still coming and a priest named Rezo, he doesn't look like good news. The anime comes in 3 or 4 eps. per tape(now that what I'm talkinga about)the whole series of it comes in 8 tapes, so there is a lot to watch. This anime is called Slayers, the bad thing about it, that guy that has the legendary sword is so STUPID! well I guess that why its funny. The good thing about it, I love the opening theme and I love the story line, even though I never watch the last 3 tapes I pretty much have the idea, or maybe I do, but its a great anime, to new and old anime fans. Also, if you rented Slayers and wondering, "thats its ???" oh no, thats not it, there is a other series that you can rent called Slayers Next, the second season of it, and its better then ever, if you like Slayers, you will LOVE , I mean LOVE Slayers Next, the basic is that this character is looking for a cure of what happen to him because of Rezo but a character comes in and out and somewhat stop there plans (and that character is Xellos ^-^). And the main character destory a city and now a crazy princess that wanted revenage for it and follow her to get it and also make her own god ? now thats crazy, and there is LOTS of action in this one, more with monsters and the opening theme keep getting better, in a matter of fact, its the famous "Give A Reason". I recomamd this anime, but a slight of bad lauguage, well I won't say slight, its almost nothing, all there is damn and thats all, thats pretty much, and also, if you already watch that, there is a third and final season, called Slayers Try, yes, a other season to add, this time, there is no crazy princess(hehe), and also about the old characters in Slayers Next is back, the opening theme is good but can not beat the one in Slayers Next but its good though, This time, everyone is trying to save the world from a half monster, half anicent dragon named Valgarv(and his cute too ^_^), the bad part about the anime.... WHY THE OPENING AND ENDING THEME HAS TO BE SUBBTITLE!? The good thing about it, the anime Slayers, Slayers Next and Slayers Try can be found in Subtitle and dub.

pure Action: Like monks, spirits, and monsters ? and a confusstion(well for me) of elements(you know, like fire, water and ect.) ? then this one is just for you, this anime is called Peacock Kings: Spirits Warriors , it has TONS of action and fighting. The bad thing about it, Its maybe tough for young viewers under 13 (with all the wore and gore). The good thing about this anime, like I said, it has TONS of action!

Action/Comdey: This is for you DBZ fans. Do you always wonder what happen before DBZ started, well , you should rent Dragon Ball , its a season that is before Dragon Ball Z and it shows Goku as a kid and everything to know in the background of him. The bad thing about it, The person who did the voice of Gohan did the voice of Goku as a kid, so they sound a like, the good thing about it, just like Dragon Ball Z , it has comdey and action. Also, for those who know spanish, there is a Dragon Ball GT out there, but in spanish though, I never seen it so give a big credit to my cousin ! **appulause**. Thank you Thank you, well Dragon Ball GT is a series that is right after Dragon Ball Z, GT means Grand Tour, don't know why but it does, it has about all the characters from DBZ back and some of them has kids ! oh well ,thats enough info for know, jeje(hehe in spanish), here you go coz **leaves** thanks you, well you know, the bad thing and the good thing about it..? well, I don't know ^_^;;

Sci-Fi: looking for a cool robot action and a happy ending by a cat ? I dont really remember it that well but its really cool if you like sci-fi, the bad thing about it, its kinda confussing and I think its a movie format, the good thing about it, lots of action too, and oh yeah, I kinda forgot, this anime is called Rou Jin Z