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Sunday Evening, 8:20 PM-- 2.03.02 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

So I am sitting in front of the computer monitor and I decide to give the page a css makeover for lack of something better to do. So here we are. Also added a flash intro (credit DEATH) to the page. Also I intend to update the roster tonight before I hit the sack. If anyone is looking at this page that can look in the source and figure out why in the hell theres a horizontal rule on my page, or why there is a huge space between the horizontal rule and my navbar, please tell me. You will win a cash prize. So anyways heres the new makeover. Had some trouble with bringing the flash site home from school, if you want to figure out why you're going to have to ask me yourself, because its a long sad true story. We lost against TFCC last night for OGL. They beat us on the tiebreaker map. GG Team Fortress Community College. On an additional note, I need a new computer. If you're interested in sending me a top of the line 1.0GHz+ computer, email me.

That's actually about all I have tonight. Until next time,
-Doc Holiday

Sunday Morning, 8:25 AM-- 11.25.01 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

Ok well I updated the records section (we are soooo winners.) And so anyways work continues with the flash site, death is working on a flash intro of his own, while I work on the flash at school in my first period. On a more personal note, I was diagnosed with diabetes on tuesday, so you can all cancel the boxes of chocolates you were going to mail me, because I know you all love me that much. Practice today at the usual time, promotions are also today, and chances are we'll have another scrimmage and have another win to post on our record board. So far we are 8-0, including scrimmages and matches. Lets keep the streak alive.
-Doc Holiday

Monday evening, 5:31 PM-- 10.29.01 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

Holy shiat, long time since I've updated the news section. Rest assured that I have been updating the site periodically with new members and such. You'll notice the new buttons and header, as well as the Records section is up: it contains our most recent victory over Men Of Destruction.
By the way, this site will soon be turned into a flash site, I'll be working on that in my offline time, so you guys don't have to wait until I'm finally done. When I am 100% finished with the flash site, I will replace this page with the flash. Until then, enjoy my 1337 image composing skills.
In addition to this recent news, KUQ welcomes it's two newest recruits, PraiseTheFallen and RealizitK.
On another note, KuQ has stopped holding public tryouts, and is now an Invite-only clan. This means that there will still be tryouts, but only those invited are able to attend.
And yes, I know that I'm reversing the trend on this news section. Recent news posts will be located at the top of the page from now on. The former layout can be attributed to my stupidity. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Saturday morning, 12:15 AM -- 9.1.01 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

This is the future webpage of The KuQ Clan. It is currently under construction. ETA: A few days.
-Doc Holiday

Saturday morning, 9:09AM -- 9.1.01 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

Members site is up... I have a soccer tournament this weekend but I will try to update the other sections ASAP, btw the members list is not complete, I need a comprehensive list of names and emails for people in the clan because I couldn't possibly remember them all.
-Doc Holiday

Sunday morning, 11:04AM 9-- 9.2.01 - by [KuQ]Doc-Holiday

Site almost complete! neato. I am also going to the championships later today for my soccer tournament.

-Doc Holiday