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2002 Corn Breeding Projects - Urgent! World News! - Hollywood Scandal! - GOLF - About ME
"I will eat you all!" -Spark

Yes, you heard correctly. I have taken over this website. Why take over such a small site you ask? Well with the help of my ever increasing group of friends, we were able to overpower our previous owner. I believe the below image demonstrates what happened pretty well...

Yes, we ate him, rather tough but we managed. We have now completely updated the site. Everything has been updated, the 2002 Corn Breeding Projects, the Urgent! World News!, the Hollywood Scandal!, the GOLF section, the About ME section too. It's all updated. And you better check every single page.

I am declaring myself ruler of this domain. And soon, I shall rule the world.

Mwa Ha Ha

*Please Note* I am looking for anyone willing to work long hours and help me take over. You will be treated horribly and most likely won't be paid, will you help us eliminate the human threat?

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This page was last updated April 1st, 2002