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Welcome to the NeoKnights Templars
Round Table!

My strength is as the strength of ten,
Because my heart is pure.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Sir Galahad

Here you will meet our ten best warrior pets. They are ranked according to the three key battledome stats: Hit points, strength, and defense. If you think your pet should be here, notify Reiksguardknight.

First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth
Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth

Links to Other Areas

The Templars' Battle Standard

First: Galinta
Owner: jmerrill


Level: Amazingly High
HP: 351
Strength: 253
Defence: 164
Movement: 227
Intelligence: 211
Rank: 768 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 284.75

Second: marina2093
Owner: lizzie5722


Level: Amazingly High
HP: 325
Strength: 246
Defence: 90
Movement: 131
Intelligence: 142
Rank: 661 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 125.43

Third: Silvak
Owner: reiksguardknight


Level: Very High
HP: 304
Strength: 162
Defence: 137
Movement: 205
Intelligence: 443
Rank: 603 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 282.11

Fourth: Mollymooster
Owner: mollymooster


Level: Very High
HP: 222
Strength: 230
Defence: 140
Movement: 145
Intelligence: 413
Rank: 592 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 211.72

Fifth: Tempestuous_Bane
Owner: sanctified_templar


Level: 31
HP: 154
Strength: 115
Defence: 86
Movement: 98
Intelligence: 221
Rank: 355 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 185.48

Sixth: benice71945
Owner: boyo95


Level: 12
HP: 168
Strength: 115
Defence: 57
Movement: 69
Intelligence: 100
Rank: 340 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 361.64

Seventh: NickShatzie
Owner: nickshatzie


Level: 40
HP: 189
Strength: 97
Defence: 50
Movement: 72
Intelligence: 232
Rank: 336 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 130.62

Eighth: Sho30100
Owner: wavevaw2002


Level: 12
HP: 173
Strength: 99
Defence: 42
Movement: 106
Intelligence: 216
Rank: 267 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 354.52

Ninth: Meda_Pheonix
Owner: pheonix_emperor


Level: 5
HP: 174
Strength: 108
Defence: 32
Movement: 56
Intelligence: 104
Rank: 314 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 51.49

Tenth: Fierce_Flower_Bunny
Owner: mollymooster


Level: High
HP: 101
Strength: 94
Defence: 72
Movement: 62
Intelligence: above average
Rank: 267 (hit points+strength+defense)
BD Score/Rank: 44.46

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Page last updated 04.01.04
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