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Owning a ... dog

The cost of a dog

Please note: this is only an estimate using approximate prices. Cost will vary depending on the individual dog. It is only intended to be a guide.

Initial costs

Dog, cost varies from a small donation (£40 or so) to a rescue centre, to £500 plus for a pedigree.

Bed, around £30-£40

Water bowl, around £5

Food bowl, about £5

Collar, around £5

Lead, around £10 for a flexi-lead

I.D. tag, around £15

Toys, around £5 for a couple

Food, max £1 for a can of meat

Dog biscuits, around £2 for a box

Two sets of vaccinations, maximum of £50

Castration, max £80

Worming treatment, around £12 for a year

Flea treatment, around £22 for 6 months

Microchip, max £30

Total (if buying a £500 dog) = £772















Site design and content © Charlotte Owen 2003

(if homing a rescue dog) = £322

Monthly cost

For a medium sized dog, 14 cans of meat @ £1= £14

Mixer, for a medium sized dog 1 bag @ £3

Dried food, for a medium sized dog, 1 bag @ £5

Box of biscuits @ £2

Total = £24

Yearly cost

For a medium sized dog, 14 x 12 cans of meat @ £1 = £168

For a medium sized dog, 12 bags of mixer @ £3 = £36

For a medium sized dog, 12 bags of dry food @ £5 = £60

For a medium sized dog, 6 boxes of biscuits @ £2 = £12

A years' flea treatment = roughly £44

A year's worm treatment = £12

Vet bills, depending on the individual, so count as an excess on total

Total = £332

So, in the first year of purchase, it may cost in the region of £1080 for a pedigree, £620 for a rescue dog.

From these estimations, you may well spend up to £5762 on your pedigree dog if it lives for 16 years, plus any vet bills, or £5302 on your rescue dog if it lives for 16 years, plus any vet bills (excluding those mentioned above).

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