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  04-28-2002 Posted article 'The Battle of Nagashino' to the 'Guest Articles' section.

  04-21-2002 Posted article 'The Madness of Hideyoshi' to the 'Guest Articles' section. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Akada Shigetaka.

  03-29-2002 Added to 'links' page. Added new wallpaper to the 'downloads' section.

  03-08-2002 Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Sakai Kyuzo.

  03-03-2002 Re-did HTML for homepage.

  02-22-2002 Added new desktop wallpaper created by Mark Cholewa to the 'downloads' section.

  02-09-2002 Updated links. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Maeno Nagayasu.

  01-21-2002 Updated Delphi forum content box HTML and link.

  01-20-2002 Posted article 'A Premodern History of Odawara' to the 'Guest Articles' section. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Ôtomo Yoshinori.

  01-09-2002 Posted article 'Origins of the Samurai' to the 'Guest Articles' section.

  01-05-2002 Consolidated 'Military Rulers of Japan' into framed section under 'History'.

  01-01-2002 Consolidated 'House codes of the Daimyô' into framed section under 'The Sengoku Period'. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Shimazu Tadatsune.

  12-25-2001 Consolidated 'Selected Translations' into framed section under 'The Sengoku Period'.

  12-22-2001 Consolidated 'Culture' into framed section under 'History'.

  12-19-2001 Added frameset to 'Links' page, added link to the 'Aichi Voice'.

  12-18-2001 Added the Echigo Nagao to the 'Genealogy' section.

  12-17-2001 Consolidated Timelines into frames.

  12-09-2001 Added to Abe Masakatsu in the Tokugawa section of 'Famous Generals'. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Abe Masatsugu.

  12-08-2001 Added to Takeda genealogy in the 'Genealogies' section.

  12-07-2001 Re-did HTML for 'Battles' section.

  12-04-2001 Fixed broken links in 'Downloads' section..

  11-28-2001 Re-did HTML for 'Famous Sengoku Generals' section.

  11-25-2001 Re-did HTML for 'Clan Genealogies'. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Kawada Nagachika.

  11-19-2001 Yet again re-did HTML for 'Clan Specific Timelines'.

  11-18-2001 Re-did HTML for 'Clan Specific Timelines'.

  11-12-2001 Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Jojo Masashige. Completey re-did and cleaned up index.html's HTML code.

  10-14-2001 Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Kimotsuki Kanetsugu. Added new section, Clan-Specific Timelines. Currently includeds the Mori, Takeda, and Sanada Clans.

  10-12-2001 Added the 'sign up box' for the 'yahoo' Samurai History Group to the homepage. Cancelled 'Japanese History Ring'.

  09-12-2001 Created and added the 'Japanese History Ring'.

  09-10-2001 Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Hoshino Masanao. Fixed incorrect link.

  08-29-2001 More 'links' additions.

  08-28-2001 Updated 'Links' page.

  08-26-2001 Continued repairs to page. Bulk of Image uploads complete. Minor format change to index.html to 'Featured Samurai'. Updated 'Links' page. Updated 'Featured Samurai' - Akaza Naoyasu

  08-22-2001 Continued repairs to page. Image uploads 50% complete.

  08-17-2001 Changed host server, started upload process.

  07-09-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Atobe Katsusuke

  07-04-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Kitajô Kagehiro, Minor format adjustment.

  06-26-2001 Changed Index.html background

  06-25-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Jinbo Nagamoto

  06-16-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Date Shigezane

  06-09-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Akada Shigetaka

  06-04-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Bandan Yuemon

  05-26-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Akada Shigeyoshi

  05-20-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Tanegashima Tokitada

  05-12-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Menju Ieteru

  05-04-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Saito Tatsuoki

  04-29-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Matsumae Yoshihiro

  04-23-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Kiso Yoshimasa, Various format Changes.

  04-09-2001 Updated 'Samurai of the Week' - Otani Yoshitsugu

  02-12-2001 Added to the Sengoku Timeline

  01-31-2001 Added to the Sengoku Timeline

  01-29-2001 Added the Chosokabe, Hosokawa 1400-1600, Ukita, and modified Môri in 'Genealogy' section. Updated Famous Takeda Generals and 'Battles'.

  12-13-2000 Added Famous Cultural Figures.

  12-10-2000 Added Famous Tokugawa Generals, updated Famous Takeda Generals.

  12-09-2000 Added Mogami Yoshiaki and Satake Yoshishige.

  12-07-2000 Revised Sanada and Takeda in 'Genealogy' section.

  12-03-2000 Added the Amako to 'Genealogy' section; also, revised Go-Hôjô genealogy.

  12-01-2000 Added Akechi, Kôzuki, Moribe, and Takatenjin to 'Battles', added to Sengoku timeline

  11-01-2000 Added Famous Sengoku Generals.

  10-23-2000 Added Famous Takeda and Uesugi Generals.

  10-18-2000 Added Arai, Miki, Nagashima 1571, the Ôtate no ran, Sakai 1399, and Uzu to 'Battles'.

  10-03-2000 Added Kawari Kabuto and the Great Warlords of the "Sengoku" to the 'Guest Articles' section.

  09-25-2000 Added Military Aspects of the Daimyô, and added version 1.01 of the Japanese Date Converter

  09-03-2000 Added the Samurai Family Crests section

  08-26-2000 Added to the Glossary of terms , and to the 16th Century Samurai Registry (now over 470 samurai listed)

  08-21-2000 Added Japanese Samurai names with Kanji equivalents.

  08-15-2000 Added Downloads section, Shimazu Retainers, circa.1581, added to Glossary, Wisdom, 16th Century Samurai Registry (now over 450 samurai listed), included picture of Baba Nobufusa.

  07-26-2000 Added Death Poems.

  07-21-2000 Added Famous Women of Japanese History section; added story of the 47 Ronin; added to the >16th Century Samurai Registry.

  07-17-2000 Added The Imagawa Clan to Genealogy section.

  07-16-2000 Added to 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen' in the 'Historical Fiction' section.

  07-12-2000 Added to the Sengoku timeline.

  07-11-2000 Added description of Miyamoto Musashi, updated the 16th Century Samurai Registry.

  07-07-2000 Updated the 16th Century Samurai Registry, including the addition of clan entries; added map of Kawanakajima area.

  06-25-2000 Added Welcome, updated the 16th Century Samurai Registry and Wisdom sections.

  06-19-2000 Added Genealogy, Weapons, and Wisdom sections. Added description of Shimazu Yoshihisa; added Kojima Yatarô to the translations section.

  06-12-2000 Added new maps to the Maps section. Added history of the Gempei war to the Samurai History section

  06-07-2000 Added new map (Sengoku Daimyō - Circa 1560), and cleaned up map 'Mori Holdings in Western Japan' in the Maps section.

  05-24-2000 Added Names, new maps to the Maps section.

  05-20-2000 Added Pictures for Asai Nagamasa, Imagawa Yoshimoto, 'Death', and Hojo Ujiyasu.

  05-13-2000 Corrected more problems with HTML when viewed with NETSCAPE.

  04-28-2000 Added to Samurai Banners section.

  04-26-2000 Added to Samurai Banners section.

  04-25-2000 Added to Samurai Banners section, picture to Tea Ceremony

  04-24-2000 Added Samurai Banners section.

  04-23-2000 Added to 'Recomended Reading' section.

  04-22-2000 Added to 'Battles' and 'Maps' section.

  04-21-2000 Added Culture section, description for Kobayakawa Hideaki.

  04-19-2000 Added new maps to 'Maps' section; added descriptions for Arima Harunobu, Imagawa Yoshimoto, and Kajiwara Kagetoki.

  04-15-2000 Fixed some problems with the HTML when viewed with Netscape.

  04-14-2000 Added the Heian Period to the 'Brief History of the Samurai' section.

  04-08-2000 Added some information to Môri Motonari, Okimoto, and Hiromoto in the 'Sengoku Samurai Registry' section.

  04-07-2000 Various minor format fixes.

  04-06-2000 Added battle scroll to the Battles section, under the 'Osaka winter campaign'. Added picture for Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

  04-05-2000 Added Military Rulers of Japan section; added to Recommended Reading page.

  04-02-2000 Added more links to battle scrolls in the Battles section.

  04-01-2000 Added the Emperors and Empresses of Japan. Added links to battle scrolls in the Battles section.

  03-31-2000 Added to Namboku-cho timeline.

  03-30-2000 Added descriptions for Asai NagamasaIshikawa KazumasaKûki YoshitakaOûchi YoshihiroTokugawa Ieyasu; added to Heian timeline.

  03-29-2000 -Added to Muromachi Timeline and the Glossary; major update to the 'Sengoku Samurai Registry' section; added descriptions for Hôjô Ujimasa, Kikkawa Motoharu, Sakikabara Yasumasa, Sanada Masayuki, Toyotomi Hideyoshi; numerous content tweaks to the pre-existing bios, Recommended Reading, and Battles.

  03-22-2000 -Added 'Sengoku Samurai Registry' section. Changed picture of Môri Motonari.

  03-20-2000 -Added Battles' section. Added map to the Maps' section.

  03-19-2000 -Added description for Hojo Ujiyasu. Added 'Maps' section.

  03-18-2000 -Added picture for Minamoto Yoshitsune. Changed picuture for Chosokabe Motochika.

  03-17-2000 -Added to the 'Kamakura' timeline. Added the Asuka-Nara Period and Edo Period timelines. Completed the Era names for the Heian timeline and the Muromachi

  03-15-2000 -Added pictures for Môri Terumoto, Uesugi Kenshin, and Hojo Soun. Added description for Minamoto Yoshitsune. Added Era names to the Heian timeline, through 1141AD. Added Uesugi Kenshin's Battle standard and Horse Standard to the Uesugi Kenshin Bio.

  03-13-2000 -Added pictures for Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Anayama Beisetsu, and Amako Tsunehisa.

  03-12-2000 -Added to the translation of 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen'. Added description for Matsunaga Hisahide.

  03-11-2000 -Added description for Hosokawa Tadaoki.

  03-08-2000 -Added to the translation of 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen'.

  03-06-2000 -Major format changes, new front page. Added 'battles' section in the translation section.

  02-23-2000 -Minor format changes.

  02-11-2000 -Added a new counter. Click on the counter for statistics.

  02-10-2000 -Added descriptions for Yamagata Masakage and Iriki-In Shigetomo.

  02-09-2000 -Added pictures for Ashikaga Takauji, Kuroda Yoshitaka, and Honda Tadakatsu. Minor format changes.

  02-06-2000 -Added to the translation of 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen'.

  02-05-2000 -Added description for Takayama Ukon.

  02-03-2000 -Added descriptions for Ikeda Nobuteru and Ikeda Terumasa added to description for Takeda Shingen. Format changes.

  02-02-2000 -Added description for Minamoto Noriyori and Akamatsu Mitsusuke.

  02-01-2000 -Added description for Ôtomo Sorin.

  01-31-2000 -Added description for Kuroda Kanbei.

  01-30-2000 -Added descriptions for Ômura Sumitada and Amako Tsunehisa. Added to the translation of 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen'. Also added to the 'Recommended reading' list, and added annotations.

  01-29-2000 -Added to the translation of 'Toyotomi Hideyoshi'. Added description for Yamanaka Shikanosuke.

  01-28-2000 -Added to the translation of 'Japanese in the storm - Takeda Shingen'.

  01-27-2000 -Added to the Heian Timeline. Added pictures for Oda Nobunaga. De-linked place names from the map; map of Japan is available at the top of each Timeline.

  01-26-2000 -Added a new translation for Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Added notations to the translation for Yûki Hideyasu. Added new map of Pre-Modern Japan.

  01-25-2000 -Added a new translation for Yûki Hideyasu. Added to the Heian Timeline. Added new vocabulary to the Glossary.

  01-24-2000 -Added a new translation for Oda Nobunaga. Added a detailed 'glossary' page. Format Changes.

  01-22-2000 -Added descriptions for Minamoto Yoshiie, Ukita Naoie, and Hojo Tokimasa.

  01-21-2000 -Added 'Selected Translations' section, including translations of info for Takeda Shingen and Imagawa Yoshimoto. Added descriptions for Anegakoji Koretsuna and Fukubara Hirotoshi.

  01-19-2000 -Added description for Oda Nobunaga.

  01-17-2000 -Added description for Uesugi Kenshin.

  01-15-2000 -Added descriptions for Hattori Hanzo, Hosokawa Fujitaka, and Goto Mototsugu.

  01-12-2000 -Added description for Kusunoki Masashige, Ashikaga Takauji, and Ando Shigenobu

  01-10-2000 -Added 'Samurai House Rules' section, with selections from Takeda Shingen, Imagawa Ujichika, Asakura Toshikage, Rokkaku Yoshikata, Chosokabe Motochika, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

  01-08-2000 -Added description for Baba Nobuharu. Corrected bad link on 'links' page.

  01-07-2000 -Added description for Ando Morinari.

  01-06-2000 -Added description for Fukushima Masamori. Updated Môri Motonari description.

  01-04-2000 -Added descriptions for Akamatsu Yoshisuke, Anayama Beisetsu, Amako Akihisa, and Amano Yasukage. Updated links.

  01-03-2000 -Added description for Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

  01-02-2000 -Stephen Turnbull signed our guestbook! (now shouldn't you?)

  12-30-1999 -Added pictures for Katô Kiyomasa and Chosokabe Motochika. Format Changes.

  12-28-1999 -Added description for Hojo Soun.

  12-27-1999 -Added description for Honda Tadakatsu. Added pictures for Date Masamune and Takeda Katsuyori.

  12-25-1999 -Added link to Japanese Samurai History Forum.

  12-24-1999 -Added description and picture for Ankokuji Ekei, added picture for Takeda Katsuyori.

  12-23-1999 -Added descriptions for Hosokawa Yoriyuki, Taira Munemori, and Katô Kiyomasa. Added Picture for Katô Kiyomasa.

  12-21-1999 -Added picture for Date Masamune. Added to the last decades of the Muromachi Timeline.

  12-20-1999 -Added pictures for Akechi Mitsuhide.

  12-19-1999 -Added pictures for Takeda Shingen and Takezaki Suenaga.

  12-18-1999 -Added pictures for Môri Motonari and Hashiba Hidenaga. Minor format changes.

  12-16-1999 -Added descriptions for Takeda Shingen and Môri Terumoto. Minor format changes.

  12-14-1999 -Added descriptions for Takeda Katsuyori, Date Masamune and Date Terumune.

  12-09-1999 -Added description for Môri Motonari and Shibata Katsuie, added 'Historical Figures' page.

  12-07-1999 -Added description for Chosokabe Motochika, Hashiba Hidenaga, and Akechi Mitsuhide.

  12-06-1999 -Added to Muromachi Timeline. Added to 'Sources' page and to Recommended Reading page.

  12-02-1999 -Added description of Ôie Masafusa.

  11-30-1999 -Added to Heian, Kamakura, and Muromachi Timelines.

  11-22-1999 -Added to all the Timelines. Various minor format changes.

  11-19-1999 -Added to 'recommended reading' list. Added to Muromachi Timeline.

  11-16-1999 -Added new map of Japan. Added to All Timelines.

  11-11-1999 -Added a Heian Period timeline. Added description for Miyoshi Kiyotsura.

  11-10-1999 -Added to Kamakura Timeline

  11-07-1999 -Added description of Saichô, Added to 'Sources' page

  11-06-1999 -Added to Muromachi Timeline. Added description and pictures of Enryaku-Ji Temple. Added description for Saichô.

  11-05-1999 -Added 'Recommended Reading' page.

  11-04-1999 -Added to Muromachi Timeline. Added to description of Nitta Yoshisada.

  11-03-1999 -Added to Muromachi Timeline.

  11-01-1999 -Added to 'Links' page. Added to the Muromachi Timeline.

  10-27-1999 -Added to Muromachi Timeline. Format adjustments.

  10-24-1999 -Added Guestbook. Added a Muromachi period timeline. Added to Namboku-cho Timeline. Various format adjustments.

  10-21-1999 -Added to Namboku-cho Timeline. Added to 'Sources' page.

  10-20-1999 -Added to Namboku-cho Timeline. Minor format adjustments.

  10-19-1999 -Added to 'Sources' page.

  10-17-1999 -Added to Namboku-cho Timeline.

  10-16-1999 -Added Namboku-cho Timeline. Added 'links' page. Minor format adjustments.

  09-30-1999 -Various minor format adjustments. Added information for Nitta Yoshisada and Hojo Tokimune. Added more info to Kamakura Timeline.

  09-24-1999 -Added to Kamakura time line, added information on Mugaku Sogen, added picture of the cipher of Hojo Tokimune, as well as a print of a section of the scroll: Moko Shurai Ekotoba.

  09-22-1999 -Added more information for Adachi Yasumori and Hojo Tokimune. Added a time line, starting with the Kamakura Period, in order to lessen the amount of dead links until more info can be added.

  09-11-1999 -Added more information for Nitta Yoshisada. Added Background for 'map' page. Added sources for Imagawa Sadayo.

  09-10-1999 -Added counter on home page. Added more information for Imagawa Sadayo and Nitta Yoshisada.

  09-07-1999 -Added minor text and format adjustments and background for 'updates' page.

  09-06-1999 -Added backgrounds for the homepage and 'warriors' section, added description of picture of Nitta Yoshisada.

  09-05-1999 -Added description for Nitta Yoshisada.

  09-04-1999 -Added description for Kitabatake Chikafusa and Ashikaga Tadayoshi. Added Map of Pre-Modern Japan.

  09-03-1999 -Added description for Imagawa Sadayo.

  09-02-1999 -Added bibliography page ('Sources'), Added description for Adachi Yasumori and Takezaki Suenaga.