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This may take a while to load! I have a lot of graphics! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but just be patient! Also, not all the graphics will load properly, just right click and say show picture! Sorry peepz!

Here are some "instant dollz" for all of you! I've been asked to put this up so here it is!
This may take some time to download because there's a lot of graphics! Just be patient! I'm sorry this page is so big!
*I've got a new banner also! But if you have my old one, that's just fine!*

Directions: Drag a doll piece into the white box in the middle and put the pieces together to form a the middle and put the pieces together to form a cartoon doll. Then, press the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard (next to the F12 key for Windows). Then go into any graphic software or Windows Paint (Start--Programs--Accessories--Paint) and press "Ctrl V" to paste. Then just crop out the doll. You've just made your own cartoon doll! For more instructions, click here.









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